GNU Radio 3.6.5 C++ API

Audio Signals


class  audio_sink
 Creates a sink from an audio device. More...
class  audio_source
 Creates a source from an audio device. More...
class  audio_alsa_sink
 audio sink using ALSAThe sink has N input streams of floats, where N depends on the hardware characteristics of the selected device. More...
class  audio_alsa_source
 audio source using ALSAThe source has between 1 and N input streams of floats, where N is depends on the hardware characteristics of the selected device. More...
class  audio_jack_sink
 audio sink using JACKThe sink has one input stream of floats. More...
class  audio_jack_source
 audio source using JACKThe source has one input stream of floats. More...
class  audio_oss_sink
 audio sink using OSSinput signature is one or two streams of floats. Input samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_oss_source
 audio source using OSSOutput signature is one or two streams of floats. Output samples will be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_osx_sink
 audio sink using OSXinput signature is one or two streams of floats. Input samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_osx_source
 audio source using OSXInput signature is one or two streams of floats. Samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_portaudio_sink
 Audio sink using PORTAUDIOInput samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_portaudio_source
 Audio source using PORTAUDIOInput samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_windows_sink
 audio sink using winmm mmsystem (win32 only)input signature is one or two streams of floats. Input samples must be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  audio_windows_source
 audio source using winmm mmsystem (win32 only)Output signature is one or two streams of floats. Output samples will be in the range [-1,1]. More...
class  gr::blocks::wavfile_sink
 Write stream to a Microsoft PCM (.wav) file. More...
class  gr::blocks::wavfile_source
 Read stream from a Microsoft PCM (.wav) file, output floats. More...
class  vocoder_alaw_decode_bs
 This block performs alaw audio decoding. More...
class  vocoder_alaw_encode_sb
 This block performs g.711 alaw audio encoding. More...
class  vocoder_codec2_decode_ps
 CODEC2 Vocoder Decoder. More...
class  vocoder_codec2_encode_sp
 CODEC2 Vocoder Encoder. More...
class  vocoder_cvsd_decode_bs
 This block performs CVSD audio decoding. Its design and implementation is modeled after the CVSD encoder/decoder specifications defined in the Bluetooth standard. More...
class  vocoder_cvsd_encode_sb
 This block performs CVSD audio encoding. Its design and implementation is modeled after the CVSD encoder/decoder specifications defined in the Bluetooth standard. More...
class  vocoder_g721_decode_bs
 This block performs g721 audio decoding. More...
class  vocoder_g721_encode_sb
 This block performs g721 audio encoding. More...
class  vocoder_g723_24_decode_bs
 This block performs g723_24 audio decoding. More...
class  vocoder_g723_24_encode_sb
 This block performs g723_24 audio encoding. More...
class  vocoder_g723_40_decode_bs
 This block performs g723_40 audio decoding. More...
class  vocoder_g723_40_encode_sb
 This block performs g723_40 audio encoding. More...
class  vocoder_gsm_fr_decode_ps
 GSM 06.10 Full Rate Vocoder Decoder. More...
class  vocoder_gsm_fr_encode_sp
 GSM 06.10 Full Rate Vocoder Encodershorts in; 33 byte packets out. More...
class  vocoder_ulaw_decode_bs
 This block performs ulaw audio decoding. More...
class  vocoder_ulaw_encode_sb
 This block performs g.711 ulaw audio encoding. More...


vocoder_make_cvsd_decode_bs (short min_step=10, short max_step=1280, double step_decay=0.9990234375, double accum_decay=0.96875, int K=32, int J=4, short pos_accum_max=32767, short neg_accum_max=-32767)
 Constructor parameters to initialize the CVSD decoder. The default values are modeled after the Bluetooth standard and should not be changed, except by an advanced user.
vocoder_make_cvsd_encode_sb (short min_step=10, short max_step=1280, double step_decay=0.9990234375, double accum_decay=0.96875, int K=32, int J=4, short pos_accum_max=32767, short neg_accum_max=-32767)
 Constructor parameters to initialize the CVSD encoder. The default values are modeled after the Bluetooth standard and should not be changed except by an advanced user.

Function Documentation

VOCODER_API vocoder_cvsd_decode_bs_sptr vocoder_make_cvsd_decode_bs ( short  min_step = 10,
short  max_step = 1280,
double  step_decay = 0.9990234375,
double  accum_decay = 0.96875,
int  K = 32,
int  J = 4,
short  pos_accum_max = 32767,
short  neg_accum_max = -32767 

Constructor parameters to initialize the CVSD decoder. The default values are modeled after the Bluetooth standard and should not be changed, except by an advanced user.

min_stepMinimum step size used to update the internal reference. Default: "10"
max_stepMaximum step size used to update the internal reference. Default: "1280"
step_decayDecay factor applied to step size when there is not a run of J output 1s or 0s. Default: "0.9990234375" (i.e. 1-1/1024)
accum_decayDecay factor applied to the internal reference during every interation of the codec. Default: "0.96875" (i.e. 1-1/32)
K;Size of shift register; the number of output bits remembered by codec (must be less or equal to 32). Default: "32"
J;Number of bits in the shift register that are equal; i.e. the size of a run of 1s, 0s. Default: "4"
pos_accum_maxMaximum integer value allowed for the internal reference. Default: "32767" (2^15 - 1 or MAXSHORT)
neg_accum_maxMinimum integer value allowed for the internal reference. Default: "-32767" (-2^15 + 1 or MINSHORT+1)
VOCODER_API vocoder_cvsd_encode_sb_sptr vocoder_make_cvsd_encode_sb ( short  min_step = 10,
short  max_step = 1280,
double  step_decay = 0.9990234375,
double  accum_decay = 0.96875,
int  K = 32,
int  J = 4,
short  pos_accum_max = 32767,
short  neg_accum_max = -32767 

Constructor parameters to initialize the CVSD encoder. The default values are modeled after the Bluetooth standard and should not be changed except by an advanced user.

min_stepMinimum step size used to update the internal reference. Default: "10"
max_stepMaximum step size used to update the internal reference. Default: "1280"
step_decayDecay factor applied to step size when there is not a run of J output 1s or 0s. Default: "0.9990234375" (i.e. 1-1/1024)
accum_decayDecay factor applied to the internal reference during every interation of the codec. Default: "0.96875" (i.e. 1-1/32)
K;Size of shift register; the number of output bits remembered by codec (must be less or equal to 32). Default: "32"
J;Number of bits in the shift register that are equal; i.e. the size of a run of 1s, 0s. Default: "4"
pos_accum_maxMaximum integer value allowed for the internal reference. Default: "32767" (2^15 - 1 or MAXSHORT)
neg_accum_maxMinimum integer value allowed for the internal reference. Default: "-32767" (-2^15 + 1 or MINSHORT+1)