path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/fdmdv_internal.h
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diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/fdmdv_internal.h b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/fdmdv_internal.h
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index 0000000000..24080e63c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/fdmdv_internal.h
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+ FILE........: fdmdv_internal.h
+ AUTHOR......: David Rowe
+ DATE CREATED: April 16 2012
+ Header file for FDMDV internal functions, exposed via this header
+ file for testing.
+ Copyright (C) 2012 David Rowe
+ All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
+ distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <>.
+#ifndef __FDMDV_INTERNAL__
+#define __FDMDV_INTERNAL__
+#include "comp.h"
+#include "codec2_fdmdv.h"
+#include "kiss_fft.h"
+#define PI 3.141592654
+#define FS 8000 /* sample rate in Hz */
+#define T (1.0/FS) /* sample period in seconds */
+#define RS 50 /* symbol rate in Hz */
+#define NC 20 /* max number of data carriers (plus one pilot in the centre) */
+#define NB 2 /* Bits/symbol for QPSK modulation */
+#define RB (NC*RS*NB) /* bit rate */
+#define M (FS/RS) /* oversampling factor */
+#define NSYM 6 /* number of symbols to filter over */
+#define NFILTER (NSYM*M) /* size of tx/rx filters at sample rate M */
+#define FSEP 75 /* Default separation between carriers (Hz) */
+#define NT 5 /* number of symbols we estimate timing over */
+#define P 4 /* oversample factor used for initial rx symbol filtering */
+#define NFILTERTIMING (M+NFILTER+M) /* filter memory used for resampling after timing estimation */
+#define NPILOT_LUT (4*M) /* number of pilot look up table samples */
+#define NPILOTCOEFF 30 /* number of FIR filter coeffs in LP filter */
+#define NPILOTBASEBAND (NPILOTCOEFF+M+M/P) /* number of pilot baseband samples reqd for pilot LPF */
+#define NPILOTLPF (4*M) /* number of samples we DFT pilot over, pilot est window */
+#define MPILOTFFT 256
+#define NSYNC_MEM 6
+/* averaging filter coeffs */
+#define TRACK_COEFF 0.5
+#define SNR_COEFF 0.9 /* SNR est averaging filter coeff */
+ STRUCT for States
+struct FDMDV {
+ int Nc;
+ float fsep;
+ /* test data (test frame) states */
+ int ntest_bits;
+ int current_test_bit;
+ int *rx_test_bits_mem;
+ /* Modulator */
+ int old_qpsk_mapping;
+ int tx_pilot_bit;
+ COMP prev_tx_symbols[NC+1];
+ COMP tx_filter_memory[NC+1][NSYM];
+ COMP phase_tx[NC+1];
+ COMP freq[NC+1];
+ /* Pilot generation at demodulator */
+ COMP pilot_lut[NPILOT_LUT];
+ int pilot_lut_index;
+ int prev_pilot_lut_index;
+ /* freq offset estimation states */
+ kiss_fft_cfg fft_pilot_cfg;
+ COMP pilot_baseband1[NPILOTBASEBAND];
+ COMP pilot_baseband2[NPILOTBASEBAND];
+ COMP pilot_lpf1[NPILOTLPF];
+ COMP pilot_lpf2[NPILOTLPF];
+ /* freq offset correction states */
+ float foff;
+ COMP foff_rect;
+ COMP foff_phase_rect;
+ /* Demodulator */
+ COMP phase_rx[NC+1];
+ COMP rx_filter_memory[NC+1][NFILTER];
+ COMP rx_filter_mem_timing[NC+1][NT*P];
+ COMP rx_baseband_mem_timing[NC+1][NFILTERTIMING];
+ float rx_timing;
+ COMP phase_difference[NC+1];
+ COMP prev_rx_symbols[NC+1];
+ /* sync state machine */
+ int sync_mem[NSYNC_MEM];
+ int fest_state;
+ int sync;
+ int timer;
+ /* SNR estimation states */
+ float sig_est[NC+1];
+ float noise_est[NC+1];
+ /* Buf for FFT/waterfall */
+ float fft_buf[2*FDMDV_NSPEC];
+ kiss_fft_cfg fft_cfg;
+ };
+void bits_to_dqpsk_symbols(COMP tx_symbols[], int Nc, COMP prev_tx_symbols[], int tx_bits[], int *pilot_bit, int old_qpsk_mapping);
+void tx_filter(COMP tx_baseband[NC+1][M], int Nc, COMP tx_symbols[], COMP tx_filter_memory[NC+1][NSYM]);
+void fdm_upconvert(COMP tx_fdm[], int Nc, COMP tx_baseband[NC+1][M], COMP phase_tx[], COMP freq_tx[]);
+void generate_pilot_fdm(COMP *pilot_fdm, int *bit, float *symbol, float *filter_mem, COMP *phase, COMP *freq);
+void generate_pilot_lut(COMP pilot_lut[], COMP *pilot_freq);
+float rx_est_freq_offset(struct FDMDV *f, COMP rx_fdm[], int nin);
+void lpf_peak_pick(float *foff, float *max, COMP pilot_baseband[], COMP pilot_lpf[], kiss_fft_cfg fft_pilot_cfg, COMP S[], int nin);
+void freq_shift(COMP rx_fdm_fcorr[], COMP rx_fdm[], float foff, COMP *foff_rect, COMP *foff_phase_rect, int nin);
+void fdm_downconvert(COMP rx_baseband[NC+1][M+M/P], int Nc, COMP rx_fdm[], COMP phase_rx[], COMP freq[], int nin);
+void rx_filter(COMP rx_filt[NC+1][P+1], int Nc, COMP rx_baseband[NC+1][M+M/P], COMP rx_filter_memory[NC+1][NFILTER], int nin);
+float rx_est_timing(COMP rx_symbols[], int Nc,
+ COMP rx_filt[NC+1][P+1],
+ COMP rx_baseband[NC+1][M+M/P],
+ COMP rx_filter_mem_timing[NC+1][NT*P],
+ float env[],
+ COMP rx_baseband_mem_timing[NC+1][NFILTERTIMING],
+ int nin);
+float qpsk_to_bits(int rx_bits[], int *sync_bit, int Nc, COMP phase_difference[], COMP prev_rx_symbols[], COMP rx_symbols[], int old_qpsk_mapping);
+void snr_update(float sig_est[], float noise_est[], int Nc, COMP phase_difference[]);
+int freq_state(int *reliable_sync_bit, int sync_bit, int *state, int *timer, int *sync_mem);
+float calc_snr(int Nc, float sig_est[], float noise_est[]);