path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2_fdmdv.h
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diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2_fdmdv.h b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2_fdmdv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7da96f629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2_fdmdv.h
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+ FILE........: codec2_fdmdv.h
+ AUTHOR......: David Rowe
+ DATE CREATED: April 14 2012
+ A 1400 bit/s (nominal) Frequency Division Multiplexed Digital Voice
+ (FDMDV) modem. Used for digital audio over HF SSB. See
+ README_fdmdv.txt for more information, and fdmdv_mod.c and
+ fdmdv_demod.c for example usage.
+ The name codec2_fdmdv.h is used to make it unique when "make
+ installed".
+ References:
+ [1]
+ Copyright (C) 2012 David Rowe
+ All rights reserved.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
+ distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <>.
+#ifndef __FDMDV__
+#define __FDMDV__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* set up the calling convention for DLL function import/export for
+ WIN32 cross compiling */
+#ifdef __CODEC2_WIN32__
+#define CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall
+#define CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT __declspec(dllimport) __stdcall
+#include "comp.h"
+#define FDMDV_NC 14 /* default number of data carriers */
+#define FDMDV_NC_MAX 20 /* maximum number of data carriers */
+#define FDMDV_BITS_PER_FRAME 28 /* 20ms frames, for nominal 1400 bit/s */
+#define FDMDV_NOM_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME 160 /* modulator output samples/frame and nominal demod samples/frame */
+ /* at 8000 Hz sample rate */
+#define FDMDV_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME 200 /* max demod samples/frame, use this to allocate storage */
+#define FDMDV_SCALE 1000 /* suggested scaling for 16 bit shorts */
+#define FDMDV_FCENTRE 1500 /* Centre frequency, Nc/2 carriers below this, Nc/2 carriers above (Hz) */
+/* 8 to 48 kHz sample rate conversion */
+#define FDMDV_OS 6 /* oversampling rate */
+#define FDMDV_OS_TAPS 48 /* number of OS filter taps */
+/* FFT points */
+#define FDMDV_NSPEC 512
+#define FDMDV_MAX_F_HZ 4000
+/* FDMDV states and stats structures */
+struct FDMDV;
+struct FDMDV_STATS {
+ int Nc;
+ float snr_est; /* estimated SNR of rx signal in dB (3 kHz noise BW) */
+ COMP rx_symbols[FDMDV_NC_MAX+1]; /* latest received symbols, for scatter plot */
+ int sync; /* demod sync state */
+ float foff; /* estimated freq offset in Hz */
+ float rx_timing; /* estimated optimum timing offset in samples */
+ float clock_offset; /* Estimated tx/rx sample clock offset in ppm */
+struct FDMDV * CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_create(int Nc);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_destroy(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_use_old_qpsk_mapping(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state);
+int CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_bits_per_frame(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state);
+float CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_get_fsep(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_set_fsep(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, float fsep);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_mod(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, COMP tx_fdm[], int tx_bits[], int *sync_bit);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_demod(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, int rx_bits[], int *reliable_sync_bit, COMP rx_fdm[], int *nin);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_get_test_bits(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, int tx_bits[]);
+int CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_error_pattern_size(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_put_test_bits(struct FDMDV *f, int *sync, short error_pattern[], int *bit_errors, int *ntest_bits, int rx_bits[]);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_get_demod_stats(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, struct FDMDV_STATS *fdmdv_stats);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_get_rx_spectrum(struct FDMDV *fdmdv_state, float mag_dB[], COMP rx_fdm[], int nin);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_8_to_48(float out48k[], float in8k[], int n);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_48_to_8(float out8k[], float in48k[], int n);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_freq_shift(COMP rx_fdm_fcorr[], COMP rx_fdm[], float foff, COMP *foff_rect, COMP *foff_phase_rect, int nin);
+/* debug/development function(s) */
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT fdmdv_dump_osc_mags(struct FDMDV *f);
+#ifdef __cplusplus