path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c
index 3123e96fbc..df4e82f77a 100644
--- a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c
+++ b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/c2dec.c
@@ -27,54 +27,213 @@
#include "codec2.h"
+#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
-#define BITS_SIZE ((CODEC2_BITS_PER_FRAME + 7) / 8)
+#define NONE 0 /* no bit errors */
+#define UNIFORM 1 /* random bit errors */
+#define TWO_STATE 2 /* Two state error model */
+#define UNIFORM_RANGE 3 /* random bit errors over a certain range */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- void *codec2;
- FILE *fin;
- FILE *fout;
- unsigned char bits[BITS_SIZE];
- if (argc != 3) {
- printf("usage: %s InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile\n", argv[0]);
+ int mode;
+ void *codec2;
+ FILE *fin;
+ FILE *fout;
+ FILE *fber = NULL;
+ short *buf;
+ unsigned char *bits, *prev_bits;
+ int nsam, nbit, nbyte, i, byte, frames, bits_proc, bit_errors, error_mode;
+ int nstart_bit, nend_bit, bit_rate;
+ int state, next_state;
+ float ber, r, burst_length, burst_period, burst_timer, ber_est;
+ unsigned char mask;
+ if ((argc != 4) && (argc != 5) && (argc != 6) && (argc != 7)) {
+ printf("basic usage.................: c2dec 3200|2400|1600|1400|1300|1200 InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile\n");
+ printf("uniform errors usage........: c2dec 3200|2400|1600|1400|1300|1200 InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile uniformBER startBit endBit\n");
+ printf("uniform error on range usage: c2dec 3200|2400|1600|1400|1300|1200 InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile uniformBER\n");
+ printf("demod BER estimate..........: c2dec 3200|2400|1600|1400|1300|1200 InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile BERfile\n");
+ printf("two state fading usage......: c2dec 3200|2400|1600|1400|1300|1200 InputBitFile OutputRawSpeechFile burstLength burstPeriod\n");
+ printf("e.g c2dec 1400 hts1a.c2 hts1a_1400.raw\n");
+ printf("e.g c2dec 1400 hts1a.c2 hts1a_1400.raw 0.9\n");
+ printf("e.g c2dec 1400 hts1a.c2 hts1a_1400.raw 0.99 0.9\n");
- if (strcmp(argv[1], "-") == 0) fin = stdin;
- else if ( (fin = fopen(argv[1],"rb")) == NULL ) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[1],"3200") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_3200;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1],"2400") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_2400;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1],"1600") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_1600;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1],"1400") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_1400;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1],"1300") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_1300;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[1],"1200") == 0)
+ mode = CODEC2_MODE_1200;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error in mode: %s. Must be 3200, 2400, 1600, 1400, 1300 or 1200\n", argv[1]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ bit_rate = atoi(argv[1]);
+ if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") == 0) fin = stdin;
+ else if ( (fin = fopen(argv[2],"rb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening input bit file: %s: %s.\n",
- argv[1], strerror(errno));
+ argv[2], strerror(errno));
- if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") == 0) fout = stdout;
- else if ( (fout = fopen(argv[2],"wb")) == NULL ) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[3], "-") == 0) fout = stdout;
+ else if ( (fout = fopen(argv[3],"wb")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output speech file: %s: %s.\n",
- argv[2], strerror(errno));
+ argv[3], strerror(errno));
- codec2 = codec2_create();
+ error_mode = NONE;
+ ber = 0.0;
+ burst_length = burst_period = 0.0;
+ burst_timer = 0.0;
+ codec2 = codec2_create(mode);
+ nsam = codec2_samples_per_frame(codec2);
+ nbit = codec2_bits_per_frame(codec2);
+ buf = (short*)malloc(nsam*sizeof(short));
+ nbyte = (nbit + 7) / 8;
+ bits = (unsigned char*)malloc(nbyte*sizeof(char));
+ prev_bits = (unsigned char*)malloc(nbyte*sizeof(char));
+ frames = bit_errors = bits_proc = 0;
+ nstart_bit = 0;
+ nend_bit = nbit-1;
+ if (argc == 5) {
+ /* see if 4th argument is a valid file name */
+ if ( (fber = fopen(argv[4],"rb")) == NULL ) {
+ /* otherwise it must be BER value for uniform errors */
+ ber = atof(argv[4]);
+ error_mode = UNIFORM;
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc == 6) {
+ error_mode = TWO_STATE;
+ burst_length = atof(argv[4]);
+ burst_period = atof(argv[5]);
+ nstart_bit = 0;
+ nend_bit = 2;
+ state = 0;
+ }
+ if (argc == 7) {
+ error_mode = UNIFORM_RANGE;
+ ber = atof(argv[4]);
+ nstart_bit = atoi(argv[5]);
+ nend_bit = atoi(argv[6]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "ber: %f nstart_bit: %d nend_bit: %d\n", ber, nstart_bit, nend_bit);
+ state = 0;
+ }
- while(fread(bits, sizeof(char), BITS_SIZE, fin) == BITS_SIZE) {
- codec2_decode(codec2, buf, bits);
- fwrite(buf, sizeof(short), CODEC2_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, fout);
+ assert(nend_bit <= nbit);
+ while(fread(bits, sizeof(char), nbyte, fin) == (size_t)nbyte) {
+ frames++;
+ // apply bit errors, MSB of byte 0 is bit 0 in frame */
+ if ((error_mode == UNIFORM) || (error_mode == UNIFORM_RANGE)) {
+ for(i=nstart_bit; i<nend_bit+1; i++) {
+ r = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ if (r < ber) {
+ byte = i/8;
+ //printf("nbyte %d nbit %d i %d byte %d bits[%d] 0x%0x ", nbyte, nbit, i, byte, byte, bits[byte]);
+ mask = 1 << (7 - i + byte*8);
+ bits[byte] ^= mask;
+ //printf("shift: %d mask: 0x%0x bits[%d] 0x%0x\n", 7 - i + byte*8, mask, byte, bits[byte] );
+ bit_errors++;
+ }
+ bits_proc++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (error_mode == TWO_STATE) {
+ burst_timer += (float)nbit/bit_rate;
+ fprintf(stderr, "burst_timer: %f state: %d\n", burst_timer, state);
+ next_state = state;
+ switch(state) {
+ case 0:
+ /* clear channel state - no bit errors */
+ if (burst_timer > (burst_period - burst_length))
+ next_state = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /* burst error state - 50% bit error rate */
+ for(i=nstart_bit; i<nend_bit+1; i++) {
+ r = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ if (r < 0.5) {
+ byte = i/8;
+ bits[byte] ^= 1 << (7 - i + byte*8);
+ bit_errors++;
+ }
+ bits_proc++;
+ }
+ if (burst_timer > burst_period) {
+ burst_timer = 0.0;
+ next_state = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ state = next_state;
+ }
+ if (fber != NULL) {
+ if (fread(&ber_est, sizeof(float), 1, fber) != 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ran out of BER estimates!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "ber_est: %f\n", ber_est);
+ }
+ else
+ ber_est = 0.0;
+ /* frame repeat logic */
+ if (ber_est > 0.15) {
+ //memcpy(bits, prev_bits, nbyte);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "repeat\n");
+ }
+ codec2_decode(codec2, buf, bits, ber_est);
+ fwrite(buf, sizeof(short), nsam, fout);
//if this is in a pipeline, we probably don't want the usual
//buffering to occur
if (fout == stdout) fflush(stdout);
if (fin == stdin) fflush(stdin);
- }
+ memcpy(prev_bits, bits, nbyte);
+ }
+ if (error_mode)
+ fprintf(stderr, "actual BER: %1.3f\n", (float)bit_errors/bits_proc);
+ free(buf);
+ free(bits);