Here you can find information about presentations held at the GRCon 2019. Slides are linked where available. Video recordings will be added after the conference.
- Huntsville's Connection to Space
- GNU Radio Project Update
- Monday Keynote
- Mega Hertz, Mega Samples, Mega bits, Mega Confusing
- Man or Machine?: Developing a Turing Test for Radio Intelligence
- UHD Four-O
- Striving for SDR Performance Portability in the Era of Heterogeneous SoCs
- Fixing the E310 Bottleneck: Implementing a High-Rate Heterogeneous FPGA DMA Transport
- Determining Optimized Radio settings for specific waveforms
- Software Defined Everything
- GNU Radio Beyond 3.8 - A Technical Outlook
- GNU Radio Enhancements for Space-Based Research
- A decade of gr-specest -- Free Spectral Estimation!
- Open Source Licensing
- Spectrum Monitoring Network: Tradeoffs, Results, and Future Directions
- The Future of Digital RFICs
- Phase Synchronization Techniques
- Synchronization: Core Concepts and Applications
- AI and SDR: Software Meets Hardware Again...
- Building a radio with M2K and spare parts
- How we talked from the Moon: the Apollo communication system
- gr-satellites: a collection of decoders for Amateur satellites
- gr-iio: Nuances, Hidden Features, and New Stuff
- Open Sourcing the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- Multi-Vehicle Map Fusion Using GNU Radio
- SigMF.
- GPUDirect + SDR: How to Move One Billion Samples per Second over PCIe
- Multichannel phase coherent transceiver system with GNU Radio interface
- Exponent: Arbitrary Bandwidth Receiver Architecture
- UHD Streaming with DPDK: Raising the Throughput Ceiling with Drivers in User Space
- USRP based X-band Digital Beam Forming Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radar
- Opportunities for Software Radio in Aviation
- The GNU Radio PDU Utilities
- MetaSat: Metadata for Good
- Enabling Precise Timing Control in SDRs
- Managing Latency in Continuous GNU Radio Flowgraphs
- Open Source Software in SDR More Important Than Ever
- VLBI with GNU Radio and White Rabbit
- Performance Evaluation of MIMO Techniques With an SDR-Based Prototype
- UAS Community Testbed Architecture for Advanced Wireless Research with Open-Source SDRs
- Demonstration of GNU Radio Compatibility with a NASA Space Communications Network Modem (GRCON2019)
- Prototyping LTE-WiFi Interworking on a Single SDR Platform