GNU Radio 3.6.5 C++ API

pmt Namespace Reference


class  pmt_exception
class  pmt_wrong_type
class  pmt_out_of_range
class  pmt_notimplemented
class  pmt_comperator
 Provide a comparator function object to allow pmt use in stl types. More...
class  pmt_pool
 very simple thread-safe fixed-size allocation pool More...
class  pmt_base
class  pmt_bool
class  pmt_symbol
class  pmt_integer
class  pmt_uint64
class  pmt_real
class  pmt_complex
class  pmt_null
class  pmt_pair
class  pmt_vector
class  pmt_tuple
class  pmt_any
class  pmt_uniform_vector
class  pmt_u8vector
class  pmt_s8vector
class  pmt_u16vector
class  pmt_s16vector
class  pmt_u32vector
class  pmt_s32vector
class  pmt_u64vector
class  pmt_s64vector
class  pmt_f32vector
class  pmt_f64vector
class  pmt_c32vector
class  pmt_c64vector


typedef boost::intrusive_ptr
< pmt_base
 typedef for shared pointer (transparent reference counting). See


GRUEL_API void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (pmt_base *)
GRUEL_API void intrusive_ptr_release (pmt_base *)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_bool (pmt_t obj)
 Return true if obj is #t or #f, else return false.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_true (pmt_t obj)
 Return false if obj is #f, else return true.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_false (pmt_t obj)
 Return true if obj is #f, else return true.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_bool (bool val)
 Return #f is val is false, else return #t.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_to_bool (pmt_t val)
 Return true if val is PMT_T, return false when val is PMT_F,.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_symbol (const pmt_t &obj)
 Return true if obj is a symbol, else false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_string_to_symbol (const std::string &s)
 Return the symbol whose name is s.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_intern (const std::string &s)
 Alias for pmt_string_to_symbol.
GRUEL_API const std::string pmt_symbol_to_string (const pmt_t &sym)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_number (pmt_t obj)
 Return true if obj is any kind of number, else false.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_integer (pmt_t x)
 Return true if x is an integer number, else false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_long (long x)
 Return the pmt value that represents the integer x.
GRUEL_API long pmt_to_long (pmt_t x)
 Convert pmt to long if possible.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_uint64 (pmt_t x)
 Return true if x is an uint64 number, else false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_uint64 (uint64_t x)
 Return the pmt value that represents the uint64 x.
GRUEL_API uint64_t pmt_to_uint64 (pmt_t x)
 Convert pmt to uint64 if possible.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_real (pmt_t obj)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_double (double x)
 Return the pmt value that represents double x.
GRUEL_API double pmt_to_double (pmt_t x)
 Convert pmt to double if possible.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_complex (pmt_t obj)
 return true if obj is a complex number, false otherwise.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_rectangular (double re, double im)
 Return a complex number constructed of the given real and imaginary parts.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_complex (double re, double im)
 Return a complex number constructed of the given real and imaginary parts.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_from_complex (const std::complex< double > &z)
 Return a complex number constructed of the given a complex number.
GRUEL_API std::complex< double > pmt_to_complex (pmt_t z)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_null (const pmt_t &x)
 Return true if x is the empty list, otherwise return false.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_pair (const pmt_t &obj)
 Return true if obj is a pair, else false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cons (const pmt_t &x, const pmt_t &y)
 Return a newly allocated pair whose car is x and whose cdr is y.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_car (const pmt_t &pair)
 If pair is a pair, return the car of the pair, otherwise raise wrong_type.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cdr (const pmt_t &pair)
 If pair is a pair, return the cdr of the pair, otherwise raise wrong_type.
GRUEL_API void pmt_set_car (pmt_t pair, pmt_t value)
 Stores value in the car field of pair.
GRUEL_API void pmt_set_cdr (pmt_t pair, pmt_t value)
 Stores value in the cdr field of pair.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_caar (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cadr (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cdar (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cddr (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_caddr (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_cadddr (pmt_t pair)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_tuple (pmt_t x)
 Return true if x is a tuple, othewise false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple ()
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_tuple (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8, const pmt_t &e9)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_to_tuple (const pmt_t &x)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_tuple_ref (const pmt_t &tuple, size_t k)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_vector (pmt_t x)
 Return true if x is a vector, othewise false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_vector (size_t k, pmt_t fill)
 Make a vector of length k, with initial values set to fill.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_vector_ref (pmt_t vector, size_t k)
GRUEL_API void pmt_vector_set (pmt_t vector, size_t k, pmt_t obj)
 Store obj in position k.
GRUEL_API void pmt_vector_fill (pmt_t vector, pmt_t fill)
 Store fill in every position of vector.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_blob (pmt_t x)
 Return true if x is a blob, othewise false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_blob (const void *buf, size_t len)
 Make a blob given a pointer and length in bytes.
GRUEL_API const void * pmt_blob_data (pmt_t blob)
 Return a pointer to the blob's data.
GRUEL_API size_t pmt_blob_length (pmt_t blob)
 Return the blob's length in bytes.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_uniform_vector (pmt_t x)
 true if x is any kind of uniform numeric vector
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_u8vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_s8vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_u16vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_s16vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_u32vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_s32vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_u64vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_s64vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_f32vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_f64vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_c32vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_c64vector (pmt_t x)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_u8vector (size_t k, uint8_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_s8vector (size_t k, int8_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_u16vector (size_t k, uint16_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_s16vector (size_t k, int16_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_u32vector (size_t k, uint32_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_s32vector (size_t k, int32_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_u64vector (size_t k, uint64_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_s64vector (size_t k, int64_t fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_f32vector (size_t k, float fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_f64vector (size_t k, double fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_c32vector (size_t k, std::complex< float > fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_c64vector (size_t k, std::complex< double > fill)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u8vector (size_t k, const uint8_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u8vector (size_t k, const std::vector< uint8_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s8vector (size_t k, const int8_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s8vector (size_t k, const std::vector< int8_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u16vector (size_t k, const uint16_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u16vector (size_t k, const std::vector< uint16_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s16vector (size_t k, const int16_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s16vector (size_t k, const std::vector< int16_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u32vector (size_t k, const uint32_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u32vector (size_t k, const std::vector< uint32_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s32vector (size_t k, const int32_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s32vector (size_t k, const std::vector< int32_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u64vector (size_t k, const uint64_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_u64vector (size_t k, const std::vector< uint64_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s64vector (size_t k, const int64_t *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_s64vector (size_t k, const std::vector< int64_t > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_f32vector (size_t k, const float *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_f32vector (size_t k, const std::vector< float > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_f64vector (size_t k, const double *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_f64vector (size_t k, const std::vector< double > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_c32vector (size_t k, const std::complex< float > *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_c32vector (size_t k, const std::vector< std::complex< float > > &data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_c64vector (size_t k, const std::complex< double > *data)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_init_c64vector (size_t k, const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &data)
GRUEL_API uint8_t pmt_u8vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API int8_t pmt_s8vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API uint16_t pmt_u16vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API int16_t pmt_s16vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API uint32_t pmt_u32vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API int32_t pmt_s32vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API uint64_t pmt_u64vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API int64_t pmt_s64vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API float pmt_f32vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API double pmt_f64vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API std::complex< float > pmt_c32vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API std::complex< double > pmt_c64vector_ref (pmt_t v, size_t k)
GRUEL_API void pmt_u8vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, uint8_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_s8vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, int8_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_u16vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, uint16_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_s16vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, int16_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_u32vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, uint32_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_s32vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, int32_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_u64vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, uint64_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_s64vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, int64_t x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_f32vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, float x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_f64vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, double x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_c32vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, std::complex< float > x)
GRUEL_API void pmt_c64vector_set (pmt_t v, size_t k, std::complex< double > x)
GRUEL_API const void * pmt_uniform_vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const uint8_tpmt_u8vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const int8_tpmt_s8vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const uint16_tpmt_u16vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const int16_tpmt_s16vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const uint32_tpmt_u32vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const int32_tpmt_s32vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const uint64_tpmt_u64vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const int64_tpmt_s64vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const float * pmt_f32vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const double * pmt_f64vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const std::complex
< float > * 
pmt_c32vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const std::complex
< double > * 
pmt_c64vector_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< uint8_t
pmt_u8vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< int8_t
pmt_s8vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< uint16_t
pmt_u16vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< int16_t
pmt_s16vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< uint32_t
pmt_u32vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< int32_t
pmt_s32vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< uint64_t
pmt_u64vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< int64_t
pmt_s64vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< float > 
pmt_f32vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< double > 
pmt_f64vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< std::complex< float > > 
pmt_c32vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API const std::vector
< std::complex< double > > 
pmt_c64vector_elements (pmt_t v)
GRUEL_API void * pmt_uniform_vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API uint8_tpmt_u8vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API int8_tpmt_s8vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API uint16_tpmt_u16vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API int16_tpmt_s16vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API uint32_tpmt_u32vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API int32_tpmt_s32vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API uint64_tpmt_u64vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API int64_tpmt_s64vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API float * pmt_f32vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API double * pmt_f64vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API std::complex< float > * pmt_c32vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API std::complex< double > * pmt_c64vector_writable_elements (pmt_t v, size_t &len)
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_dict (const pmt_t &obj)
 Return true if obj is a dictionary.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_dict ()
 Make an empty dictionary.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_add (const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &value)
 Return a new dictionary with key associated with value.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_delete (const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key)
 Return a new dictionary with key removed.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_dict_has_key (const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key)
 Return true if key exists in dict.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_ref (const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &not_found)
 If key exists in dict, return associated value; otherwise return not_found.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_items (pmt_t dict)
 Return list of (key . value) pairs.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_keys (pmt_t dict)
 Return list of keys.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_dict_values (pmt_t dict)
 Return list of values.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_any (pmt_t obj)
 Return true if obj is an any.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_any (const boost::any &any)
 make an any
GRUEL_API boost::any pmt_any_ref (pmt_t obj)
 Return underlying boost::any.
GRUEL_API void pmt_any_set (pmt_t obj, const boost::any &any)
 Store any in obj.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_msg_accepter (const pmt_t &obj)
 Return true if obj is a msg_accepter.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_make_msg_accepter (boost::shared_ptr< gruel::msg_accepter > ma)
 make a msg_accepter
GRUEL_API boost::shared_ptr
< gruel::msg_accepter
pmt_msg_accepter_ref (const pmt_t &obj)
 Return underlying msg_accepter.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_eq (const pmt_t &x, const pmt_t &y)
 Return true if x and y are the same object; otherwise return false.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_eqv (const pmt_t &x, const pmt_t &y)
 Return true if x and y should normally be regarded as the same object, else false.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_equal (const pmt_t &x, const pmt_t &y)
GRUEL_API size_t pmt_length (const pmt_t &v)
 Return the number of elements in v.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_assq (pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist)
 Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_assv (pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist)
 Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_assoc (pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist)
 Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_map (pmt_t proc(const pmt_t &), pmt_t list)
 Apply proc element-wise to the elements of list and returns a list of the results, in order.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_reverse (pmt_t list)
 reverse list.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_reverse_x (pmt_t list)
 destructively reverse list.
static pmt_t pmt_acons (pmt_t x, pmt_t y, pmt_t a)
 (acons x y a) == (cons (cons x y) a)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_nth (size_t n, pmt_t list)
 locates nth element of
list where the car is the 'zeroth' element.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_nthcdr (size_t n, pmt_t list)
 returns the tail of list that would be obtained by calling cdr n times in succession.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_memq (pmt_t obj, pmt_t list)
 Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_memq use pmt_eq to compare obj with the elements of list.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_memv (pmt_t obj, pmt_t list)
 Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_memv use pmt_eqv to compare obj with the elements of list.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_member (pmt_t obj, pmt_t list)
 Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_member use pmt_equal to compare obj with the elements of list.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_subsetp (pmt_t list1, pmt_t list2)
 Return true if every element of list1 appears in list2, and false otherwise. Comparisons are done with pmt_eqv.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list1 (const pmt_t &x1)
 Return a list of length 1 containing x1.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list2 (const pmt_t &x1, const pmt_t &x2)
 Return a list of length 2 containing x1, x2.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list3 (const pmt_t &x1, const pmt_t &x2, const pmt_t &x3)
 Return a list of length 3 containing x1, x2, x3.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list4 (const pmt_t &x1, const pmt_t &x2, const pmt_t &x3, const pmt_t &x4)
 Return a list of length 4 containing x1, x2, x3, x4.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list5 (const pmt_t &x1, const pmt_t &x2, const pmt_t &x3, const pmt_t &x4, const pmt_t &x5)
 Return a list of length 5 containing x1, x2, x3, x4, x5.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list6 (const pmt_t &x1, const pmt_t &x2, const pmt_t &x3, const pmt_t &x4, const pmt_t &x5, const pmt_t &x6)
 Return a list of length 6 containing x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list_add (pmt_t list, const pmt_t &item)
 Return list with item added to it.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_list_rm (pmt_t list, const pmt_t &item)
 Return list with item removed from it.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_list_has (pmt_t list, const pmt_t &item)
 Return bool of list contains item.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_is_eof_object (pmt_t obj)
 return true if obj is the EOF object, otherwise return false.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_read (std::istream &port)
GRUEL_API void pmt_write (pmt_t obj, std::ostream &port)
GRUEL_API std::string pmt_write_string (pmt_t obj)
GRUEL_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, pmt_t obj)
GRUEL_API void pmt_print (pmt_t v)
 Write pmt string representation to stdout.
GRUEL_API bool pmt_serialize (pmt_t obj, std::streambuf &sink)
 Write portable byte-serial representation of obj to sink.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_deserialize (std::streambuf &source)
 Create obj from portable byte-serial representation.
GRUEL_API void pmt_dump_sizeof ()
GRUEL_API std::string pmt_serialize_str (pmt_t obj)
 Provide a simple string generating interface to pmt's serialize function.
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt_deserialize_str (std::string str)
 Provide a simple string generating interface to pmt's deserialize function.
static pmt_t mp (const std::string &s)
 Make pmt symbol.
static pmt_t mp (const char *s)
 Make pmt symbol.
static pmt_t mp (long x)
 Make pmt long.
static pmt_t mp (long long unsigned x)
 Make pmt long.
static pmt_t mp (int x)
 Make pmt long.
static pmt_t mp (double x)
 Make pmt double.
static pmt_t mp (std::complex< double > z)
 Make pmt complex.
static pmt_t mp (std::complex< float > z)
 Make pmt complex.
static pmt_t mp (boost::shared_ptr< gruel::msg_accepter > ma)
 Make pmt msg_accepter.
static pmt_t mp (const void *data, size_t len_in_bytes)
 Make pmt Binary Large Object (BLOB)
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8)
 Make tuple.
static pmt_t mp (const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8, const pmt_t &e9)
 Make tuple.


GRUEL_API const pmt_t PMT_T
GRUEL_API const pmt_t PMT_F
GRUEL_API const pmt_t PMT_NIL
GRUEL_API const pmt_t PMT_EOF

Detailed Description

This file defines a polymorphic type and the operations on it.

It draws heavily on the idea of scheme and lisp data types. The interface parallels that in Guile 1.8, with the notable exception that these objects are transparently reference counted.

This file is included by pmt.h and contains pseudo-constructor shorthand for making pmt objects

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<pmt_base> pmt::pmt_t

typedef for shared pointer (transparent reference counting). See

Function Documentation

GRUEL_API void pmt::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( pmt_base *  )
GRUEL_API void pmt::intrusive_ptr_release ( pmt_base *  )
static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const std::string &  s) [inline, static]

Make pmt symbol.

References pmt_string_to_symbol().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const char *  s) [inline, static]

Make pmt symbol.

References pmt_string_to_symbol().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( long  x) [inline, static]

Make pmt long.

References pmt_from_long().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( long long unsigned  x) [inline, static]

Make pmt long.

References pmt_from_long().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( int  x) [inline, static]

Make pmt long.

References pmt_from_long().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( double  x) [inline, static]

Make pmt double.

References pmt_from_double().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( std::complex< double >  z) [inline, static]

Make pmt complex.

References pmt_make_rectangular().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( std::complex< float >  z) [inline, static]

Make pmt complex.

References pmt_make_rectangular().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( boost::shared_ptr< gruel::msg_accepter ma) [inline, static]

Make pmt msg_accepter.

References pmt_make_msg_accepter().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const void *  data,
size_t  len_in_bytes 
) [inline, static]

Make pmt Binary Large Object (BLOB)

References pmt_make_blob().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7,
const pmt_t &  e8 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

static pmt_t pmt::mp ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7,
const pmt_t &  e8,
const pmt_t &  e9 
) [inline, static]

Make tuple.

References pmt_make_tuple().

GRUEL_API std::ostream& pmt::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
pmt_t  obj 
static pmt_t pmt::pmt_acons ( pmt_t  x,
pmt_t  y,
pmt_t  a 
) [inline, static]

(acons x y a) == (cons (cons x y) a)

References pmt_cons().

GRUEL_API boost::any pmt::pmt_any_ref ( pmt_t  obj)

Return underlying boost::any.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_any_set ( pmt_t  obj,
const boost::any &  any 

Store any in obj.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_assoc ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  alist 

Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.

alist (for "association list") must be a list of pairs. If no pair in alist has obj as its car then #f is returned. Uses pmt_equal to compare obj with car fields of the pairs in alist.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_assq ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  alist 

Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.

alist (for "association list") must be a list of pairs. If no pair in alist has obj as its car then #f is returned. Uses pmt_eq to compare obj with car fields of the pairs in alist.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_assv ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  alist 

Find the first pair in alist whose car field is obj and return that pair.

alist (for "association list") must be a list of pairs. If no pair in alist has obj as its car then #f is returned. Uses pmt_eqv to compare obj with car fields of the pairs in alist.

GRUEL_API const void* pmt::pmt_blob_data ( pmt_t  blob)

Return a pointer to the blob's data.

GRUEL_API size_t pmt::pmt_blob_length ( pmt_t  blob)

Return the blob's length in bytes.

GRUEL_API const std::complex<float>* pmt::pmt_c32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<std::complex<float> > pmt::pmt_c32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API std::complex<float> pmt::pmt_c32vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_c32vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
std::complex< float >  x 
GRUEL_API std::complex<float>* pmt::pmt_c32vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::complex<double>* pmt::pmt_c64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<std::complex<double> > pmt::pmt_c64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API std::complex<double> pmt::pmt_c64vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_c64vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
std::complex< double >  x 
GRUEL_API std::complex<double>* pmt::pmt_c64vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_caar ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cadddr ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_caddr ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cadr ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_car ( const pmt_t &  pair)

If pair is a pair, return the car of the pair, otherwise raise wrong_type.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cdar ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cddr ( pmt_t  pair)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cdr ( const pmt_t &  pair)

If pair is a pair, return the cdr of the pair, otherwise raise wrong_type.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_cons ( const pmt_t &  x,
const pmt_t &  y 

Return a newly allocated pair whose car is x and whose cdr is y.

Referenced by pmt_acons().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_deserialize ( std::streambuf &  source)

Create obj from portable byte-serial representation.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_deserialize_str ( std::string  str)

Provide a simple string generating interface to pmt's deserialize function.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_add ( const pmt_t &  dict,
const pmt_t &  key,
const pmt_t &  value 

Return a new dictionary with key associated with value.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_delete ( const pmt_t &  dict,
const pmt_t &  key 

Return a new dictionary with key removed.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_dict_has_key ( const pmt_t &  dict,
const pmt_t &  key 

Return true if key exists in dict.

Referenced by gr_basic_block::has_msg_port(), and gr_hier_block2::message_port_register_hier_out().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_items ( pmt_t  dict)

Return list of (key . value) pairs.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_keys ( pmt_t  dict)

Return list of keys.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_ref ( const pmt_t &  dict,
const pmt_t &  key,
const pmt_t &  not_found 

If key exists in dict, return associated value; otherwise return not_found.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_dict_values ( pmt_t  dict)

Return list of values.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_dump_sizeof ( )
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_eq ( const pmt_t &  x,
const pmt_t &  y 

Return true if x and y are the same object; otherwise return false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_equal ( const pmt_t &  x,
const pmt_t &  y 

pmt_equal recursively compares the contents of pairs and vectors, applying pmt_eqv on other objects such as numbers and symbols. pmt_equal may fail to terminate if its arguments are circular data structures.

Referenced by gr_msg_endpoint::operator==().

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_eqv ( const pmt_t &  x,
const pmt_t &  y 

Return true if x and y should normally be regarded as the same object, else false.

 eqv returns true if:
   x and y are the same object.
   x and y are both #t or both #f.
   x and y are both symbols and their names are the same.
   x and y are both numbers, and are numerically equal.
   x and y are both the empty list (nil).
   x and y are pairs or vectors that denote same location in store.

Referenced by pmt::pmt_comperator::operator()().

GRUEL_API const float* pmt::pmt_f32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<float> pmt::pmt_f32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API float pmt::pmt_f32vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_f32vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
float  x 
GRUEL_API float* pmt::pmt_f32vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const double* pmt::pmt_f64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<double> pmt::pmt_f64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API double pmt::pmt_f64vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_f64vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
double  x 
GRUEL_API double* pmt::pmt_f64vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_bool ( bool  val)

Return #f is val is false, else return #t.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_complex ( double  re,
double  im 

Return a complex number constructed of the given real and imaginary parts.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_complex ( const std::complex< double > &  z)

Return a complex number constructed of the given a complex number.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_double ( double  x)

Return the pmt value that represents double x.

Referenced by tag_source_demo::make_time_tag(), and mp().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_long ( long  x)

Return the pmt value that represents the integer x.

Referenced by mp().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_from_uint64 ( uint64_t  x)

Return the pmt value that represents the uint64 x.

Referenced by tag_source_demo::make_time_tag().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_c32vector ( size_t  k,
const std::complex< float > *  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_c32vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< std::complex< float > > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_c64vector ( size_t  k,
const std::complex< double > *  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_c64vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_f32vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< float > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_f32vector ( size_t  k,
const float *  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_f64vector ( size_t  k,
const double *  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_f64vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< double > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s16vector ( size_t  k,
const int16_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s16vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< int16_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s32vector ( size_t  k,
const int32_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s32vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< int32_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s64vector ( size_t  k,
const int64_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s64vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< int64_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s8vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< int8_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_s8vector ( size_t  k,
const int8_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u16vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< uint16_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u16vector ( size_t  k,
const uint16_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u32vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< uint32_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u32vector ( size_t  k,
const uint32_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u64vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< uint64_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u64vector ( size_t  k,
const uint64_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u8vector ( size_t  k,
const uint8_t data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_init_u8vector ( size_t  k,
const std::vector< uint8_t > &  data 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_intern ( const std::string &  s)

Alias for pmt_string_to_symbol.

Referenced by gr_basic_block::alias_pmt().

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_any ( pmt_t  obj)

Return true if obj is an any.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_blob ( pmt_t  x)

Return true if x is a blob, othewise false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_bool ( pmt_t  obj)

Return true if obj is #t or #f, else return false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_c32vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_c64vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_complex ( pmt_t  obj)

return true if obj is a complex number, false otherwise.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_dict ( const pmt_t &  obj)

Return true if obj is a dictionary.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_eof_object ( pmt_t  obj)

return true if obj is the EOF object, otherwise return false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_f32vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_f64vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_false ( pmt_t  obj)

Return true if obj is #f, else return true.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_integer ( pmt_t  x)

Return true if x is an integer number, else false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_msg_accepter ( const pmt_t &  obj)

Return true if obj is a msg_accepter.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_null ( const pmt_t &  x)

Return true if x is the empty list, otherwise return false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_number ( pmt_t  obj)

Return true if obj is any kind of number, else false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_pair ( const pmt_t &  obj)

Return true if obj is a pair, else false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_real ( pmt_t  obj)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_s16vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_s32vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_s64vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_s8vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_symbol ( const pmt_t &  obj)

Return true if obj is a symbol, else false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_true ( pmt_t  obj)

Return false if obj is #f, else return true.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_tuple ( pmt_t  x)

Return true if x is a tuple, othewise false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_u16vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_u32vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_u64vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_u8vector ( pmt_t  x)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_uint64 ( pmt_t  x)

Return true if x is an uint64 number, else false.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_uniform_vector ( pmt_t  x)

true if x is any kind of uniform numeric vector

		       Uniform Numeric Vectors
 A uniform numeric vector is a vector whose elements are all of single
 numeric type.  pmt offers uniform numeric vectors for signed and
 unsigned 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit integers, two sizes of
 floating point values, and complex floating-point numbers of these
 two sizes.  Indexing is zero based.
 The names of the functions include these tags in their names:
    u8  unsigned 8-bit integers
    s8  signed 8-bit integers
   u16  unsigned 16-bit integers
   s16  signed 16-bit integers
   u32  unsigned 32-bit integers
   s32  signed 32-bit integers
   u64  unsigned 64-bit integers
   s64  signed 64-bit integers
   f32  the C++ type float
   f64  the C++ type double
   c32  the C++ type complex<float>
   c64  the C++ type complex<double>
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_is_vector ( pmt_t  x)

Return true if x is a vector, othewise false.

GRUEL_API size_t pmt::pmt_length ( const pmt_t &  v)

Return the number of elements in v.

Referenced by tcp_connection::send().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list1 ( const pmt_t &  x1)

Return a list of length 1 containing x1.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list2 ( const pmt_t &  x1,
const pmt_t &  x2 

Return a list of length 2 containing x1, x2.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list3 ( const pmt_t &  x1,
const pmt_t &  x2,
const pmt_t &  x3 

Return a list of length 3 containing x1, x2, x3.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list4 ( const pmt_t &  x1,
const pmt_t &  x2,
const pmt_t &  x3,
const pmt_t &  x4 

Return a list of length 4 containing x1, x2, x3, x4.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list5 ( const pmt_t &  x1,
const pmt_t &  x2,
const pmt_t &  x3,
const pmt_t &  x4,
const pmt_t &  x5 

Return a list of length 5 containing x1, x2, x3, x4, x5.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list6 ( const pmt_t &  x1,
const pmt_t &  x2,
const pmt_t &  x3,
const pmt_t &  x4,
const pmt_t &  x5,
const pmt_t &  x6 

Return a list of length 6 containing x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list_add ( pmt_t  list,
const pmt_t &  item 
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_list_has ( pmt_t  list,
const pmt_t &  item 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_list_rm ( pmt_t  list,
const pmt_t &  item 

Return list with item removed from it.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_any ( const boost::any &  any)

make an any

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_blob ( const void *  buf,
size_t  len 

Make a blob given a pointer and length in bytes.

bufis the pointer to data to use to create blob
lenis the size of the data in bytes.

The data is copied into the blob.

Referenced by mp().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_c32vector ( size_t  k,
std::complex< float >  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_c64vector ( size_t  k,
std::complex< double >  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_dict ( )

Make an empty dictionary.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_f32vector ( size_t  k,
float  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_f64vector ( size_t  k,
double  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_msg_accepter ( boost::shared_ptr< gruel::msg_accepter ma)

make a msg_accepter

Referenced by mp().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_rectangular ( double  re,
double  im 

Return a complex number constructed of the given real and imaginary parts.

Referenced by mp().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_s16vector ( size_t  k,
int16_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_s32vector ( size_t  k,
int32_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_s64vector ( size_t  k,
int64_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_s8vector ( size_t  k,
int8_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( )
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7,
const pmt_t &  e8 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1,
const pmt_t &  e2,
const pmt_t &  e3,
const pmt_t &  e4,
const pmt_t &  e5,
const pmt_t &  e6,
const pmt_t &  e7,
const pmt_t &  e8,
const pmt_t &  e9 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0)
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_tuple ( const pmt_t &  e0,
const pmt_t &  e1 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_u16vector ( size_t  k,
uint16_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_u32vector ( size_t  k,
uint32_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_u64vector ( size_t  k,
uint64_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_u8vector ( size_t  k,
uint8_t  fill 
GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_make_vector ( size_t  k,
pmt_t  fill 

Make a vector of length k, with initial values set to fill.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_map ( pmt_t   procconst pmt_t &,
pmt_t  list 

Apply proc element-wise to the elements of list and returns a list of the results, in order.

list must be a list. The dynamic order in which proc is applied to the elements of list is unspecified.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_member ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  list 

Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_member use pmt_equal to compare obj with the elements of list.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_memq ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  list 

Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_memq use pmt_eq to compare obj with the elements of list.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_memv ( pmt_t  obj,
pmt_t  list 

Return the first sublist of list whose car is obj. If obj does not occur in list, then #f is returned. pmt_memv use pmt_eqv to compare obj with the elements of list.

GRUEL_API boost::shared_ptr<gruel::msg_accepter> pmt::pmt_msg_accepter_ref ( const pmt_t &  obj)

Return underlying msg_accepter.

Referenced by gruel::send().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_nth ( size_t  n,
pmt_t  list 

locates nth element of
list where the car is the 'zeroth' element.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_nthcdr ( size_t  n,
pmt_t  list 

returns the tail of list that would be obtained by calling cdr n times in succession.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_print ( pmt_t  v)

Write pmt string representation to stdout.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_read ( std::istream &  port)

read converts external representations of pmt objects into the objects themselves. Read returns the next object parsable from the given input port, updating port to point to the first character past the end of the external representation of the object.

If an end of file is encountered in the input before any characters are found that can begin an object, then an end of file object is returned. The port remains open, and further attempts to read will also return an end of file object. If an end of file is encountered after the beginning of an object's external representation, but the external representation is incomplete and therefore not parsable, an error is signaled.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_reverse ( pmt_t  list)

reverse list.

list must be a proper list.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_reverse_x ( pmt_t  list)

destructively reverse list.

list must be a proper list.

GRUEL_API const int16_t* pmt::pmt_s16vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<int16_t> pmt::pmt_s16vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API int16_t pmt::pmt_s16vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_s16vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
int16_t  x 
GRUEL_API int16_t* pmt::pmt_s16vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<int32_t> pmt::pmt_s32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API const int32_t* pmt::pmt_s32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API int32_t pmt::pmt_s32vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_s32vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
int32_t  x 
GRUEL_API int32_t* pmt::pmt_s32vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const int64_t* pmt::pmt_s64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<int64_t> pmt::pmt_s64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API int64_t pmt::pmt_s64vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_s64vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
int64_t  x 
GRUEL_API int64_t* pmt::pmt_s64vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const int8_t* pmt::pmt_s8vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<int8_t> pmt::pmt_s8vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API int8_t pmt::pmt_s8vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_s8vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
int8_t  x 
GRUEL_API int8_t* pmt::pmt_s8vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_serialize ( pmt_t  obj,
std::streambuf &  sink 

Write portable byte-serial representation of obj to sink.

GRUEL_API std::string pmt::pmt_serialize_str ( pmt_t  obj)

Provide a simple string generating interface to pmt's serialize function.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_set_car ( pmt_t  pair,
pmt_t  value 

Stores value in the car field of pair.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_set_cdr ( pmt_t  pair,
pmt_t  value 

Stores value in the cdr field of pair.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_string_to_symbol ( const std::string &  s)
GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_subsetp ( pmt_t  list1,
pmt_t  list2 

Return true if every element of list1 appears in list2, and false otherwise. Comparisons are done with pmt_eqv.

GRUEL_API const std::string pmt::pmt_symbol_to_string ( const pmt_t &  sym)

If is a symbol, return the name of the symbol as a string. Otherwise, raise the wrong_type exception.

GRUEL_API bool pmt::pmt_to_bool ( pmt_t  val)

Return true if val is PMT_T, return false when val is PMT_F,.

GRUEL_API std::complex<double> pmt::pmt_to_complex ( pmt_t  z)

If z is complex, real or integer, return the closest complex<double>. Otherwise, raise the wrong_type exception.

GRUEL_API double pmt::pmt_to_double ( pmt_t  x)

Convert pmt to double if possible.

Returns the number closest to val that is representable as a double. The argument val must be a real or integer, otherwise a wrong_type exception is raised.

Referenced by tag_sink_demo::work().

GRUEL_API long pmt::pmt_to_long ( pmt_t  x)

Convert pmt to long if possible.

When x represents an exact integer that fits in a long, return that integer. Else raise an exception, either wrong_type when x is not an exact integer, or out_of_range when it doesn't fit.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_to_tuple ( const pmt_t &  x)

If x is a vector or proper list, return a tuple containing the elements of x

GRUEL_API uint64_t pmt::pmt_to_uint64 ( pmt_t  x)

Convert pmt to uint64 if possible.

When x represents an exact integer that fits in a uint64, return that uint64. Else raise an exception, either wrong_type when x is not an exact uint64, or out_of_range when it doesn't fit.

Referenced by tag_sink_demo::work().

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_tuple_ref ( const pmt_t &  tuple,
size_t  k 

Return the contents of position k of tuple. k must be a valid index of tuple.

Referenced by tag_sink_demo::work().

GRUEL_API const std::vector<uint16_t> pmt::pmt_u16vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API const uint16_t* pmt::pmt_u16vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API uint16_t pmt::pmt_u16vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_u16vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
uint16_t  x 
GRUEL_API uint16_t* pmt::pmt_u16vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const uint32_t* pmt::pmt_u32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<uint32_t> pmt::pmt_u32vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API uint32_t pmt::pmt_u32vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_u32vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
uint32_t  x 
GRUEL_API uint32_t* pmt::pmt_u32vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const uint64_t* pmt::pmt_u64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<uint64_t> pmt::pmt_u64vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API uint64_t pmt::pmt_u64vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_u64vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
uint64_t  x 
GRUEL_API uint64_t* pmt::pmt_u64vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const uint8_t* pmt::pmt_u8vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const std::vector<uint8_t> pmt::pmt_u8vector_elements ( pmt_t  v)
GRUEL_API uint8_t pmt::pmt_u8vector_ref ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_u8vector_set ( pmt_t  v,
size_t  k,
uint8_t  x 
GRUEL_API uint8_t* pmt::pmt_u8vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API const void* pmt::pmt_uniform_vector_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 

Referenced by tcp_connection::send().

GRUEL_API void* pmt::pmt_uniform_vector_writable_elements ( pmt_t  v,
size_t &  len 
GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_vector_fill ( pmt_t  vector,
pmt_t  fill 

Store fill in every position of vector.

GRUEL_API pmt_t pmt::pmt_vector_ref ( pmt_t  vector,
size_t  k 

Return the contents of position k of vector. k must be a valid index of vector.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_vector_set ( pmt_t  vector,
size_t  k,
pmt_t  obj 

Store obj in position k.

GRUEL_API void pmt::pmt_write ( pmt_t  obj,
std::ostream &  port 

Write a written representation of obj to the given port.

GRUEL_API std::string pmt::pmt_write_string ( pmt_t  obj)

Return a string representation of obj. This is the same output as would be generated by pmt_write.

Variable Documentation

GRUEL_API const pmt_t pmt::PMT_EOF
GRUEL_API const pmt_t pmt::PMT_F
GRUEL_API const pmt_t pmt::PMT_NIL