GNU Radio C++ API
quantise.h File Reference

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#define WO_BITS   7
#define WO_LEVELS   (1<<WO_BITS)
#define E_BITS   5
#define E_LEVELS   (1<<E_BITS)
#define E_MIN_DB   -10.0
#define E_MAX_DB   40.0


void quantise_init ()
float lpc_model_amplitudes (float Sn[], float w[], MODEL *model, int order, int lsp, float ak[])
void aks_to_M2 (float ak[], int order, MODEL *model, float E, float *snr, int dump)
int encode_Wo (float Wo)
float decode_Wo (int index)
void encode_lsps (int indexes[], float lsp[], int order)
void decode_lsps (float lsp[], int indexes[], int order)
void lspd_quantise (float lsp[], float lsp_[], int order)
void lspdvq_quantise (float lsp[], float lsp_[], int order)
int encode_energy (float e)
float decode_energy (int index)
void encode_amplitudes (int lsp_indexes[], int *energy_index, MODEL *model, float Sn[], float w[])
float decode_amplitudes (MODEL *model, float ak[], int lsp_indexes[], int energy_index, float lsps[], float *e)
void pack (unsigned char *bits, unsigned int *nbit, int index, unsigned int index_bits)
int unpack (const unsigned char *bits, unsigned int *nbit, unsigned int index_bits)
int lsp_bits (int i)
void apply_lpc_correction (MODEL *model)
float speech_to_uq_lsps (float lsp[], float ak[], float Sn[], float w[], int order)
void bw_expand_lsps (float lsp[], int order)

Define Documentation

#define E_BITS   5
#define E_LEVELS   (1<<E_BITS)
#define E_MAX_DB   40.0
#define E_MIN_DB   -10.0
#define WO_BITS   7
#define WO_LEVELS   (1<<WO_BITS)

Function Documentation

void aks_to_M2 ( float  ak[],
int  order,
MODEL model,
float  E,
float *  snr,
int  dump 
void apply_lpc_correction ( MODEL model)
void bw_expand_lsps ( float  lsp[],
int  order 
float decode_amplitudes ( MODEL model,
float  ak[],
int  lsp_indexes[],
int  energy_index,
float  lsps[],
float *  e 
float decode_energy ( int  index)
void decode_lsps ( float  lsp[],
int  indexes[],
int  order 
float decode_Wo ( int  index)
void encode_amplitudes ( int  lsp_indexes[],
int *  energy_index,
MODEL model,
float  Sn[],
float  w[] 
int encode_energy ( float  e)
void encode_lsps ( int  indexes[],
float  lsp[],
int  order 
int encode_Wo ( float  Wo)
float lpc_model_amplitudes ( float  Sn[],
float  w[],
MODEL model,
int  order,
int  lsp,
float  ak[] 
int lsp_bits ( int  i)
void lspd_quantise ( float  lsp[],
float  lsp_[],
int  order 
void lspdvq_quantise ( float  lsp[],
float  lsp_[],
int  order 
void pack ( unsigned char *  bits,
unsigned int *  nbit,
int  index,
unsigned int  index_bits 
void quantise_init ( )
float speech_to_uq_lsps ( float  lsp[],
float  ak[],
float  Sn[],
float  w[],
int  order 
int unpack ( const unsigned char *  bits,
unsigned int *  nbit,
unsigned int  index_bits 