GNU Radio 3.4.2 C++ API
gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition.h File Reference
#include <gr_block.h>
#include <vector>
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class  gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition
 take a vector of complex constellation points in from an FFT and performs a correlation and equalization.This block takes the output of an FFT of a received OFDM symbol and finds the start of a frame based on two known symbols. It also looks at the surrounding bins in the FFT output for the correlation in case there is a large frequency shift in the data. This block assumes that the fine frequency shift has already been corrected and that the samples fall in the middle of one FFT bin. More...


gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition_sptr gr_make_ofdm_frame_acquisition (unsigned int occupied_carriers, unsigned int fft_length, unsigned int cplen, const std::vector< gr_complex > &known_symbol, unsigned int max_fft_shift_len=10)

Function Documentation

gr_ofdm_frame_acquisition_sptr gr_make_ofdm_frame_acquisition ( unsigned int  occupied_carriers,
unsigned int  fft_length,
unsigned int  cplen,
const std::vector< gr_complex > &  known_symbol,
unsigned int  max_fft_shift_len = 10 
occupied_carriersThe number of subcarriers with data in the received symbol
fft_lengthThe size of the FFT vector (occupied_carriers + unused carriers)
cplenThe length of the cycle prefix
known_symbolA vector of complex numbers representing a known symbol at the start of a frame (usually a BPSK PN sequence)
max_fft_shift_lenSet's the maximum distance you can look between bins for correlation