path: root/usrp2/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v b/usrp2/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f6c5ed380..0000000000
--- a/usrp2/fpga/eth/mac_rxfifo_int.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-module mac_rxfifo_int
- (input clk, input rst,
- input Rx_mac_empty,
- output Rx_mac_rd,
- input [31:0] Rx_mac_data,
- input [1:0] Rx_mac_BE,
- input Rx_mac_sop,
- input Rx_mac_eop,
- input Rx_mac_err,
- output [31:0] wr_dat_o,
- output wr_write_o,
- output wr_done_o,
- output wr_error_o,
- input wr_ready_i,
- input wr_full_i,
- // FIFO Status
- output [15:0] fifo_occupied,
- output fifo_full,
- output fifo_empty
- );
- // Write side of short FIFO
- // Inputs: full, Rx_mac_empty, Rx_mac_sop, Rx_mac_eop, Rx_mac_err, Rx_mac_data/BE
- // Controls: write, datain, Rx_mac_rd
- wire write, full, read, empty, sop_o, eop_o, error_o;
- // Write side of short FIFO
- assign write = ~full & ~Rx_mac_empty;
- assign Rx_mac_rd = write;
-`define LONGFIFO 0
-`ifdef LONGFIFO
- cascadefifo2 #(.WIDTH(35),.SIZE(10)) mac_rx_longfifo
- (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.clear(0),
- .datain({Rx_mac_sop,Rx_mac_eop,Rx_mac_err,Rx_mac_data}),.write(write),.full(full),
- .dataout({sop_o,eop_o,error_o,wr_dat_o}),.read(read),.empty(empty),
- .space(), .occupied(fifo_occupied) );
- shortfifo #(.WIDTH(35)) mac_rx_sfifo
- (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.clear(0),
- .datain({Rx_mac_sop,Rx_mac_eop,Rx_mac_err,Rx_mac_data}),.write(write),.full(full),
- .dataout({sop_o,eop_o,error_o,wr_dat_o}),.read(read),.empty(empty),
- .space(), .occupied(fifo_occupied[4:0]) );
- assign fifo_occupied[15:5] = 0;
- assign fifo_full = full;
- assign fifo_empty = empty;
- // Read side of short FIFO
- // Inputs: empty, dataout, wr_ready_i, wr_full_i
- // Controls: read, wr_dat_o, wr_write_o, wr_done_o, wr_error_o
- reg [1:0] rd_state;
- localparam RD_IDLE = 0;
- localparam RD_HAVEPKT = 1;
- localparam RD_XFER = 2;
- localparam RD_ERROR = 3;
- always @(posedge clk)
- if(rst)
- rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
- else
- case(rd_state)
- if(sop_o & ~empty)
- rd_state <= RD_HAVEPKT;
- if(wr_ready_i)
- rd_state <= RD_XFER;
- if(eop_o & ~empty)
- rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
- else if(wr_full_i)
- rd_state <= RD_HAVEPKT;
- rd_state <= RD_IDLE;
- endcase // case(rd_state)
- assign read = ~empty & ((rd_state == RD_XFER) | ((rd_state==RD_IDLE)&~sop_o));
- assign wr_write_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER);
- assign wr_done_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER) & eop_o;
- assign wr_error_o = ~empty & (rd_state == RD_XFER) & error_o;
-endmodule // mac_rxfifo_int