diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/fpga/eth/demo/verilog/tb_demo.v')
-rw-r--r-- | usrp2/fpga/eth/demo/verilog/tb_demo.v | 348 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/fpga/eth/demo/verilog/tb_demo.v b/usrp2/fpga/eth/demo/verilog/tb_demo.v deleted file mode 100644 index c5a8a3f416..0000000000 --- a/usrp2/fpga/eth/demo/verilog/tb_demo.v +++ /dev/null @@ -1,348 +0,0 @@ -`timescale 1ns / 1ns
-module tb_demo;
- //-------------------- Instantiate Xilinx glbl module ----------------------
- // - this is needed to get ModelSim to work because e.g. I/O buffer models
- // refer directly to glbl.GTS and similar signals
- wire GSR;
- wire GTS;
- xlnx_glbl glbl( .GSR( GSR ), .GTS( GTS ) );
- reg VLOG_ExitSignal = 0;
- reg Done = 0;
- reg Error = 0;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reg Reset_n;
- reg Clk_100M;
- reg Clk_125M;
- wire RS232_TXD;
- wire RS232_RXD;
- wire USB_TXD;
- wire USB_RXD;
- //--- 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet PHY (MII/GMII)
- wire PHY_RESET_n;
- wire PHY_RXC;
- wire [7:0] PHY_RXD;
- wire PHY_RXDV;
- wire PHY_RXER;
- wire PHY_GTX_CLK; // GMII only
- wire PHY_TXC;
- wire [7:0] PHY_TXD;
- wire PHY_TXEN;
- wire PHY_TXER;
- wire PHY_COL = 0;
- wire PHY_CRS = 0;
- wire PHY_MDC;
- wire PHY_MDIO;
- wire [1:4] LED;
- reg [1:4] Button = 4'b0000;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Local declarations
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Instantiation of sub-modules
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //--- DUT
- demo demo(
- .Reset_n ( Reset_n ),
- .Clk_100M( Clk_100M ),
- .Clk_125M( Clk_125M ),
- .RS232_TXD( RS232_TXD ),
- .RS232_RXD( RS232_RXD ),
- //--- 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet PHY (MII/GMII)
- // Misc. I/Os
- .LED ( LED ),
- .Button( Button )
- );
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MII/GMII Ethernet PHY model
- reg [2:0] Speed = 3'b000;
- Phy_sim U_Phy_sim(
- .Gtx_clk( PHY_GTX_CLK ),
- .Rx_clk ( PHY_RXC ),
- .Tx_clk ( PHY_TXC ),
- .Tx_er ( PHY_TXER ),
- .Tx_en ( PHY_TXEN ),
- .Txd ( PHY_TXD ),
- .Rx_er ( PHY_RXER ),
- .Rx_dv ( PHY_RXDV ),
- .Rxd ( PHY_RXD ),
- .Crs ( PHY_CRS ),
- .Col ( PHY_COL ),
- .Speed ( Speed ),
- .Done ( Done )
- );
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Generate all clocks & reset
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Core master clock (100 MHz)
- initial
- begin
- #10;
- while ( !Done )
- begin
- #5 Clk_100M = 0;
- #5 Clk_100M = 1;
- end
- end
- // GMII master clock (125 MHz)
- initial
- begin
- #10;
- while ( !Done )
- begin
- #4 Clk_125M = 0;
- #4 Clk_125M = 1;
- end
- end
- initial
- begin
- Reset_n = 0;
- #103;
- Reset_n = 1;
- end
- //--- Emulate UART Transmitter --------------------------------------------
- parameter PRESCALER_16X = 3;
- integer Prescaler;
- integer TxLen = 0;
- reg [2:0] TxState;
- integer TxBit;
- reg [1023:0] TxMsg;
- reg TXD;
- reg TxDone;
- always @( negedge Reset_n or posedge Clk_100M )
- if ( ~Reset_n )
- begin
- Prescaler <= 0;
- TxState = 0;
- TXD = 1;
- TxBit = 0;
- TxDone <= 0;
- end
- else
- begin
- TxDone <= 0;
- if ( Prescaler == ((PRESCALER_16X + 1)*16 -1) )
- Prescaler <= 0;
- else
- Prescaler <= Prescaler + 1;
- if ( Prescaler==0 )
- begin
- casez ( TxState )
- 0: // IDLE
- begin
- if ( TxLen != 0 )
- begin // Send start bit!
- TxBit = (TxLen-1)*8;
- TxLen = TxLen - 1;
- TXD = 0;
- TxState = 1;
- end
- end
- 1: // Send next data bit
- begin
- // Send next data bit
- TXD = TxMsg[ TxBit ];
- TxBit = TxBit + 1;
- if ( (TxBit % 8)==0 )
- // Next send two stop bits
- TxState = 2;
- end
- 2: // First of two stop bits
- begin
- TXD = 1;
- TxState = 3;
- end
- 3: // Second of two stop bits
- begin
- TXD = 1;
- TxState = 0;
- if ( TxLen == 0 )
- // Done with transmission!
- TxDone <= 1;
- end
- endcase
- end
- end
- assign RS232_RXD = TXD;
- assign USB_RXD = 1;
- //--- Send commands to the DUT --------------------------------------------
- initial
- begin
- #10;
- while ( ~Reset_n ) #10;
- // Wait a couple of clock edges before continuing to allow
- // internal logic to get out of reset
- repeat ( 5 )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- // Wait for the "READY" message to complete transmission
- #60000;
- // Select 100 Mbps
- Speed = 3'b010;
- TxMsg = "W 0022 0002 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8000 8003 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8001 0011 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8002 1234 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8003 5678 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8004 9ABC ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8005 DEF0 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8006 C5C0 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "W 8007 BABE ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- TxMsg = "R 8006 ";
- TxLen = 7;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- // Enable PG!
- TxMsg = "W 1000 0001 ";
- TxLen = 12;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- // Read back that PG has been enabled!
- TxMsg = "R 1000 ";
- TxLen = 7;
- while ( ~TxDone )
- @( posedge Clk_100M );
- #50000;
- #50000;
- Done = 1; #10;
- $stop;
- end
- //--- Directly accesses a register on the internal Wishbone bus, bypassing the UART interface
- task WrReg;
- input [15:0] Reg;
- input [15:0] Data;
- begin
- end
- endtask