path: root/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
deleted file mode 100755
index abe1dd5678..0000000000
--- a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_fifo_writer.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-module usb_fifo_writer
- #(parameter BUS_WIDTH = 16,
- parameter NUM_CHAN = 2,
- parameter FIFO_WIDTH = 32)
- ( //FX2 Side
- input bus_reset,
- input usbclk,
- input WR_fx2,
- input [15:0]usbdata,
- // TX Side
- input reset,
- input txclk,
- output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_channel,
- output reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] ram_data,
- output reg [NUM_CHAN:0] WR_done_channel );
- reg [8:0] write_count;
- /* Fix FX2 bug */
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- if(bus_reset) // Use bus reset because this is on usbclk
- write_count <= #1 0;
- else if(WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8])
- write_count <= #1 write_count + 9'd1;
- else
- write_count <= #1 WR_fx2 ? write_count : 9'b0;
- reg WR_fx2_fixed;
- reg [15:0]usbdata_fixed;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- WR_fx2_fixed <= WR_fx2 & ~write_count[8];
- usbdata_fixed <= usbdata;
- end
- /* Used to convert 16 bits bus_data to the 32 bits wide fifo */
- reg word_complete ;
- reg [BUS_WIDTH-1:0] usbdata_delayed ;
- reg writing ;
- wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] usbdata_packed ;
- wire WR_packed ;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- if (bus_reset)
- begin
- word_complete <= 0 ;
- writing <= 0 ;
- end
- else if (WR_fx2_fixed)
- begin
- writing <= 1 ;
- if (word_complete)
- word_complete <= 0 ;
- else
- begin
- usbdata_delayed <= usbdata_fixed ;
- word_complete <= 1 ;
- end
- end
- else
- writing <= 0 ;
- end
- assign usbdata_packed = {usbdata_fixed, usbdata_delayed} ;
- assign WR_packed = word_complete & writing ;
- /* Make sure data are sync with usbclk */
- reg [31:0]usbdata_usbclk;
- reg WR_usbclk;
- always @(posedge usbclk)
- begin
- if (WR_packed)
- usbdata_usbclk <= usbdata_packed;
- WR_usbclk <= WR_packed;
- end
- /* Cross clock boundaries */
- reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] usbdata_tx ;
- reg WR_tx;
- reg WR_1;
- reg WR_2;
- reg [31:0] usbdata_final;
- reg WR_final;
- always @(posedge txclk) usbdata_tx <= usbdata_usbclk;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- WR_1 <= 0;
- else
- WR_1 <= WR_usbclk;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- if (reset)
- WR_2 <= 0;
- else
- WR_2 <= WR_1;
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- WR_tx <= 0;
- else
- WR_tx <= WR_1 & ~WR_2;
- end
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- WR_final <= 0;
- else
- begin
- WR_final <= WR_tx;
- if (WR_tx)
- usbdata_final <= usbdata_tx;
- end
- end
- /* Parse header and forward to ram */
- reg [3:0]reader_state;
- reg [4:0]channel ;
- reg [9:0]read_length ;
- parameter IDLE = 4'd0;
- parameter HEADER = 4'd1;
- parameter WAIT = 4'd2;
- parameter FORWARD = 4'd3;
- `define CHANNEL 20:16
- `define PKT_SIZE 512
- always @(posedge txclk)
- begin
- if (reset)
- begin
- reader_state <= 0;
- WR_channel <= 0;
- WR_done_channel <= 0;
- end
- else
- case (reader_state)
- IDLE: begin
- if (WR_final)
- reader_state <= HEADER;
- end
- // Store channel and forware header
- HEADER: begin
- channel <= (usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] == 5'h1f ? NUM_CHAN : usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]) ;
- WR_channel[(usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] == 5'h1f ? NUM_CHAN : usbdata_final[`CHANNEL])] <= 1;
- //channel <= usbdata_final[`CHANNEL] ;
- //WR_channel[usbdata_final[`CHANNEL]] <= 1;
- ram_data <= usbdata_final;
- read_length <= 10'd4 ;
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- WAIT: begin
- WR_channel[channel] <= 0;
- if (read_length == `PKT_SIZE)
- reader_state <= IDLE;
- else if (WR_final)
- reader_state <= FORWARD;
- end
- FORWARD: begin
- WR_channel[channel] <= 1;
- ram_data <= usbdata_final;
- read_length <= read_length + 10'd4;
- reader_state <= WAIT;
- end
- endcase
- end
-endmodule \ No newline at end of file