path: root/grc/gui/
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Diffstat (limited to 'grc/gui/')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 94dfcf1370..2403fa2844 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
from .canvas.colors import FLOWGRAPH_BACKGROUND_COLOR
from . import Constants
+from . import Actions
class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
self._flow_graph = flow_graph
+ self.set_property('can_focus', True)
self.zoom_factor = 1.0
self._update_after_zoom = False
@@ -66,6 +68,11 @@ class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
+ # This may not be the correct place to be handling the user events
+ # Should this be in the page instead?
+ # Or should more of the page functionality move here?
+ self.connect('key_press_event', self._handle_key_press)
# setup drag and drop
self.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, [], Gdk.DragAction.COPY)
self.connect('drag-data-received', self._handle_drag_data_received)
@@ -78,12 +85,14 @@ class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
def _handle_notify_event(widget, event, focus_flag):
self._focus_flag = focus_flag
self.connect('leave-notify-event', _handle_notify_event, False)
self.connect('enter-notify-event', _handle_notify_event, True)
# todo: fix
# self.set_flags(Gtk.CAN_FOCUS) # self.set_can_focus(True)
# self.connect('focus-out-event', self._handle_focus_lost_event)
# Handlers
@@ -155,6 +164,41 @@ class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
+ def _handle_key_press(self, widget, event):
+ """
+ Handle specific keypresses when the drawing area has focus that
+ triggers actions by the user.
+ """
+ key = event.keyval
+ mod = event.state
+ # Setup a map of the accelerator keys to the action to trigger
+ accels = {
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('d'): Actions.BLOCK_DISABLE,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('e'): Actions.BLOCK_ENABLE,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('b'): Actions.BLOCK_BYPASS,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('c'): Actions.BLOCK_CREATE_HIER,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Up'): Actions.BLOCK_DEC_TYPE,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Down'): Actions.BLOCK_INC_TYPE,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Left'): Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CCW,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Right'): Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CW,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('minus'): Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_DEC,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('plus'): Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_INC,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Add'): Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_INC,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Subtract'): Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_DEC,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('Return'): Actions.BLOCK_PARAM_MODIFY,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>t'): Actions.BLOCK_VALIGN_TOP,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>m'): Actions.BLOCK_VALIGN_MIDDLE,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>b'): Actions.BLOCK_VALIGN_BOTTOM,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>l'): Actions.BLOCK_HALIGN_LEFT,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>c'): Actions.BLOCK_HALIGN_CENTER,
+ Gtk.accelerator_parse('<Shift>r'): Actions.BLOCK_HALIGN_RIGHT,
+ }
+ # Not sold on this.
+ if (key, mod) in accels:
+ accels[(key, mod)]()
+ return True
def _update_size(self):
w, h = self._flow_graph.get_extents()[2:]
self.set_size_request(w * self.zoom_factor + 100, h * self.zoom_factor + 100)