path: root/grc/core/generator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/core/generator/')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/grc/core/generator/ b/grc/core/generator/
index 316ed5014d..62dc26b8a8 100644
--- a/grc/core/generator/
+++ b/grc/core/generator/
@@ -18,25 +18,16 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
-import codecs
import os
-import tempfile
-import operator
-import collections
-from Cheetah.Template import Template
-import six
+from mako.template import Template
-from .FlowGraphProxy import FlowGraphProxy
-from .. import ParseXML, Messages
-from ..Constants import (
-from ..utils import expr_utils
+from .hier_block import HierBlockGenerator, QtHierBlockGenerator
+from .top_block import TopBlockGenerator
DATA_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-FLOW_GRAPH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'flow_graph.tmpl')
+FLOW_GRAPH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, '')
+flow_graph_template = Template(filename=FLOW_GRAPH_TEMPLATE)
class Generator(object):
@@ -64,338 +55,3 @@ class Generator(object):
def __getattr__(self, item):
"""get all other attrib from actual generator object"""
return getattr(self._generator, item)
-class TopBlockGenerator(object):
- def __init__(self, flow_graph, file_path):
- """
- Initialize the top block generator object.
- Args:
- flow_graph: the flow graph object
- file_path: the path to write the file to
- """
- self._flow_graph = FlowGraphProxy(flow_graph)
- self._generate_options = self._flow_graph.get_option('generate_options')
- self._mode = TOP_BLOCK_FILE_MODE
- dirname = os.path.dirname(file_path)
- # Handle the case where the directory is read-only
- # In this case, use the system's temp directory
- if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK):
- dirname = tempfile.gettempdir()
- filename = self._flow_graph.get_option('id') + '.py'
- self.file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
- self._dirname = dirname
- def write(self):
- """generate output and write it to files"""
- # Do throttle warning
- throttling_blocks = [b for b in self._flow_graph.get_enabled_blocks()
- if b.is_throtteling]
- if not throttling_blocks and not self._generate_options.startswith('hb'):
- Messages.send_warning("This flow graph may not have flow control: "
- "no audio or RF hardware blocks found. "
- "Add a Misc->Throttle block to your flow "
- "graph to avoid CPU congestion.")
- if len(throttling_blocks) > 1:
- keys = set([b.key for b in throttling_blocks])
- if len(keys) > 1 and 'blocks_throttle' in keys:
- Messages.send_warning("This flow graph contains a throttle "
- "block and another rate limiting block, "
- "e.g. a hardware source or sink. "
- "This is usually undesired. Consider "
- "removing the throttle block.")
- # Generate
- for filename, data in self._build_python_code_from_template():
- with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
- fp.write(data)
- if filename == self.file_path:
- try:
- os.chmod(filename, self._mode)
- except:
- pass
- def _build_python_code_from_template(self):
- """
- Convert the flow graph to python code.
- Returns:
- a string of python code
- """
- output = list()
- fg = self._flow_graph
- title = fg.get_option('title') or fg.get_option('id').replace('_', ' ').title()
- imports = fg.get_imports()
- variables = fg.get_variables()
- parameters = fg.get_parameters()
- monitors = fg.get_monitors()
- # List of blocks not including variables and imports and parameters and disabled
- def _get_block_sort_text(block):
- code = block.get_make().replace(block.get_id(), ' ')
- try:
- code += block.get_param('gui_hint').get_value() # Newer gui markup w/ qtgui
- except:
- pass
- return code
- blocks_all = expr_utils.sort_objects(
- [b for b in fg.blocks if b.enabled and not b.get_bypassed()],
- operator.methodcaller('get_id'), _get_block_sort_text
- )
- deprecated_block_keys = set( for b in blocks_all if b.is_deprecated)
- for key in deprecated_block_keys:
- Messages.send_warning("The block {!r} is deprecated.".format(key))
- # List of regular blocks (all blocks minus the special ones)
- blocks = [b for b in blocks_all if b not in imports and b not in parameters]
- for block in blocks:
- key = block.key
- file_path = os.path.join(self._dirname, block.get_id() + '.py')
- if key == 'epy_block':
- src = block.get_param('_source_code').get_value()
- output.append((file_path, src))
- elif key == 'epy_module':
- src = block.get_param('source_code').get_value()
- output.append((file_path, src))
- # Filter out bus and virtual sink connections
- connections = [con for con in fg.get_enabled_connections()
- if not (con.is_bus() or con.sink_block.is_virtual_sink())]
- # Get the virtual blocks and resolve their connections
- connection_factory = fg.parent_platform.Connection
- virtual = [c for c in connections if c.source_block.is_virtual_source()]
- for connection in virtual:
- sink = connection.sink_port
- for source in connection.source_port.resolve_virtual_source():
- resolved = connection_factory(fg.orignal_flowgraph, source, sink)
- connections.append(resolved)
- # Remove the virtual connection
- connections.remove(connection)
- # Bypassing blocks: Need to find all the enabled connections for the block using
- # the *connections* object rather than get_connections(). Create new connections
- # that bypass the selected block and remove the existing ones. This allows adjacent
- # bypassed blocks to see the newly created connections to downstream blocks,
- # allowing them to correctly construct bypass connections.
- bypassed_blocks = fg.get_bypassed_blocks()
- for block in bypassed_blocks:
- # Get the upstream connection (off of the sink ports)
- # Use *connections* not get_connections()
- source_connection = [c for c in connections if c.sink_port == block.sinks[0]]
- # The source connection should never have more than one element.
- assert (len(source_connection) == 1)
- # Get the source of the connection.
- source_port = source_connection[0].source_port
- # Loop through all the downstream connections
- for sink in (c for c in connections if c.source_port == block.sources[0]):
- if not sink.enabled:
- # Ignore disabled connections
- continue
- connection = connection_factory(fg.orignal_flowgraph, source_port, sink.sink_port)
- connections.append(connection)
- # Remove this sink connection
- connections.remove(sink)
- # Remove the source connection
- connections.remove(source_connection[0])
- # List of connections where each endpoint is enabled (sorted by domains, block names)
- connections.sort(key=lambda c: (
- c.source_port.domain, c.sink_port.domain,
- c.source_block.get_id(), c.sink_block.get_id()
- ))
- connection_templates = fg.parent.connection_templates
- # List of variable names
- var_ids = [var.get_id() for var in parameters + variables]
- replace_dict = dict((var_id, 'self.' + var_id) for var_id in var_ids)
- callbacks_all = []
- for block in blocks_all:
- callbacks_all.extend(expr_utils.expr_replace(cb, replace_dict) for cb in block.get_callbacks())
- # Map var id to callbacks
- def uses_var_id():
- used = expr_utils.get_variable_dependencies(callback, [var_id])
- return used and 'self.' + var_id in callback # callback might contain var_id itself
- callbacks = {}
- for var_id in var_ids:
- callbacks[var_id] = [callback for callback in callbacks_all if uses_var_id()]
- # Load the namespace
- namespace = {
- 'title': title,
- 'imports': imports,
- 'flow_graph': fg,
- 'variables': variables,
- 'parameters': parameters,
- 'monitors': monitors,
- 'blocks': blocks,
- 'connections': connections,
- 'connection_templates': connection_templates,
- 'generate_options': self._generate_options,
- 'callbacks': callbacks,
- }
- # Build the template
- t = Template(open(FLOW_GRAPH_TEMPLATE, 'r').read(), namespace)
- output.append((self.file_path, "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in str(t).split("\n"))))
- return output
-class HierBlockGenerator(TopBlockGenerator):
- """Extends the top block generator to also generate a block XML file"""
- def __init__(self, flow_graph, file_path):
- """
- Initialize the hier block generator object.
- Args:
- flow_graph: the flow graph object
- file_path: where to write the py file (the xml goes into HIER_BLOCK_LIB_DIR)
- """
- TopBlockGenerator.__init__(self, flow_graph, file_path)
- platform = flow_graph.parent
- hier_block_lib_dir = platform.config.hier_block_lib_dir
- if not os.path.exists(hier_block_lib_dir):
- os.mkdir(hier_block_lib_dir)
- self._mode = HIER_BLOCK_FILE_MODE
- self.file_path = os.path.join(hier_block_lib_dir, self._flow_graph.get_option('id') + '.py')
- self.file_path_xml = self.file_path + '.xml'
- def write(self):
- """generate output and write it to files"""
- TopBlockGenerator.write(self)
- ParseXML.to_file(self._build_block_n_from_flow_graph_io(), self.file_path_xml)
- ParseXML.validate_dtd(self.file_path_xml, BLOCK_DTD)
- try:
- os.chmod(self.file_path_xml, self._mode)
- except:
- pass
- def _build_block_n_from_flow_graph_io(self):
- """
- Generate a block XML nested data from the flow graph IO
- Returns:
- a xml node tree
- """
- # Extract info from the flow graph
- block_key = self._flow_graph.get_option('id')
- parameters = self._flow_graph.get_parameters()
- def var_or_value(name):
- if name in (p.get_id() for p in parameters):
- return "$" + name
- return name
- # Build the nested data
- block_n = collections.OrderedDict()
- block_n['name'] = self._flow_graph.get_option('title') or \
- self._flow_graph.get_option('id').replace('_', ' ').title()
- block_n['key'] = block_key
- block_n['category'] = self._flow_graph.get_option('category')
- block_n['import'] = "from {0} import {0} # grc-generated hier_block".format(
- self._flow_graph.get_option('id'))
- # Make data
- if parameters:
- block_n['make'] = '{cls}(\n {kwargs},\n)'.format(
- cls=block_key,
- kwargs=',\n '.join(
- '{key}=${key}'.format(key=param.get_id()) for param in parameters
- ),
- )
- else:
- block_n['make'] = '{cls}()'.format(cls=block_key)
- # Callback data
- block_n['callback'] = [
- 'set_{key}(${key})'.format(key=param.get_id()) for param in parameters
- ]
- # Parameters
- block_n['param'] = list()
- for param in parameters:
- param_n = collections.OrderedDict()
- param_n['name'] = param.get_param('label').get_value() or param.get_id()
- param_n['key'] = param.get_id()
- param_n['value'] = param.get_param('value').get_value()
- param_n['type'] = 'raw'
- param_n['hide'] = param.get_param('hide').get_value()
- block_n['param'].append(param_n)
- # Bus stuff
- if self._flow_graph.get_bussink():
- block_n['bus_sink'] = '1'
- if self._flow_graph.get_bussrc():
- block_n['bus_source'] = '1'
- # Sink/source ports
- for direction in ('sink', 'source'):
- block_n[direction] = list()
- for port in self._flow_graph.get_hier_block_io(direction):
- port_n = collections.OrderedDict()
- port_n['name'] = port['label']
- port_n['type'] = port['type']
- if port['type'] != "message":
- port_n['vlen'] = var_or_value(port['vlen'])
- if port['optional']:
- port_n['optional'] = '1'
- block_n[direction].append(port_n)
- # More bus stuff
- bus_struct_sink = self._flow_graph.get_bus_structure_sink()
- if bus_struct_sink:
- block_n['bus_structure_sink'] = bus_struct_sink[0].get_param('struct').get_value()
- bus_struct_src = self._flow_graph.get_bus_structure_src()
- if bus_struct_src:
- block_n['bus_structure_source'] = bus_struct_src[0].get_param('struct').get_value()
- # Documentation
- block_n['doc'] = "\n".join(field for field in (
- self._flow_graph.get_option('author'),
- self._flow_graph.get_option('description'),
- self.file_path
- ) if field)
- block_n['grc_source'] = str(self._flow_graph.grc_file_path)
- n = {'block': block_n}
- return n
-class QtHierBlockGenerator(HierBlockGenerator):
- def _build_block_n_from_flow_graph_io(self):
- n = HierBlockGenerator._build_block_n_from_flow_graph_io(self)
- block_n = collections.OrderedDict()
- # insert flags after category
- for key, value in six.iteritems(n['block']):
- block_n[key] = value
- if key == 'category':
- block_n['flags'] = BLOCK_FLAG_NEED_QT_GUI
- if not block_n['name'].upper().startswith('QT GUI'):
- block_n['name'] = 'QT GUI ' + block_n['name']
- gui_hint_param = collections.OrderedDict()
- gui_hint_param['name'] = 'GUI Hint'
- gui_hint_param['key'] = 'gui_hint'
- gui_hint_param['value'] = ''
- gui_hint_param['type'] = 'gui_hint'
- gui_hint_param['hide'] = 'part'
- block_n['param'].append(gui_hint_param)
- block_n['make'] += (
- "\n#set $win = 'self.%s' % $id"
- "\n${gui_hint()($win)}"
- )
- return {'block': block_n}