path: root/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
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1 files changed, 159 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
index f1d0038abd..6eee31585e 100644
--- a/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
+++ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
@@ -90,11 +90,13 @@ class _form_base(pubsub, wx.BoxSizer):
Bind the update handler to the widget for data events.
This ensures that the gui thread handles updating widgets.
Setup the pusub triggers for external and internal.
- @param widget the main widget
- @param label the optional label
- @param flag additional flags for widget
- @param label_prop the proportion for the label
- @param widget_prop the proportion for the widget
+ Args:
+ widget: the main widget
+ label: the optional label
+ flag: additional flags for widget
+ label_prop: the proportion for the label
+ widget_prop: the proportion for the widget
#setup data event
widget.Bind(EVT_DATA, lambda x: self._update(
@@ -184,18 +186,20 @@ class _slider_base(_form_base):
class static_text(_form_base):
A text box form.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param width the width of the form in px
- @param bold true to bold-ify the text (default=False)
- @param units a suffix to add after the text
- @param converter forms.str_converter(), int_converter(), float_converter()...
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ width: the width of the form in px
+ bold: true to bold-ify the text (default=False)
+ units: a suffix to add after the text
+ converter: forms.str_converter(), int_converter(), float_converter()...
def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, bold=False, units='', converter=converters.str_converter(), **kwargs):
self._units = units
@@ -214,16 +218,18 @@ class static_text(_form_base):
class text_box(_form_base):
A text box form.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param width the width of the form in px
- @param converter forms.str_converter(), int_converter(), float_converter()...
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ width: the width of the form in px
+ converter: forms.str_converter(), int_converter(), float_converter()...
def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, converter=converters.eval_converter(), **kwargs):
_form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs)
@@ -249,21 +255,23 @@ class text_box(_form_base):
class slider(_slider_base):
A generic linear slider.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param length the length of the slider in px (optional)
- @param style wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
- @param minimum the minimum value
- @param maximum the maximum value
- @param num_steps the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
- @param step_size the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
- @param cast a cast function, int, or float (default=float)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ length: the length of the slider in px (optional)
+ style: wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
+ minimum: the minimum value
+ maximum: the maximum value
+ num_steps: the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
+ step_size: the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
+ cast: a cast function, int, or float (default=float)
def __init__(self, minimum=-100, maximum=100, num_steps=100, step_size=None, cast=float, **kwargs):
assert step_size or num_steps
@@ -275,21 +283,23 @@ class log_slider(_slider_base):
A generic logarithmic slider.
The sliders min and max values are base**min_exp and base**max_exp.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param length the length of the slider in px (optional)
- @param style wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
- @param min_exp the minimum exponent
- @param max_exp the maximum exponent
- @param base the exponent base in base**exp
- @param num_steps the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
- @param step_size the exponent step size (or specify num_steps)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ length: the length of the slider in px (optional)
+ style: wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
+ min_exp: the minimum exponent
+ max_exp: the maximum exponent
+ base: the exponent base in base**exp
+ num_steps: the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
+ step_size: the exponent step size (or specify num_steps)
def __init__(self, min_exp=0, max_exp=1, base=10, num_steps=100, step_size=None, **kwargs):
assert step_size or num_steps
@@ -304,20 +314,22 @@ class gauge(_form_base):
A gauge bar.
The gauge displays floating point values between the minimum and maximum.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param length the length of the slider in px (optional)
- @param style wx.GA_HORIZONTAL or wx.GA_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
- @param minimum the minimum value
- @param maximum the maximum value
- @param num_steps the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
- @param step_size the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ length: the length of the slider in px (optional)
+ style: wx.GA_HORIZONTAL or wx.GA_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
+ minimum: the minimum value
+ maximum: the maximum value
+ num_steps: the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
+ step_size: the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
def __init__(self, label='', length=-1, minimum=-100, maximum=100, num_steps=100, step_size=None, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL, **kwargs):
assert step_size or num_steps
@@ -338,16 +350,18 @@ class gauge(_form_base):
class check_box(_form_base):
Create a check box form.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param true the value for form when checked (default=True)
- @param false the value for form when unchecked (default=False)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ true: the value for form when checked (default=True)
+ false: the value for form when unchecked (default=False)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
def __init__(self, label='', true=True, false=False, **kwargs):
_form_base.__init__(self, converter=converters.bool_converter(true=true, false=false), **kwargs)
@@ -364,17 +378,19 @@ class check_box(_form_base):
class drop_down(_chooser_base):
Create a drop down menu form.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param choices list of possible values
- @param labels list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param width the form width in px (optional)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ choices: list of possible values
+ labels: list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ width: the form width in px (optional)
def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, **kwargs):
_chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs)
@@ -394,18 +410,18 @@ class drop_down(_chooser_base):
class button(_chooser_base):
Create a multi-state button.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param choices list of possible values
- @param labels list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
- @param width the width of the button in pixels (optional)
- @param style style arguments (optional)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
+ parent the parent widget
+ sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps the pubsub object (optional)
+ key the pubsub key (optional)
+ value the default value (optional)
+ choices list of possible values
+ labels list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
+ width the width of the button in pixels (optional)
+ style style arguments (optional)
+ label title label for this widget (optional)
def __init__(self, label='', style=0, width=-1, **kwargs):
_chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs)
@@ -420,17 +436,19 @@ class toggle_button(button):
Create a dual-state button.
This button will alternate between True and False when clicked.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param width the width of the button in pixels (optional)
- @param style style arguments (optional)
- @param true_label the button's label in the true state
- @param false_label the button's label in the false state
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ width: the width of the button in pixels (optional)
+ style: style arguments (optional)
+ true_label: the button's label in the true state
+ false_label: the button's label in the false state
def __init__(self, true_label='On (click to stop)', false_label='Off (click to start)', **kwargs):
button.__init__(self, choices=[True, False], labels=[true_label, false_label], **kwargs)
@@ -440,16 +458,18 @@ class single_button(toggle_button):
Create a single state button.
This button will callback() when clicked.
For use when state holding is not important.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param width the width of the button in pixels (optional)
- @param style style arguments (optional)
- @param label the button's label
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value: the default value (optional)
+ width: the width of the button in pixels (optional)
+ style: style arguments (optional)
+ label: the button's label
def __init__(self, label='click for callback', **kwargs):
toggle_button.__init__(self, true_label=label, false_label=label, value=True, **kwargs)
@@ -460,18 +480,20 @@ class single_button(toggle_button):
class radio_buttons(_chooser_base):
Create a radio button form.
- @param parent the parent widget
- @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
- @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
- @param flag the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
- @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
- @param key the pubsub key (optional)
- @param value the default value (optional)
- @param choices list of possible values
- @param labels list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
- @param major_dimension the number of rows/cols (default=auto)
- @param label title label for this widget (optional)
- @param style useful style args: wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, wx.RA_VERTICAL, wx.NO_BORDER (default=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL)
+ Args:
+ parent: the parent widget
+ sizer: add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+ proportion: the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+ flag: the flag argument when added to the sizer (default=wx.EXPAND)
+ ps: the pubsub object (optional)
+ key: the pubsub key (optional)
+ value the default value (optional)
+ choices: list of possible values
+ labels: list of labels for each choice (default=choices)
+ major_dimension: the number of rows/cols (default=auto)
+ label: title label for this widget (optional)
+ style: useful style args: wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, wx.RA_VERTICAL, wx.NO_BORDER (default=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL)
def __init__(self, style=wx.RA_HORIZONTAL, label='', major_dimension=0, **kwargs):
_chooser_base.__init__(self, **kwargs)