path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/sine.c
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diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/sine.c b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/sine.c
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index be4df00a6d..0000000000
--- a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/sine.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
- FILE........: sine.c
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 19/8/2010
- Sinusoidal analysis and synthesis functions.
- Copyright (C) 1990-2010 David Rowe
- All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
- published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
- distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "sine.h"
-#include "kiss_fft.h"
-#define HPF_BETA 0.125
-void hs_pitch_refinement(MODEL *model, COMP Sw[], float pmin, float pmax,
- float pstep);
- FUNCTION....: make_analysis_window
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 11/5/94
- Init function that generates the time domain analysis window and it's DFT.
-void make_analysis_window(kiss_fft_cfg fft_fwd_cfg, float w[], COMP W[])
- float m;
- COMP wshift[FFT_ENC];
- COMP temp;
- int i,j;
- /*
- Generate Hamming window centered on M-sample pitch analysis window
- 0 M/2 M-1
- |-------------|-------------|
- |-------|-------|
- NW samples
- All our analysis/synthsis is centred on the M/2 sample.
- */
- m = 0.0;
- for(i=0; i<M/2-NW/2; i++)
- w[i] = 0.0;
- for(i=M/2-NW/2,j=0; i<M/2+NW/2; i++,j++) {
- w[i] = 0.5 - 0.5*cosf(TWO_PI*j/(NW-1));
- m += w[i]*w[i];
- }
- for(i=M/2+NW/2; i<M; i++)
- w[i] = 0.0;
- /* Normalise - makes freq domain amplitude estimation straight
- forward */
- m = 1.0/sqrtf(m*FFT_ENC);
- for(i=0; i<M; i++) {
- w[i] *= m;
- }
- /*
- Generate DFT of analysis window, used for later processing. Note
- we modulo FFT_ENC shift the time domain window w[], this makes the
- imaginary part of the DFT W[] equal to zero as the shifted w[] is
- even about the n=0 time axis if NW is odd. Having the imag part
- of the DFT W[] makes computation easier.
- 0 FFT_ENC-1
- |-------------------------|
- ----\ /----
- \ /
- \ / <- shifted version of window w[n]
- \ /
- \ /
- -------
- |---------| |---------|
- NW/2 NW/2
- */
- for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC; i++) {
- wshift[i].real = 0.0;
- wshift[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- for(i=0; i<NW/2; i++)
- wshift[i].real = w[i+M/2];
- for(i=FFT_ENC-NW/2,j=M/2-NW/2; i<FFT_ENC; i++,j++)
- wshift[i].real = w[j];
- kiss_fft(fft_fwd_cfg, (kiss_fft_cpx *)wshift, (kiss_fft_cpx *)W);
- /*
- Re-arrange W[] to be symmetrical about FFT_ENC/2. Makes later
- analysis convenient.
- Before:
- 0 FFT_ENC-1
- |----------|---------|
- __ _
- \ /
- \_______________/
- After:
- 0 FFT_ENC-1
- |----------|---------|
- ___
- / \
- ________/ \_______
- */
- for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC/2; i++) {
- temp.real = W[i].real;
- temp.imag = W[i].imag;
- W[i].real = W[i+FFT_ENC/2].real;
- W[i].imag = W[i+FFT_ENC/2].imag;
- W[i+FFT_ENC/2].real = temp.real;
- W[i+FFT_ENC/2].imag = temp.imag;
- }
- FUNCTION....: hpf
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 16 Nov 2010
- High pass filter with a -3dB point of about 160Hz.
- y(n) = -HPF_BETA*y(n-1) + x(n) - x(n-1)
-float hpf(float x, float states[])
- states[0] += -HPF_BETA*states[0] + x - states[1];
- states[1] = x;
- return states[0];
- FUNCTION....: dft_speech
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 27/5/94
- Finds the DFT of the current speech input speech frame.
-void dft_speech(kiss_fft_cfg fft_fwd_cfg, COMP Sw[], float Sn[], float w[])
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC; i++) {
- sw[i].real = 0.0;
- sw[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- /* Centre analysis window on time axis, we need to arrange input
- to FFT this way to make FFT phases correct */
- /* move 2nd half to start of FFT input vector */
- for(i=0; i<NW/2; i++)
- sw[i].real = Sn[i+M/2]*w[i+M/2];
- /* move 1st half to end of FFT input vector */
- for(i=0; i<NW/2; i++)
- sw[FFT_ENC-NW/2+i].real = Sn[i+M/2-NW/2]*w[i+M/2-NW/2];
- kiss_fft(fft_fwd_cfg, (kiss_fft_cpx *)sw, (kiss_fft_cpx *)Sw);
- FUNCTION....: two_stage_pitch_refinement
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 27/5/94
- Refines the current pitch estimate using the harmonic sum pitch
- estimation technique.
-void two_stage_pitch_refinement(MODEL *model, COMP Sw[])
- float pmin,pmax,pstep; /* pitch refinment minimum, maximum and step */
- /* Coarse refinement */
- pmax = TWO_PI/model->Wo + 5;
- pmin = TWO_PI/model->Wo - 5;
- pstep = 1.0;
- hs_pitch_refinement(model,Sw,pmin,pmax,pstep);
- /* Fine refinement */
- pmax = TWO_PI/model->Wo + 1;
- pmin = TWO_PI/model->Wo - 1;
- pstep = 0.25;
- hs_pitch_refinement(model,Sw,pmin,pmax,pstep);
- /* Limit range */
- if (model->Wo < TWO_PI/P_MAX)
- model->Wo = TWO_PI/P_MAX;
- if (model->Wo > TWO_PI/P_MIN)
- model->Wo = TWO_PI/P_MIN;
- model->L = floor(PI/model->Wo);
- FUNCTION....: hs_pitch_refinement
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 27/5/94
- Harmonic sum pitch refinement function.
- pmin pitch search range minimum
- pmax pitch search range maximum
- step pitch search step size
- model current pitch estimate in model.Wo
- model refined pitch estimate in model.Wo
-void hs_pitch_refinement(MODEL *model, COMP Sw[], float pmin, float pmax, float pstep)
- int m; /* loop variable */
- int b; /* bin for current harmonic centre */
- float E; /* energy for current pitch*/
- float Wo; /* current "test" fundamental freq. */
- float Wom; /* Wo that maximises E */
- float Em; /* mamimum energy */
- float r, one_on_r; /* number of rads/bin */
- float p; /* current pitch */
- /* Initialisation */
- model->L = PI/model->Wo; /* use initial pitch est. for L */
- Wom = model->Wo;
- Em = 0.0;
- one_on_r = 1.0/r;
- /* Determine harmonic sum for a range of Wo values */
- for(p=pmin; p<=pmax; p+=pstep) {
- E = 0.0;
- Wo = TWO_PI/p;
- /* Sum harmonic magnitudes */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- b = (int)(m*Wo*one_on_r + 0.5);
- E += Sw[b].real*Sw[b].real + Sw[b].imag*Sw[b].imag;
- }
- /* Compare to see if this is a maximum */
- if (E > Em) {
- Em = E;
- Wom = Wo;
- }
- }
- model->Wo = Wom;
- FUNCTION....: estimate_amplitudes
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 27/5/94
- Estimates the complex amplitudes of the harmonics.
-void estimate_amplitudes(MODEL *model, COMP Sw[], COMP W[], int est_phase)
- int i,m; /* loop variables */
- int am,bm; /* bounds of current harmonic */
- int b; /* DFT bin of centre of current harmonic */
- float den; /* denominator of amplitude expression */
- float r, one_on_r; /* number of rads/bin */
- int offset;
- COMP Am;
- one_on_r = 1.0/r;
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- den = 0.0;
- am = (int)((m - 0.5)*model->Wo*one_on_r + 0.5);
- bm = (int)((m + 0.5)*model->Wo*one_on_r + 0.5);
- b = (int)(m*model->Wo/r + 0.5);
- /* Estimate ampltude of harmonic */
- den = 0.0;
- Am.real = Am.imag = 0.0;
- offset = FFT_ENC/2 - (int)(m*model->Wo*one_on_r + 0.5);
- for(i=am; i<bm; i++) {
- den += Sw[i].real*Sw[i].real + Sw[i].imag*Sw[i].imag;
- Am.real += Sw[i].real*W[i + offset].real;
- Am.imag += Sw[i].imag*W[i + offset].real;
- }
- model->A[m] = sqrtf(den);
- if (est_phase) {
- /* Estimate phase of harmonic, this is expensive in CPU for
- embedded devicesso we make it an option */
- model->phi[m] = atan2(Sw[b].imag,Sw[b].real);
- }
- }
- est_voicing_mbe()
- Returns the error of the MBE cost function for a fiven F0.
- Note: I think a lot of the operations below can be simplified as
- W[].imag = 0 and has been normalised such that den always equals 1.
-float est_voicing_mbe(
- MODEL *model,
- COMP Sw[],
- COMP W[],
- COMP Sw_[], /* DFT of all voiced synthesised signal */
- /* useful for debugging/dump file */
- COMP Ew[], /* DFT of error */
- float prev_Wo)
- int i,l,al,bl,m; /* loop variables */
- COMP Am; /* amplitude sample for this band */
- int offset; /* centers Hw[] about current harmonic */
- float den; /* denominator of Am expression */
- float error; /* accumulated error between original and synthesised */
- float Wo;
- float sig, snr;
- float elow, ehigh, eratio;
- float sixty;
- sig = 1E-4;
- for(l=1; l<=model->L/4; l++) {
- sig += model->A[l]*model->A[l];
- }
- for(i=0; i<FFT_ENC; i++) {
- Sw_[i].real = 0.0;
- Sw_[i].imag = 0.0;
- Ew[i].real = 0.0;
- Ew[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- Wo = model->Wo;
- error = 1E-4;
- /* Just test across the harmonics in the first 1000 Hz (L/4) */
- for(l=1; l<=model->L/4; l++) {
- Am.real = 0.0;
- Am.imag = 0.0;
- den = 0.0;
- al = ceil((l - 0.5)*Wo*FFT_ENC/TWO_PI);
- bl = ceil((l + 0.5)*Wo*FFT_ENC/TWO_PI);
- /* Estimate amplitude of harmonic assuming harmonic is totally voiced */
- offset = FFT_ENC/2 - l*Wo*FFT_ENC/TWO_PI + 0.5;
- for(m=al; m<bl; m++) {
- Am.real += Sw[m].real*W[offset+m].real;
- Am.imag += Sw[m].imag*W[offset+m].real;
- den += W[offset+m].real*W[offset+m].real;
- }
- Am.real = Am.real/den;
- Am.imag = Am.imag/den;
- /* Determine error between estimated harmonic and original */
- offset = FFT_ENC/2 - l*Wo*FFT_ENC/TWO_PI + 0.5;
- for(m=al; m<bl; m++) {
- Sw_[m].real = Am.real*W[offset+m].real;
- Sw_[m].imag = Am.imag*W[offset+m].real;
- Ew[m].real = Sw[m].real - Sw_[m].real;
- Ew[m].imag = Sw[m].imag - Sw_[m].imag;
- error += Ew[m].real*Ew[m].real;
- error += Ew[m].imag*Ew[m].imag;
- }
- }
- snr = 10.0*log10f(sig/error);
- if (snr > V_THRESH)
- model->voiced = 1;
- else
- model->voiced = 0;
- /* post processing, helps clean up some voicing errors ------------------*/
- /*
- Determine the ratio of low freqency to high frequency energy,
- voiced speech tends to be dominated by low frequency energy,
- unvoiced by high frequency. This measure can be used to
- determine if we have made any gross errors.
- */
- elow = ehigh = 1E-4;
- for(l=1; l<=model->L/2; l++) {
- elow += model->A[l]*model->A[l];
- }
- for(l=model->L/2; l<=model->L; l++) {
- ehigh += model->A[l]*model->A[l];
- }
- eratio = 10.0*log10f(elow/ehigh);
- /* Look for Type 1 errors, strongly V speech that has been
- accidentally declared UV */
- if (model->voiced == 0)
- if (eratio > 10.0)
- model->voiced = 1;
- /* Look for Type 2 errors, strongly UV speech that has been
- accidentally declared V */
- if (model->voiced == 1) {
- if (eratio < -10.0)
- model->voiced = 0;
- /* A common source of Type 2 errors is the pitch estimator
- gives a low (50Hz) estimate for UV speech, which gives a
- good match with noise due to the close harmoonic spacing.
- These errors are much more common than people with 50Hz3
- pitch, so we have just a small eratio threshold. */
- sixty = 60.0*TWO_PI/FS;
- if ((eratio < -4.0) && (model->Wo <= sixty))
- model->voiced = 0;
- }
- //printf(" v: %d snr: %f eratio: %3.2f %f\n",model->voiced,snr,eratio,dF0);
- return snr;
- FUNCTION....: make_synthesis_window
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 11/5/94
- Init function that generates the trapezoidal (Parzen) sythesis window.
-void make_synthesis_window(float Pn[])
- int i;
- float win;
- /* Generate Parzen window in time domain */
- win = 0.0;
- for(i=0; i<N/2-TW; i++)
- Pn[i] = 0.0;
- win = 0.0;
- for(i=N/2-TW; i<N/2+TW; win+=1.0/(2*TW), i++ )
- Pn[i] = win;
- for(i=N/2+TW; i<3*N/2-TW; i++)
- Pn[i] = 1.0;
- win = 1.0;
- for(i=3*N/2-TW; i<3*N/2+TW; win-=1.0/(2*TW), i++)
- Pn[i] = win;
- for(i=3*N/2+TW; i<2*N; i++)
- Pn[i] = 0.0;
- FUNCTION....: synthesise
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: 20/2/95
- Synthesise a speech signal in the frequency domain from the
- sinusodal model parameters. Uses overlap-add with a trapezoidal
- window to smoothly interpolate betwen frames.
-void synthesise(
- kiss_fft_cfg fft_inv_cfg,
- float Sn_[], /* time domain synthesised signal */
- MODEL *model, /* ptr to model parameters for this frame */
- float Pn[], /* time domain Parzen window */
- int shift /* flag used to handle transition frames */
- int i,l,j,b; /* loop variables */
- COMP Sw_[FFT_DEC]; /* DFT of synthesised signal */
- COMP sw_[FFT_DEC]; /* synthesised signal */
- if (shift) {
- /* Update memories */
- for(i=0; i<N-1; i++) {
- Sn_[i] = Sn_[i+N];
- }
- Sn_[N-1] = 0.0;
- }
- for(i=0; i<FFT_DEC; i++) {
- Sw_[i].real = 0.0;
- Sw_[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- /*
- Nov 2010 - found that synthesis using time domain cos() functions
- gives better results for synthesis frames greater than 10ms. Inverse
- FFT synthesis using a 512 pt FFT works well for 10ms window. I think
- (but am not sure) that the problem is related to the quantisation of
- the harmonic frequencies to the FFT bin size, e.g. there is a
- 8000/512 Hz step between FFT bins. For some reason this makes
- the speech from longer frame > 10ms sound poor. The effect can also
- be seen when synthesising test signals like single sine waves, some
- sort of amplitude modulation at the frame rate.
- Another possibility is using a larger FFT size (1024 or 2048).
- */
- /* Now set up frequency domain synthesised speech */
- for(l=1; l<=model->L; l++) {
- //for(l=model->L/2; l<=model->L; l++) {
- //for(l=1; l<=model->L/4; l++) {
- b = (int)(l*model->Wo*FFT_DEC/TWO_PI + 0.5);
- if (b > ((FFT_DEC/2)-1)) {
- b = (FFT_DEC/2)-1;
- }
- Sw_[b].real = model->A[l]*cosf(model->phi[l]);
- Sw_[b].imag = model->A[l]*sinf(model->phi[l]);
- Sw_[FFT_DEC-b].real = Sw_[b].real;
- Sw_[FFT_DEC-b].imag = -Sw_[b].imag;
- }
- /* Perform inverse DFT */
- kiss_fft(fft_inv_cfg, (kiss_fft_cpx *)Sw_, (kiss_fft_cpx *)sw_);
- /*
- Direct time domain synthesis using the cos() function. Works
- well at 10ms and 20ms frames rates. Note synthesis window is
- still used to handle overlap-add between adjacent frames. This
- could be simplified as we don't need to synthesise where Pn[]
- is zero.
- */
- for(l=1; l<=model->L; l++) {
- for(i=0,j=-N+1; i<N-1; i++,j++) {
- Sw_[FFT_DEC-N+1+i].real += 2.0*model->A[l]*cos(j*model->Wo*l + model->phi[l]);
- }
- for(i=N-1,j=0; i<2*N; i++,j++)
- Sw_[j].real += 2.0*model->A[l]*cos(j*model->Wo*l + model->phi[l]);
- }
- /* Overlap add to previous samples */
- for(i=0; i<N-1; i++) {
- Sn_[i] += sw_[FFT_DEC-N+1+i].real*Pn[i];
- }
- if (shift)
- for(i=N-1,j=0; i<2*N; i++,j++)
- Sn_[i] = sw_[j].real*Pn[i];
- else
- for(i=N-1,j=0; i<2*N; i++,j++)
- Sn_[i] += sw_[j].real*Pn[i];
-static unsigned long next = 1;
-int codec2_rand(void) {
- next = next * 1103515245 + 12345;
- return((unsigned)(next/65536) % 32768);