path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c
index bc4a084839..5bf998064b 100644
--- a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c
+++ b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/codec2.c
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ struct CODEC2 * CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_create(int mode)
return NULL;
+ c2->gray = 1;
c2->lpc_pf = 1; c2->bass_boost = 1; c2->beta = LPCPF_BETA; c2->gamma = LPCPF_GAMMA;
c2->xq_enc[0] = c2->xq_enc[1] = 0.0;
@@ -248,7 +250,12 @@ void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_encode(struct CODEC2 *c2, unsigned char *bits, s
codec2_encode_1200(c2, bits, speech);
-void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_decode(struct CODEC2 *c2, short speech[], const unsigned char *bits, float ber_est)
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_decode(struct CODEC2 *c2, short speech[], const unsigned char *bits)
+ codec2_decode_ber(c2, speech, bits, 0.0);
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_decode_ber(struct CODEC2 *c2, short speech[], const unsigned char *bits, float ber_est)
assert(c2 != NULL);
@@ -978,36 +985,36 @@ void codec2_encode_1300(struct CODEC2 *c2, unsigned char * bits, short speech[])
/* frame 1: - voicing ---------------------------------------------*/
analyse_one_frame(c2, &model, speech);
- pack(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1, c2->gray);
/* frame 2: - voicing ---------------------------------------------*/
analyse_one_frame(c2, &model, &speech[N]);
- pack(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1, c2->gray);
/* frame 3: - voicing ---------------------------------------------*/
analyse_one_frame(c2, &model, &speech[2*N]);
- pack(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1, c2->gray);
/* frame 4: - voicing, scalar Wo & E, scalar LSPs ------------------*/
analyse_one_frame(c2, &model, &speech[3*N]);
- pack(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, model.voiced, 1, c2->gray);
Wo_index = encode_Wo(model.Wo);
- pack(bits, &nbit, Wo_index, WO_BITS);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, Wo_index, WO_BITS, c2->gray);
#ifdef TIMER
quant_start = machdep_timer_sample();
e = speech_to_uq_lsps(lsps, ak, c2->Sn, c2->w, LPC_ORD);
e_index = encode_energy(e);
- pack(bits, &nbit, e_index, E_BITS);
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, e_index, E_BITS, c2->gray);
encode_lsps_scalar(lsp_indexes, lsps, LPC_ORD);
for(i=0; i<LSP_SCALAR_INDEXES; i++) {
- pack(bits, &nbit, lsp_indexes[i], lsp_bits(i));
+ pack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, lsp_indexes[i], lsp_bits(i), c2->gray);
#ifdef TIMER
machdep_timer_sample_and_log(quant_start, " quant/packing");
@@ -1054,20 +1061,20 @@ void codec2_decode_1300(struct CODEC2 *c2, short speech[], const unsigned char *
/* this will partially fill the model params for the 4 x 10ms
frames */
- model[0].voiced = unpack(bits, &nbit, 1);
- model[1].voiced = unpack(bits, &nbit, 1);
- model[2].voiced = unpack(bits, &nbit, 1);
- model[3].voiced = unpack(bits, &nbit, 1);
+ model[0].voiced = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, 1, c2->gray);
+ model[1].voiced = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, 1, c2->gray);
+ model[2].voiced = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, 1, c2->gray);
+ model[3].voiced = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, 1, c2->gray);
- Wo_index = unpack(bits, &nbit, WO_BITS);
+ Wo_index = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, WO_BITS, c2->gray);
model[3].Wo = decode_Wo(Wo_index);
model[3].L = PI/model[3].Wo;
- e_index = unpack(bits, &nbit, E_BITS);
+ e_index = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, E_BITS, c2->gray);
e[3] = decode_energy(e_index);
for(i=0; i<LSP_SCALAR_INDEXES; i++) {
- lsp_indexes[i] = unpack(bits, &nbit, lsp_bits(i));
+ lsp_indexes[i] = unpack_natural_or_gray(bits, &nbit, lsp_bits(i), c2->gray);
decode_lsps_scalar(&lsps[3][0], lsp_indexes, LPC_ORD);
check_lsp_order(&lsps[3][0], LPC_ORD);
@@ -1101,6 +1108,10 @@ void codec2_decode_1300(struct CODEC2 *c2, short speech[], const unsigned char *
TIMER_SAMPLE_AND_LOG2(recover_start, " recover");
+ #ifdef DUMP
+ dump_lsp_(&lsps[3][0]);
+ dump_ak_(&ak[3][0], LPC_ORD);
+ #endif
/* synthesise ------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -1519,3 +1530,10 @@ int CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_rebuild_spare_bit(struct CODEC2 *c2, int unpacked
return -1;
+void CODEC2_WIN32SUPPORT codec2_set_natural_or_gray(struct CODEC2 *c2, int gray)
+ assert(c2 != NULL);
+ c2->gray = gray;