path: root/gr-utils/python/modtool/tools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-utils/python/modtool/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/tools/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81c10f0cdc..0000000000
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-''' A parser for blocks written in C++ '''
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import re
-import sys
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def dummy_translator(the_type, default_v=None):
- """ Doesn't really translate. """
- return the_type
-class ParserCCBlock(object):
- """ Class to read blocks written in C++ """
- def __init__(self, filename_cc, filename_h, blockname, version, type_trans=dummy_translator):
- with open(filename_cc) as f:
- self.code_cc =
- with open(filename_h) as f:
- self.code_h =
- self.blockname = blockname
- self.type_trans = type_trans
- self.version = version
- def read_io_signature(self):
- """ Scans a .cc file for an IO signature. """
- def _figure_out_iotype_and_vlen(iosigcall, typestr):
- """ From a type identifier, returns the data type.
- E.g., for sizeof(int), it will return 'int'.
- Returns a list! """
- if 'gr::io_signature::makev' in iosigcall:
- logger.error('tbi')
- raise ValueError
- return {'type': [_typestr_to_iotype(x) for x in typestr.split(',')],
- 'vlen': [_typestr_to_vlen(x) for x in typestr.split(',')]
- }
- def _typestr_to_iotype(typestr):
- """ Convert a type string (e.g. sizeof(int) * vlen) to the type (e.g. 'int'). """
- type_match ='sizeof\s*\(([^)]*)\)', typestr)
- if type_match is None:
- return self.type_trans('char')
- return self.type_trans(
- def _typestr_to_vlen(typestr):
- """ From a type identifier, returns the vector length of the block's
- input/out. E.g., for 'sizeof(int) * 10', it returns 10. For
- 'sizeof(int)', it returns '1'. For 'sizeof(int) * vlen', it returns
- the string vlen. """
- # Catch fringe case where no sizeof() is given
- if typestr.find('sizeof') == -1:
- return typestr
- if typestr.find('*') == -1:
- return '1'
- vlen_parts = typestr.split('*')
- for fac in vlen_parts:
- if fac.find('sizeof') != -1:
- vlen_parts.remove(fac)
- if len(vlen_parts) == 1:
- return vlen_parts[0].strip()
- elif len(vlen_parts) > 1:
- return '*'.join(vlen_parts).strip()
- iosig = {}
- iosig_regex = r'(?P<incall>gr::io_signature::make[23v]?)\s*\(\s*(?P<inmin>[^,]+),\s*(?P<inmax>[^,]+),' + \
- r'\s*(?P<intype>(\([^\)]*\)|[^)])+)\),\s*' + \
- r'(?P<outcall>gr::io_signature::make[23v]?)\s*\(\s*(?P<outmin>[^,]+),\s*(?P<outmax>[^,]+),' + \
- r'\s*(?P<outtype>(\([^\)]*\)|[^)])+)\)'
- iosig_match = re.compile(iosig_regex, re.MULTILINE).search(self.code_cc)
- try:
- iosig['in'] = _figure_out_iotype_and_vlen('incall'),
- iosig['in']['min_ports'] ='inmin')
- iosig['in']['max_ports'] ='inmax')
- except Exception:
- logger.error("Error: Can't parse input signature.")
- try:
- iosig['out'] = _figure_out_iotype_and_vlen('outcall'),
- iosig['out']['min_ports'] ='outmin')
- iosig['out']['max_ports'] ='outmax')
- except Exception:
- logger.error("Error: Can't parse output signature.")
- return iosig
- def read_params(self):
- """ Read the parameters required to initialize the block """
- def _scan_param_list(start_idx):
- """ Go through a parameter list and return a tuple each:
- (type, name, default_value). Python's re just doesn't cut
- it for C++ code :( """
- i = start_idx
- c = self.code_h
- if c[i] != '(':
- raise ValueError
- i += 1
- param_list = []
- read_state = 'type'
- in_string = False
- parens_count = 0 # Counts ()
- brackets_count = 0 # Counts <>
- end_of_list = False
- this_type = ''
- this_name = ''
- this_defv = ''
- WHITESPACE = ' \t\n\r\f\v'
- while not end_of_list:
- # Keep track of (), stop when reaching final closing parens
- if not in_string:
- if c[i] == ')':
- if parens_count == 0:
- if read_state == 'type' and len(this_type):
- raise ValueError(
- 'Found closing parentheses before finishing '
- 'last argument (this is how far I got: {})'.format \
- (str(param_list))
- )
- if len(this_type):
- param_list.append((this_type, this_name, this_defv))
- end_of_list = True
- break
- else:
- parens_count -= 1
- elif c[i] == '(':
- parens_count += 1
- # Parameter type (int, const std::string, std::vector<gr_complex>, unsigned long ...)
- if read_state == 'type':
- if c[i] == '<':
- brackets_count += 1
- if c[i] == '>':
- brackets_count -= 1
- if c[i] == '&':
- i += 1
- continue
- if c[i] in WHITESPACE and brackets_count == 0:
- while c[i] in WHITESPACE:
- i += 1
- continue
- if this_type == 'const' or this_type == '': # Ignore this
- this_type = ''
- elif this_type == 'unsigned': # Continue
- this_type += ' '
- continue
- else:
- read_state = 'name'
- continue
- this_type += c[i]
- i += 1
- continue
- # Parameter name
- if read_state == 'name':
- if c[i] == '&' or c[i] in WHITESPACE:
- i += 1
- elif c[i] == '=':
- if parens_count != 0:
- raise ValueError(
- 'While parsing argument {} ({}): name finished but no closing parentheses.'.format \
- (len(param_list)+1, this_type + ' ' + this_name)
- )
- read_state = 'defv'
- i += 1
- elif c[i] == ',':
- if parens_count:
- raise ValueError(
- 'While parsing argument {} ({}): name finished but no closing parentheses.'.format \
- (len(param_list)+1, this_type + ' ' + this_name)
- )
- read_state = 'defv'
- else:
- this_name += c[i]
- i += 1
- continue
- # Default value
- if read_state == 'defv':
- if in_string:
- if c[i] == '"' and c[i-1] != '\\':
- in_string = False
- else:
- this_defv += c[i]
- elif c[i] == ',':
- if parens_count:
- raise ValueError(
- 'While parsing argument {} ({}): default value finished but no closing parentheses.'.format \
- (len(param_list)+1, this_type + ' ' + this_name)
- )
- read_state = 'type'
- param_list.append((this_type, this_name, this_defv))
- this_type = ''
- this_name = ''
- this_defv = ''
- else:
- this_defv += c[i]
- i += 1
- continue
- return param_list
- # Go, go, go!
- if self.version in ('37', '38'):
- make_regex = r'static\s+sptr\s+make\s*'
- else:
- make_regex = r'(?<=_API)\s+\w+_sptr\s+\w+_make_\w+\s*'
- make_match = re.compile(make_regex, re.MULTILINE).search(self.code_h)
- try:
- params_list = _scan_param_list(make_match.end(0))
- except ValueError as ve:
- logger.error("Can't parse the argument list: ", ve.args[0])
- sys.exit(0)
- params = []
- for plist in params_list:
- params.append({'type': self.type_trans(plist[0], plist[2]),
- 'key': plist[1],
- 'default': plist[2],
- 'in_constructor': True})
- return params