path: root/gr-utils/python/modtool/core/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-utils/python/modtool/core/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/core/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72c9da4666..0000000000
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013, 2018, 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-""" Remove blocks module """
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import glob
-import logging
-from import remove_pattern_from_file, CMakeFileEditor
-from .base import ModTool, ModToolException
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ModToolRemove(ModTool):
- """ Remove block (delete files and remove Makefile entries) """
- name = 'remove'
- description = 'Remove a block from a module.'
- def __init__(self, blockname=None, **kwargs):
- ModTool.__init__(self, blockname, **kwargs)
-['pattern'] = blockname
- def validate(self):
- """ Validates the arguments """
- ModTool._validate(self)
- if not['pattern'] or['pattern'].isspace():
- raise ModToolException("Incorrect blockname (Regex)!")
- def run(self):
- """ Go, go, go! """
- # This portion will be covered by the CLI
- if not self.cli:
- self.validate()
- else:
- from ..cli import cli_input
- def _remove_cc_test_case(filename=None, ed=None):
- """ Special function that removes the occurrences of a qa*.cc file
- from the CMakeLists.txt. """
- if filename[:2] != 'qa':
- return
- if['version'] == '37':
- (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if ext == '.h':
- remove_pattern_from_file(self._file['qalib'],
- r'^#include "{}"\s*$'.format(filename))
- remove_pattern_from_file(self._file['qalib'],
- r'^\s*s->addTest\(gr::{}::{}::suite\(\)\);\s*$'.format(
-['modname'], base)
- )
- self.scm.mark_file_updated(self._file['qalib'])
- elif ext == '.cc':
- ed.remove_value('list',
- r'\$\{CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR\}/%s' % filename,
- to_ignore_start='APPEND test_{}_sources'.format(['modname']))
- self.scm.mark_file_updated(ed.filename)
- elif['version'] == '38':
- (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if ext == '.cc':
- ed.remove_value(
- 'list', filename,
- to_ignore_start='APPEND test_{}_sources'.format(['modname']))
- self.scm.mark_file_updated(ed.filename)
- else:
- filebase = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
- ed.delete_entry('add_executable', filebase)
- ed.delete_entry('target_link_libraries', filebase)
- ed.delete_entry('GR_ADD_TEST', filebase)
- ed.remove_double_newlines()
- self.scm.mark_file_updated(ed.filename)
- def _remove_py_test_case(filename=None, ed=None):
- """ Special function that removes the occurrences of a qa*.{cc,h} file
- from the CMakeLists.txt and the qa_$ """
- if filename[:2] != 'qa':
- return
- filebase = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
- ed.delete_entry('GR_ADD_TEST', filebase)
- ed.remove_double_newlines()
- def _make_swig_regex(filename):
- filebase = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
- pyblockname = filebase.replace(['modname'] + '_', '')
- regexp = r'(^\s*GR_SWIG_BLOCK_MAGIC2?\({},\s*{}\);|^\s*.include\s*"({}/)?{}"\s*)'.format \
- (['modname'], pyblockname,['modname'], filename)
- return regexp
- # Go, go, go!
- if not self.skip_subdirs['lib']:
- self._run_subdir('lib', ('*.cc', '*.h'), ('add_library', 'list'),
- cmakeedit_func=_remove_cc_test_case)
- if not self.skip_subdirs['include']:
- incl_files_deleted = self._run_subdir(['includedir'], ('*.h',), ('install',))
- if not self.skip_subdirs['swig']:
- swig_files_deleted = self._run_subdir('swig', ('*.i',), ('install',))
- for f in incl_files_deleted + swig_files_deleted:
- # TODO do this on all *.i files
- remove_pattern_from_file(self._file['swig'], _make_swig_regex(f))
- self.scm.mark_file_updated(self._file['swig'])
- if not self.skip_subdirs['python']:
- py_files_deleted = self._run_subdir('python', ('*.py',), ('GR_PYTHON_INSTALL',),
- cmakeedit_func=_remove_py_test_case)
- for f in py_files_deleted:
- remove_pattern_from_file(self._file['pyinit'], r'.*import\s+{}.*'.format(f[:-3]))
- remove_pattern_from_file(self._file['pyinit'], r'.*from\s+{}\s+import.*\n'.format(f[:-3]))
- if not self.skip_subdirs['grc']:
- self._run_subdir('grc', ('*.yml',), ('install',))
- def _run_subdir(self, path, globs, makefile_vars, cmakeedit_func=None):
- """ Delete all files that match a certain pattern in path.
- path - The directory in which this will take place
- globs - A tuple of standard UNIX globs of files to delete (e.g. *.yml)
- makefile_vars - A tuple with a list of CMakeLists.txt-variables which
- may contain references to the globbed files
- cmakeedit_func - If the CMakeLists.txt needs special editing, use this
- """
- if self.cli:
- from ..cli import cli_input
- # 1. Create a filtered list
- files = []
- for g in globs:
- files = files + sorted(glob.glob("{}/{}".format(path, g)))
- files_filt = []
-"Searching for matching files in {}/:".format(path))
- for f in files:
- if['pattern'], os.path.basename(f)) is not None:
- files_filt.append(f)
- if len(files_filt) == 0:
-"None found.")
- return []
- # 2. Delete files, Makefile entries and other occurrences
- files_deleted = []
- ed = CMakeFileEditor('{}/CMakeLists.txt'.format(path))
- yes =['yes']
- for f in files_filt:
- b = os.path.basename(f)
- if not yes and self.cli:
- ans = cli_input("Really delete {}? [Y/n/a/q]: ".format(f)).lower().strip()
- if ans == 'a':
- yes = True
- if ans == 'q':
- sys.exit(0)
- if ans == 'n':
- continue
- files_deleted.append(b)
-"Deleting {}.".format(f))
- self.scm.remove_file(f)
- os.unlink(f)
-"Deleting occurrences of {} from {}/CMakeLists.txt...".format(b, path))
- for var in makefile_vars:
- ed.remove_value(var, b)
- if cmakeedit_func is not None:
- cmakeedit_func(b, ed)
- ed.write()
- self.scm.mark_files_updated(('{}/CMakeLists.txt'.format(path)))
- return files_deleted