path: root/gr-utils/bindtool/templates/pydoc_h.mako
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-utils/bindtool/templates/pydoc_h.mako')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-utils/bindtool/templates/pydoc_h.mako b/gr-utils/bindtool/templates/pydoc_h.mako
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f89e3a6b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-utils/bindtool/templates/pydoc_h.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+## Copyright 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+## This file is part of GNU Radio
+## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+ namespace = header_info['namespace']
+ modname = header_info['module_name']
+#include "pydoc_macros.h"
+#define D(...) DOC(gr,${modname}, __VA_ARGS__ )
+ This file contains placeholders for docstrings for the Python bindings.
+ Do not edit! These were automatically extracted during the binding process
+ and will be overwritten during the build process
+ */
+${render_namespace(namespace=namespace, modname=[modname])} \
+<%def name='render_docstring_const(modname,names,info,docstring="",info_all=None)'>
+ names = list(filter(None, names))
+ suffix = ''
+ if info_all:
+ matcher = lambda x,name: x['name'] == name
+ matched_list = [f for f in info_all if matcher(f,info['name'])]
+ overloaded = len(matched_list) > 1
+ suffix = ''
+ if overloaded:
+ index_into_list = matched_list.index(info)
+ suffix = '_'+str(index_into_list)
+%> \
+static const char *__doc_${'_'.join(names)}${suffix} = R"doc(${docstring})doc";
+</%def> \
+<%def name='render_namespace(namespace, modname)'>
+ classes=namespace['classes'] if 'classes' in namespace else []
+ free_functions=namespace['free_functions'] if 'free_functions' in namespace else []
+ free_enums = namespace['enums'] if 'enums' in namespace else []
+ subnamespaces = namespace['namespaces'] if 'namespaces' in namespace else []
+% for cls in classes:
+ member_functions = cls['member_functions'] if 'member_functions' in cls else []
+ constructors = cls['constructors'] if 'constructors' in cls else []
+ class_enums = cls['enums'] if 'enums' in cls else []
+ class_variables = cls['variables'] if 'variables' in cls else []
+%> \
+${render_docstring_const(modname,namespace['name'].split('::')+[cls['name']],cls,cls['docstring'] if 'docstring' in cls else "")}
+% for cotr in constructors:
+${render_docstring_const(modname,namespace['name'].split('::')+[cls['name'],cotr['name']],cotr,cotr['docstring'] if 'docstring' in cotr else "",constructors)}
+% endfor ## constructors
+% for fcn in member_functions:
+${render_docstring_const(modname,namespace['name'].split('::')+[cls['name'],fcn['name']],fcn,fcn['docstring'] if 'docstring' in fcn else "",member_functions)}
+% endfor ## member_functions
+% endfor ## classes
+% if free_functions:
+% for fcn in free_functions:
+${render_docstring_const(modname,namespace['name'].split('::')+[fcn['name']],fcn,fcn['docstring'] if 'docstring' in fcn else "",free_functions)}
+% endfor ## free_functions
+% endif ## free_functions
+% for sns in subnamespaces:
+ submod_name = sns['name'].split('::')[-1]
+% endfor