path: root/gr-usrp/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-usrp/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/gr-usrp/src/ b/gr-usrp/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 019eae6a59..0000000000
--- a/gr-usrp/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-__all__ = ['tv_rx']
-import math
-from usrpm import usrp_dbid
-import db_base
-import db_instantiator
-def int_seq_to_str(seq):
- """convert a sequence of integers into a string"""
- return ''.join (map (chr, seq))
-def str_to_int_seq(str):
- """convert a string to a list of integers"""
- return map (ord, str)
-def control_byte_1():
- RS = 0 # 0 = 166.66kHz reference
- ATP = 7 # Disable internal AGC
- return 0x80 | ATP<<3 | RS
-def control_byte_2():
- STBY = 0 # powered on
- XTO = 1 # turn off xtal out, which we don't have
- ATC = 0 # not clear exactly, possibly speeds up or slows down AGC, which we are not using
- c = 0xc2 | ATC<<5 | STBY<<4 | XTO
- return c
-def bandswitch_byte(freq,bw):
- if(bw>7.5e6):
- P5 = 1
- else:
- P5 = 0
- if freq < 121e6:
- CP = 0
- BS = 1
- elif freq < 141e6:
- CP = 1
- BS = 1
- elif freq < 166e6:
- CP = 2
- BS = 1
- elif freq < 182e6:
- CP = 3
- BS = 1
- elif freq < 286e6:
- CP = 0
- BS = 2
- elif freq < 386e6:
- CP = 1
- BS = 2
- elif freq < 446e6:
- CP = 2
- BS = 2
- elif freq < 466e6:
- CP = 3
- BS = 2
- elif freq < 506e6:
- CP = 0
- BS = 8
- elif freq < 761e6:
- CP = 1
- BS = 8
- elif freq < 846e6:
- CP = 2
- BS = 8
- else: # limit is ~905 MHz
- CP = 3
- BS = 8
- return CP<<6 | P5 << 4 | BS
-class db_dtt754(db_base.db_base):
- def __init__(self, usrp, which):
- """
- Control custom DTT75403-based daughterboard.
- @param usrp: instance of usrp.source_c
- @param which: which side: 0 or 1 corresponding to RX_A or RX_B respectively
- @type which: int
- """
- # sets _u and _which
- db_base.db_base.__init__(self, usrp, which)
- self._i2c_addr = (0x60, 0x62)[which]
- = 7e6
- self._IF = 36e6
- self.f_ref = 166.6666e3
- self._inverted = False
- g = self.gain_range() # initialize gain
- self.set_gain(float(g[0]+g[1]) / 2)
- self.bypass_adc_buffers(False)
- # Gain setting
- def _set_rfagc(self,gain):
- assert gain <= 60 and gain >= 0
- # FIXME this has a 0.5V step between gain = 60 and gain = 59.
- # Why are there two cases instead of a single linear case?
- if gain == 60:
- voltage = 4
- else:
- voltage = gain/60.0 * 2.25 + 1.25
- dacword = int(4096*voltage/1.22/3.3) # 1.22 = opamp gain
- assert dacword>=0 and dacword<4096
- self._u.write_aux_dac(self._which, 1, dacword)
- def _set_ifagc(self,gain):
- assert gain <= 35 and gain >= 0
- voltage = gain/35.0 * 2.1 + 1.4
- dacword = int(4096*voltage/1.22/3.3) # 1.22 = opamp gain
- assert dacword>=0 and dacword<4096
- self._u.write_aux_dac(self._which, 0, dacword)
- def _set_pga(self,pga_gain):
- assert pga_gain >=0 and pga_gain <=20
- if(self._which == 0):
- self._u.set_pga (0, pga_gain)
- else:
- self._u.set_pga (2, pga_gain)
- def gain_range(self):
- return (0, 115, 1)
- def set_gain(self,gain):
- assert gain>=0 and gain<=115
- if gain>60:
- rfgain = 60
- gain = gain - 60
- else:
- rfgain = gain
- gain = 0
- if gain > 35:
- ifgain = 35
- gain = gain - 35
- else:
- ifgain = gain
- gain = 0
- pgagain = gain
- self._set_rfagc(rfgain)
- self._set_ifagc(ifgain)
- self._set_pga(pgagain)
- def freq_range(self):
- return (44e6, 900e6, 10e3)
- def set_freq(self, target_freq):
- """
- @returns (ok, actual_baseband_freq) where:
- ok is True or False and indicates success or failure,
- actual_baseband_freq is the RF frequency that corresponds to DC in the IF.
- """
- r = self.freq_range()
- if target_freq < r[0] or target_freq > r[1]:
- return (False, 0)
- target_lo_freq = target_freq + self._IF; # High side mixing
- divisor = int(0.5+(target_lo_freq / self.f_ref))
- actual_lo_freq = self.f_ref*divisor
- if (divisor & ~0x7fff) != 0: # must be 15-bits or less
- return (False, 0)
- # build i2c command string
- buf = [0] * 5
- buf[0] = (divisor >> 8) & 0xff # DB1
- buf[1] = divisor & 0xff # DB2
- buf[2] = control_byte_1()
- buf[3] = bandswitch_byte(actual_lo_freq,
- buf[4] = control_byte_2()
- ok = self._u.write_i2c(self._i2c_addr, int_seq_to_str (buf))
- self.freq = actual_lo_freq - self._IF
- return (ok, actual_lo_freq)
- def is_quadrature(self):
- """
- Return True if this board requires both I & Q analog channels.
- This bit of info is useful when setting up the USRP Rx mux register.
- """
- return False
- def spectrum_inverted(self):
- """
- The 43.75 MHz version is inverted
- """
- return self._inverted
- def set_bw(self,bw):
- """
- Choose the SAW filter bandwidth, either 7MHz or 8MHz)
- """
- = bw
- self.set_freq(self.freq)
-# hook this daughterboard class into the auto-instantiation framework
-# With DTT75403
- lambda usrp, which : (db_dtt754(usrp, which),))