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index 2a2658dde6..27a1475566 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox
+++ b/gr-uhd/doc/uhd.dox
@@ -31,48 +31,92 @@
\section uhd_command_syntax Command Syntax
The UHD sink and source can be controlled by a message port. These message ports
-take commands, which are PMTs formatted as such:
+take commands, which are PMTs formatted as described in \ref msg_passing_commands.
+There is a legacy format, which will be deprecated in the future, where commands may
+be tuples, formatted as:
(command, value, [channel])
-A command PMT is either a pair or a tuple. If it's a tuple, it must have either 2 or 3 elements.
-Any other type of PMT will throw an error.
+See older versions of this manual for documentation on this deprecated command format.
-The `command` part is a string, which defines the command. `value` is a PMT whose format depends
-on the command issued. Finally, `channel` is an integer PMT value that specifies which channel
-this command shall be specified on. If this value is omitted, then it either applies this command
-to all channels or channel zero, depending on which command is used.
+In general, every command consists of one or more key/value pairs (either stored as a
+PMT pair, or a dictionary). A full list of keys is listed below.
-pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::cons( // We make a pair, but pmt::make_tuple() is also valid!
- pmt::mp("freq"), // Use the 'freq' command, which sets the frequency
+pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::cons( // Make a pair
+ pmt::mp("freq"), // Key is 'freq' => sets the frequency
pmt::mp(1.1e9) // Set the frequency to 1.1 GHz
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
This PMT would set the frequency to 1.1 GHz on all channels. We make use of the pmt::mp() function
which automatically sets the PMT types. Assume we only want to set the frequency on channel 1
-(i.e. the second channel). In this case, we must construct a tuple:
+(i.e. the second channel). In this case, we must construct a dictionary:
-pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::make_tuple(
- pmt::mp("freq"), // Use the 'freq' command, which sets the frequency
- pmt::mp(1.1e9) // Set the frequency to 1.1 GHz
- pmt::mp(1) // Select channel 1
+pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::make_dict();
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("freq"), pmt::mp(1.1e9)); // Specify frequency
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("chan"), pmt::mp(1)); // Specify channel
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
+This command structure becomes more intuitive when thinking of sending the command PMT
+as a function call, where the key/value pairs are argument names and values, respectively.
+In the above example, the behaviour is the same as if calling
+usrp_source.set_center_freq(freq=1.1e9, chan=1)
+The main difference is that we can add more properties to the same
+command PMT, e.g. as such:
+// 'command' is the same PMT as in the previous example
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("gain"), pmt::mp(23.0)); // Specify gain
+pmt::dict_add(command, pmt::mp("antenna"), pmt::mp("TX/RX")); // Switch antenna
+// Now pass 'command' into the USRP block's command port
+When the USRP block interprets this command PMT, all properties will be
+\subsection uhd_command_syntax_cmds Common command keys
+The following command keys are understood by both UHD Source and Sink:
+Command name | Value Type | Description
+`chan` | int | Specifies a channel. If this is not given, either all channels are chosen, or channel 0, depending on the action. A value of -1 forces 'all channels', where possible.
+`gain` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx gain (in dB). Defaults to all channels.
+`freq` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx frequency. Defaults to all channels. If specified without `lo_offset`, it will set the LO offset to zero.
+`lo_offset` | double | Sets an LO offset. Defaults to all channels. Note this does not affect the effective center frequency.
+`tune` | tune_request | Like freq, but sets a full tune request (i.e. center frequency and DSP offset). Defaults to all channels.
+`lo_freq` | double | For fully manual tuning: Set the LO frequency (RF frequency). Conflicts with `freq`, `lo_offset`, and `tune`.
+`dsp_freq` | double | For fully manual tuning: Set the DSP frequency (CORDIC frequency). Conflicts with `freq`, `lo_offset`, and `tune`.
+`rate` | double | See usrp_block::set_samp_rate(). *Always* affects all channels.
+`bandwidth` | double | See usrp_block::set_bandwidth(). Defaults to all channels.
+`time` | timestamp | Sets a command time. See usrp_block::set_command_time(). A value of PMT_NIL will clear the command time.
+`mboard` | int | Specify mboard index, where applicable.
+`antenna` | string | See usrp_block::set_antenna(). Defaults to all channels.
+Special types:
+- tune_request: Like a uhd::tune_request_t, but always uses POLICY_AUTO. This is a pair, composed of (target_frequency, lo_offset)
+- timestamp: A pair composed of (long full_secs, double frac_secs). Similar to uhd::time_spec_t
-\subsection uhd_command_syntax_cmds Common commands
+\b Note: Not all commands are affected by `time`. See the UHD manual for details on timed commands.
-The following commands are understood by both UHD Source and Sink:
+\subsection uhd_command_syntax_multi_vs_single Dictionaries vs pairs
-Command name | Value Type | Description
-`freq` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx frequency. Defaults to all channels.
-`lo_offset` | double | Sets an LO offset. Defaults to all channels.
-`gain` | double | Sets the Tx or Rx gain (in dB). Defaults to all channels.
+Given the choices, it may be unclear if it's preferable to send multiple commands
+to the USRP block with a single key/value pair each, or send a single dict with
+all the values.
+In general, the dictionary should be preferred. It has some distinct advantages:
+- If it carries a timestamp, this timestamp is valid for all key/value pairs it
+ may be applied to.
+- All settings will be applied at once. With multiple messages, other blocks might
+ be sending interfering messages while the messages are being processed.
\section uhd_configuring Configuring a UHD object