path: root/gr-qtgui/src/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-qtgui/src/lib/')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/src/lib/ b/gr-qtgui/src/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a57395a671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-qtgui/src/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+#include <SpectrumGUIClass.h>
+//Added by qt3to4:
+#include <QEvent>
+#include <QCustomEvent>
+const long SpectrumGUIClass::MAX_FFT_SIZE;
+const long SpectrumGUIClass::MIN_FFT_SIZE;
+SpectrumGUIClass::SpectrumGUIClass(const uint64_t maxDataSize, const uint64_t fftSize, const double newStartFrequency, const double newStopFrequency){
+ _dataPoints = maxDataSize;
+ if(_dataPoints < 2){
+ _dataPoints = 2;
+ }
+ _lastDataPointCount = _dataPoints;
+ _fftSize = fftSize;
+ _pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount = 0;
+ _droppedEntriesCount = 0;
+ _centerFrequency = 0;
+ _startFrequency = newStartFrequency;
+ _stopFrequency = newStopFrequency;
+ _windowType = 5;
+ timespec_reset(&_lastGUIUpdateTime);
+ _windowOpennedFlag = false;
+ _fftBuffersCreatedFlag = false;
+ // Create Mutex Lock
+ //_windowStateLock = new MutexClass("_windowStateLock");
+ _powerValue = 1;
+ if(GetWindowOpenFlag()){
+ delete _spectrumDisplayForm;
+ }
+ if(_fftBuffersCreatedFlag){
+ delete[] _fftPoints;
+ delete[] _realTimeDomainPoints;
+ delete[] _imagTimeDomainPoints;
+ }
+ //delete _windowStateLock;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::OpenSpectrumWindow(QWidget* parent){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ if(!_windowOpennedFlag){
+ if(!_fftBuffersCreatedFlag){
+ _fftPoints = new std::complex<float>[_dataPoints];
+ _realTimeDomainPoints = new double[_dataPoints];
+ _imagTimeDomainPoints = new double[_dataPoints];
+ _fftBuffersCreatedFlag = true;
+ memset(_fftPoints, 0x0, _dataPoints*sizeof(std::complex<float>));
+ memset(_realTimeDomainPoints, 0x0, _dataPoints*sizeof(double));
+ memset(_imagTimeDomainPoints, 0x0, _dataPoints*sizeof(double));
+ }
+ // Called from the Event Thread
+ _spectrumDisplayForm = new SpectrumDisplayForm(parent);
+ _windowOpennedFlag = true;
+ _spectrumDisplayForm->setSystem(this, _dataPoints, _fftSize);
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ SetDisplayTitle(_title);
+ Reset();
+ qApp->postEvent(_spectrumDisplayForm, new QEvent(QEvent::Type(QEvent::User+3)));
+ _spectrumDisplayForm->show();
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ timespec_reset(&_lastGUIUpdateTime);
+ // Draw Blank Display
+ UpdateWindow(false, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 1.0, get_highres_clock(), true);
+ // GUI Thread only
+ qApp->processEvents();
+void SpectrumGUIClass::Reset(){
+ if(GetWindowOpenFlag()){
+ qApp->postEvent(_spectrumDisplayForm, new SpectrumFrequencyRangeEvent(_centerFrequency, _startFrequency, _stopFrequency));
+ qApp->postEvent(_spectrumDisplayForm, new SpectrumWindowResetEvent());
+ }
+ _droppedEntriesCount = 0;
+ // Call the following function the the Spectrum Window Reset Event window
+ // ResetPendingGUIUpdateEvents();
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetDisplayTitle(const std::string newString){
+ _title.assign(newString);
+ if(GetWindowOpenFlag()){
+ qApp->postEvent(_spectrumDisplayForm, new SpectrumWindowCaptionEvent(_title.c_str()));
+ }
+bool SpectrumGUIClass::GetWindowOpenFlag(){
+ bool returnFlag = false;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnFlag = _windowOpennedFlag;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnFlag;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetWindowOpenFlag(const bool newFlag){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _windowOpennedFlag = newFlag;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetFrequencyRange(const double centerFreq, const double startFreq, const double stopFreq){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _centerFrequency = centerFreq;
+ _startFrequency = startFreq;
+ _stopFrequency = stopFreq;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+double SpectrumGUIClass::GetStartFrequency()const{
+ double returnValue = 0.0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _startFrequency;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+double SpectrumGUIClass::GetStopFrequency()const{
+ double returnValue = 0.0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _stopFrequency;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+double SpectrumGUIClass::GetCenterFrequency()const{
+ double returnValue = 0.0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _centerFrequency;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::UpdateWindow(const bool updateDisplayFlag, const std::complex<float>* fftBuffer, const uint64_t inputBufferSize, const float* realTimeDomainData, const uint64_t realTimeDomainDataSize, const float* complexTimeDomainData, const uint64_t complexTimeDomainDataSize, const double timePerFFT, const timespec timestamp, const bool lastOfMultipleFFTUpdateFlag){
+ int64_t bufferSize = inputBufferSize;
+ bool repeatDataFlag = false;
+ if(bufferSize > _dataPoints){
+ bufferSize = _dataPoints;
+ }
+ int64_t timeDomainBufferSize = 0;
+ if( updateDisplayFlag){
+ if((fftBuffer != NULL) && (bufferSize > 0)){
+ memcpy(_fftPoints, fftBuffer, bufferSize * sizeof(std::complex<float>));
+ }
+ // Can't do a memcpy since ths is going from float to double data type
+ if((realTimeDomainData != NULL) && (realTimeDomainDataSize > 0)){
+ const float* realTimeDomainDataPtr = realTimeDomainData;
+ double* realTimeDomainPointsPtr = _realTimeDomainPoints;
+ timeDomainBufferSize = realTimeDomainDataSize;
+ memset( _imagTimeDomainPoints, 0x0, realTimeDomainDataSize*sizeof(double));
+ for( uint64_t number = 0; number < realTimeDomainDataSize; number++){
+ *realTimeDomainPointsPtr++ = *realTimeDomainDataPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Can't do a memcpy since ths is going from float to double data type
+ if((complexTimeDomainData != NULL) && (complexTimeDomainDataSize > 0)){
+ const float* complexTimeDomainDataPtr = complexTimeDomainData;
+ double* realTimeDomainPointsPtr = _realTimeDomainPoints;
+ double* imagTimeDomainPointsPtr = _imagTimeDomainPoints;
+ timeDomainBufferSize = complexTimeDomainDataSize;
+ for( uint64_t number = 0; number < complexTimeDomainDataSize; number++){
+ *realTimeDomainPointsPtr++ = *complexTimeDomainDataPtr++;
+ *imagTimeDomainPointsPtr++ = *complexTimeDomainDataPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If bufferSize is zero, then just update the display by sending over the old data
+ if(bufferSize < 1){
+ bufferSize = _lastDataPointCount;
+ repeatDataFlag = true;
+ }
+ else{
+ // Since there is data this time, update the count
+ _lastDataPointCount = bufferSize;
+ }
+ const timespec currentTime = get_highres_clock();
+ const timespec lastUpdateGUITime = GetLastGUIUpdateTime();
+ if((diff_timespec(currentTime, lastUpdateGUITime) > (4*timePerFFT)) && (GetPendingGUIUpdateEvents() > 0) && !timespec_empty(&lastUpdateGUITime)){
+ // Do not update the display if too much data is pending to be displayed
+ _droppedEntriesCount++;
+ }
+ else{
+ // Draw the Data
+ IncrementPendingGUIUpdateEvents();
+ qApp->postEvent(_spectrumDisplayForm, new SpectrumUpdateEvent(_fftPoints, bufferSize, _realTimeDomainPoints, _imagTimeDomainPoints, timeDomainBufferSize, timePerFFT, timestamp, repeatDataFlag, lastOfMultipleFFTUpdateFlag, currentTime, _droppedEntriesCount));
+ // Only reset the dropped entries counter if this is not repeat data since repeat data is dropped by the display systems
+ if(!repeatDataFlag){
+ _droppedEntriesCount = 0;
+ }
+ //qApp->wakeUpGuiThread();
+ }
+float SpectrumGUIClass::GetPowerValue()const{
+ float returnValue = 0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _powerValue;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetPowerValue(const float value){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _powerValue = value;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+int SpectrumGUIClass::GetWindowType()const{
+ int returnValue = 0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _windowType;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetWindowType(const int newType){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _windowType = newType;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+int SpectrumGUIClass::GetFFTSize()const{
+ int returnValue = 0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _fftSize;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+int SpectrumGUIClass::GetFFTSizeIndex()const{
+ int fftsize = GetFFTSize();
+ switch(fftsize) {
+ case(1024): return 0; break;
+ case(2048): return 1; break;
+ case(4096): return 2; break;
+ case(8192): return 3; break;
+ case(16384): return 3; break;
+ case(32768): return 3; break;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetFFTSize(const int newSize){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _fftSize = newSize;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+timespec SpectrumGUIClass::GetLastGUIUpdateTime()const{
+ timespec returnValue;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _lastGUIUpdateTime;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::SetLastGUIUpdateTime(const timespec newTime){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _lastGUIUpdateTime = newTime;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+unsigned int SpectrumGUIClass::GetPendingGUIUpdateEvents()const{
+ unsigned int returnValue = 0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ returnValue = _pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+ return returnValue;
+void SpectrumGUIClass::IncrementPendingGUIUpdateEvents(){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount++;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+void SpectrumGUIClass::DecrementPendingGUIUpdateEvents(){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ if(_pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount > 0){
+ _pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount--;
+ }
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();
+void SpectrumGUIClass::ResetPendingGUIUpdateEvents(){
+ //_windowStateLock->Lock();
+ _pendingGUIUpdateEventsCount = 0;
+ //_windowStateLock->Unlock();