path: root/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/ b/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
index 4d3654d010..341b290057 100644
--- a/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
+++ b/gr-fec/python/fec/polar/
@@ -19,24 +19,7 @@
import numpy as np
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-def bsc_channel(p):
- '''
- binary symmetric channel (BSC)
- output alphabet Y = {0, 1} and
- W(0|0) = W(1|1) and W(1|0) = W(0|1)
- this function returns a prob's vector for a BSC
- p denotes an erroneous transistion
- '''
- if not (p >= 0.0 and p <= 1.0):
- print "given p is out of range!"
- return np.array([], dtype=float)
- # 0 -> 0, 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0, 1 -> 1
- W = np.array([[1 - p, p], [p, 1 - p]], dtype=float)
- return W
+import helper_functions as hf
def bec_channel(eta):
@@ -51,7 +34,6 @@ def bec_channel(eta):
W = np.array((1 - eta, eta, 1 - eta), dtype=float)
return W
def odd_rec(iwn):
return iwn ** 2
@@ -69,48 +51,64 @@ def calc_one_recursion(iw0):
return iw1
-def calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, n):
+def calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size):
+ # compare [0, Arikan] eq. 6
iw = 1 - eta # holds for BEC as stated in paper
iw = np.array([iw, ], dtype=float)
- lw = int(np.log2(n))
+ lw = int(np.log2(block_size))
for i in range(lw):
iw = calc_one_recursion(iw)
return iw
-def get_frozen_bit_indices_from_capacities(chan_caps, nfrozen):
- indexes = np.array([], dtype=int)
- while indexes.size < nfrozen:
- index = np.argmin(chan_caps)
- indexes = np.append(indexes, index)
- chan_caps[index] = 1.0
- return np.sort(indexes)
+def calculate_z_parameters_one_recursion(z_params):
+ z_next = np.zeros(2 * z_params.size)
+ for i in range(z_params.size):
+ z_sq = z_params[i] ** 2
+ z_next[2 * i] = 2 * z_params[i] - z_sq
+ z_next[2 * i + 1] = z_sq
+ return z_next
-def get_bec_frozen_indices(nblock, kfrozen, eta):
- bec_caps = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, nblock)
- positions = get_frozen_bit_indices_from_capacities(bec_caps, kfrozen)
- return positions
+def calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size):
+ # compare [0, Arikan] eq. 38
+ block_power = hf.power_of_2_int(block_size)
+ z_params = np.array([eta,], dtype=float)
+ for block_size in range(block_power):
+ z_params = calculate_z_parameters_one_recursion(z_params)
+ return z_params
-def bec_channel_contruction_tests():
- n = 2 ** 10
- k = n // 2
- eta = 0.3
- bec_capacities = calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, n)
- print(bec_capacities)
+def design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr):
+ s = 10. ** (design_snr / 10.)
+ return np.exp(-s)
- frozenbits_position = get_frozen_bit_indices_from_capacities(bec_capacities, k)
- print('frozenbit_positions:')
- print(frozenbits_position)
- print('frozenbit_num:', frozenbits_position.size)
+def bhattacharyya_bounds(design_snr, block_size):
+ '''
+ Harish Vangala, Emanuele Viterbo, Yi Hong: 'A Comparative Study of Polar Code Constructions for the AWGN Channel', 2015
+ In this paper it is called Bhattacharyya bounds channel construction and is abbreviated PCC-0
+ Best design SNR for block_size = 2048, R = 0.5, is 0dB.
+ Compare with Arikan: 'Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Codes for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels.
+ Proposition 5. inequalities turn into equalities for BEC channel. Otherwise they represent an upper bound.
+ Also compare [0, Arikan] eq. 6 and 38
+ For BEC that translates to capacity(i) = 1 - bhattacharyya(i)
+ :return Z-parameters in natural bit-order. Choose according to desired rate.
+ '''
+ # minimum design snr = -1.5917 corresponds to BER = 0.5
+ s = 10 ** (design_snr / 10) # 'initial z parameter'.
+ eta = np.exp(-s)
+ return calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size)
def main():
print 'channel construction main'
- bec_channel_contruction_tests()
+ n = 4
+ block_size = 2 ** n
+ design_snr = 1.0
+ eta = design_snr_to_bec_eta(design_snr)
+ print(calculate_bec_channel_z_parameters(eta, block_size))
+ print(calculate_bec_channel_capacities(eta, block_size))
if __name__ == '__main__':