path: root/gr-fec/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-fec/lib/')
1 files changed, 894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..332bd9bdc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+#include <gnuradio/fec/tpc_decoder.h>
+#include <gnuradio/fec/tpc_common.h>
+#include <volk/volk.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm> // for std::reverse
+#include <string.h> // for memcpy
+#include <gnuradio/fec/maxstar.h>
+ * This code borrows from the CML library for the SISO Decode functionality,
+ * and for the RSC_Encode functionality. Please have a look @:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+namespace gr {
+ namespace fec {
+tpc_decoder::make(std::vector<int> row_polys, std::vector<int> col_polys, int krow, int kcol, int bval, int qval, int max_iter, int decoder_type)
+ return generic_decoder::sptr(new tpc_decoder(row_polys, col_polys, krow, kcol, bval, qval, max_iter, decoder_type));
+tpc_decoder::tpc_decoder (std::vector<int> row_polys, std::vector<int> col_polys, int krow, int kcol, int bval, int qval, int max_iter, int decoder_type)
+ : generic_decoder("tpc_decoder"), d_rowpolys(row_polys), d_colpolys(col_polys), d_krow(krow), d_kcol(kcol),
+ d_bval(bval), d_qval(qval), d_max_iter(max_iter), d_decoder_type(decoder_type)
+ // first we operate on data chunks of get_input_size()
+ // TODO: should we verify this and throw an error if it doesn't match? YES
+ // hwo do we do that?
+ rowEncoder_K = ceil(log(d_rowpolys[0])/log(2)); // rowEncoder_K is the constraint length of the row encoder polynomial
+ rowEncoder_n = d_rowpolys.size();
+ rowEncoder_m = rowEncoder_K - 1;
+ colEncoder_K = ceil(log(d_colpolys[0])/log(2)); // colEncoder_K is the constraint length of the col encoder polynomial
+ colEncoder_n = d_colpolys.size();
+ colEncoder_m = colEncoder_K - 1;
+ // calculate the input and output sizes
+ inputSize = ((d_krow+rowEncoder_m)*rowEncoder_n)*((d_kcol+colEncoder_m)*colEncoder_n) - d_bval;
+ outputSize = (d_krow*d_kcol - (d_bval+d_qval));
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("inputSize=%d outputSize=%d\n", inputSize, outputSize);
+ fp = fopen("c_decoder_output.txt", "w");
+ rowNumStates = 1 << (rowEncoder_m); // 2^(row_mm)
+ colNumStates = 1 << (colEncoder_m); // 2^(col_mm)
+ rowOutputs.resize(2, std::vector<int>(rowNumStates,0));
+ rowNextStates.resize(2, std::vector<int>(rowNumStates,0));
+ colOutputs.resize(2, std::vector<int>(colNumStates,0));
+ colNextStates.resize(2, std::vector<int>(colNumStates,0));;
+ // precalculate the state transition matrix for the row polynomial
+ tpc_common::precomputeStateTransitionMatrix_RSCPoly(rowNumStates, d_rowpolys, rowEncoder_K, rowEncoder_n,
+ rowOutputs, rowNextStates);
+ // precalculate the state transition matrix for the column polynomial
+ tpc_common::precomputeStateTransitionMatrix_RSCPoly(colNumStates, d_colpolys, colEncoder_K, colEncoder_n,
+ colOutputs, colNextStates);
+ codeword_M = d_kcol + colEncoder_K - 1;
+ codeword_N = d_krow + rowEncoder_K - 1;
+ // pre-allocate memory we use for encoding
+ inputSizeWithPad = inputSize + d_bval;
+ channel_llr.resize(codeword_M, std::vector<float>(codeword_N, 0));
+ Z.resize(codeword_M, std::vector<float>(codeword_N, 0));
+ extrinsic_info.resize(codeword_M*codeword_N, 0);
+ input_u_rows.resize(d_krow, 0);
+ input_u_cols.resize(d_kcol, 0);
+ input_c_rows.resize(codeword_N, 0);
+ input_c_cols.resize(codeword_M, 0);
+ output_u_rows.resize(d_krow, 0);
+ output_u_cols.resize(d_kcol, 0);
+ output_c_rows.resize(codeword_N, 0);
+ output_c_cols.resize(codeword_M*codeword_N, 0);
+ output_c_col_idx = 0;
+ // setup the max_star function based on decoder type
+ switch(d_decoder_type) {
+ case 0:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::linear_log_map;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::max_log_map;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::constant_log_map;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::log_map_lut_correction;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::log_map_cfunction_correction;
+ break;
+ default:
+ max_star = &tpc_decoder::linear_log_map;
+ break;
+ }
+ // declare the reverse sweep trellis
+ // the beta vector is logically layed out in memory as follows, assuming the
+ // following values (for educational purposes)
+ // defined: LL = 6, rowEncoder_K = 3, derived: mm_row=2, max_states_row=4, rowEncoder_n=1, num_symbols_row=2
+ // state_idx
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // 0 B(0,0) <-- the calculated beta value at state=0, time=0
+ //
+ // 1 B(0,1)
+ //
+ // 2 B(0,2)
+ //
+ // 3 B(0,3)
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //k(time) = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ // setup row siso decoder
+ mm_row = rowEncoder_K-1; // encoder memory
+ max_states_row = 1 << mm_row; // 2^mm_row
+ num_symbols_row = 1 << rowEncoder_n; // 2^rowEncoder_n
+ beta_row.resize(input_u_rows.size()+rowEncoder_K, std::vector<float>(max_states_row, 0));
+ // forward sweep trellis for current time instant only (t=k)
+ alpha_prime_row.resize(max_states_row, 0);
+ // forward sweep trellis for next time instant only (t=k+1)
+ alpha_row.resize(max_states_row, 0);
+ // likelihood vector that input_c[idx] corresponds to a symbol in the set of [0 ... num_symbols_row-1]
+ metric_c_row.resize(num_symbols_row, 0);
+ // temporary vector to store the appropriate indexes of input_c that we want to test the likelihood of
+ rec_array_row.resize(rowEncoder_n, 0);
+ // log-likelihood ratios of the coded bit being a 1
+ num_llr_c_row.resize(rowEncoder_n, 0);
+ // log-likelihood ratios of the coded bit being a 0
+ den_llr_c_row.resize(rowEncoder_n, 0);
+ // setup column siso decoder
+ mm_col = colEncoder_K-1; // encoder memory
+ max_states_col = 1 << mm_col; // 2^mm_col
+ num_symbols_col = 1 << colEncoder_n; // 2^colEncoder_n
+ beta_col.resize(input_u_cols.size()+colEncoder_K, std::vector<float>(max_states_col, 0));
+ // forward sweep trellis for current time instant only (t=k)
+ alpha_prime_col.resize(max_states_col, 0);
+ // forward sweep trellis for next time instant only (t=k+1)
+ alpha_col.resize(max_states_col, 0);
+ // likelihood vector that input_c[idx] corresponds to a symbol in the set of [0 ... num_symbols_col-1]
+ metric_c_col.resize(num_symbols_col, 0);
+ // temporary vector to store the appropriate indexes of input_c that we want to test the likelihood of
+ rec_array_col.resize(colEncoder_n, 0);
+ // log-likelihood ratios of the coded bit being a 1
+ num_llr_c_col.resize(colEncoder_n, 0);
+ // log-likelihood ratios of the coded bit being a 0
+ den_llr_c_col.resize(colEncoder_n, 0);
+ mInit = (d_bval+d_qval)/d_krow; // integer division
+ nInit = (d_bval+d_qval) - mInit*d_krow;
+ numInitLoadIter = d_bval/codeword_N;
+ numInitRemaining = d_bval - codeword_N*numInitLoadIter;
+int tpc_decoder::get_output_size() {
+ return outputSize;
+int tpc_decoder::get_input_size() {
+ return inputSize;
+// this code borrows heavily from CML library, please look @:
+// it has been refactored to work w/ gnuradio in C++ environment,
+// as well as some comments being added to help understand
+// exactly what is going on w/ the siso decoder
+void tpc_decoder::siso_decode_row() {
+ int LL, state, k, ii, symbol, mask;
+ float app_in, delta1, delta2;
+ LL = input_u_rows.size(); // code length
+ // log-likelihood ratio of the uncoded bit being a 1
+ float num_llr_u;
+ // log-likelihood ratio of the uncoded bit being a 0
+ float den_llr_u;
+ // initialize beta_row trellis
+ // this initialization is saying that the likelihood that the reverse sweep
+ // starts at state=0 is 100%, b/c state 1, 2, 3's likelihood's are basically -inf
+ // this implies that the forward trellis terminated at the 0 state
+// for(state=1; state<max_states_row; state++) {
+// beta_row[LL+rowEncoder_K-1][state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ // filling w/ 0xCCCC yields a value close to -MAXLOG, and memset is faster than for loops
+ memset(&beta_row[LL+rowEncoder_K-1][1], 0xCCCC, sizeof(float)*(max_states_row-1));
+ // initialize alpha_prime_row (current time instant), alpha_prime_row then gets updated
+ // by shifting in alpha_row at the end of each time instant of processing
+ // alpha_row needs to get initialized at the beginning of each processing loop, so we
+ // initialize alpha_row in the forward sweep processing loop
+ // the initialization below is saying that the likelihood of starting at state=0 is
+ // 100%, b/c state 1, 2, 3's likelihoods are basically -inf
+ // as with the beta_row array, this implies that the forward trellis started at state=0
+// for (state=1;state<max_states_row;state++) {
+// alpha_prime_row[state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ memset(&alpha_prime_row[1], 0xCCCC, sizeof(float)*(max_states_row-1));
+ // compute the beta_row matrix first, which is the reverse sweep (hence we start at the last
+ // time instant-1 and work our way back to t=0). we start at last time instant-1 b/c
+ // we already filled in beta_row values for the last time instant, forcing the trellis to
+ // start at state=0
+// DEBUG_PRINT("LL=%d KK=%d mm=%d\n", LL, rowEncoder_K, mm_row);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "LL=%d KK=%d mm=%d\n", LL, rowEncoder_K, mm_row);
+ for (k=(LL+(rowEncoder_K-1)-1); k>=0; k--) {
+ // TODO: figure out why this is needed? I'm still confused by this
+ if (k<LL) {
+ app_in = input_u_rows[k];
+ }
+ else {
+ app_in = 0;
+ }
+ // get the input associated w/ this time instant
+ memcpy(&rec_array_row[0], &input_c_rows[rowEncoder_n*k], sizeof(float)*rowEncoder_n);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("k=%d\n", k);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "k=%d\n", k);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("rec_array -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&rec_array_row[0], rec_array_row.size());
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "rec_array -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &rec_array_row[0], rec_array_row.size());
+ // for each input at this time instant, create a metric which
+ // represents the likelihood that this input corresponds to
+ // each of the possible symbols
+ for(symbol=0; symbol<num_symbols_row; symbol++) {
+ metric_c_row[symbol] = gamma(rec_array_row, symbol);
+ }
+// DEBUG_PRINT("metric_c -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&metric_c_row[0], metric_c_row.size());
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "metric_c -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &metric_c_row[0], metric_c_row.size());
+ // step through all states -- populating the beta_row values for each node
+ // in the trellis diagram as shown above w/ the maximum-likelihood
+ // of this current node coming from the previous node
+ for ( state=0; state< max_states_row; state++ ) {
+ // data 0 branch
+ delta1 = beta_row[k+1][rowNextStates[0][state]] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[0][state]];
+ // data 1 branch
+ delta2 = beta_row[k+1][rowNextStates[1][state]] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[1][state]] + app_in;
+ // update beta_row
+ beta_row[k][state] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("delta1=%f delta2=%f beta=%f\n", delta1, delta2, beta_row[k][state]);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "delta1=%f delta2=%f beta=%f\n", delta1, delta2, beta_row[k][state]);
+ }
+ // normalize beta_row
+ for (state=1;state<max_states_row;state++) {
+ beta_row[k][state] = beta_row[k][state] - beta_row[k][0];
+ }
+ beta_row[k][0] = 0;
+ }
+ // compute the forward sweep (alpha_row values), and update the llr's
+ // notice that we start at time index=1, b/c time index=0 has already been
+ // initialized, and we are forcing the trellis to start from state=0
+ for(k=1; k<LL+rowEncoder_K; k++) {
+ // initialize the llr's for the uncoded bits
+ num_llr_u = -MAXLOG;
+ den_llr_u = -MAXLOG;
+ // intialize alpha_row
+// for (state=0;state<max_states_row;state++) {
+// alpha_row[state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ memset(&alpha_row[0], 0xCCCC, max_states_row*sizeof(float));
+ // assign inputs
+ if (k-1 < LL)
+ app_in = input_u_rows[k-1];
+ else
+ app_in = 0;
+ // initialize the llr's for the coded bits, and get the correct
+ // input bits for this time instant
+ for (ii=0;ii<rowEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ den_llr_c_row[ii] = -MAXLOG;
+ num_llr_c_row[ii] = -MAXLOG;
+ rec_array_row[ii] = input_c_rows[rowEncoder_n*(k-1)+ii];
+ }
+ // for each input at this time instant, create a metric which
+ // represents the likelihood that this input corresponds to
+ // each of the possible symbols
+ for(symbol=0; symbol<num_symbols_row; symbol++) {
+ metric_c_row[ii] = gamma(rec_array_row, symbol);
+ }
+ // compute the alpha_row vector
+ // to understand the loop below, we need to think about the forward trellis.
+ // we know that any node, at any time instant in the trellis diagram can have
+ // multiple transitions into that node (i.e. any number of nodes in the
+ // previous time instance can transition into this current node, based on the
+ // polynomial). SO, in the loop below, delta1 represents the transition from
+ // the previous time instant for input (either 0 or 1) and the current state
+ // we are looping over, and delta2 represents a transition from the previous
+ // time instant to the current time instant for input (either 0 or 1) that
+ // we've already calculated. Essentially, b/c we can have multiple possible
+ // transitions into the current alpha_row node of interest, and we need to store the
+ // maximum likelihood of all those transitions, we keep delta2 as a previously
+ // calculated transition, and then take the max* of that, which can be thought
+ // of as a maximum (in the MAX-LOG-MAP approximation)
+ for ( state=0; state<max_states_row; state++ ) {
+ // Data 0 branch
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_row[state] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[0][state]];
+ delta2 = alpha_row[rowNextStates[0][state]];
+ alpha_row[rowNextStates[0][state]] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ // Data 1 branch
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_row[state] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[1][state]] + app_in;
+ delta2 = alpha_row[rowNextStates[1][state]];
+ alpha_row[rowNextStates[1][state]] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ // compute the llr's
+ for (state=0;state<max_states_row;state++) {
+ // data 0 branch (departing)
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_row[state] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[0][state]] + beta_row[k][rowNextStates[0][state]];
+ // the information bit
+ delta2 = den_llr_u;
+ den_llr_u = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ mask = 1<<(rowEncoder_n-1);
+ // go through all the code bits
+ for (ii=0;ii<rowEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ if ( rowOutputs[0][state]&mask ) {
+ // this code bit 1
+ delta2 = num_llr_c_row[ii];
+ num_llr_c_row[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ } else {
+ // this code bit is 0
+ delta2 = den_llr_c_row[ii];
+ den_llr_c_row[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ mask = mask>>1;
+ }
+ // data 1 branch (departing)
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_row[state] + metric_c_row[rowOutputs[1][state]] + beta_row[k][rowNextStates[1][state]] + app_in;
+ // the information bit
+ delta2 = num_llr_u;
+ num_llr_u = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ mask = 1<<(rowEncoder_n-1);
+ // go through all the code bits
+ for (ii=0;ii<rowEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ if ( rowOutputs[1][state]&mask ) {
+ // this code bit 1
+ delta2 = num_llr_c_row[ii];
+ num_llr_c_row[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ } else {
+ // this code bit is 0
+ delta2 = den_llr_c_row[ii];
+ den_llr_c_row[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ mask = mask>>1;
+ }
+ // shift alpha_row back to alpha_prime_row
+ alpha_prime_row[state] = alpha_row[state] - alpha_row[0];
+ }
+ // assign uncoded outputs
+ if (k-1<LL) {
+ output_u_rows[k-1] = num_llr_u - den_llr_u;
+ }
+ // assign coded outputs
+ volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f(&output_c_rows[rowEncoder_n*(k-1)], &num_llr_c_row[0], &den_llr_c_row[0], rowEncoder_n);
+ }
+void tpc_decoder::siso_decode_col() {
+ int LL, state, k, ii, symbol, mask;
+ float app_in, delta1, delta2;
+ LL = input_u_cols.size(); // code length
+ // log-likelihood ratio of the uncoded bit being a 1
+ float num_llr_u;
+ // log-likelihood ratio of the uncoded bit being a 0
+ float den_llr_u;
+ // initialize beta_col trellis
+ // this initialization is saying that the likelihood that the reverse sweep
+ // starts at state=0 is 100%, b/c state 1, 2, 3's likelihood's are basically -inf
+ // this implies that the forward trellis terminated at the 0 state
+// for(state=1; state<max_states_col; state++) {
+// beta_col[LL+colEncoder_K-1][state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ memset(&beta_col[LL+colEncoder_K-1][1], 0xCCCC, sizeof(float)*(max_states_col-1));
+ // initialize alpha_prime_col (current time instant), alpha_prime_col then gets updated
+ // by shifting in alpha_col at the end of each time instant of processing
+ // alpha_col needs to get initialized at the beginning of each processing loop, so we
+ // initialize alpha_col in the forward sweep processing loop
+ // the initialization below is saying that the likelihood of starting at state=0 is
+ // 100%, b/c state 1, 2, 3's likelihoods are basically -inf
+ // as with the beta_col array, this implies that the forward trellis started at state=0
+// for (state=1;state<max_states_col;state++) {
+// alpha_prime_col[state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ memset(&alpha_prime_col[1], 0xCCCC, sizeof(float)*(max_states_col-1));
+ // compute the beta_col matrix first, which is the reverse sweep (hence we start at the last
+ // time instant-1 and work our way back to t=0). we start at last time instant-1 b/c
+ // we already filled in beta_col values for the last time instant, forcing the trellis to
+ // start at state=0
+// DEBUG_PRINT("LL=%d KK=%d mm=%d\n", LL, colEncoder_K, mm_col);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "LL=%d KK=%d mm=%d\n", LL, colEncoder_K, mm_col);
+ for (k=(LL+(colEncoder_K-1)-1); k>=0; k--) {
+ // TODO: figure out why this is needed? I'm still confused by this
+ if (k<LL) {
+ app_in = input_u_cols[k];
+ }
+ else {
+ app_in = 0;
+ }
+ // get the input associated w/ this time instant
+ memcpy(&rec_array_col[0], &input_c_cols[colEncoder_n*k], sizeof(float)*colEncoder_n);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("k=%d\n", k);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "k=%d\n", k);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("rec_array -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&rec_array[0], rec_array_col.size());
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "rec_array -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &rec_array[0], rec_array_col.size());
+ // for each input at this time instant, create a metric which
+ // represents the likelihood that this input corresponds to
+ // each of the possible symbols
+ for(symbol=0; symbol<num_symbols_col; symbol++) {
+ metric_c_col[symbol] = gamma(rec_array_col, symbol);
+ }
+// DEBUG_PRINT("metric_c -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&metric_c_col[0], metric_c_col.size());
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "metric_c -->\n");
+// DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &metric_c_col[0], metric_c_col.size());
+ // step through all states -- populating the beta_col values for each node
+ // in the trellis diagram as shown above w/ the maximum-likelihood
+ // of this current node coming from the previous node
+ for ( state=0; state< max_states_col; state++ ) {
+ // data 0 branch
+ delta1 = beta_col[k+1][colNextStates[0][state]] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[0][state]];
+ // data 1 branch
+ delta2 = beta_col[k+1][colNextStates[1][state]] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[1][state]] + app_in;
+ // update beta_col
+ beta_col[k][state] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+// DEBUG_PRINT("delta1=%f delta2=%f beta=%f\n", delta1, delta2, beta_col[k][state]);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "delta1=%f delta2=%f beta=%f\n", delta1, delta2, beta_col[k][state]);
+ }
+ // normalize beta_col
+ for (state=1;state<max_states_col;state++) {
+ beta_col[k][state] = beta_col[k][state] - beta_col[k][0];
+ }
+ beta_col[k][0] = 0;
+ }
+ // compute the forward sweep (alpha_col values), and update the llr's
+ // notice that we start at time index=1, b/c time index=0 has already been
+ // initialized, and we are forcing the trellis to start from state=0
+ for(k=1; k<LL+colEncoder_K; k++) {
+ // initialize the llr's for the uncoded bits
+ num_llr_u = -MAXLOG;
+ den_llr_u = -MAXLOG;
+ // intialize alpha_col
+// for (state=0;state<max_states_col;state++) {
+// alpha_col[state] = -MAXLOG;
+// }
+ memset(&alpha_col[0], 0xCCCC, max_states_col*sizeof(float));
+ // assign inputs
+ if (k-1 < LL)
+ app_in = input_u_cols[k-1];
+ else
+ app_in = 0;
+ // initialize the llr's for the coded bits, and get the correct
+ // input bits for this time instant
+ for (ii=0;ii<colEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ den_llr_c_col[ii] = -MAXLOG;
+ num_llr_c_col[ii] = -MAXLOG;
+ rec_array_col[ii] = input_c_cols[colEncoder_n*(k-1)+ii];
+ }
+ // for each input at this time instant, create a metric which
+ // represents the likelihood that this input corresponds to
+ // each of the possible symbols
+ for(symbol=0; symbol<num_symbols_col; symbol++) {
+ metric_c_col[ii] = gamma(rec_array_col, symbol);
+ }
+ // compute the alpha_col vector
+ // to understand the loop below, we need to think about the forward trellis.
+ // we know that any node, at any time instant in the trellis diagram can have
+ // multiple transitions into that node (i.e. any number of nodes in the
+ // previous time instance can transition into this current node, based on the
+ // polynomial). SO, in the loop below, delta1 represents the transition from
+ // the previous time instant for input (either 0 or 1) and the current state
+ // we are looping over, and delta2 represents a transition from the previous
+ // time instant to the current time instant for input (either 0 or 1) that
+ // we've already calculated. Essentially, b/c we can have multiple possible
+ // transitions into the current alpha_col node of interest, and we need to store the
+ // maximum likelihood of all those transitions, we keep delta2 as a previously
+ // calculated transition, and then take the max* of that, which can be thought
+ // of as a maximum (in the MAX-LOG-MAP approximation)
+ for ( state=0; state<max_states_col; state++ ) {
+ // Data 0 branch
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_col[state] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[0][state]];
+ delta2 = alpha_col[colNextStates[0][state]];
+ alpha_col[colNextStates[0][state]] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ // Data 1 branch
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_col[state] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[1][state]] + app_in;
+ delta2 = alpha_col[colNextStates[1][state]];
+ alpha_col[colNextStates[1][state]] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ // compute the llr's
+ for (state=0;state<max_states_col;state++) {
+ // data 0 branch (departing)
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_col[state] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[0][state]] + beta_col[k][colNextStates[0][state]];
+ // the information bit
+ delta2 = den_llr_u;
+ den_llr_u = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ mask = 1<<(colEncoder_n-1);
+ // go through all the code bits
+ for (ii=0;ii<colEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ if ( colOutputs[0][state]&mask ) {
+ // this code bit 1
+ delta2 = num_llr_c_col[ii];
+ num_llr_c_col[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ } else {
+ // this code bit is 0
+ delta2 = den_llr_c_col[ii];
+ den_llr_c_col[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ mask = mask>>1;
+ }
+ // data 1 branch (departing)
+ delta1 = alpha_prime_col[state] + metric_c_col[colOutputs[1][state]] + beta_col[k][colNextStates[1][state]] + app_in;
+ // the information bit
+ delta2 = num_llr_u;
+ num_llr_u = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ mask = 1<<(colEncoder_n-1);
+ // go through all the code bits
+ for (ii=0;ii<colEncoder_n;ii++) {
+ if ( colOutputs[1][state]&mask ) {
+ // this code bit 1
+ delta2 = num_llr_c_col[ii];
+ num_llr_c_col[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ } else {
+ // this code bit is 0
+ delta2 = den_llr_c_col[ii];
+ den_llr_c_col[ii] = (*this.*max_star)(delta1, delta2);
+ }
+ mask = mask>>1;
+ }
+ // shift alpha_col back to alpha_prime_col
+ alpha_prime_col[state] = alpha_col[state] - alpha_col[0];
+ }
+ // assign uncoded outputs
+ if (k-1<LL) {
+ output_u_cols[k-1] = num_llr_u - den_llr_u;
+ }
+ // assign coded outputs
+ volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f(&output_c_cols[output_c_col_idx+rowEncoder_n*(k-1)], &num_llr_c_col[0], &den_llr_c_col[0], colEncoder_n);
+ }
+float tpc_decoder::linear_log_map(const float delta1, const float delta2) {
+ float diff;
+ diff = delta2 - delta1;
+ if ( diff > TJIAN )
+ return( delta2 );
+ else if ( diff < -TJIAN )
+ return( delta1 );
+ else if ( diff > 0 )
+ return( delta2 + AJIAN*(diff-TJIAN) );
+ else
+ return( delta1 - AJIAN*(diff+TJIAN) );
+// MAX-LOG-MAP approximation
+float tpc_decoder::max_log_map(const float delta1, const float delta2) {
+ if(delta1>delta2) return delta1;
+ return delta2;
+float tpc_decoder::constant_log_map(const float delta1, const float delta2) {
+ // Return maximum of delta1 and delta2
+ // and in correction value if |delta1-delta2| < TVALUE
+ register float diff;
+ diff = delta2 - delta1;
+ if ( diff > TVALUE )
+ return( delta2 );
+ else if ( diff < -TVALUE )
+ return( delta1 );
+ else if ( diff > 0 )
+ return( delta2 + CVALUE );
+ else
+ return( delta1 + CVALUE );
+float tpc_decoder::log_map_lut_correction(const float delta1, const float delta2) {
+ float diff;
+ diff = (float) fabs( delta2 - delta1 );
+ if (delta1 > delta2) {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY8 )
+ return( delta1 );
+ else if ( diff > BOUNDARY4 ) {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY6 ) {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY7 )
+ return( delta1 + VALUE7 + SLOPE7*(diff-BOUNDARY7) );
+ else
+ return( delta1 + VALUE6 + SLOPE6*(diff-BOUNDARY6) );
+ } else {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY5 )
+ return( delta1 + VALUE5 + SLOPE5*(diff-BOUNDARY5) );
+ else
+ return( delta1 + VALUE4 + SLOPE4*(diff-BOUNDARY4) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY2 ) {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY3 )
+ return( delta1 + VALUE3 + SLOPE3*(diff-BOUNDARY3) );
+ else
+ return( delta1 + VALUE2 + SLOPE2*(diff-BOUNDARY2) );
+ } else {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY1 )
+ return( delta1 + VALUE1 + SLOPE1*(diff-BOUNDARY1) );
+ else
+ return( delta1 + VALUE0 + SLOPE0*(diff-BOUNDARY0) );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY8 )
+ return( delta2 );
+ else if ( diff > BOUNDARY4 ) {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY6 ) {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY7 )
+ return( delta2 + VALUE7 + SLOPE7*(diff-BOUNDARY7) );
+ else
+ return( delta2 + VALUE6 + SLOPE6*(diff-BOUNDARY6) );
+ } else {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY5 )
+ return( delta2 + VALUE5 + SLOPE5*(diff-BOUNDARY5) );
+ else
+ return( delta2 + VALUE4 + SLOPE4*(diff-BOUNDARY4) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (diff > BOUNDARY2 ) {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY3 )
+ return( delta2 + VALUE3 + SLOPE3*(diff-BOUNDARY3) );
+ else
+ return( delta2 + VALUE2 + SLOPE2*(diff-BOUNDARY2) );
+ } else {
+ if ( diff > BOUNDARY1 )
+ return( delta2 + VALUE1 + SLOPE1*(diff-BOUNDARY1) );
+ else
+ return( delta2 + VALUE0 + SLOPE0*(diff-BOUNDARY0) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+float tpc_decoder::log_map_cfunction_correction(const float delta1, const float delta2) {
+ // Use C-function calls to compute the correction function
+ if (delta1 > delta2) {
+ return( (float) (delta1 + log( 1 + exp( delta2-delta1) ) ) );
+ } else {
+ return( (float) (delta2 + log( 1 + exp( delta1-delta2) ) ) );
+ }
+float tpc_decoder::gamma(const std::vector<float> rx_array, const int symbol) {
+ float rm = 0;
+ int ii;
+ int mask;
+ int nn = rx_array.size();
+ mask = 1;
+ for (ii=0;ii<nn;ii++) {
+ if (symbol&mask)
+ rm += rx_array[nn-ii-1];
+ mask = mask<<1;
+ }
+// DEBUG_PRINT("nn=%d symbol=%d rm = %f\n", nn, symbol, rm);
+// DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "nn=%d symbol=%d rm = %f\n", nn, symbol, rm);
+ return(rm);
+template <typename T> int tpc_decoder::sgn(T val) {
+ return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
+void tpc_decoder::generic_work(void *inBuffer, void *outBuffer) {
+ const float *inPtr = (const float *) inBuffer;
+ unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *) outBuffer;
+ int m, n, ii;
+ int iter;
+ for(ii=0; ii<numInitLoadIter; ii++) {
+ memset(&channel_llr[ii][0], 0, sizeof(float)*codeword_N);
+ memset(&Z[ii][0], 0, sizeof(float)*codeword_N);
+ }
+ memset(&channel_llr[ii][0], 0, sizeof(float)*numInitRemaining);
+ memset(&Z[ii][0], 0, sizeof(float)*numInitRemaining);
+ memcpy(&channel_llr[ii][numInitRemaining], &inPtr[0], (codeword_N-numInitRemaining)*sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(&Z[ii][numInitRemaining], &inPtr[0], (codeword_N-numInitRemaining)*sizeof(float));
+ int inPtrIdx = codeword_N-numInitRemaining;
+ for(ii=ii+1; ii<codeword_M; ii++) {
+ memcpy(&channel_llr[ii][0], &inPtr[inPtrIdx], sizeof(float)*codeword_N);
+ memcpy(&Z[ii][0], &inPtr[inPtrIdx], sizeof(float)*codeword_N);
+ inPtrIdx += codeword_N;
+ }
+ // clear out extrinsic-info between blocks
+ memset(&extrinsic_info[0], 0, sizeof(float)*extrinsic_info.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("Starting TURBO Decoding\n");
+ for(iter=0; iter<d_max_iter; iter++) {
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("Turbo Iter=%d\n", iter+1);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "Turbo Iter=%d\n", iter+1);
+ // decode each row
+ for(m=0; m<codeword_M; m++) {
+ // stage the data
+ volk_32f_x2_add_32f(&input_c_rows[0], &channel_llr[m][0], &extrinsic_info[m*codeword_N], codeword_N);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("input_c_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&input_c_rows[0], codeword_N);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "input_c_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &input_c_rows[0], codeword_N);
+ // call siso decode
+ siso_decode_row();
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("output_u_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&output_u_rows[0], output_u_rows.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "output_u_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &output_u_rows[0], output_u_rows.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("output_c_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&output_c_rows[0], output_c_rows.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "output_c_rows -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &output_c_rows[0], output_c_rows.size());
+ // copy the output coded back into Z, so we can feed it back through the decoder
+ // for more iterations
+ volk_32f_x2_subtract_32f(&Z[m][0], &output_c_rows[0], &extrinsic_info[m*codeword_N], codeword_N);
+ }
+ // decode each col
+ earlyExit = true;
+ output_c_col_idx = 0;
+ for(n=0; n<codeword_N; n++) {
+ // stage the data
+ for(ii=0; ii<codeword_M; ii++) {
+ input_c_cols[ii] = Z[ii][n];
+ }
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("input_c_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&input_c_cols[0], codeword_M);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "input_c_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &input_c_cols[0], codeword_M);
+ // call siso decode
+ siso_decode_col();
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("output_u_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&output_u_cols[0], output_u_cols.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "output_u_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &output_u_cols[0], output_u_cols.size());
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("output_c_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT(&output_c_cols[output_c_col_idx], codeword_M);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "output_c_cols -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_FLOAT_ARRAY_AS_FLOAT_F(fp, &output_c_cols[output_c_col_idx], codeword_M);
+ // create the extrinsic_info vector, which subtracts from input_c_cols to prevent feedback
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("extrinsic_info -->\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "extrinsic_info -->\n");
+ for(ii=0; ii<codeword_M; ii++) {
+ extrinsic_info[ii*codeword_N+n] = output_c_cols[output_c_col_idx+ii] - input_c_cols[ii];
+ if(earlyExit) {
+ if(sgn(output_c_cols[output_c_col_idx+ii])!=sgn(input_c_cols[ii])) {
+ earlyExit = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("%f ", extrinsic_info[ii*codeword_N+n]);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "%f ", extrinsic_info[ii*codeword_N+n]);
+ }
+ //DEBUG_PRINT("\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "\n");
+ output_c_col_idx += codeword_M;
+ }
+ if(earlyExit) break;
+ }
+ ii=0;
+ for(m=0; m<d_kcol; m++) {
+ for(n=0; n<d_krow; n++) {
+ if(ii==0) {
+ m = mInit;
+ n = nInit;
+ }
+ // make a hard decision
+// if(output_matrix[n*codeword_M+m]>0) {
+ if(output_c_cols[n*codeword_M+m]>0) {
+ out[ii++] = (unsigned char) 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ out[ii++] = (unsigned char) 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //DEBUG_PRINT(("Output\n"));
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_UCHAR_ARRAY(out, outputSize);
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_F(fp, "Output\n");
+ //DEBUG_PRINT_UCHAR_ARRAY_F(fp, out, outputSize);
+int tpc_decoder::get_input_item_size() {
+ return sizeof(INPUT_DATATYPE);
+int tpc_decoder::get_output_item_size() {
+ return sizeof(OUTPUT_DATATYPE);
+int tpc_decoder::get_history() {
+ return 0;
+float tpc_decoder::get_shift() {
+ return 0.0;
+const char* tpc_decoder::get_conversion() {
+ return "none";
+tpc_decoder::~tpc_decoder() {
+ fclose(fp);