path: root/gr-fec/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-fec/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b92f81a3..0000000000
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
- * option) any later version.
- *
- * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <gnuradio/fec/ldpc_R_U_mtrx.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace gr {
- namespace fec {
- namespace code {
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::ldpc_R_U_mtrx(const std::string filename, unsigned int gap)
- {
- d_H_ptr = read_matrix_from_file(filename);
- d_gap = gap;
- // Length of codeword = # of columns
- d_n = d_num_cols;
- // Length of information word = (# of columns) - (# of rows)
- d_k = d_num_cols - d_num_rows;
- set_parameters_for_encoding();
- // For info about this see get_base_ptr() function
- d_base_ptr = this;
- // The parity bits come first in this particular matrix
- // format (specifically required for the Richardson Urbanke
- // encoder)
- d_par_bits_last = false;
- } // Constructor
- // Default constructor, should not be used
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::ldpc_R_U_mtrx()
- {
- std::cout << "Error in ldpc_R_U_mtrx(): Default "
- << "constructor called.\nMust provide filename for"
- << " parity check matrix. \n\n";
- exit(1);
- } // Default constructor
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::A() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *A_ptr = &d_A_view.matrix;
- return A_ptr;
- }
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::B() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *B_ptr = &d_B_view.matrix;
- return B_ptr;
- }
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::D() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *D_ptr = &d_D_view.matrix;
- return D_ptr;
- }
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::E() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *E_ptr = &d_E_view.matrix;
- return E_ptr;
- }
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::T() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *T_ptr = &d_T_view.matrix;
- return T_ptr;
- }
- const gsl_matrix*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::phi_inverse() const
- {
- const gsl_matrix *phi_inverse_ptr = d_phi_inverse_ptr;
- return phi_inverse_ptr;
- }
- void
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::set_parameters_for_encoding()
- {
- // This function defines all of the submatrices that will be
- // needed during encoding.
- unsigned int t = d_num_rows - d_gap;
- // T submatrix
- d_T_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, 0, 0, t, t);
- gsl_matrix *d_T_inverse_ptr;
- try {
- d_T_inverse_ptr = calc_inverse_mod2(&d_T_view.matrix);
- }
- catch (char const *exceptionString) {
- std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while "
- << "looking for inverse T matrix: "
- << exceptionString
- << "Tip: verify that the correct gap is being "
- << "specified for this alist file.\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- // E submatrix
- d_E_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, t, 0, d_gap,
- d_n-d_k-d_gap);
- // A submatrix
- d_A_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, 0, t, t, d_gap);
- // C submatrix (used to find phi but not during encoding)
- gsl_matrix_view C_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, t, t,
- d_gap, d_gap);
- // These are just temporary matrices used to find phi.
- gsl_matrix *temp1 = mult_matrices_mod2(&d_E_view.matrix,
- d_T_inverse_ptr);
- gsl_matrix *temp2 = mult_matrices_mod2(temp1,
- &d_A_view.matrix);
- // Solve for phi.
- gsl_matrix *phi = add_matrices_mod2(&C_view.matrix, temp2);
- // If phi has at least one nonzero entry, try for inverse.
- if (gsl_matrix_max(phi)) {
- try {
- gsl_matrix *inverse_phi = calc_inverse_mod2(phi);
- // At this point, an inverse was found.
- d_phi_inverse_ptr = inverse_phi;
- }
- catch (char const *exceptionString) {
- std::cout << "Error in set_parameters_for_encoding while"
- << " finding inverse_phi: " << exceptionString
- << "Tip: verify that the correct gap is being "
- << "specified for this alist file.\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- // B submatrix
- d_B_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, 0, t + d_gap, t,
- d_n-d_gap-t);
- // D submatrix
- d_D_view = gsl_matrix_submatrix(d_H_ptr, t, t + d_gap, d_gap,
- d_n-d_gap-t);
- // Free memory
- gsl_matrix_free(temp1);
- gsl_matrix_free(temp2);
- gsl_matrix_free(phi);
- gsl_matrix_free(d_T_inverse_ptr);
- }
- gr::fec::code::fec_mtrx*
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::get_base_ptr()
- {
- /* For some reason, swig isn't accepting a pointer to this
- child class for the make function of the
- ldpc_bit_flip_decoder; it's expecting a pointer to the
- base class. So this is just a workaround for swig/GRC.
- */
- return d_base_ptr;
- }
- ldpc_R_U_mtrx::~ldpc_R_U_mtrx()
- {
- // Call the gsl_matrix_free function to free memory.
- gsl_matrix_free (d_H_ptr);
- gsl_matrix_free (d_phi_inverse_ptr);
- }
- } /* namespace code */
- } /* namespace fec */
-} /* namespace gr */ \ No newline at end of file