path: root/gr-digital/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-digital/lib/')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-digital/lib/ b/gr-digital/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c4f5fbf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+/* -*- c++ -*- */
+ * Copyright 2009-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Radio
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <digital_fll_band_edge_cc.h>
+#include <gr_io_signature.h>
+#include <gr_expj.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#define M_TWOPI (2*M_PI)
+float sinc(float x)
+ if(x == 0)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return sin(M_PI*x)/(M_PI*x);
+digital_make_fll_band_edge_cc (float samps_per_sym, float rolloff,
+ int filter_size, float bandwidth)
+ return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr(new digital_fll_band_edge_cc (samps_per_sym, rolloff,
+ filter_size, bandwidth));
+static int ios[] = {sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(float), sizeof(float), sizeof(float)};
+static std::vector<int> iosig(ios, ios+sizeof(ios)/sizeof(int));
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::digital_fll_band_edge_cc (float samps_per_sym, float rolloff,
+ int filter_size, float bandwidth)
+ : gr_sync_block ("fll_band_edge_cc",
+ gr_make_io_signature (1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
+ gr_make_io_signaturev (1, 4, iosig)),
+ d_updated (false)
+ // Initialize samples per symbol
+ if(samps_per_sym <= 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid number of sps. Must be > 0.");
+ }
+ d_sps = samps_per_sym;
+ // Initialize rolloff factor
+ if(rolloff < 0 || rolloff > 1.0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid rolloff factor. Must be in [0,1].");
+ }
+ d_rolloff = rolloff;
+ // Initialize filter length
+ if(filter_size <= 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid filter size. Must be > 0.");
+ }
+ d_filter_size = filter_size;
+ // Initialize loop bandwidth
+ if(bandwidth < 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid bandwidth. Must be >= 0.");
+ }
+ d_loop_bw = bandwidth;
+ // base this on the number of samples per symbol
+ d_max_freq = M_TWOPI * (2.0/samps_per_sym);
+ d_min_freq = -M_TWOPI * (2.0/samps_per_sym);
+ // Set the damping factor for a critically damped system
+ d_damping = sqrt(2.0)/2.0;
+ // Set the bandwidth, which will then call update_gains()
+ set_loop_bandwidth(bandwidth);
+ // Build the band edge filters
+ design_filter(d_sps, d_rolloff, d_filter_size);
+ // Initialize loop values
+ d_freq = 0;
+ d_phase = 0;
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::~digital_fll_band_edge_cc ()
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_loop_bandwidth(float bw)
+ if(bw < 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid bandwidth. Must be >= 0.");
+ }
+ d_loop_bw = bw;
+ update_gains();
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_damping_factor(float df)
+ if(df < 0 || df > 1.0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid damping factor. Must be in [0,1].");
+ }
+ d_damping = df;
+ update_gains();
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_alpha(float alpha)
+ if(alpha < 0 || alpha > 1.0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid alpha. Must be in [0,1].");
+ }
+ d_alpha = alpha;
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_beta(float beta)
+ if(beta < 0 || beta > 1.0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid beta. Must be in [0,1].");
+ }
+ d_beta = beta;
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_samples_per_symbol(float sps)
+ if(sps <= 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid number of sps. Must be > 0.");
+ }
+ d_sps = sps;
+ design_filter(d_sps, d_rolloff, d_filter_size);
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_rolloff(float rolloff)
+ if(rolloff < 0 || rolloff > 1.0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid rolloff factor. Must be in [0,1].");
+ }
+ d_rolloff = rolloff;
+ design_filter(d_sps, d_rolloff, d_filter_size);
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::set_filter_size(int filter_size)
+ if(filter_size <= 0) {
+ throw std::out_of_range ("digital_fll_band_edge_cc: invalid filter size. Must be > 0.");
+ }
+ d_filter_size = filter_size;
+ design_filter(d_sps, d_rolloff, d_filter_size);
+ return d_loop_bw;
+ return d_damping;
+ return d_alpha;
+ return d_beta;
+ return d_sps;
+ return d_rolloff;
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc:: get_filter_size()
+ return d_filter_size;
+ float denom = (1.0 + 2.0*d_damping*d_loop_bw + d_loop_bw*d_loop_bw);
+ d_alpha = (4*d_damping*d_loop_bw) / denom;
+ d_beta = (4*d_loop_bw*d_loop_bw) / denom;
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::design_filter(float samps_per_sym,
+ float rolloff, int filter_size)
+ int M = rint(filter_size / samps_per_sym);
+ float power = 0;
+ // Create the baseband filter by adding two sincs together
+ std::vector<float> bb_taps;
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter_size; i++) {
+ float k = -M + i*2.0/samps_per_sym;
+ float tap = sinc(rolloff*k - 0.5) + sinc(rolloff*k + 0.5);
+ power += tap;
+ bb_taps.push_back(tap);
+ }
+ d_taps_lower.resize(filter_size);
+ d_taps_upper.resize(filter_size);
+ // Create the band edge filters by spinning the baseband
+ // filter up and down to the right places in frequency.
+ // Also, normalize the power in the filters
+ int N = (bb_taps.size() - 1.0)/2.0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < filter_size; i++) {
+ float tap = bb_taps[i] / power;
+ float k = (-N + (int)i)/(2.0*samps_per_sym);
+ gr_complex t1 = tap * gr_expj(-M_TWOPI*(1+rolloff)*k);
+ gr_complex t2 = tap * gr_expj(M_TWOPI*(1+rolloff)*k);
+ d_taps_lower[filter_size-i-1] = t1;
+ d_taps_upper[filter_size-i-1] = t2;
+ }
+ d_updated = true;
+ // Set the history to ensure enough input items for each filter
+ set_history(filter_size+1);
+ unsigned int i;
+ printf("Upper Band-edge: [");
+ for(i = 0; i < d_taps_upper.size(); i++) {
+ printf(" %.4e + %.4ej,", d_taps_upper[i].real(), d_taps_upper[i].imag());
+ }
+ printf("]\n\n");
+ printf("Lower Band-edge: [");
+ for(i = 0; i < d_taps_lower.size(); i++) {
+ printf(" %.4e + %.4ej,", d_taps_lower[i].real(), d_taps_lower[i].imag());
+ }
+ printf("]\n\n");
+digital_fll_band_edge_cc::work (int noutput_items,
+ gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
+ gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
+ const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *) input_items[0];
+ gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0];
+ float *frq = NULL;
+ float *phs = NULL;
+ float *err = NULL;
+ if(output_items.size() == 4) {
+ frq = (float *) output_items[1];
+ phs = (float *) output_items[2];
+ err = (float *) output_items[3];
+ }
+ if (d_updated) {
+ d_updated = false;
+ return 0; // history requirements may have changed.
+ }
+ int i;
+ float error;
+ gr_complex nco_out;
+ gr_complex out_upper, out_lower;
+ for(i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++) {
+ nco_out = gr_expj(d_phase);
+ out[i+d_filter_size-1] = in[i] * nco_out;
+ // Perform the dot product of the output with the filters
+ out_upper = 0;
+ out_lower = 0;
+ for(int k = 0; k < d_filter_size; k++) {
+ out_upper += d_taps_upper[k] * out[i+k];
+ out_lower += d_taps_lower[k] * out[i+k];
+ }
+ error = norm(out_lower) - norm(out_upper);
+ d_freq = d_freq + d_beta * error;
+ d_phase = d_phase + d_freq + d_alpha * error;
+ if(d_phase > M_PI)
+ d_phase -= M_TWOPI;
+ else if(d_phase < -M_PI)
+ d_phase += M_TWOPI;
+ if (d_freq > d_max_freq)
+ d_freq = d_max_freq;
+ else if (d_freq < d_min_freq)
+ d_freq = d_min_freq;
+ if(output_items.size() == 4) {
+ frq[i] = d_freq;
+ phs[i] = d_phase;
+ err[i] = error;
+ }
+ }
+ return noutput_items;