path: root/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8597ca6497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2012,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+from gnuradio import gr
+from gnuradio import blocks
+from gnuradio import filter
+import sys, time
+ from gnuradio import qtgui
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+ import sip
+except ImportError:
+ print "Error: Program requires PyQt4 and gr-qtgui."
+ sys.exit(1)
+class GrDataPlotParent(gr.top_block, QtGui.QWidget):
+ # Setup signals
+ plotupdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtGui.QWidget)
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ gr.top_block.__init__(self)
+ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, None)
+ self._name = name
+ self._npts = 500
+ self._rate = rate
+ self.knobnames = [name,]
+ self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+ self.setLayout(self.layout)
+ self.setAcceptDrops(True)
+ def _setup(self, nconnections):
+ self.stop()
+ self.wait()
+ if(self.layout.count() > 0):
+ # Remove and disconnect. Making sure no references to snk
+ # remain so that the plot gets deleted.
+ self.layout.removeWidget(self.py_window)
+ self.disconnect(self.thr, (self.snk, 0))
+ self.disconnect(self.src[0], self.thr)
+ for n in xrange(1, self._ncons):
+ self.disconnect(self.src[n], (self.snk,n))
+ self._ncons = nconnections
+ self._data_len = self._ncons*[0,]
+ self.thr = blocks.throttle(self._datasize, self._rate)
+ self.snk = self.get_qtsink()
+ self.connect(self.thr, (self.snk, 0))
+ self._last_data = []
+ self.src = []
+ for n in xrange(self._ncons):
+ self.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+ self._last_data.append(int(self._npts)*[0,])
+ self.src.append(self.get_vecsource())
+ if(n == 0):
+ self.connect(self.src[n], self.thr)
+ else:
+ self.connect(self.src[n], (self.snk,n))
+ self.py_window = sip.wrapinstance(self.snk.pyqwidget(), QtGui.QWidget)
+ self.layout.addWidget(self.py_window)
+ def __del__(self):
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ self.snk.close()
+ def qwidget(self):
+ return self.py_window
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def semilogy(self, en=True):
+ self.snk.enable_semilogy(en)
+ def dragEnterEvent(self, e):
+ e.acceptProposedAction()
+ def dropEvent(self, e):
+ if(e.mimeData().hasFormat("text/plain")):
+ data = str(e.mimeData().text())
+ #"PlotData:{0}:{1}".format(tag, iscomplex)
+ datalst = data.split(":::")
+ tag = datalst[0]
+ name = datalst[1]
+ cpx = datalst[2] != "0"
+ if(tag == "PlotData" and cpx == self._iscomplex):
+ self.knobnames.append(name)
+ # create a new qwidget plot with the new data stream.
+ self._setup(len(self.knobnames))
+ # emit that this plot has been updated with a new qwidget.
+ self.plotupdated.emit(self)
+ e.acceptProposedAction()
+ def data_to_complex(self, data):
+ if(self._iscomplex):
+ data_r = data[0::2]
+ data_i = data[1::2]
+ data = [complex(r,i) for r,i in zip(data_r, data_i)]
+ return data
+ def update(self, data):
+ # Ask GUI if there has been a change in nsamps
+ npts = self.get_npts()
+ if(self._npts != npts):
+ # Adjust buffers to accomodate new settings
+ for n in xrange(self._ncons):
+ if(npts < self._npts):
+ if(self._data_len[n] < npts):
+ self._last_data[n] = self._last_data[n][0:npts]
+ else:
+ self._last_data[n] = self._last_data[n][self._data_len[n]-npts:self._data_len[n]]
+ self._data_len[n] = npts
+ else:
+ self._last_data[n] += (npts - self._npts)*[0,]
+ self._npts = npts
+ self.snk.reset()
+ if(self._stripchart):
+ # Update the plot data depending on type
+ for n in xrange(self._ncons):
+ if(type(data[n]) == list):
+ data[n] = self.data_to_complex(data[n])
+ if(len(data[n]) > self._npts):
+ self.src[n].set_data(data[n])
+ self._last_data[n] = data[n][-self._npts:]
+ else:
+ newdata = self._last_data[n][-(self._npts-len(data)):]
+ newdata += data[n]
+ self.src[n].set_data(newdata)
+ self._last_data[n] = newdata
+ else: # single value update
+ if(self._iscomplex):
+ data[n] = complex(data[n][0], data[n][1])
+ if(self._data_len[n] < self._npts):
+ self._last_data[n][self._data_len[n]] = data[n]
+ self._data_len[n] += 1
+ else:
+ self._last_data[n] = self._last_data[n][1:]
+ self._last_data[n].append(data[n])
+ self.src[n].set_data(self._last_data[n])
+ else:
+ for n in xrange(self._ncons):
+ if(type(data[n]) != list):
+ data[n] = [data[n],]
+ data[n] = self.data_to_complex(data[n])
+ self.src[n].set_data(data[n])
+class GrDataPlotterC(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None, stripchart=False):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._stripchart = stripchart
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_gr_complex
+ self._iscomplex = True
+ self._setup(1)
+ def stem(self, en=True):
+ self.snk.enable_stem_plot(en)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.time_sink_c(self._npts, 1.0,
+ self._name, self._ncons)
+ snk.enable_autoscale(True)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_c([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.nsamps()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(2*n+0, "Re{" + self.knobnames[n] + "}")
+ self.snk.set_line_label(2*n+1, "Im{" + self.knobnames[n] + "}")
+class GrDataPlotterF(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None, stripchart=False):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._stripchart = stripchart
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_float
+ self._iscomplex = False
+ self._setup(1)
+ def stem(self, en=True):
+ self.snk.enable_stem_plot(en)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.time_sink_f(self._npts, 1.0,
+ self._name, self._ncons)
+ snk.enable_autoscale(True)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_f([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.nsamps()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrDataPlotterConst(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_gr_complex
+ self._stripchart = False
+ self._iscomplex = True
+ self._setup(1)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.const_sink_c(self._npts,
+ self._name,
+ self._ncons)
+ snk.enable_autoscale(True)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_c([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.nsamps()
+ return self._npts
+ def scatter(self, en=True):
+ if(en):
+ self.snk.set_line_style(0, 0)
+ else:
+ self.snk.set_line_style(0, 1)
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrDataPlotterPsdC(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_gr_complex
+ self._stripchart = True
+ self._iscomplex = True
+ self._npts = 2048
+ self._wintype = filter.firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
+ self._fc = 0
+ self._setup(1)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.freq_sink_c(self._npts, self._wintype,
+ self._fc, 1.0,
+ self._name,
+ self._ncons)
+ snk.enable_autoscale(True)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_c([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.fft_size()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrDataPlotterPsdF(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_float
+ self._stripchart = True
+ self._iscomplex = False
+ self._npts = 2048
+ self._wintype = filter.firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS
+ self._fc = 0
+ self._setup(1)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.freq_sink_f(self._npts, self._wintype,
+ self._fc, 1.0,
+ self._name,
+ self._ncons)
+ snk.enable_autoscale(True)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_f([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.fft_size()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrTimeRasterF(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._npts = 10
+ self._rows = 40
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_float
+ self._stripchart = False
+ self._iscomplex = False
+ self._setup(1)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.time_raster_sink_f(1.0, self._npts, self._rows,
+ [], [], self._name,
+ self._ncons)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_f([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.num_cols()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrTimeRasterB(GrDataPlotParent):
+ def __init__(self, name, rate, pmin=None, pmax=None):
+ GrDataPlotParent.__init__(self, name, rate, pmin, pmax)
+ self._npts = 10
+ self._rows = 40
+ self._datasize = gr.sizeof_char
+ self._stripchart = False
+ self._iscomplex = False
+ self._setup(1)
+ def get_qtsink(self):
+ snk = qtgui.time_raster_sink_b(1.0, self._npts, self._rows,
+ [], [], self._name,
+ self._ncons)
+ return snk
+ def get_vecsource(self):
+ return blocks.vector_source_b([])
+ def get_npts(self):
+ self._npts = self.snk.num_cols()
+ return self._npts
+ def set_line_label(self, n, name):
+ self.snk.set_line_label(n, self.knobnames[n])
+class GrDataPlotterValueTable:
+ def __init__(self, uid, parent, x, y, xsize, ysize,
+ headers=['Statistic Key ( Source Block :: Stat Name ) ',
+ 'Curent Value', 'Units', 'Description']):
+ # must encapsulate, cuz Qt's bases are not classes
+ self.uid = uid
+ self.treeWidget = QtGui.QTreeWidget(parent)
+ self.treeWidget.setColumnCount(len(headers))
+ self.treeWidget.setGeometry(x,y,xsize,ysize)
+ self.treeWidget.setHeaderLabels(headers)
+ self.treeWidget.resizeColumnToContents(0)
+ def updateItems(self, knobs, knobprops):
+ items = [];
+ self.treeWidget.clear()
+ for k, v in knobs.iteritems():
+ items.append(QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([str(k), str(v.value),
+ knobprops[k].units,
+ knobprops[k].description]))
+ self.treeWidget.insertTopLevelItems(0, items)