path: root/gnuradio-runtime/include/gr_block.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-runtime/include/gr_block.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 700 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/include/gr_block.h b/gnuradio-runtime/include/gr_block.h
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index 77ca3f3f72..0000000000
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-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2004,2007,2009,2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include <gr_runtime_api.h>
-#include <gr_basic_block.h>
-#include <gr_tags.h>
-#include <gr_logger.h>
- * \brief The abstract base class for all 'terminal' processing blocks.
- * \ingroup base_blk
- *
- * A signal processing flow is constructed by creating a tree of
- * hierarchical blocks, which at any level may also contain terminal nodes
- * that actually implement signal processing functions. This is the base
- * class for all such leaf nodes.
- * Blocks have a set of input streams and output streams. The
- * input_signature and output_signature define the number of input
- * streams and output streams respectively, and the type of the data
- * items in each stream.
- *
- * Although blocks may consume data on each input stream at a
- * different rate, all outputs streams must produce data at the same
- * rate. That rate may be different from any of the input rates.
- *
- * User derived blocks override two methods, forecast and general_work,
- * to implement their signal processing behavior. forecast is called
- * by the system scheduler to determine how many items are required on
- * each input stream in order to produce a given number of output
- * items.
- *
- * general_work is called to perform the signal processing in the block.
- * It reads the input items and writes the output items.
- */
-class GR_RUNTIME_API gr_block : public gr_basic_block {
- public:
- //! Magic return values from general_work
- enum {
- WORK_DONE = -1
- };
- enum tag_propagation_policy_t {
- TPP_DONT = 0,
- };
- virtual ~gr_block ();
- /*!
- * Assume block computes y_i = f(x_i, x_i-1, x_i-2, x_i-3...)
- * History is the number of x_i's that are examined to produce one y_i.
- * This comes in handy for FIR filters, where we use history to
- * ensure that our input contains the appropriate "history" for the
- * filter. History should be equal to the number of filter taps.
- */
- unsigned history () const { return d_history; }
- void set_history (unsigned history) { d_history = history; }
- /*!
- * \brief Return true if this block has a fixed input to output rate.
- *
- * If true, then fixed_rate_in_to_out and fixed_rate_out_to_in may be called.
- */
- bool fixed_rate() const { return d_fixed_rate; }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // override these to define your behavior
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- /*!
- * \brief Estimate input requirements given output request
- *
- * \param noutput_items number of output items to produce
- * \param ninput_items_required number of input items required on each input stream
- *
- * Given a request to product \p noutput_items, estimate the number of
- * data items required on each input stream. The estimate doesn't have
- * to be exact, but should be close.
- */
- virtual void forecast (int noutput_items,
- gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
- /*!
- * \brief compute output items from input items
- *
- * \param noutput_items number of output items to write on each output stream
- * \param ninput_items number of input items available on each input stream
- * \param input_items vector of pointers to the input items, one entry per input stream
- * \param output_items vector of pointers to the output items, one entry per output stream
- *
- * \returns number of items actually written to each output stream, or -1 on EOF.
- * It is OK to return a value less than noutput_items. -1 <= return value <= noutput_items
- *
- * general_work must call consume or consume_each to indicate how many items
- * were consumed on each input stream.
- */
- virtual int general_work (int noutput_items,
- gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
- gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
- gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
- /*!
- * \brief Called to enable drivers, etc for i/o devices.
- *
- * This allows a block to enable an associated driver to begin
- * transfering data just before we start to execute the scheduler.
- * The end result is that this reduces latency in the pipeline when
- * dealing with audio devices, usrps, etc.
- */
- virtual bool start();
- /*!
- * \brief Called to disable drivers, etc for i/o devices.
- */
- virtual bool stop();
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- /*!
- * \brief Constrain the noutput_items argument passed to forecast and general_work
- *
- * set_output_multiple causes the scheduler to ensure that the noutput_items
- * argument passed to forecast and general_work will be an integer multiple
- * of \param multiple The default value of output multiple is 1.
- */
- void set_output_multiple (int multiple);
- int output_multiple () const { return d_output_multiple; }
- bool output_multiple_set () const { return d_output_multiple_set; }
- /*!
- * \brief Constrains buffers to work on a set item alignment (for SIMD)
- *
- * set_alignment_multiple causes the scheduler to ensure that the noutput_items
- * argument passed to forecast and general_work will be an integer multiple
- * of \param multiple The default value is 1.
- *
- * This control is similar to the output_multiple setting, except
- * that if the number of items passed to the block is less than the
- * output_multiple, this value is ignored and the block can produce
- * like normal. The d_unaligned value is set to the number of items
- * the block is off by. In the next call to general_work, the
- * noutput_items is set to d_unaligned or less until
- * d_unaligned==0. The buffers are now aligned again and the aligned
- * calls can be performed again.
- */
- void set_alignment (int multiple);
- int alignment () const { return d_output_multiple; }
- void set_unaligned (int na);
- int unaligned () const { return d_unaligned; }
- void set_is_unaligned (bool u);
- bool is_unaligned () const { return d_is_unaligned; }
- /*!
- * \brief Tell the scheduler \p how_many_items of input stream \p which_input were consumed.
- */
- void consume (int which_input, int how_many_items);
- /*!
- * \brief Tell the scheduler \p how_many_items were consumed on each input stream.
- */
- void consume_each (int how_many_items);
- /*!
- * \brief Tell the scheduler \p how_many_items were produced on output stream \p which_output.
- *
- * If the block's general_work method calls produce, \p general_work must return WORK_CALLED_PRODUCE.
- */
- void produce (int which_output, int how_many_items);
- /*!
- * \brief Set the approximate output rate / input rate
- *
- * Provide a hint to the buffer allocator and scheduler.
- * The default relative_rate is 1.0
- *
- * decimators have relative_rates < 1.0
- * interpolators have relative_rates > 1.0
- */
- void set_relative_rate (double relative_rate);
- /*!
- * \brief return the approximate output rate / input rate
- */
- double relative_rate () const { return d_relative_rate; }
- /*
- * The following two methods provide special case info to the
- * scheduler in the event that a block has a fixed input to output
- * ratio. gr_sync_block, gr_sync_decimator and gr_sync_interpolator
- * override these. If you're fixed rate, subclass one of those.
- */
- /*!
- * \brief Given ninput samples, return number of output samples that will be produced.
- * N.B. this is only defined if fixed_rate returns true.
- * Generally speaking, you don't need to override this.
- */
- virtual int fixed_rate_ninput_to_noutput(int ninput);
- /*!
- * \brief Given noutput samples, return number of input samples required to produce noutput.
- * N.B. this is only defined if fixed_rate returns true.
- * Generally speaking, you don't need to override this.
- */
- virtual int fixed_rate_noutput_to_ninput(int noutput);
- /*!
- * \brief Return the number of items read on input stream which_input
- */
- uint64_t nitems_read(unsigned int which_input);
- /*!
- * \brief Return the number of items written on output stream which_output
- */
- uint64_t nitems_written(unsigned int which_output);
- /*!
- * \brief Asks for the policy used by the scheduler to moved tags downstream.
- */
- tag_propagation_policy_t tag_propagation_policy();
- /*!
- * \brief Set the policy by the scheduler to determine how tags are moved downstream.
- */
- void set_tag_propagation_policy(tag_propagation_policy_t p);
- /*!
- * \brief Return the minimum number of output items this block can
- * produce during a call to work.
- *
- * Should be 0 for most blocks. Useful if we're dealing with packets and
- * the block produces one packet per call to work.
- */
- int min_noutput_items() const { return d_min_noutput_items; }
- /*!
- * \brief Set the minimum number of output items this block can
- * produce during a call to work.
- *
- * \param m the minimum noutput_items this block can produce.
- */
- void set_min_noutput_items(int m) { d_min_noutput_items = m; }
- /*!
- * \brief Return the maximum number of output items this block will
- * handle during a call to work.
- */
- int max_noutput_items();
- /*!
- * \brief Set the maximum number of output items this block will
- * handle during a call to work.
- *
- * \param m the maximum noutput_items this block will handle.
- */
- void set_max_noutput_items(int m);
- /*!
- * \brief Clear the switch for using the max_noutput_items value of this block.
- *
- * When is_set_max_noutput_items() returns 'true', the scheduler
- * will use the value returned by max_noutput_items() to limit the
- * size of the number of items possible for this block's work
- * function. If is_set_max_notput_items() returns 'false', then the
- * scheduler ignores the internal value and uses the value set
- * globally in the top_block.
- *
- * Use this value to clear the 'is_set' flag so the scheduler will
- * ignore this. Use the set_max_noutput_items(m) call to both set a
- * new value for max_noutput_items and to reenable its use in the
- * scheduler.
- */
- void unset_max_noutput_items();
- /*!
- * \brief Ask the block if the flag is or is not set to use the
- * internal value of max_noutput_items during a call to work.
- */
- bool is_set_max_noutput_items();
- /*
- * Used to expand the vectors that hold the min/max buffer sizes.
- *
- * Specifically, when -1 is used, the vectors are just initialized
- * with 1 value; this is used by the flat_flowgraph to expand when
- * required to add a new value for new ports on these blocks.
- */
- void expand_minmax_buffer(int port) {
- if((size_t)port >= d_max_output_buffer.size())
- set_max_output_buffer(port, -1);
- if((size_t)port >= d_min_output_buffer.size())
- set_min_output_buffer(port, -1);
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Returns max buffer size on output port \p i.
- */
- long max_output_buffer(size_t i) {
- if(i >= d_max_output_buffer.size())
- throw std::invalid_argument("gr_basic_block::max_output_buffer: port out of range.");
- return d_max_output_buffer[i];
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Sets max buffer size on all output ports.
- */
- void set_max_output_buffer(long max_output_buffer) {
- for(int i = 0; i < output_signature()->max_streams(); i++) {
- set_max_output_buffer(i, max_output_buffer);
- }
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Sets max buffer size on output port \p port.
- */
- void set_max_output_buffer(int port, long max_output_buffer) {
- if((size_t)port >= d_max_output_buffer.size())
- d_max_output_buffer.push_back(max_output_buffer);
- else
- d_max_output_buffer[port] = max_output_buffer;
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Returns min buffer size on output port \p i.
- */
- long min_output_buffer(size_t i) {
- if(i >= d_min_output_buffer.size())
- throw std::invalid_argument("gr_basic_block::min_output_buffer: port out of range.");
- return d_min_output_buffer[i];
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Sets min buffer size on all output ports.
- */
- void set_min_output_buffer(long min_output_buffer) {
- for(int i=0; i<output_signature()->max_streams(); i++) {
- set_min_output_buffer(i, min_output_buffer);
- }
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Sets min buffer size on output port \p port.
- */
- void set_min_output_buffer(int port, long min_output_buffer) {
- if((size_t)port >= d_min_output_buffer.size())
- d_min_output_buffer.push_back(min_output_buffer);
- else
- d_min_output_buffer[port] = min_output_buffer;
- }
- // --------------- Performance counter functions -------------
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous noutput_items performance counter.
- */
- float pc_noutput_items();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average noutput_items performance counter.
- */
- float pc_noutput_items_avg();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of noutput_items performance counter.
- */
- float pc_noutput_items_var();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous num items produced performance counter.
- */
- float pc_nproduced();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average num items produced performance counter.
- */
- float pc_nproduced_avg();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of num items produced performance counter.
- */
- float pc_nproduced_var();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_input_buffers_full(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_input_buffers_full_avg(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_input_buffers_full_var(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous fullness of all input buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_input_buffers_full();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average fullness of all input buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_input_buffers_full_avg();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of fullness of all input buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_input_buffers_full_var();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_output_buffers_full(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_output_buffers_full_avg(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of fullness of \p which input buffer.
- */
- float pc_output_buffers_full_var(int which);
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous fullness of all output buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_output_buffers_full();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average fullness of all output buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_output_buffers_full_avg();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets variance of fullness of all output buffers.
- */
- std::vector<float> pc_output_buffers_full_var();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets instantaneous clock cycles spent in work.
- */
- float pc_work_time();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average clock cycles spent in work.
- */
- float pc_work_time_avg();
- /*!
- * \brief Gets average clock cycles spent in work.
- */
- float pc_work_time_var();
- /*!
- * \brief Resets the performance counters
- */
- void reset_perf_counters();
- /*!
- * \brief Sets up export of perf. counters to ControlPort. Only
- * called by the scheduler.
- */
- void setup_pc_rpc();
- /*!
- * \brief Checks if this block is already exporting perf. counters
- * to ControlPort.
- */
- bool is_pc_rpc_set() { return d_pc_rpc_set; }
- /*!
- * \brief If the block calls this in its constructor, it's
- * perf. counters will not be exported.
- */
- void no_pc_rpc() { d_pc_rpc_set = true; }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Functions to handle thread affinity
- /*!
- * \brief Set the thread's affinity to processor core \p n.
- *
- * \param mask a vector of ints of the core numbers available to this block.
- */
- void set_processor_affinity(const std::vector<int> &mask);
- /*!
- * \brief Remove processor affinity to a specific core.
- */
- void unset_processor_affinity();
- /*!
- * \brief Get the current processor affinity.
- */
- std::vector<int> processor_affinity() { return d_affinity; }
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- private:
- int d_output_multiple;
- bool d_output_multiple_set;
- int d_unaligned;
- bool d_is_unaligned;
- double d_relative_rate; // approx output_rate / input_rate
- gr_block_detail_sptr d_detail; // implementation details
- unsigned d_history;
- bool d_fixed_rate;
- bool d_max_noutput_items_set; // if d_max_noutput_items is valid
- int d_max_noutput_items; // value of max_noutput_items for this block
- int d_min_noutput_items;
- tag_propagation_policy_t d_tag_propagation_policy; // policy for moving tags downstream
- std::vector<int> d_affinity; // thread affinity proc. mask
- bool d_pc_rpc_set;
- protected:
- gr_block (void){} //allows pure virtual interface sub-classes
- gr_block (const std::string &name,
- gr_io_signature_sptr input_signature,
- gr_io_signature_sptr output_signature);
- void set_fixed_rate(bool fixed_rate){ d_fixed_rate = fixed_rate; }
- /*!
- * \brief Adds a new tag onto the given output buffer.
- *
- * \param which_output an integer of which output stream to attach the tag
- * \param abs_offset a uint64 number of the absolute item number
- * assicated with the tag. Can get from nitems_written.
- * \param key the tag key as a PMT symbol
- * \param value any PMT holding any value for the given key
- * \param srcid optional source ID specifier; defaults to PMT_F
- */
- inline void add_item_tag(unsigned int which_output,
- uint64_t abs_offset,
- const pmt::pmt_t &key,
- const pmt::pmt_t &value,
- const pmt::pmt_t &srcid=pmt::PMT_F)
- {
- gr_tag_t tag;
- tag.offset = abs_offset;
- tag.key = key;
- tag.value = value;
- tag.srcid = srcid;
- this->add_item_tag(which_output, tag);
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Adds a new tag onto the given output buffer.
- *
- * \param which_output an integer of which output stream to attach the tag
- * \param tag the tag object to add
- */
- void add_item_tag(unsigned int which_output, const gr_tag_t &tag);
- /*!
- * \brief Removes a tag from the given input buffer.
- *
- * \param which_input an integer of which input stream to remove the tag from
- * \param abs_offset a uint64 number of the absolute item number
- * assicated with the tag. Can get from nitems_written.
- * \param key the tag key as a PMT symbol
- * \param value any PMT holding any value for the given key
- * \param srcid optional source ID specifier; defaults to PMT_F
- *
- * If no such tag is found, does nothing.
- */
- inline void remove_item_tag(unsigned int which_input,
- uint64_t abs_offset,
- const pmt::pmt_t &key,
- const pmt::pmt_t &value,
- const pmt::pmt_t &srcid=pmt::PMT_F)
- {
- gr_tag_t tag;
- tag.offset = abs_offset;
- tag.key = key;
- tag.value = value;
- tag.srcid = srcid;
- this->remove_item_tag(which_input, tag);
- }
- /*!
- * \brief Removes a tag from the given input buffer.
- *
- * If no such tag is found, does nothing.
- *
- * \param which_input an integer of which input stream to remove the tag from
- * \param tag the tag object to remove
- */
- void remove_item_tag(unsigned int which_input, const gr_tag_t &tag);
- /*!
- * \brief Given a [start,end), returns a vector of all tags in the range.
- *
- * Range of counts is from start to end-1.
- *
- * Tags are tuples of:
- * (item count, source id, key, value)
- *
- * \param v a vector reference to return tags into
- * \param which_input an integer of which input stream to pull from
- * \param abs_start a uint64 count of the start of the range of interest
- * \param abs_end a uint64 count of the end of the range of interest
- */
- void get_tags_in_range(std::vector<gr_tag_t> &v,
- unsigned int which_input,
- uint64_t abs_start,
- uint64_t abs_end);
- /*!
- * \brief Given a [start,end), returns a vector of all tags in the range
- * with a given key.
- *
- * Range of counts is from start to end-1.
- *
- * Tags are tuples of:
- * (item count, source id, key, value)
- *
- * \param v a vector reference to return tags into
- * \param which_input an integer of which input stream to pull from
- * \param abs_start a uint64 count of the start of the range of interest
- * \param abs_end a uint64 count of the end of the range of interest
- * \param key a PMT symbol key to filter only tags of this key
- */
- void get_tags_in_range(std::vector<gr_tag_t> &v,
- unsigned int which_input,
- uint64_t abs_start,
- uint64_t abs_end,
- const pmt::pmt_t &key);
- std::vector<long> d_max_output_buffer;
- std::vector<long> d_min_output_buffer;
- /*! Used by block's setters and work functions to make
- * setting/resetting of parameters thread-safe.
- *
- * Used by calling gr::thread::scoped_lock l(d_setlock);
- */
- gr::thread::mutex d_setlock;
- /*! Used by blocks to access the logger system.
- */
- gr_logger_ptr d_logger;
- gr_logger_ptr d_debug_logger;
- // These are really only for internal use, but leaving them public avoids
- // having to work up an ever-varying list of friend GR_RUNTIME_APIs
- public:
- gr_block_detail_sptr detail () const { return d_detail; }
- void set_detail (gr_block_detail_sptr detail) { d_detail = detail; }
-typedef std::vector<gr_block_sptr> gr_block_vector_t;
-typedef std::vector<gr_block_sptr>::iterator gr_block_viter_t;
-inline gr_block_sptr cast_to_block_sptr(gr_basic_block_sptr p)
- return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<gr_block, gr_basic_block>(p);
-operator << (std::ostream& os, const gr_block *m);
-#endif /* INCLUDED_GR_BLOCK_H */