path: root/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/README.TXT
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diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/README.TXT b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/README.TXT
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-examples/python/apps/hf_radio/README.TXT
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+The files in this directory implement a fairly simple HF radio that works
+with the basic rx daughter board on the USRP.
+Many thanks to the Gnu Radio folks for a great new way to waste large blocks
+of time in infinitely tweaking a huge number of free parameters.
+Start the receiver by running the in this directory. Or from the
+Python prompt type "from radio import *" and you'll get the prompt back
+with the receiver running. You can then poke around to see what's going on.
+There are two spectrum displays. One is the output of the USRP and displays
+about 300KHz of bandwidth centered at the current tuning freq. The other
+displays the output spectrum of the demodulator.
+The demodulator does AM demod using the complex modulus block from gr. It
+does SSB demod using the frequency translating fir filter as a complex
+hilbert transformer. The taps for this filter were generated using a program
+called Scilab and the Scilab program in the file hfir.sci. More details in
+the associated files.
+Tune the receiver using the spin buttons under the big frequency display.
+The agc block is a roll your own. The standard agc in the newer CVS updates
+seems to work but doesn't seem to have adjustable time constants or provide
+access to internal signal nodes which are used for the RSSI.
+The AGC authority (a sort of gain parameter) and the reference level used
+in the power to dB computagion can be adjusted using the spin buttons.
+The audio bandwidth can be similarly adjusted from about 50Hz to 10KHz.
+The GUI layout was produced using wxGlade. The file radio.xml is the GUI
+specification. It will produce a file called which is subclassed
+by classes defined in The is purely generated by wxGlade
+all app specific code for the GUI is in
+Most of the actual signal processing code is built up in the other included
+files using the hierarchical block facilities. This organization should
+make it easier to tweak to your heart's content.
+Known bugs weakness and other
+wxPython and wxGlade seem to conspire to insure that the layout can never
+be exactly what you have in mind.
+Some of the controls don't behave as one might like. wx spin controls
+and spin boxes only support integers so it is rather a nuisance to make
+units come out nice. In the process of development I came up with a reasonable
+kluge so there is a mixture of approaches.
+M. Revnell 2006-Jan-06