path: root/gnuradio-core/src/lib/omnithread/
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1 files changed, 967 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/src/lib/omnithread/ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/omnithread/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09be422917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/src/lib/omnithread/
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+// Package : omnithread
+// omnithread/ Created : 6/95 tjr
+// Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// Copyright (C) 1995-1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
+// This file is part of the omnithread library
+// The omnithread library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Library General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+// Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+// 02111-1307, USA
+// Implementation of OMNI thread abstraction for NT threads
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <omnithread.h>
+#include <process.h>
+#define DB(x) // x
+//#include <iostream.h> or #include <iostream> if DB is on.
+static void get_time_now(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec);
+// Mutex
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&crit);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&crit);
+// Condition variable
+// Condition variables are tricky to implement using NT synchronisation
+// primitives, since none of them have the atomic "release mutex and wait to be
+// signalled" which is central to the idea of a condition variable. To get
+// around this the solution is to record which threads are waiting and
+// explicitly wake up those threads.
+// Here we implement a condition variable using a list of waiting threads
+// (protected by a critical section), and a per-thread semaphore (which
+// actually only needs to be a binary semaphore).
+// To wait on the cv, a thread puts itself on the list of waiting threads for
+// that cv, then releases the mutex and waits on its own personal semaphore. A
+// signalling thread simply takes a thread from the head of the list and kicks
+// that thread's semaphore. Broadcast is simply implemented by kicking the
+// semaphore of each waiting thread.
+// The only other tricky part comes when a thread gets a timeout from a timed
+// wait on its semaphore. Between returning with a timeout from the wait and
+// entering the critical section, a signalling thread could get in, kick the
+// waiting thread's semaphore and remove it from the list. If this happens,
+// the waiting thread's semaphore is now out of step so it needs resetting, and
+// the thread should indicate that it was signalled rather than that it timed
+// out.
+// It is possible that the thread calling wait or timedwait is not a
+// omni_thread. In this case we have to provide a temporary data structure,
+// i.e. for the duration of the call, for the thread to link itself on the
+// list of waiting threads. _internal_omni_thread_dummy provides such
+// a data structure and _internal_omni_thread_helper is a helper class to
+// deal with this special case for wait() and timedwait(). Once created,
+// the _internal_omni_thread_dummy is cached for use by the next wait() or
+// timedwait() call from a non-omni_thread. This is probably worth doing
+// because creating a Semaphore is quite heavy weight.
+class _internal_omni_thread_helper;
+class _internal_omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
+ inline _internal_omni_thread_dummy() : next(0) { }
+ inline ~_internal_omni_thread_dummy() { }
+ friend class _internal_omni_thread_helper;
+ _internal_omni_thread_dummy* next;
+class _internal_omni_thread_helper {
+ inline _internal_omni_thread_helper() {
+ d = 0;
+ t = omni_thread::self();
+ if (!t) {
+ omni_mutex_lock sync(cachelock);
+ if (cache) {
+ d = cache;
+ cache = cache->next;
+ }
+ else {
+ d = new _internal_omni_thread_dummy;
+ }
+ t = d;
+ }
+ }
+ inline ~_internal_omni_thread_helper() {
+ if (d) {
+ omni_mutex_lock sync(cachelock);
+ d->next = cache;
+ cache = d;
+ }
+ }
+ inline operator omni_thread* () { return t; }
+ inline omni_thread* operator->() { return t; }
+ static _internal_omni_thread_dummy* cache;
+ static omni_mutex cachelock;
+ _internal_omni_thread_dummy* d;
+ omni_thread* t;
+_internal_omni_thread_dummy* _internal_omni_thread_helper::cache = 0;
+omni_mutex _internal_omni_thread_helper::cachelock;
+omni_condition::omni_condition(omni_mutex* m) : mutex(m)
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&crit);
+ waiting_head = waiting_tail = NULL;
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&crit);
+ DB( if (waiting_head != NULL) {
+ cerr << "omni_condition::~omni_condition: list of waiting threads "
+ << "is not empty\n";
+ } )
+ _internal_omni_thread_helper me;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
+ me->cond_next = NULL;
+ me->cond_prev = waiting_tail;
+ if (waiting_head == NULL)
+ waiting_head = me;
+ else
+ waiting_tail->cond_next = me;
+ waiting_tail = me;
+ me->cond_waiting = TRUE;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ mutex->unlock();
+ DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, INFINITE);
+ mutex->lock();
+ if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+omni_condition::timedwait(unsigned long abs_sec, unsigned long abs_nsec)
+ _internal_omni_thread_helper me;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
+ me->cond_next = NULL;
+ me->cond_prev = waiting_tail;
+ if (waiting_head == NULL)
+ waiting_head = me;
+ else
+ waiting_tail->cond_next = me;
+ waiting_tail = me;
+ me->cond_waiting = TRUE;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ mutex->unlock();
+ unsigned long now_sec, now_nsec;
+ get_time_now(&now_sec, &now_nsec);
+ DWORD timeout;
+ if ((abs_sec <= now_sec) && ((abs_sec < now_sec) || (abs_nsec < now_nsec)))
+ timeout = 0;
+ else {
+ timeout = (abs_sec-now_sec) * 1000;
+ if( abs_nsec < now_nsec ) timeout -= (now_nsec-abs_nsec) / 1000000;
+ else timeout += (abs_nsec-now_nsec) / 1000000;
+ }
+ DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, timeout);
+ if (result == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
+ EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
+ if (me->cond_waiting) {
+ if (me->cond_prev != NULL)
+ me->cond_prev->cond_next = me->cond_next;
+ else
+ waiting_head = me->cond_next;
+ if (me->cond_next != NULL)
+ me->cond_next->cond_prev = me->cond_prev;
+ else
+ waiting_tail = me->cond_prev;
+ me->cond_waiting = FALSE;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ mutex->lock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // We timed out but another thread still signalled us. Wait for
+ // the semaphore (it _must_ have been signalled) to decrement it
+ // again. Return that we were signalled, not that we timed out.
+ //
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ result = WaitForSingleObject(me->cond_semaphore, INFINITE);
+ }
+ if (result != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ mutex->lock();
+ return 1;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
+ if (waiting_head != NULL) {
+ omni_thread* t = waiting_head;
+ waiting_head = t->cond_next;
+ if (waiting_head == NULL)
+ waiting_tail = NULL;
+ else
+ waiting_head->cond_prev = NULL;
+ t->cond_waiting = FALSE;
+ if (!ReleaseSemaphore(t->cond_semaphore, 1, NULL)) {
+ int rc = GetLastError();
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ EnterCriticalSection(&crit);
+ while (waiting_head != NULL) {
+ omni_thread* t = waiting_head;
+ waiting_head = t->cond_next;
+ if (waiting_head == NULL)
+ waiting_tail = NULL;
+ else
+ waiting_head->cond_prev = NULL;
+ t->cond_waiting = FALSE;
+ if (!ReleaseSemaphore(t->cond_semaphore, 1, NULL)) {
+ int rc = GetLastError();
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(rc);
+ }
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&crit);
+// Counting semaphore
+#define SEMAPHORE_MAX 0x7fffffff
+omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore(unsigned int initial, unsigned int max_count)
+ if (max_count > SEMAPHORE_MAX)
+ max_count= SEMAPHORE_MAX;
+ nt_sem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, initial, max_count, NULL);
+ if (nt_sem == NULL) {
+ DB( cerr << "omni_semaphore::omni_semaphore: CreateSemaphore error "
+ << GetLastError() << endl );
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (!CloseHandle(nt_sem)) {
+ DB( cerr << "omni_semaphore::~omni_semaphore: CloseHandle error "
+ << GetLastError() << endl );
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(nt_sem, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ switch (WaitForSingleObject(nt_sem, 0)) {
+ case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ return 0; /* keep msvc++ happy */
+ if (!ReleaseSemaphore(nt_sem, 1, NULL))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+// Thread
+// Static variables
+omni_mutex* omni_thread::next_id_mutex;
+int omni_thread::next_id = 0;
+static DWORD self_tls_index;
+static unsigned int stack_size = 0;
+// Initialisation function (gets called before any user code).
+static int& count() {
+ static int the_count = 0;
+ return the_count;
+ if (count()++ != 0) // only do it once however many objects get created.
+ return;
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::init: NT implementation initialising\n");
+ self_tls_index = TlsAlloc();
+ if (self_tls_index == 0xffffffff)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ next_id_mutex = new omni_mutex;
+ //
+ // Create object for this (i.e. initial) thread.
+ //
+ omni_thread* t = new omni_thread;
+ t->_state = STATE_RUNNING;
+ if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
+ GetCurrentProcess(), &t->handle,
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ t->nt_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ DB(cerr << "initial thread " << t->id() << " NT thread id " << t->nt_id
+ << endl);
+ if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)t))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ if (!SetThreadPriority(t->handle, nt_priority(PRIORITY_NORMAL)))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ if (--count() != 0) return;
+ omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
+ if (!self) return;
+ TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)0);
+ delete self;
+ delete next_id_mutex;
+ TlsFree(self_tls_index);
+// Wrapper for thread creation.
+extern "C"
+#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
+unsigned __stdcall
+omni_thread_wrapper(void* ptr)
+ omni_thread* me = (omni_thread*)ptr;
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread_wrapper: thread " << me->id()
+ << " started\n");
+ if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)me))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ //
+ // Now invoke the thread function with the given argument.
+ //
+ if (me->fn_void != NULL) {
+ (*me->fn_void)(me->thread_arg);
+ omni_thread::exit();
+ }
+ if (me->fn_ret != NULL) {
+ void* return_value = (*me->fn_ret)(me->thread_arg);
+ omni_thread::exit(return_value);
+ }
+ if (me->detached) {
+ me->run(me->thread_arg);
+ omni_thread::exit();
+ } else {
+ void* return_value = me->run_undetached(me->thread_arg);
+ omni_thread::exit(return_value);
+ }
+ // should never get here.
+#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
+ return 0;
+// Constructors for omni_thread - set up the thread object but don't
+// start it running.
+// construct a detached thread running a given function.
+omni_thread::omni_thread(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
+ common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
+ fn_void = fn;
+ fn_ret = NULL;
+// construct an undetached thread running a given function.
+omni_thread::omni_thread(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
+ common_constructor(arg, pri, 0);
+ fn_void = NULL;
+ fn_ret = fn;
+// construct a thread which will run either run() or run_undetached().
+omni_thread::omni_thread(void* arg, priority_t pri)
+ common_constructor(arg, pri, 1);
+ fn_void = NULL;
+ fn_ret = NULL;
+// common part of all constructors.
+omni_thread::common_constructor(void* arg, priority_t pri, int det)
+ _state = STATE_NEW;
+ _priority = pri;
+ next_id_mutex->lock();
+ _id = next_id++;
+ next_id_mutex->unlock();
+ thread_arg = arg;
+ detached = det; // may be altered in start_undetached()
+ cond_semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, SEMAPHORE_MAX, NULL);
+ if (cond_semaphore == NULL)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ cond_next = cond_prev = NULL;
+ cond_waiting = FALSE;
+ handle = NULL;
+ _dummy = 0;
+ _values = 0;
+ _value_alloc = 0;
+// Destructor for omni_thread.
+ DB(cerr << "destructor called for thread " << id() << endl);
+ if (_values) {
+ for (key_t i=0; i < _value_alloc; i++) {
+ if (_values[i]) {
+ delete _values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] _values;
+ }
+ if (handle && !CloseHandle(handle))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ if (cond_semaphore && !CloseHandle(cond_semaphore))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+// Start the thread
+ omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
+ if (_state != STATE_NEW)
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
+ // MSVC++ or compatiable
+ unsigned int t;
+ handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(
+ stack_size,
+ omni_thread_wrapper,
+ (LPVOID)this,
+ &t);
+ nt_id = t;
+ if (handle == NULL)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ // Borland C++
+ handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadNT(omni_thread_wrapper,
+ stack_size,
+ (void*)this,
+ &nt_id);
+ if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(errno);
+ if (!SetThreadPriority(handle, nt_priority(_priority)))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ if (ResumeThread(handle) == 0xffffffff)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ _state = STATE_RUNNING;
+// Start a thread which will run the member function run_undetached().
+ if ((fn_void != NULL) || (fn_ret != NULL))
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ detached = 0;
+ start();
+// join - simply check error conditions & call WaitForSingleObject.
+omni_thread::join(void** status)
+ mutex.lock();
+ if ((_state != STATE_RUNNING) && (_state != STATE_TERMINATED)) {
+ mutex.unlock();
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ }
+ mutex.unlock();
+ if (this == self())
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ if (detached)
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: doing WaitForSingleObject\n");
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::join: WaitForSingleObject succeeded\n");
+ if (status)
+ *status = return_val;
+ delete this;
+// Change this thread's priority.
+omni_thread::set_priority(priority_t pri)
+ omni_mutex_lock l(mutex);
+ if (_state != STATE_RUNNING)
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ _priority = pri;
+ if (!SetThreadPriority(handle, nt_priority(pri)))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+// create - construct a new thread object and start it running. Returns thread
+// object if successful, null pointer if not.
+// detached version
+omni_thread::create(void (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
+ omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
+ t->start();
+ return t;
+// undetached version
+omni_thread::create(void* (*fn)(void*), void* arg, priority_t pri)
+ omni_thread* t = new omni_thread(fn, arg, pri);
+ t->start();
+ return t;
+// exit() _must_ lock the mutex even in the case of a detached thread. This is
+// because a thread may run to completion before the thread that created it has
+// had a chance to get out of start(). By locking the mutex we ensure that the
+// creating thread must have reached the end of start() before we delete the
+// thread object. Of course, once the call to start() returns, the user can
+// still incorrectly refer to the thread object, but that's their problem.
+omni_thread::exit(void* return_value)
+ omni_thread* me = self();
+ if (me)
+ {
+ me->mutex.lock();
+ me->_state = STATE_TERMINATED;
+ me->mutex.unlock();
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: thread " << me->id() << " detached "
+ << me->detached << " return value " << return_value << endl);
+ if (me->detached) {
+ delete me;
+ } else {
+ me->return_val = return_value;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::exit: called with a non-omnithread. Exit quietly." << endl);
+ }
+#ifndef __BCPLUSPLUS__
+ // MSVC++ or compatiable
+ // _endthreadex() does not automatically closes the thread handle.
+ // The omni_thread dtor closes the thread handle.
+ _endthreadex(0);
+ // Borland C++
+ // _endthread() does not automatically closes the thread handle.
+ // _endthreadex() is only available if __MFC_COMPAT__ is defined and
+ // all it does is to call _endthread().
+ _endthread();
+ LPVOID me;
+ me = TlsGetValue(self_tls_index);
+ if (me == NULL) {
+ DB(cerr << "omni_thread::self: called with a non-ominthread. NULL is returned." << endl);
+ }
+ return (omni_thread*)me;
+ Sleep(0);
+#define MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS (DWORD)4294966 // (2**32-2)/1000
+omni_thread::sleep(unsigned long secs, unsigned long nanosecs)
+ if (secs <= MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) {
+ Sleep(secs * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
+ return;
+ }
+ DWORD no_of_max_sleeps = secs / MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS;
+ for (DWORD i = 0; i < no_of_max_sleeps; i++)
+ Sleep(MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS * 1000);
+ Sleep((secs % MAX_SLEEP_SECONDS) * 1000 + nanosecs / 1000000);
+omni_thread::get_time(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec,
+ unsigned long rel_sec, unsigned long rel_nsec)
+ get_time_now(abs_sec, abs_nsec);
+ *abs_nsec += rel_nsec;
+ *abs_sec += rel_sec + *abs_nsec / 1000000000;
+ *abs_nsec = *abs_nsec % 1000000000;
+omni_thread::nt_priority(priority_t pri)
+ switch (pri) {
+ }
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ return 0; /* keep msvc++ happy */
+static void
+get_time_now(unsigned long* abs_sec, unsigned long* abs_nsec)
+ static int days_in_preceding_months[12]
+ = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
+ static int days_in_preceding_months_leap[12]
+ = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 };
+ GetSystemTime(&st);
+ *abs_nsec = st.wMilliseconds * 1000000;
+ // this formula should work until 1st March 2100
+ DWORD days = ((st.wYear - 1970) * 365 + (st.wYear - 1969) / 4
+ + ((st.wYear % 4)
+ ? days_in_preceding_months[st.wMonth - 1]
+ : days_in_preceding_months_leap[st.wMonth - 1])
+ + st.wDay - 1);
+ *abs_sec = st.wSecond + 60 * (st.wMinute + 60 * (st.wHour + 24 * days));
+omni_thread::stacksize(unsigned long sz)
+ stack_size = sz;
+unsigned long
+ return stack_size;
+// Dummy thread
+class omni_thread_dummy : public omni_thread {
+ inline omni_thread_dummy() : omni_thread()
+ {
+ _dummy = 1;
+ _state = STATE_RUNNING;
+ if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(),
+ GetCurrentProcess(), &handle,
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ nt_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
+ if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)this))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ }
+ inline ~omni_thread_dummy()
+ {
+ if (!TlsSetValue(self_tls_index, (LPVOID)0))
+ throw omni_thread_fatal(GetLastError());
+ }
+ if (omni_thread::self())
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ return new omni_thread_dummy;
+ omni_thread* self = omni_thread::self();
+ if (!self || !self->_dummy)
+ throw omni_thread_invalid();
+ omni_thread_dummy* dummy = (omni_thread_dummy*)self;
+ delete dummy;
+#if defined(__DMC__) && defined(_WINDLL)
+BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
+ return TRUE;
+#include ""