path: root/ezdop/src/host/hunter/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ezdop/src/host/hunter/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/ezdop/src/host/hunter/src/ b/ezdop/src/host/hunter/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 347d745189..0000000000
--- a/ezdop/src/host/hunter/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2006 Johnathan Corgan.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-// Application level includes
-#include "gps.h"
-#include "serial.h"
-// wxWidgets includes
-#include <wx/log.h>
-#define NMEA_BAUD 4800
-#define NMEA_BUFSIZE 82 // Maximum NMEA sentence length
-const wxEventType wxEVT_GPS_UPDATE = wxNewEventType();
-GPSUpdate::GPSUpdate(const wxEventType &event, GPRMC *gprmc) :
- m_gprmc = gprmc;
-GPSBackground::GPSBackground(GPS *gps)
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPSBackground::GPSBackground()"));
- wxASSERT(gps);
- m_running = false;
- m_gps = gps;
- m_port = gps->GetPort();
- Create();
-// It's in thread.h but somehow gets undef'd
-typedef void *ExitCode;
-ExitCode GPSBackground::Entry()
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPSBackground::GPSBackground: entry"));
- m_running = true;
- while (!TestDestroy())
- PerLoop();
- m_running = false;
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPSBackground::GPSBackground: exit"));
-void GPSBackground::PerLoop()
- static char buffer[NMEA_BUFSIZE];
- static int offset = 0;
- while(m_port->RxReady() > 0) {
- while (offset < NMEA_BUFSIZE) {
- // Read a byte into the buffer from the GPS data
- if (m_port->Read(&buffer[offset], 1) != 1)
- return; // No more to read or read error/timeout, bail
- // Test for end of NMEA message
- if (buffer[offset] == '\r' || buffer[offset] == '\n') {
- buffer[offset] = '\0'; // Append end of string null
- if (strlen(buffer))
- m_gps->RxData(buffer);
- offset = 0;
- }
- else
- offset++;
- }
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPSBackground: discarding too long input"));
- offset = 0;
- }
- wxMilliSleep(500);
-GPS::GPS(wxEvtHandler *dest)
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPS::GPS()"));
- m_thread = NULL;
- m_dest = dest;
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPS::~GPS()"));
-bool GPS::Start(wxString &port)
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPS::Start(): %s"), port.c_str());
- m_port = new SerialPort(port);
- if (m_port->Open(NMEA_BAUD) == false) {
- delete m_port;
- return false;
- }
- m_thread = new GPSBackground(this);
- m_thread->Run();
- return true;
-bool GPS::Stop()
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPS::Stop()"));
- if (m_thread && m_thread->IsRunning()) {
- m_thread->Delete();
- while (m_thread->IsRunning()) {
- wxYieldIfNeeded();
- }
- }
- m_thread = NULL;
- m_port->Close();
- if (m_port)
- delete m_port;
- return true;
-bool NMEA::Checksum(char *sentence)
- unsigned char checksum = '\0';
- char ch, *pos = sentence, ctxt[3];
- while ((ch = *pos++) != '*' && ch != '\0')
- checksum ^= ch;
- sprintf(ctxt, "%02X", checksum);
- if (strncmp(ctxt, pos, 2))
- return false;
- else
- return true;
-char *NMEA::Field(char *sentence, int num)
- static char result[NMEA_BUFSIZE];
- char ch, *pos = sentence;
- while (num-- > 0)
- while ((ch = *pos++) != ',' && ch != '\0')
- continue;
- strncpy(result, pos, NMEA_BUFSIZE-1);
- int i = 0;
- pos = result;
- while (*pos && *pos != ',' && *pos != '*' && *pos != '\r' && ++i < NMEA_BUFSIZE)
- pos++;
- *pos = 0;
- return result;
-double NMEA::Coord(char *sentence, int num)
- double coord, degrees, minutes;
- sscanf(Field(sentence, num), "%lf", &coord);
- minutes = 100.0*modf(coord/100.0, &degrees);
- coord = degrees+minutes/60.0;
- char *ptr = Field(sentence, num+1);
- if (*ptr == 'S' || *ptr == 'W')
- coord = -coord;
- return coord;
-void GPS::RxData(char *buffer)
- wxASSERT(buffer);
- if (NMEA::Checksum(buffer+1)) {
- if (strncmp("$GPRMC", buffer, 6) == 0) {
- GPRMC *fix = new GPRMC(buffer);
- GPSUpdate update(wxEVT_GPS_UPDATE, fix);
- wxPostEvent(m_dest, update);
- }
- }
- else
- wxLogDebug(_T("GPS::RxData: NMEA checksum failed for input"));
-GPRMC::GPRMC(char *sentence)
- wxASSERT(sentence);
- struct tm stamp;
- char digits[2];
- char *p = Field(sentence, 1);
- wxASSERT(p);
- strncpy(digits, p, 2);
- stamp.tm_hour = atoi(digits);
- strncpy(digits, p+2, 2);
- stamp.tm_min = atoi(digits);
- strncpy(digits, p+4, 2);
- stamp.tm_sec = atoi(digits);
- p = Field(sentence, 9);
- wxASSERT(p);
- strncpy(digits, p, 2);
- stamp.tm_mday = atoi(digits);
- strncpy(digits, p+2, 2);
- stamp.tm_mon = atoi(digits)-1;
- strncpy(digits, p+4, 2);
- stamp.tm_year = atoi(digits)+100;
- m_stamp = mktime(&stamp);
- m_valid = !strcmp(Field(sentence, 2), "A");
- m_fix.SetLatitude(Coord(sentence, 3));
- m_fix.SetLongitude(Coord(sentence, 5));
- sscanf(Field(sentence, 7), "%f", &m_speed);
- sscanf(Field(sentence, 8), "%f", &m_heading);
- sscanf(Field(sentence, 10), "%f", &m_magnetic);
- if (!strcmp(Field(sentence, 11), "W"))
- m_magnetic = -m_magnetic;
- m_mode = *Field(sentence, 12);
-void GPRMC::AsString(char *buf)
- sprintf(buf, "%s %lf %lf %f %f %f, %s",
- ctime(&m_stamp),
- m_fix.Latitude(),
- m_fix.Longitude(),
- m_speed, m_heading, m_magnetic,
- m_valid ? "valid" : "invalid");