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-# Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-# under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
-# or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
-# with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
-# A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
-# Free Documentation License".
-/*! \page page_pfb Polyphase Filterbanks
-\section pfb_introduction Introduction
-Polyphase filterbanks (PFB) are a very powerful set of filtering tools
-that can efficiently perform many multi-rate signal processing
-tasks. GNU Radio has a set of polyphase filterbank blocks to be used
-in all sorts of applications.
-\section pfb_Usage
-See the documentation for the individual blocks for details about what
-they can do and how they should be used. Furthermore, there are
-examples for these blocks in <b>gr-filter/examples</b>.
-The main issue when using the PFB blocks is defining the prototype
-filter, which is passed to all of the blocks as a vector of \p
-taps. The taps from the prototype filter which get partitioned among
-the \p N channels of the channelizer.
-An example of creating a set of filter taps for a PFB channelizer is
-found on line 49 of <b>gr-filter/examples/</b>
-and reproduced below. Notice that the sample rate is the sample rate
-at the input to the channelizer while the bandwidth and transition
-width are defined for the channel bandwidths. This makes a fairly long
-filter that is then split up between the \p N channels of the PFB.
- self._fs = 9000 # input sample rate
- self._M = 9 # Number of channels to channelize
- self._taps = filter.firdes.low_pass_2(1, self._fs, 475.50, 50,
- attenuation_dB=100,
- window=filter.firdes.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS)
-In this example, the signal into the channelizer is sampled at 9 ksps
-(complex, so 9 kHz of bandwidth). The filter uses 9 channels, so each
-output channel will have a bandwidth and sample rate of 1 kHz. We want
-to pass most of the channel, so we define the channel bandwidth to be
-a low pass filter with a bandwidth of 475.5 Hz and a transition
-bandwidth of 50 Hz, but we have defined this using a sample rate of
-the original 9 kHz. The prototype filter has 819 taps to be divided up
-between the 9 channels, so each channel uses 91 taps. This is probably
-over-kill for a channelizer, and we could reduce the amount of taps
-per channel to a couple of dozen with no ill effects.
-The basic rule when defining a set of taps for a PFB block is to think
-about the filter running at the highest rate it will see while the
-bandwidth is defined for the size of the channels. In the channelizer
-case, the highest rate is defined as the rate of the incoming signal,
-but in other PFB blocks, this is not so obvious.
-Two very useful blocks to use are the arbitrary resampler and the
-clock synchronizer (for PAM signals). These PFBs are defined with a
-set number of filters based on the fidelity required from them, not
-the rate changes. By default, the \p filter_size is set to 32 for
-these blocks, which is a reasonable default for most tasks. Because
-the PFB uses this number of filters in the filterbank, the maximum
-rate of the bank is defined from this (see the theory of a polyphase
-interpolator for a justification of this). So the prototype filter is
-defined to use a sample rate of \p filter_size times the signal's
-sampling rate.
-A helpful wrapper for the arbitrary resampler is found in
-which is exposed in Python as <b>filter.pfb.arb_resampler_ccf</b> and
-<b>filter.pfb.arb_resampler_fff</b>. This block is set up so that the
-user only needs to pass it the real number \p rate as the resampling
-rate. With just this information, this hierarchical block
-automatically creates a filter that fully passes the signal bandwidth
-being resampled but does not pass any out-of-band noise. See the code
-for this block for details of how the filter is constructed.
-Of course, a user can create his or her own taps and use them in the
-arbitrary resampler for more specific requirements. Some of the UHD
-examples (<b>gr-uhd/examples</b>) use this ability to create a
-received matched filter or channel filter that also resamples the
-\section pfb_examples Examples
-The following is an example of the using the channelizer. It creates
-the appropriate filter to channelizer 9 channels out of an original
-signal that is 9000 Hz wide, so each output channel is now 1000
-Hz. The code then plots the PSD of the original signal to see the
-signals in the origina spectrum and then makes 9 plots for each of the
-NOTE: you need the Matplotlib Python module installed to
-run this example.
-\include gr-filter/examples/
-\section pfb_arb_resampler The PFB Arbitrary Resampler Kernel
-GNU Radio has a PFB arbitrary resampler block that can be used to
-resample a signal to any arbitrary and real resampling rate. The
-resampling feature is one that could easily be useful to other blocks,
-and so we have extracted the kernel of the resampler into its own
-class that can be used as such.
-The PFB arbitrary resampler is defined in pfb_arb_resampler.h and has
-the following constructor:
-namespace gr {
- namespace filter {
- namespace kernel {
- pfb_arb_resampler_XXX(float rate,
- const std::vector<float> &taps,
- unsigned int filter_size);
- } /* namespace kernel */
- } /* namespace filter */
-} /* namespace gr */
-Currently, only a 'ccf' and 'fff' version are defined. This kernel,
-like the block itself, takes in the resampling \p rate as a floating
-point number. The \p taps are passed as the baseband prototype filter,
-and the quantization error of the filter is determined by the \p
-filter_size parameter.
-The prototype taps are generated like all other PFB filter
-taps. Specifically, we construct them generally as a lowpass filter at
-the maximum rate of the filter. In the case of these resamplers, the
-maximum rate is actually the number of filters.
-A simple example follows. We construct a filter that will pass the
-entire passband of the original signal to be resampled. To make it
-easy, we work in normalized sample rates for this. The gain of the
-filter is set to filter_size to compensate for the upsampling, the
-sampling rate itself is also set to filter_size, which is assuming
-that the incoming signal is at a sampling rate of 1.0. We defined the
-passband to be 0.5 to pass the entire width of the original signal and
-set a transition band to 0.1. Note that this causes a bit of roll-off
-outside of the original passband and could lead to introducing some
-aliasing. More care should be taken to construct the passband and
-transition width of the filter for the given signal while keeping the
-total number of taps small. A stopband attenuation of 60 dB was used
-here, and again, this is a parameter we can adjust to alter the
-performance and size of the filter.
- firdes.low_pass_2(filter_size, filter_size, 0.5, 0.1, 60)
-As is typical with the PFB filters, a filter size of 32 is generally
-an appropriate trade-off of accuracy, performance, and memory. This
-should provide an error roughly equivalent to the quanization error of
-using 16-bit fixed point representation. Generally, increasing over 32
-provides some accuracy benefits without a huge increase in
-computational demands.