diff options
2 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 816619e80d..ccded73ed4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ Older Logs can be found in `docs/RELEASE-NOTES-*`.
- C++17
- requires MSVC 1914 (Microsoft VS 2017 15.7)
+### Added
+#### Misc.
+- dtools: Added run-clang-tidy-on-codebase, which does what the name suggests,
+ then updates all bindtool hashes, and commits everything appropriately
## [] - 2020-01-17
### Changed
diff --git a/dtools/bin/run-clang-tidy-on-codebase.zsh b/dtools/bin/run-clang-tidy-on-codebase.zsh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e2f1ac2e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dtools/bin/run-clang-tidy-on-codebase.zsh
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+zmodload zsh/zutil
+zparseopts -D -E -F - -runclangtidy:=run h=help -src:=src -hash-updater:=hasher -branch-name:=branch
+if [[ ! -z "${help}" ]]; then
+ echo "USAGE:"
+ echo "$0 [-h] [--runclangtidy /path/to/] [PASS-ON]"
+ echo "-h: print help"
+ echo "--runclangtidy: specifies path to"
+ echo "--src: Path to GNU Radio source root (default: ${defaultsrc})"
+ echo "--hash-updater: Path to the hash hotfixer (default: --src/${defaulthash})"
+ echo "--branch-name: Name of branch to work on; specify string 'NONE' to disable (default: clang-tidy-{random uuid})"
+ echo "PASS-ON: Optional, remainder of options, which is passed on to (default: ${defaultrun})"
+ echo "\nThis tool must be run from a build directory of a CMake run with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON"
+ echo "\n\nThis runs clang-tidy on the whole codebase, applying all the checks specified in the .clang-tidy file."
+ echo "Afterwards, the changed files are clang-formatted, and all PyBind binding headers are updated"
+ exit 0
+if [[ -z "$run[-1]" ]]; then
+ run="${defaultrun}"
+ run="${run[-1]}"
+if [[ -z "$src[-1]" ]]; then
+ src="$defaultsrc"
+ src="${src[-1]}"
+if [[ ! -x "$run" ]]; then
+ echo "'$run' needs to be executable"
+ exit -1
+if [[ (! ( -d "${src}" && -x "${src}")) || (! -r "${src}/.clang-tidy") ]]; then
+ echo "'${src}' needs to be a searchable directory containing the .clang-tidy file" >&2
+ exit -2
+if [[ -z "${branch[-1]}" ]]; then
+ branch="clang-tidy-$(uuidgen)"
+elif [[ "${branch}" == "NONE" ]]; then
+ branching=0
+ branch="${branch[-1]}"
+gitcmd=(git -C "${src}" --no-pager)
+changes=$($gitcmd diff-index --name-only HEAD)
+if [[ ! $? == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "git diff-index failed with error code; giving up" >&2
+ exit -3
+if [[ ! -z "${changes}" ]]; then
+ echo "unclean work tree; commit or stash before proceeding" >&2
+ exit -4
+if [[ $branching != 0 ]]; then
+ $gitcmd checkout -b ${branch}
+ if [[ ! $? == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "git checkout -b ${branch} failed with error code; giving up" >&2
+ exit -5
+ fi
+if [[ -z "$hasher[-1]" ]]; then
+ hasher="${src}/$defaulthash"
+ hasher=$hasher[-1]
+#setopt -e
+echo "Running clang-tidy..."
+$run -checks=file '-header-filter=*' -fix "${src}" || echo "WARNING: run-clang-tidy had non-zero return code" >&2
+echo "clang-tidy done."
+echo "Committing... (signoff implied, this operation contributes no code)"
+$gitcmd commit -sam "clang-tidy: run-clang-tidy with default checks on codebase" || echo "WARNING: git commit had non-zero return code" >&2
+echo "Committing done"
+changed_files=$($gitcmd diff-index --name-only -z 'HEAD~1')
+for change in ${changed_files} ; do
+ clang-format "${change}"
+formatted_files=$($gitcmd diff name-only -z 'HEAD')
+if [[ ${#formatted_files} -ne 0 ]]; then
+ git commit -sam "Clang-formatted files changed during clang-tidy" || echo "WARNING: git commit clang-formatting had non-zero return code" >&2