path: root/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v
diff options
authoreb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2007-05-02 04:08:47 +0000
committereb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2007-05-02 04:08:47 +0000
commit0bf2128a621ae84099f43744e1b81800f2b9d2d7 (patch)
tree1345b44ae9060e99ff236f983dd272c6d35a012e /usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v
parent28259329a829f157fd877a1c14139eaf0117dabd (diff)
Merged features/inband -r4812:5218 into trunk. This group of changes
includes: * working stand-alone mblock code * work-in-progress on usrp inband signaling usrp now depends on mblock, and guile is a dependency. git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d815e4e376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp/fpga/inband_lib/usb_packet_fifo2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+`default_nettype none
+module usb_packet_fifo2(reset, usb_clock, fpga_clock, write_enable, write_data,
+ read_enable, skip_packet, read_data, have_space, pkt_waiting, tx_empty) ;
+ /* Module parameters */
+ parameter LOG2_N = 2 ;
+ parameter BUS_WIDTH = 16 ;
+ parameter FIFO_WIDTH = 32 ;
+ input wire reset;
+ input wire usb_clock ;
+ input wire fpga_clock ;
+ input wire write_enable ;
+ input wire [BUS_WIDTH-1:0] write_data ;
+ input wire read_enable ;
+ input wire skip_packet ;
+ output wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] read_data ;
+ output wire have_space ;
+ output wire pkt_waiting ;
+ output wire tx_empty;
+ /* Variable for generate statement */
+ genvar i ;
+ /* Local wires for FIFO connections */
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_resets ;
+ reg [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_we ;
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_re ;
+ reg [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_wdata[2**LOG2_N-1:0] ;
+ wire [FIFO_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_rdata[2**LOG2_N-1:0] ;
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_rempty ;
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_rfull ;
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_wempty ;
+ wire [2**LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_wfull ;
+ /* FIFO Select for read and write ports */
+ reg [LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_rselect ;
+ reg [LOG2_N-1:0] fifo_wselect ;
+ /* Used to convert 16 bits usbdata to the 32 bits wide fifo */
+ reg word_complete ;
+ reg [BUS_WIDTH-1:0] write_data_delayed ;
+ /* Assign have_space to empty flag of currently selected write FIFO */
+ assign have_space = fifo_wempty[fifo_wselect] ;
+ /* Assign pkt_waiting to full flag of currently selected read FIFO */
+ assign pkt_waiting = fifo_rfull[fifo_rselect] ;
+ /* Assign the read_data to the output of the currently selected FIFO */
+ assign read_data = fifo_rdata[fifo_rselect] ;
+ /* Figure out if we're all empty */
+ assign tx_empty = !(~fifo_rempty) ;
+ /* Increment fifo_rselect here */
+ always @(posedge fpga_clock)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ fifo_rselect <= {2**LOG2_N{1'b0}} ;
+ if (fifo_rempty[fifo_rselect])
+ fifo_rselect <= fifo_rselect + 1 ;
+ if (skip_packet)
+ fifo_rselect <= fifo_rselect + 1 ;
+ end
+ /* Increment fifo_wselect and pack data into 32 bits block */
+ always @(posedge usb_clock, reset)
+ begin
+ if (reset)
+ begin
+ fifo_wselect <= {2**LOG2_N{1'b0}} ;
+ word_complete <= 0;
+ end
+ if (fifo_wfull[fifo_wselect])
+ fifo_wselect <= fifo_wselect + 1 ;
+ if (write_enable)
+ begin
+ word_complete <= ~word_complete ;
+ if (word_complete)
+ fifo_wdata[fifo_wselect] <= {write_data_delayed, write_data} ;
+ else
+ write_data_delayed <= write_data ;
+ /* Avoid to continue to write in the previous fifo when we have
+ just swichted to the next one */
+ fifo_we[fifo_wselect-1] <= 0 ;
+ fifo_we[fifo_wselect] <= write_enable & word_complete ;
+ end
+ end
+ /* Generate all the single packet FIFOs */
+ generate
+ for( i = 0 ; i < 2**LOG2_N ; i = i + 1 )
+ begin : generate_single_packet_fifos
+ assign fifo_re[i] = (fifo_rselect == i) ? read_enable : 1'b0 ;
+ assign fifo_resets[i] = (fifo_rselect == i) ? skip_packet : 1'b0 ;
+ fifo_512 single_packet_fifo(.wrclk ( usb_clock ),
+ .rdclk ( fpga_clock ),
+ .aclr ( fifo_resets[i] ),
+ .wrreq ( fifo_we[i] ),
+ .data ( fifo_wdata[i] ),
+ .rdreq ( fifo_re[i] ),
+ .q ( fifo_rdata[i] ),
+ .rdfull ( fifo_rfull[i] ),
+ .rdempty( fifo_rempty[i] ),
+ .wrfull ( fifo_wfull[i] ),
+ .wrempty( fifo_wempty[i] ) ) ;
+ end
+ endgenerate
+endmodule \ No newline at end of file