path: root/gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i
diff options
authorTom Rondeau <>2013-03-29 17:31:06 -0400
committerJohnathan Corgan <>2013-04-01 16:23:06 -0700
commitf74d3dae8f2ec423c61932b4ad0359f98b996a51 (patch)
tree1e16eb3537829248c177b04209acce3fe2bead96 /gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i
parenteea0e411411303ea94953c5cd8454c4139a474ff (diff)
gruel: moved gruel into subdirs of gnuradio-runtime.
PMTs are handled slightly different and are installed into their own module and include dir.
Diffstat (limited to 'gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i b/gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i
deleted file mode 100644
index ba16511114..0000000000
--- a/gruel/src/swig/pmt_swig.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2011-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-%include "std_string.i"
-%include "stdint.i"
-#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/any.hpp>
-#include <complex>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <gruel/pmt.h>
-%include "gruel_common.i"
-//load generated python docstrings
-%include "pmt_swig_doc.i"
-%include <std_complex.i>
-%include <std_vector.i>
-%include <stl.i>
-namespace std {
- %template() vector<unsigned char>;
- %template() vector<uint8_t>;
- %template() vector<char>;
- %template() vector<int8_t>;
- %template() vector<short>;
- %template() vector<uint16_t>;
- %template() vector<int16_t>;
- %template() vector<int>;
- %template() vector<int32_t>;
- %template() vector<uint32_t>;
- %template() vector<float>;
- %template() vector<double>;
- %template() vector< std::complex<float> >;
- %template() vector< std::complex<double> >;
-// Language independent exception handler
-// Template intrusive_ptr for Swig to avoid dereferencing issues
-namespace pmt{
- class pmt_base;
-//%import <intrusive_ptr.i>
-%import <gr_intrusive_ptr.i>
-%template(swig_int_ptr) boost::intrusive_ptr<pmt::pmt_base>;
-namespace pmt{
- typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<pmt_base> pmt_t;
- // Allows Python to directly print a PMT object
- %pythoncode
- %{
- swig_int_ptr.__repr__ = lambda self: write_string(self)
- %}
- extern const pmt_t PMT_T;
- extern const pmt_t PMT_F;
- extern const pmt_t PMT_NIL;
- extern const pmt_t PMT_EOF;
- bool is_bool(pmt_t obj);
- bool is_true(pmt_t obj);
- bool is_false(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t from_bool(bool val);
- bool to_bool(pmt_t val);
- bool is_symbol(const pmt_t& obj);
- pmt_t string_to_symbol(const std::string &s);
- pmt_t intern(const std::string &s);
- const std::string symbol_to_string(const pmt_t& sym);
- bool is_number(pmt_t obj);
- bool is_integer(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t from_long(long x);
- long to_long(pmt_t x);
- bool is_uint64(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t from_uint64(uint64_t x);
- uint64_t to_uint64(pmt_t x);
- bool is_real(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t from_double(double x);
- double to_double(pmt_t x);
- bool is_complex(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t make_rectangular(double re, double im);
- pmt_t from_complex(const std::complex<double> &z);
- std::complex<double> to_complex(pmt_t z);
- bool is_null(const pmt_t& x);
- bool is_pair(const pmt_t& obj);
- pmt_t cons(const pmt_t& x, const pmt_t& y);
- pmt_t car(const pmt_t& pair);
- pmt_t cdr(const pmt_t& pair);
- void set_car(pmt_t pair, pmt_t value);
- void set_cdr(pmt_t pair, pmt_t value);
- pmt_t caar(pmt_t pair);
- pmt_t cadr(pmt_t pair);
- pmt_t cdar(pmt_t pair);
- pmt_t cddr(pmt_t pair);
- pmt_t caddr(pmt_t pair);
- pmt_t cadddr(pmt_t pair);
- bool is_tuple(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t make_tuple();
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8);
- pmt_t make_tuple(const pmt_t &e0, const pmt_t &e1, const pmt_t &e2, const pmt_t &e3, const pmt_t &e4, const pmt_t &e5, const pmt_t &e6, const pmt_t &e7, const pmt_t &e8, const pmt_t &e9);
- pmt_t to_tuple(const pmt_t &x);
- pmt_t tuple_ref(const pmt_t &tuple, size_t k);
- bool is_vector(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t make_vector(size_t k, pmt_t fill);
- pmt_t vector_ref(pmt_t vector, size_t k);
- void vector_set(pmt_t vector, size_t k, pmt_t obj);
- void vector_fill(pmt_t vector, pmt_t fill);
- bool is_blob(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t make_blob(const void *buf, size_t len);
- const void *blob_data(pmt_t blob);
- size_t blob_length(pmt_t blob);
- bool is_uniform_vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_u8vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_s8vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_u16vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_s16vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_u32vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_s32vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_u64vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_s64vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_f32vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_f64vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_c32vector(pmt_t x);
- bool is_c64vector(pmt_t x);
- pmt_t make_u8vector(size_t k, uint8_t fill);
- pmt_t make_s8vector(size_t k, int8_t fill);
- pmt_t make_u16vector(size_t k, uint16_t fill);
- pmt_t make_s16vector(size_t k, int16_t fill);
- pmt_t make_u32vector(size_t k, uint32_t fill);
- pmt_t make_s32vector(size_t k, int32_t fill);
- pmt_t make_u64vector(size_t k, uint64_t fill);
- pmt_t make_s64vector(size_t k, int64_t fill);
- pmt_t make_f32vector(size_t k, float fill);
- pmt_t make_f64vector(size_t k, double fill);
- pmt_t make_c32vector(size_t k, std::complex<float> fill);
- pmt_t make_c64vector(size_t k, std::complex<double> fill);
- pmt_t init_u8vector(size_t k, const std::vector<uint8_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_s8vector(size_t k, const std::vector<int8_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_u16vector(size_t k, const std::vector<uint16_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_s16vector(size_t k, const std::vector<int16_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_u32vector(size_t k, const std::vector<uint32_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_s32vector(size_t k, const std::vector<int32_t> &data);
- pmt_t init_f32vector(size_t k, const std::vector<float> &data);
- pmt_t init_f64vector(size_t k, const std::vector<double> &data);
- pmt_t init_c32vector(size_t k, const std::vector<std::complex<float> > &data);
- pmt_t init_c64vector(size_t k, const std::vector<std::complex<double> > &data);
- uint8_t u8vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- int8_t s8vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- uint16_t u16vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- int16_t s16vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- uint32_t u32vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- int32_t s32vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- uint64_t u64vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- int64_t s64vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- float f32vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- double f64vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- std::complex<float> c32vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- std::complex<double> c64vector_ref(pmt_t v, size_t k);
- void u8vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, uint8_t x); //< v[k] = x
- void s8vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, int8_t x);
- void u16vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, uint16_t x);
- void s16vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, int16_t x);
- void u32vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, uint32_t x);
- void s32vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, int32_t x);
- void u64vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, uint64_t x);
- void s64vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, int64_t x);
- void f32vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, float x);
- void f64vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, double x);
- void c32vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, std::complex<float> x);
- void c64vector_set(pmt_t v, size_t k, std::complex<double> x);
- %apply size_t & INOUT { size_t &len };
- const void *uniform_vector_elements(pmt_t v, size_t &len);
- const std::vector<uint8_t> u8vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<int8_t> s8vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<uint16_t> u16vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<int16_t> s16vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<uint32_t> u32vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<int32_t> s32vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<float> f32vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<double> f64vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<std::complex<float> > c32vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- const std::vector<std::complex<double> > c64vector_elements(pmt_t v);
- bool is_dict(const pmt_t &obj);
- pmt_t make_dict();
- pmt_t dict_add(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &value);
- pmt_t dict_delete(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key);
- bool dict_has_key(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key);
- pmt_t dict_ref(const pmt_t &dict, const pmt_t &key, const pmt_t &not_found);
- pmt_t dict_items(pmt_t dict);
- pmt_t dict_keys(pmt_t dict);
- pmt_t dict_values(pmt_t dict);
- bool is_any(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t make_any(const boost::any &any);
- boost::any any_ref(pmt_t obj);
- void any_set(pmt_t obj, const boost::any &any);
- bool is_msg_accepter(const pmt_t &obj);
- pmt_t make_msg_accepter(boost::shared_ptr<gruel::msg_accepter> ma);
- boost::shared_ptr<gruel::msg_accepter> msg_accepter_ref(const pmt_t &obj);
- bool eq(const pmt_t& x, const pmt_t& y);
- bool eqv(const pmt_t& x, const pmt_t& y);
- bool equal(const pmt_t& x, const pmt_t& y);
- size_t length(const pmt_t& v);
- pmt_t assq(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist);
- pmt_t assv(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist);
- pmt_t assoc(pmt_t obj, pmt_t alist);
- pmt_t map(pmt_t proc(const pmt_t&), pmt_t list);
- pmt_t reverse(pmt_t list);
- pmt_t reverse_x(pmt_t list);
- inline static pmt_t acons(pmt_t x, pmt_t y, pmt_t a);
- pmt_t nth(size_t n, pmt_t list);
- pmt_t nthcdr(size_t n, pmt_t list);
- pmt_t memq(pmt_t obj, pmt_t list);
- pmt_t memv(pmt_t obj, pmt_t list);
- pmt_t member(pmt_t obj, pmt_t list);
- bool subsetp(pmt_t list1, pmt_t list2);
- pmt_t list1(const pmt_t& x1);
- pmt_t list2(const pmt_t& x1, const pmt_t& x2);
- pmt_t list3(const pmt_t& x1, const pmt_t& x2, const pmt_t& x3);
- pmt_t list4(const pmt_t& x1, const pmt_t& x2, const pmt_t& x3, const pmt_t& x4);
- pmt_t list5(const pmt_t& x1, const pmt_t& x2, const pmt_t& x3, const pmt_t& x4, const pmt_t& x5);
- pmt_t list6(const pmt_t& x1, const pmt_t& x2, const pmt_t& x3, const pmt_t& x4, const pmt_t& x5, const pmt_t& x6);
- pmt_t list_add(pmt_t list, const pmt_t& item);
- pmt_t list_rm(pmt_t list, const pmt_t& item);
- bool list_has(pmt_t list, const pmt_t& item);
- bool is_eof_object(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t read(std::istream &port);
- void write(pmt_t obj, std::ostream &port);
- std::string write_string(pmt_t obj);
- //void pmt_print(pmt_t v);
- bool serialize(pmt_t obj, std::streambuf &sink);
- pmt_t deserialize(std::streambuf &source);
- void dump_sizeof();
- std::string serialize_str(pmt_t obj);
- pmt_t deserialize_str(std::string str);
-} //namespace pmt