path: root/grc/gui
diff options
authorJosh Blum <>2009-09-05 23:41:49 -0700
committerJosh Blum <>2009-09-05 23:41:49 -0700
commit49b8dd0586241f59df4b74679349718cbe946fde (patch)
tree7bad9422ab87d68d3966d54b52553a1e2428a28f /grc/gui
parent79bace9eb9e441405535e082f3f0ee1a26740fe0 (diff)
Rework the params/properties dialog and param gui class:
Better handles dynamic changes and subsequent code cleanup.
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/gui')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 5cc8d9c7f3..3c5e99e9eb 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import gtk
class InputParam(gtk.HBox):
"""The base class for an input parameter inside the input parameters dialog."""
- def __init__(self, param, _handle_changed):
+ def __init__(self, param, callback=None):
self.param = param
- self._handle_changed = _handle_changed
+ self._callback = callback
self.label = gtk.Label('') #no label, markup is added by set_markup
self.label.set_size_request(150, -1)
self.pack_start(self.label, False)
@@ -37,6 +37,34 @@ class InputParam(gtk.HBox): = None
def set_color(self, color): pass
+ def update(self):
+ """
+ Set the markup, color, and tooltip.
+ """
+ #set the markup
+ has_cb = \
+ hasattr(self.param.get_parent(), 'get_callbacks') and \
+ filter(lambda c: self.param.get_key() in c, self.param.get_parent()._callbacks)
+ self.set_markup(Utils.parse_template(PARAM_LABEL_MARKUP_TMPL, param=self.param, has_cb=has_cb))
+ #set the color
+ self.set_color(self.param.get_color())
+ #set the tooltip
+ if
+ self.entry,
+ Utils.parse_template(TIP_MARKUP_TMPL, param=self.param).strip(),
+ )
+ def _handle_changed(self, *args):
+ """
+ Handle a gui change by setting the new param value,
+ calling the callback (if applicable), and updating.
+ """
+ #set the new value
+ self.param.set_value(self.get_text())
+ #call the callback
+ if self._callback: self._callback()
+ #self.update() #dont update here, parent will update
class EntryParam(InputParam):
"""Provide an entry box for strings and numbers."""
@@ -138,39 +166,10 @@ class Param(Element):
def get_input_object(self, callback=None):
Get the graphical gtk object to represent this parameter.
- Create the input object with this data type and the handle changed method.
- @param callback a function of one argument(this param) to be called from the change handler
+ @param callback a function to be called from the input object.
@return gtk input object
- self._callback = callback
- self._input = self.get_input_class()(self, self._handle_changed)
- if not self._callback: self.update()
- return self._input
- def _handle_changed(self, widget=None):
- """
- When the input changes, write the inputs to the data type.
- Finish by calling the exteral callback.
- """
- self.set_value(self._input.get_text())
- self.validate()
- #is param is involved in a callback? #FIXME: messy
- has_cb = \
- hasattr(self.get_parent(), 'get_callbacks') and \
- filter(lambda c: self.get_key() in c, self.get_parent()._callbacks)
- self._input.set_markup(Utils.parse_template(PARAM_LABEL_MARKUP_TMPL, param=self, has_cb=has_cb))
- #hide/show
- if self.get_hide() == 'all': self._input.hide_all()
- else: self._input.show_all()
- #set the color
- self._input.set_color(self.get_color())
- #set the tooltip
- if
- self._input.entry,
- Utils.parse_template(TIP_MARKUP_TMPL, param=self).strip(),
- )
- #execute the external callback
- if self._callback: self._callback(self)
+ return self.get_input_class()(self, callback=callback)
def get_layout(self):
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
index 200cff1f53..bd66b11784 100644
--- a/grc/gui/
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -38,13 +38,17 @@ def get_title_label(title):
return hbox
class PropsDialog(gtk.Dialog):
- """A dialog box to set block parameters."""
+ """
+ A dialog to set block parameters, view errors, and view documentation.
+ """
def __init__(self, block):
- SignalBlockParamsDialog contructor.
- @param block the signal block
+ Properties dialog contructor.
+ @param block a block instance
+ self._hash = ''
title='Properties: %s'%block.get_name(),
buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE),
@@ -52,46 +56,81 @@ class PropsDialog(gtk.Dialog):
self.block = block
self.set_size_request(MIN_DIALOG_WIDTH, MIN_DIALOG_HEIGHT)
vbox = gtk.VBox()
- #Add the title label
- vbox.pack_start(get_title_label('Parameters'), False)
#Create the scrolled window to hold all the parameters
scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
self.vbox.pack_start(scrolled_window, True)
+ #Params box for block parameters
+ self._params_box = gtk.VBox()
+ self._params_box.pack_start(get_title_label('Parameters'), False)
+ self._input_object_params = list()
#Error Messages for the block
self._error_box = gtk.VBox()
self._error_messages_text_display = TextDisplay()
- self._error_box.pack_start(gtk.Label(), False, False, 7) #spacing
+ self._error_box.pack_start(gtk.Label(), False, False, LABEL_SPACING)
self._error_box.pack_start(get_title_label('Error Messages'), False)
self._error_box.pack_start(self._error_messages_text_display, False)
#Docs for the block
self._docs_box = err_box = gtk.VBox()
self._docs_text_display = TextDisplay()
- self._docs_box.pack_start(gtk.Label(), False, False, 7) #spacing
+ self._docs_box.pack_start(gtk.Label(), False, False, LABEL_SPACING)
self._docs_box.pack_start(get_title_label('Documentation'), False)
self._docs_box.pack_start(self._docs_text_display, False)
- #Add all the parameters
- for param in self.block.get_params():
- vbox.pack_start(param.get_input_object(self._handle_changed), False)
- #Add the error and docs box
+ #Add the boxes
+ vbox.pack_start(self._params_box, False)
vbox.pack_start(self._error_box, False)
vbox.pack_start(self._docs_box, False)
- #connect and show
+ #connect key press event
self.connect('key_press_event', self._handle_key_press)
+ #initial update to populate the params
- #initial update
- for param in self.block.get_params(): param.update()
+ def _params_changed(self):
+ """
+ Have the params in this dialog changed?
+ Ex: Added, removed, type change, hidden, shown?
+ Make a hash that uniquely represents the params state.
+ @return true if changed
+ """
+ old_hash = self._hash
+ str_accum = ''
+ for param in self.block.get_params():
+ str_accum += param.get_key()
+ str_accum += param.get_type()
+ str_accum += param.get_hide()
+ self._hash = hash(str_accum)
+ return self._hash != old_hash
def _update(self):
+ Repopulate the parameters box (if changed).
+ Update all the input parameters.
Update the error messages box.
Hide the box if there are no errors.
Update the documentation block.
Hide the box if there are no docs.
+ #update for the block
+ self.block.rewrite()
+ #update the params box
+ if self._params_changed():
+ #empty the params box
+ for io_param in list(self._input_object_params):
+ self._params_box.remove(io_param)
+ self._input_object_params.remove(io_param)
+ io_param.destroy()
+ #repopulate the params box
+ for param in self.block.get_params():
+ if param.get_hide() == 'all': continue
+ io_param = param.get_input_object(self._update)
+ self._input_object_params.append(io_param)
+ self._params_box.pack_start(io_param, False)
+ self._params_box.show_all()
+ #update the gui inputs
+ for io_param in self._input_object_params: io_param.update()
#update the errors box
if self.block.is_valid(): self._error_box.hide()
@@ -112,23 +151,6 @@ class PropsDialog(gtk.Dialog):
if keyname == 'Return': self.response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
return False #forward the keypress
- def _handle_changed(self, param):
- """
- A change occured, update any dependent parameters:
- The enum inside the variable type may have changed and,
- the variable param will need an external update.
- @param param the graphical parameter that initiated the callback
- """
- #update dependent params
- if param.is_enum():
- for other_param in param.get_parent().get_params():
- if param.get_key() is not other_param.get_key() and (
- param.get_key() in other_param._type or \
- param.get_key() in other_param._hide): other_param.update()
- #update
- self._update()
- return True
def run(self):
Call run().