path: root/grc/base
diff options
authorTim O'Shea <>2013-07-08 10:29:19 -0400
committerJohnathan Corgan <>2013-07-09 16:29:52 -0700
commit74eb0b9a9a685a32be21db30f097a22ddf3ec4cf (patch)
tree9d1143de24fb637f56472002acd5ab66cf688045 /grc/base
parent1e9d546b9606f9735032513d593a29b6344856c5 (diff)
grc: Fix whitespace issue in grc to use proper spaces
Remove all \t's to match the rest of GNU Radio
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/base')
11 files changed, 1324 insertions, 1368 deletions
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 1fb0db9ad8..b0b96422a7 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -25,376 +25,346 @@ from UserDict import UserDict
from .. gui import Actions
class TemplateArg(UserDict):
- """
- A cheetah template argument created from a param.
- The str of this class evaluates to the param's to code method.
- The use of this class as a dictionary (enum only) will reveal the enum opts.
- The __call__ or () method can return the param evaluated to a raw python data type.
- """
- def __init__(self, param):
- UserDict.__init__(self)
- self._param = param
- if param.is_enum():
- for key in param.get_opt_keys():
- self[key] = str(param.get_opt(key))
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self._param.to_code())
- def __call__(self):
- return self._param.get_evaluated()
+ """
+ A cheetah template argument created from a param.
+ The str of this class evaluates to the param's to code method.
+ The use of this class as a dictionary (enum only) will reveal the enum opts.
+ The __call__ or () method can return the param evaluated to a raw python data type.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, param):
+ UserDict.__init__(self)
+ self._param = param
+ if param.is_enum():
+ for key in param.get_opt_keys():
+ self[key] = str(param.get_opt(key))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self._param.to_code())
+ def __call__(self):
+ return self._param.get_evaluated()
def _get_keys(lst): return [elem.get_key() for elem in lst]
def _get_elem(lst, key):
- try: return lst[_get_keys(lst).index(key)]
- except ValueError: raise ValueError, 'Key "%s" not found in %s.'%(key, _get_keys(lst))
+ try: return lst[_get_keys(lst).index(key)]
+ except ValueError: raise ValueError, 'Key "%s" not found in %s.'%(key, _get_keys(lst))
class Block(Element):
- def __init__(self, flow_graph, n):
- """
- Make a new block from nested data.
- Args:
- flow: graph the parent element
- n: the nested odict
- Returns:
- block a new block
- """
- #build the block
- Element.__init__(self, flow_graph)
- #grab the data
- params = n.findall('param')
- sources = n.findall('source')
- sinks = n.findall('sink')
- self._name = n.find('name')
- self._key = n.find('key')
- self._category = n.find('category') or ''
- self._grc_source = n.find('grc_source') or ''
- self._block_wrapper_path = n.find('block_wrapper_path')
- self._bussify_sink = n.find('bus_sink')
- self._bussify_source = n.find('bus_source')
- #create the param objects
- self._params = list()
- #add the id param
- self.get_params().append(self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(
- block=self,
- n=odict({
- 'name': 'ID',
- 'key': 'id',
- 'type': 'id',
- })
- ))
- self.get_params().append(self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(
- block=self,
- n=odict({
- 'name': 'Enabled',
- 'key': '_enabled',
- 'type': 'raw',
- 'value': 'True',
- 'hide': 'all',
- })
- ))
- for param in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(block=self, n=n), params):
- key = param.get_key()
- #test against repeated keys
- if key in self.get_param_keys():
- raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in params'%key
- #store the param
- self.get_params().append(param)
- #create the source objects
- self._sources = list()
- for source in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir='source'), sources):
- key = source.get_key()
- #test against repeated keys
- if key in self.get_source_keys():
- raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in sources'%key
- #store the port
- self.get_sources().append(source)
- self.back_ofthe_bus(self.get_sources())
- #create the sink objects
- self._sinks = list()
- for sink in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir='sink'), sinks):
- key = sink.get_key()
- #test against repeated keys
- if key in self.get_sink_keys():
- raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in sinks'%key
- #store the port
- self.get_sinks().append(sink)
- self.back_ofthe_bus(self.get_sinks())
- self.current_bus_structure = {'source':'','sink':''};
- def back_ofthe_bus(self, portlist):
- portlist.sort(key=lambda a: a.get_type() == 'bus');
- def filter_bus_port(self, ports):
- buslist = [i for i in ports if i.get_type() == 'bus'];
- if len(buslist) == 0:
- return ports;
- else:
- return buslist;
- def get_enabled(self):
- """
- Get the enabled state of the block.
- Returns:
- true for enabled
- """
- try: return eval(self.get_param('_enabled').get_value())
- except: return True
- def set_enabled(self, enabled):
- """
- Set the enabled state of the block.
- Args:
- enabled: true for enabled
- """
- self.get_param('_enabled').set_value(str(enabled))
- def __str__(self): return 'Block - %s - %s(%s)'%(self.get_id(), self.get_name(), self.get_key())
- def get_id(self): return self.get_param('id').get_value()
- def is_block(self): return True
- def get_name(self): return self._name
- def get_key(self): return self._key
- def get_category(self): return self._category
- def get_doc(self): return ''
- def get_ports(self): return self.get_sources() + self.get_sinks()
- def get_ports_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sources()) + self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sinks());
- def get_children(self): return self.get_ports() + self.get_params()
- def get_children_gui(self): return self.get_ports_gui() + self.get_params()
- def get_block_wrapper_path(self): return self._block_wrapper_path
- ##############################################
- # Access Params
- ##############################################
- def get_param_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._params)
- def get_param(self, key): return _get_elem(self._params, key)
- def get_params(self): return self._params
- ##############################################
- # Access Sinks
- ##############################################
- def get_sink_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._sinks)
- def get_sink(self, key): return _get_elem(self._sinks, key)
- def get_sinks(self): return self._sinks
- def get_sinks_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sinks())
- ##############################################
- # Access Sources
- ##############################################
- def get_source_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._sources)
- def get_source(self, key): return _get_elem(self._sources, key)
- def get_sources(self): return self._sources
- def get_sources_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sources());
- def get_connections(self):
- return sum([port.get_connections() for port in self.get_ports()], [])
- def resolve_dependencies(self, tmpl):
- """
- Resolve a paramater dependency with cheetah templates.
- Args:
- tmpl: the string with dependencies
- Returns:
- the resolved value
- """
- tmpl = str(tmpl)
- if '$' not in tmpl: return tmpl
- n = dict((p.get_key(), TemplateArg(p)) for p in self.get_params())
- try: return str(Template(tmpl, n))
- except Exception, e: return "-------->\n%s: %s\n<--------"%(e, tmpl)
- ##############################################
- # Controller Modify
- ##############################################
- def type_controller_modify(self, direction):
- """
- Change the type controller.
- Args:
- direction: +1 or -1
- Returns:
- true for change
- """
- changed = False
- type_param = None
- for param in filter(lambda p: p.is_enum(), self.get_params()):
- children = self.get_ports() + self.get_params()
- #priority to the type controller
- if param.get_key() in ' '.join(map(lambda p: p._type, children)): type_param = param
- #use param if type param is unset
- if not type_param: type_param = param
- if type_param:
- #try to increment the enum by direction
- try:
- keys = type_param.get_option_keys()
- old_index = keys.index(type_param.get_value())
- new_index = (old_index + direction + len(keys))%len(keys)
- type_param.set_value(keys[new_index])
- changed = True
- except: pass
- return changed
- def port_controller_modify(self, direction):
- """
- Change the port controller.
- Args:
- direction: +1 or -1
- Returns:
- true for change
- """
- return False
- def form_bus_structure(self, direc):
- if direc == 'source':
- get_p = self.get_sources;
- get_p_gui = self.get_sources_gui;
- bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('source');
- else:
- get_p = self.get_sinks;
- get_p_gui = self.get_sinks_gui
- bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('sink');
- struct = [range(len(get_p()))];
- if True in map(lambda a: isinstance(a.get_nports(), int), get_p()):
- structlet = [];
- last = 0;
- for j in [i.get_nports() for i in get_p() if isinstance(i.get_nports(), int)]:
- structlet.extend(map(lambda a: a+last, range(j)));
- last = structlet[-1] + 1;
- struct = [structlet];
- if bus_structure:
- struct = bus_structure
- self.current_bus_structure[direc] = struct;
- return struct
- def bussify(self, n, direc):
- if direc == 'source':
- get_p = self.get_sources;
- get_p_gui = self.get_sources_gui;
- bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('source');
- else:
- get_p = self.get_sinks;
- get_p_gui = self.get_sinks_gui
- bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('sink');
- for elt in get_p():
- for connect in elt.get_connections():
- self.get_parent().remove_element(connect);
- if (not 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p())) and len(get_p()) > 0:
- struct = self.form_bus_structure(direc);
- self.current_bus_structure[direc] = struct;
- if get_p()[0].get_nports():
- n['nports'] = str(1);
- for i in range(len(struct)):
- n['key'] = str(len(get_p()));
- n = odict(n);
- port = self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir=direc);
- get_p().append(port);
- elif 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p()):
- for elt in get_p_gui():
- get_p().remove(elt);
- self.current_bus_structure[direc] = ''
- ##############################################
- ## Import/Export Methods
- ##############################################
- def export_data(self):
- """
- Export this block's params to nested data.
- Returns:
- a nested data odict
- """
- n = odict()
- n['key'] = self.get_key()
- n['param'] = map(lambda p: p.export_data(), self.get_params())
- if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sinks()):
- n['bus_sink'] = str(1);
- if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sources()):
- n['bus_source'] = str(1);
- return n
- def import_data(self, n):
- """
- Import this block's params from nested data.
- Any param keys that do not exist will be ignored.
- Since params can be dynamically created based another param,
- call rewrite, and repeat the load until the params stick.
- This call to rewrite will also create any dynamic ports
- that are needed for the connections creation phase.
- Args:
- n: the nested data odict
- """
- get_hash = lambda: hash(tuple(map(hash, self.get_params())))
- my_hash = 0
- while get_hash() != my_hash:
- params_n = n.findall('param')
- for param_n in params_n:
- key = param_n.find('key')
- value = param_n.find('value')
- #the key must exist in this block's params
- if key in self.get_param_keys():
- self.get_param(key).set_value(value)
- #store hash and call rewrite
- my_hash = get_hash()
- self.rewrite()
- bussinks = n.findall('bus_sink');
- if len(bussinks) > 0 and not self._bussify_sink:
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink')
- elif len(bussinks) > 0:
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink')
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink')
- bussrcs = n.findall('bus_source');
- if len(bussrcs) > 0 and not self._bussify_source:
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source')
- elif len(bussrcs) > 0:
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source')
- self.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source')
+ def __init__(self, flow_graph, n):
+ """
+ Make a new block from nested data.
+ Args:
+ flow: graph the parent element
+ n: the nested odict
+ Returns:
+ block a new block
+ """
+ #build the block
+ Element.__init__(self, flow_graph)
+ #grab the data
+ params = n.findall('param')
+ sources = n.findall('source')
+ sinks = n.findall('sink')
+ self._name = n.find('name')
+ self._key = n.find('key')
+ self._category = n.find('category') or ''
+ self._grc_source = n.find('grc_source') or ''
+ self._block_wrapper_path = n.find('block_wrapper_path')
+ self._bussify_sink = n.find('bus_sink')
+ self._bussify_source = n.find('bus_source')
+ #create the param objects
+ self._params = list()
+ #add the id param
+ self.get_params().append(self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(
+ block=self,
+ n=odict({
+ 'name': 'ID',
+ 'key': 'id',
+ 'type': 'id',
+ })
+ ))
+ self.get_params().append(self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(
+ block=self,
+ n=odict({
+ 'name': 'Enabled',
+ 'key': '_enabled',
+ 'type': 'raw',
+ 'value': 'True',
+ 'hide': 'all',
+ })
+ ))
+ for param in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Param(block=self, n=n), params):
+ key = param.get_key()
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if key in self.get_param_keys():
+ raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in params'%key
+ #store the param
+ self.get_params().append(param)
+ #create the source objects
+ self._sources = list()
+ for source in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir='source'), sources):
+ key = source.get_key()
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if key in self.get_source_keys():
+ raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in sources'%key
+ #store the port
+ self.get_sources().append(source)
+ self.back_ofthe_bus(self.get_sources())
+ #create the sink objects
+ self._sinks = list()
+ for sink in map(lambda n: self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir='sink'), sinks):
+ key = sink.get_key()
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if key in self.get_sink_keys():
+ raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in sinks'%key
+ #store the port
+ self.get_sinks().append(sink)
+ self.back_ofthe_bus(self.get_sinks())
+ self.current_bus_structure = {'source':'','sink':''};
+ def back_ofthe_bus(self, portlist):
+ portlist.sort(key=lambda a: a.get_type() == 'bus');
+ def filter_bus_port(self, ports):
+ buslist = [i for i in ports if i.get_type() == 'bus'];
+ if len(buslist) == 0:
+ return ports;
+ else:
+ return buslist;
+ def get_enabled(self):
+ """
+ Get the enabled state of the block.
+ Returns:
+ true for enabled
+ """
+ try: return eval(self.get_param('_enabled').get_value())
+ except: return True
+ def set_enabled(self, enabled):
+ """
+ Set the enabled state of the block.
+ Args:
+ enabled: true for enabled
+ """
+ self.get_param('_enabled').set_value(str(enabled))
+ def __str__(self): return 'Block - %s - %s(%s)'%(self.get_id(), self.get_name(), self.get_key())
+ def get_id(self): return self.get_param('id').get_value()
+ def is_block(self): return True
+ def get_name(self): return self._name
+ def get_key(self): return self._key
+ def get_category(self): return self._category
+ def get_doc(self): return ''
+ def get_ports(self): return self.get_sources() + self.get_sinks()
+ def get_ports_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sources()) + self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sinks());
+ def get_children(self): return self.get_ports() + self.get_params()
+ def get_children_gui(self): return self.get_ports_gui() + self.get_params()
+ def get_block_wrapper_path(self): return self._block_wrapper_path
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Params
+ ##############################################
+ def get_param_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._params)
+ def get_param(self, key): return _get_elem(self._params, key)
+ def get_params(self): return self._params
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Sinks
+ ##############################################
+ def get_sink_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._sinks)
+ def get_sink(self, key): return _get_elem(self._sinks, key)
+ def get_sinks(self): return self._sinks
+ def get_sinks_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sinks())
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Sources
+ ##############################################
+ def get_source_keys(self): return _get_keys(self._sources)
+ def get_source(self, key): return _get_elem(self._sources, key)
+ def get_sources(self): return self._sources
+ def get_sources_gui(self): return self.filter_bus_port(self.get_sources());
+ def get_connections(self):
+ return sum([port.get_connections() for port in self.get_ports()], [])
+ def resolve_dependencies(self, tmpl):
+ """
+ Resolve a paramater dependency with cheetah templates.
+ Args:
+ tmpl: the string with dependencies
+ Returns:
+ the resolved value
+ """
+ tmpl = str(tmpl)
+ if '$' not in tmpl: return tmpl
+ n = dict((p.get_key(), TemplateArg(p)) for p in self.get_params())
+ try: return str(Template(tmpl, n))
+ except Exception, e: return "-------->\n%s: %s\n<--------"%(e, tmpl)
+ ##############################################
+ # Controller Modify
+ ##############################################
+ def type_controller_modify(self, direction):
+ """
+ Change the type controller.
+ Args:
+ direction: +1 or -1
+ Returns:
+ true for change
+ """
+ changed = False
+ type_param = None
+ for param in filter(lambda p: p.is_enum(), self.get_params()):
+ children = self.get_ports() + self.get_params()
+ #priority to the type controller
+ if param.get_key() in ' '.join(map(lambda p: p._type, children)): type_param = param
+ #use param if type param is unset
+ if not type_param: type_param = param
+ if type_param:
+ #try to increment the enum by direction
+ try:
+ keys = type_param.get_option_keys()
+ old_index = keys.index(type_param.get_value())
+ new_index = (old_index + direction + len(keys))%len(keys)
+ type_param.set_value(keys[new_index])
+ changed = True
+ except: pass
+ return changed
+ def port_controller_modify(self, direction):
+ """
+ Change the port controller.
+ Args:
+ direction: +1 or -1
+ Returns:
+ true for change
+ """
+ return False
+ def form_bus_structure(self, direc):
+ if direc == 'source':
+ get_p = self.get_sources;
+ get_p_gui = self.get_sources_gui;
+ bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('source');
+ else:
+ get_p = self.get_sinks;
+ get_p_gui = self.get_sinks_gui
+ bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('sink');
+ struct = [range(len(get_p()))];
+ if True in map(lambda a: isinstance(a.get_nports(), int), get_p()):
+ structlet = [];
+ last = 0;
+ for j in [i.get_nports() for i in get_p() if isinstance(i.get_nports(), int)]:
+ structlet.extend(map(lambda a: a+last, range(j)));
+ last = structlet[-1] + 1;
+ struct = [structlet];
+ if bus_structure:
+ struct = bus_structure
+ self.current_bus_structure[direc] = struct;
+ return struct
+ def bussify(self, n, direc):
+ if direc == 'source':
+ get_p = self.get_sources;
+ get_p_gui = self.get_sources_gui;
+ bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('source');
+ else:
+ get_p = self.get_sinks;
+ get_p_gui = self.get_sinks_gui
+ bus_structure = self.get_bus_structure('sink');
+ for elt in get_p():
+ for connect in elt.get_connections():
+ self.get_parent().remove_element(connect);
+ if (not 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p())) and len(get_p()) > 0:
+ struct = self.form_bus_structure(direc);
+ self.current_bus_structure[direc] = struct;
+ if get_p()[0].get_nports():
+ n['nports'] = str(1);
+ for i in range(len(struct)):
+ n['key'] = str(len(get_p()));
+ n = odict(n);
+ port = self.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=self, n=n, dir=direc);
+ get_p().append(port);
+ elif 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p()):
+ for elt in get_p_gui():
+ get_p().remove(elt);
+ self.current_bus_structure[direc] = ''
+ ##############################################
+ ## Import/Export Methods
+ ##############################################
+ def export_data(self):
+ """
+ Export this block's params to nested data.
+ Returns:
+ a nested data odict
+ """
+ n = odict()
+ n['key'] = self.get_key()
+ n['param'] = map(lambda p: p.export_data(), self.get_params())
+ if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sinks()):
+ n['bus_sink'] = str(1);
+ if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), self.get_sources()):
+ n['bus_source'] = str(1);
+ return n
+ def import_data(self, n):
+ """
+ Import this block's params from nested data.
+ Any param keys that do not exist will be ignored.
+ Since params can be dynamically created based another param,
+ call rewrite, and repeat the load until the params stick.
+ This call to rewrite will also create any dynamic ports
+ that are needed for the connections creation phase.
+ Args:
+ n: the nested data odict
+ """
+ get_hash = lambda: hash(tuple(map(hash, self.get_params())))
+ my_hash = 0
+ while get_hash() != my_hash:
+ params_n = n.findall('param')
+ for param_n in params_n:
+ key = param_n.find('key')
+ value = param_n.find('value')
+ #the key must exist in this block's params
+ if key in self.get_param_keys():
+ self.get_param(key).set_value(value)
+ #store hash and call rewrite
+ my_hash = get_hash()
+ self.rewrite()
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 654eedb357..252b7deac1 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -22,104 +22,99 @@ from . import odict
class Connection(Element):
- def __init__(self, flow_graph, porta, portb):
- """
- Make a new connection given the parent and 2 ports.
- Args:
- flow_graph: the parent of this element
- porta: a port (any direction)
- portb: a port (any direction)
- @throws Error cannot make connection
- Returns:
- a new connection
- """
- Element.__init__(self, flow_graph)
- source = sink = None
- #separate the source and sink
- for port in (porta, portb):
- if port.is_source(): source = port
- if port.is_sink(): sink = port
- if not source: raise ValueError('Connection could not isolate source')
- if not sink: raise ValueError('Connection could not isolate sink')
+ def __init__(self, flow_graph, porta, portb):
+ """
+ Make a new connection given the parent and 2 ports.
+ Args:
+ flow_graph: the parent of this element
+ porta: a port (any direction)
+ portb: a port (any direction)
+ @throws Error cannot make connection
+ Returns:
+ a new connection
+ """
+ Element.__init__(self, flow_graph)
+ source = sink = None
+ #separate the source and sink
+ for port in (porta, portb):
+ if port.is_source(): source = port
+ if port.is_sink(): sink = port
+ if not source: raise ValueError('Connection could not isolate source')
+ if not sink: raise ValueError('Connection could not isolate sink')
+ busses = len(filter(lambda a: a.get_type() == 'bus', [source, sink]))%2
+ if not busses == 0: raise ValueError('busses must get with busses')
- busses = len(filter(lambda a: a.get_type() == 'bus', [source, sink]))%2
- if not busses == 0: raise ValueError('busses must get with busses')
+ if not len(source.get_associated_ports()) == len(sink.get_associated_ports()):
+ raise ValueError('port connections must have same cardinality');
+ #ensure that this connection (source -> sink) is unique
+ for connection in self.get_parent().get_connections():
+ if connection.get_source() is source and connection.get_sink() is sink:
+ raise Exception('This connection between source and sink is not unique.')
+ self._source = source
+ self._sink = sink
+ if source.get_type() == 'bus':
+ sources = source.get_associated_ports();
+ sinks = sink.get_associated_ports();
+ for i in range(len(sources)):
+ try:
+ flow_graph.connect(sources[i], sinks[i]);
+ except:
+ pass
- if not len(source.get_associated_ports()) == len(sink.get_associated_ports()):
- raise ValueError('port connections must have same cardinality');
- #ensure that this connection (source -> sink) is unique
- for connection in self.get_parent().get_connections():
- if connection.get_source() is source and connection.get_sink() is sink:
- raise Exception('This connection between source and sink is not unique.')
- self._source = source
- self._sink = sink
- if source.get_type() == 'bus':
- sources = source.get_associated_ports();
- sinks = sink.get_associated_ports();
- for i in range(len(sources)):
- try:
- flow_graph.connect(sources[i], sinks[i]);
- except:
- pass
- def __str__(self):
- return 'Connection (\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n)'%(
- self.get_source().get_parent(),
- self.get_source(),
- self.get_sink().get_parent(),
- self.get_sink(),
- )
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Connection (\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\t%s\n\t\t%s\n)'%(
+ self.get_source().get_parent(),
+ self.get_source(),
+ self.get_sink().get_parent(),
+ self.get_sink(),
+ )
- def is_connection(self): return True
+ def is_connection(self): return True
- def validate(self):
- """
- Validate the connections.
- The ports must match in type.
- """
- Element.validate(self)
- source_type = self.get_source().get_type()
- sink_type = self.get_sink().get_type()
- if source_type != sink_type:
- self.add_error_message('Source type "%s" does not match sink type "%s".'%(source_type, sink_type))
+ def validate(self):
+ """
+ Validate the connections.
+ The ports must match in type.
+ """
+ Element.validate(self)
+ source_type = self.get_source().get_type()
+ sink_type = self.get_sink().get_type()
+ if source_type != sink_type:
+ self.add_error_message('Source type "%s" does not match sink type "%s".'%(source_type, sink_type))
+ def get_enabled(self):
+ """
+ Get the enabled state of this connection.
+ Returns:
+ true if source and sink blocks are enabled
+ """
+ return self.get_source().get_parent().get_enabled() and \
+ self.get_sink().get_parent().get_enabled()
- def get_enabled(self):
- """
- Get the enabled state of this connection.
- Returns:
- true if source and sink blocks are enabled
- """
- return self.get_source().get_parent().get_enabled() and \
- self.get_sink().get_parent().get_enabled()
+ #############################
+ # Access Ports
+ #############################
+ def get_sink(self): return self._sink
+ def get_source(self): return self._source
- #############################
- # Access Ports
- #############################
- def get_sink(self): return self._sink
- def get_source(self): return self._source
- ##############################################
- ## Import/Export Methods
- ##############################################
- def export_data(self):
- """
- Export this connection's info.
- Returns:
- a nested data odict
- """
- n = odict()
- n['source_block_id'] = self.get_source().get_parent().get_id()
- n['sink_block_id'] = self.get_sink().get_parent().get_id()
- n['source_key'] = self.get_source().get_key()
- n['sink_key'] = self.get_sink().get_key()
- return n
+ ##############################################
+ ## Import/Export Methods
+ ##############################################
+ def export_data(self):
+ """
+ Export this connection's info.
+ Returns:
+ a nested data odict
+ """
+ n = odict()
+ n['source_block_id'] = self.get_source().get_parent().get_id()
+ n['sink_block_id'] = self.get_sink().get_parent().get_id()
+ n['source_key'] = self.get_source().get_key()
+ n['sink_key'] = self.get_sink().get_key()
+ return n
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 74097eea9a..17b2234a8c 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -19,77 +19,77 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
class Element(object):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- self._parent = parent
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ self._parent = parent
- ##################################################
- # Element Validation API
- ##################################################
- def validate(self):
- """
- Validate this element and call validate on all children.
- Call this base method before adding error messages in the subclass.
- """
- self._error_messages = list()
- for child in self.get_children(): child.validate()
+ ##################################################
+ # Element Validation API
+ ##################################################
+ def validate(self):
+ """
+ Validate this element and call validate on all children.
+ Call this base method before adding error messages in the subclass.
+ """
+ self._error_messages = list()
+ for child in self.get_children(): child.validate()
- def is_valid(self):
- """
- Is this element valid?
- Returns:
- true when the element is enabled and has no error messages
- """
- return not self.get_error_messages() or not self.get_enabled()
+ def is_valid(self):
+ """
+ Is this element valid?
+ Returns:
+ true when the element is enabled and has no error messages
+ """
+ return not self.get_error_messages() or not self.get_enabled()
- def add_error_message(self, msg):
- """
- Add an error message to the list of errors.
- Args:
- msg: the error message string
- """
- self._error_messages.append(msg)
+ def add_error_message(self, msg):
+ """
+ Add an error message to the list of errors.
+ Args:
+ msg: the error message string
+ """
+ self._error_messages.append(msg)
- def get_error_messages(self):
- """
- Get the list of error messages from this element and all of its children.
- Do not include the error messages from disabled children.
- Cleverly indent the children error messages for printing purposes.
- Returns:
- a list of error message strings
- """
- error_messages = list(self._error_messages) #make a copy
- for child in filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_children()):
- for msg in child.get_error_messages():
- error_messages.append("%s:\n\t%s"%(child, msg.replace("\n", "\n\t")))
- return error_messages
+ def get_error_messages(self):
+ """
+ Get the list of error messages from this element and all of its children.
+ Do not include the error messages from disabled children.
+ Cleverly indent the children error messages for printing purposes.
+ Returns:
+ a list of error message strings
+ """
+ error_messages = list(self._error_messages) #make a copy
+ for child in filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_children()):
+ for msg in child.get_error_messages():
+ error_messages.append("%s:\n\t%s"%(child, msg.replace("\n", "\n\t")))
+ return error_messages
- def rewrite(self):
- """
- Rewrite this element and call rewrite on all children.
- Call this base method before rewriting the element.
- """
- for child in self.get_children(): child.rewrite()
+ def rewrite(self):
+ """
+ Rewrite this element and call rewrite on all children.
+ Call this base method before rewriting the element.
+ """
+ for child in self.get_children(): child.rewrite()
- def get_enabled(self): return True
+ def get_enabled(self): return True
- ##############################################
- ## Tree-like API
- ##############################################
- def get_parent(self): return self._parent
- def get_children(self): return list()
+ ##############################################
+ ## Tree-like API
+ ##############################################
+ def get_parent(self): return self._parent
+ def get_children(self): return list()
- ##############################################
- ## Type testing methods
- ##############################################
- def is_element(self): return True
- def is_platform(self): return False
- def is_flow_graph(self): return False
- def is_connection(self): return False
- def is_block(self): return False
- def is_source(self): return False
- def is_sink(self): return False
- def is_port(self): return False
- def is_param(self): return False
+ ##############################################
+ ## Type testing methods
+ ##############################################
+ def is_element(self): return True
+ def is_platform(self): return False
+ def is_flow_graph(self): return False
+ def is_connection(self): return False
+ def is_block(self): return False
+ def is_source(self): return False
+ def is_sink(self): return False
+ def is_port(self): return False
+ def is_param(self): return False
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index a35afa363b..2f2d8c65e1 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -23,296 +23,288 @@ from .. gui import Messages
class FlowGraph(Element):
- def __init__(self, platform):
- """
- Make a flow graph from the arguments.
- Args:
- platform: a platforms with blocks and contrcutors
- Returns:
- the flow graph object
- """
- #initialize
- Element.__init__(self, platform)
- #inital blank import
- self.import_data()
+ def __init__(self, platform):
+ """
+ Make a flow graph from the arguments.
+ Args:
+ platform: a platforms with blocks and contrcutors
+ Returns:
+ the flow graph object
+ """
+ #initialize
+ Element.__init__(self, platform)
+ #inital blank import
+ self.import_data()
- def _get_unique_id(self, base_id=''):
- """
- Get a unique id starting with the base id.
- Args:
- base_id: the id starts with this and appends a count
- Returns:
- a unique id
- """
- index = 0
- while True:
- id = '%s_%d'%(base_id, index)
- index = index + 1
- #make sure that the id is not used by another block
- if not filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks()): return id
+ def _get_unique_id(self, base_id=''):
+ """
+ Get a unique id starting with the base id.
+ Args:
+ base_id: the id starts with this and appends a count
+ Returns:
+ a unique id
+ """
+ index = 0
+ while True:
+ id = '%s_%d'%(base_id, index)
+ index = index + 1
+ #make sure that the id is not used by another block
+ if not filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks()): return id
- def __str__(self): return 'FlowGraph - %s(%s)'%(self.get_option('title'), self.get_option('id'))
- def rewrite(self):
- def refactor_bus_structure():
- for block in self.get_blocks():
- for direc in ['source', 'sink']:
- if direc == 'source':
- get_p = block.get_sources;
- get_p_gui = block.get_sources_gui;
- bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('source');
- else:
- get_p = block.get_sinks;
- get_p_gui = block.get_sinks_gui
- bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('sink');
- if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p_gui()):
- if len(get_p_gui()) > len(bus_structure):
- times = range(len(bus_structure), len(get_p_gui()));
- for i in times:
- for connect in get_p_gui()[-1].get_connections():
- block.get_parent().remove_element(connect);
- get_p().remove(get_p_gui()[-1]);
- elif len(get_p_gui()) < len(bus_structure):
- n = {'name':'bus','type':'bus'};
- if True in map(lambda a: isinstance(a.get_nports(), int), get_p()):
- n['nports'] = str(1);
- times = range(len(get_p_gui()), len(bus_structure));
- for i in times:
- n['key'] = str(len(get_p()));
- n = odict(n);
- port = block.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=block, n=n, dir=direc);
- get_p().append(port);
- for child in self.get_children(): child.rewrite()
- refactor_bus_structure();
+ def __str__(self): return 'FlowGraph - %s(%s)'%(self.get_option('title'), self.get_option('id'))
+ def rewrite(self):
+ def refactor_bus_structure():
+ for block in self.get_blocks():
+ for direc in ['source', 'sink']:
+ if direc == 'source':
+ get_p = block.get_sources;
+ get_p_gui = block.get_sources_gui;
+ bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('source');
+ else:
+ get_p = block.get_sinks;
+ get_p_gui = block.get_sinks_gui
+ bus_structure = block.form_bus_structure('sink');
+ if 'bus' in map(lambda a: a.get_type(), get_p_gui()):
+ if len(get_p_gui()) > len(bus_structure):
+ times = range(len(bus_structure), len(get_p_gui()));
+ for i in times:
+ for connect in get_p_gui()[-1].get_connections():
+ block.get_parent().remove_element(connect);
+ get_p().remove(get_p_gui()[-1]);
+ elif len(get_p_gui()) < len(bus_structure):
+ n = {'name':'bus','type':'bus'};
+ if True in map(lambda a: isinstance(a.get_nports(), int), get_p()):
+ n['nports'] = str(1);
+ times = range(len(get_p_gui()), len(bus_structure));
+ for i in times:
+ n['key'] = str(len(get_p()));
+ n = odict(n);
+ port = block.get_parent().get_parent().Port(block=block, n=n, dir=direc);
+ get_p().append(port);
+ for child in self.get_children(): child.rewrite()
+ refactor_bus_structure();
- def get_option(self, key):
- """
- Get the option for a given key.
- The option comes from the special options block.
- Args:
- key: the param key for the options block
- Returns:
- the value held by that param
- """
- return self._options_block.get_param(key).get_evaluated()
+ def get_option(self, key):
+ """
+ Get the option for a given key.
+ The option comes from the special options block.
+ Args:
+ key: the param key for the options block
+ Returns:
+ the value held by that param
+ """
+ return self._options_block.get_param(key).get_evaluated()
- def is_flow_graph(self): return True
+ def is_flow_graph(self): return True
- ##############################################
- ## Access Elements
- ##############################################
- def get_block(self, id): return filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks())[0]
- def get_blocks_unordered(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_block(), self.get_elements())
- def get_blocks(self):
- blocks = self.get_blocks_unordered();
- for i in range(len(blocks)):
- if blocks[i].get_key() == 'variable':
- blk = blocks[i];
- blocks.remove(blk);
- blocks.insert(1, blk);
- return blocks;
- def get_connections(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_connection(), self.get_elements())
- def get_children(self): return self.get_elements()
- def get_elements(self):
- """
- Get a list of all the elements.
- Always ensure that the options block is in the list (only once).
- Returns:
- the element list
- """
- options_block_count = self._elements.count(self._options_block)
- if not options_block_count:
- self._elements.append(self._options_block)
- for i in range(options_block_count-1):
- self._elements.remove(self._options_block)
- return self._elements
+ ##############################################
+ ## Access Elements
+ ##############################################
+ def get_block(self, id): return filter(lambda b: b.get_id() == id, self.get_blocks())[0]
+ def get_blocks_unordered(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_block(), self.get_elements())
+ def get_blocks(self):
+ blocks = self.get_blocks_unordered();
+ for i in range(len(blocks)):
+ if blocks[i].get_key() == 'variable':
+ blk = blocks[i];
+ blocks.remove(blk);
+ blocks.insert(1, blk);
+ return blocks;
+ def get_connections(self): return filter(lambda e: e.is_connection(), self.get_elements())
+ def get_children(self): return self.get_elements()
+ def get_elements(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of all the elements.
+ Always ensure that the options block is in the list (only once).
+ Returns:
+ the element list
+ """
+ options_block_count = self._elements.count(self._options_block)
+ if not options_block_count:
+ self._elements.append(self._options_block)
+ for i in range(options_block_count-1):
+ self._elements.remove(self._options_block)
+ return self._elements
- def get_enabled_blocks(self):
- """
- Get a list of all blocks that are enabled.
- Returns:
- a list of blocks
- """
- return filter(lambda b: b.get_enabled(), self.get_blocks())
+ def get_enabled_blocks(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of all blocks that are enabled.
+ Returns:
+ a list of blocks
+ """
+ return filter(lambda b: b.get_enabled(), self.get_blocks())
- def get_enabled_connections(self):
- """
- Get a list of all connections that are enabled.
- Returns:
- a list of connections
- """
- return filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_connections())
+ def get_enabled_connections(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of all connections that are enabled.
+ Returns:
+ a list of connections
+ """
+ return filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_connections())
- def get_new_block(self, key):
- """
- Get a new block of the specified key.
- Add the block to the list of elements.
- Args:
- key: the block key
- Returns:
- the new block or None if not found
- """
- if key not in self.get_parent().get_block_keys(): return None
- block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, key)
- self.get_elements().append(block);
- if block._bussify_sink:
- block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink')
- if block._bussify_source:
- block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source')
- return block;
+ def get_new_block(self, key):
+ """
+ Get a new block of the specified key.
+ Add the block to the list of elements.
+ Args:
+ key: the block key
+ Returns:
+ the new block or None if not found
+ """
+ if key not in self.get_parent().get_block_keys(): return None
+ block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, key)
+ self.get_elements().append(block);
+ if block._bussify_sink:
+ block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'sink')
+ if block._bussify_source:
+ block.bussify({'name':'bus','type':'bus'}, 'source')
+ return block;
- def connect(self, porta, portb):
- """
- Create a connection between porta and portb.
- Args:
- porta: a port
- portb: another port
- @throw Exception bad connection
- Returns:
- the new connection
- """
- connection = self.get_parent().Connection(flow_graph=self, porta=porta, portb=portb)
- self.get_elements().append(connection)
- return connection
+ def connect(self, porta, portb):
+ """
+ Create a connection between porta and portb.
+ Args:
+ porta: a port
+ portb: another port
+ @throw Exception bad connection
+ Returns:
+ the new connection
+ """
+ connection = self.get_parent().Connection(flow_graph=self, porta=porta, portb=portb)
+ self.get_elements().append(connection)
+ return connection
- def remove_element(self, element):
- """
- Remove the element from the list of elements.
- If the element is a port, remove the whole block.
- If the element is a block, remove its connections.
- If the element is a connection, just remove the connection.
- """
+ def remove_element(self, element):
+ """
+ Remove the element from the list of elements.
+ If the element is a port, remove the whole block.
+ If the element is a block, remove its connections.
+ If the element is a connection, just remove the connection.
+ """
+ if element not in self.get_elements(): return
+ #found a port, set to parent signal block
+ if element.is_port():
+ element = element.get_parent()
+ #remove block, remove all involved connections
+ if element.is_block():
+ for port in element.get_ports():
+ map(self.remove_element, port.get_connections())
+ if element.is_connection():
+ if element.is_bus():
+ cons_list = []
+ for i in map(lambda a: a.get_connections(), element.get_source().get_associated_ports()):
+ cons_list.extend(i);
+ map(self.remove_element, cons_list);
+ self.get_elements().remove(element)
- if element not in self.get_elements(): return
- #found a port, set to parent signal block
- if element.is_port():
- element = element.get_parent()
- #remove block, remove all involved connections
- if element.is_block():
- for port in element.get_ports():
- map(self.remove_element, port.get_connections())
- if element.is_connection():
- if element.is_bus():
- cons_list = []
- for i in map(lambda a: a.get_connections(), element.get_source().get_associated_ports()):
- cons_list.extend(i);
- map(self.remove_element, cons_list);
- self.get_elements().remove(element)
+ def evaluate(self, expr):
+ """
+ Evaluate the expression.
+ Args:
+ expr: the string expression
+ @throw NotImplementedError
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
- def evaluate(self, expr):
- """
- Evaluate the expression.
- Args:
- expr: the string expression
- @throw NotImplementedError
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
+ ##############################################
+ ## Import/Export Methods
+ ##############################################
+ def export_data(self):
+ """
+ Export this flow graph to nested data.
+ Export all block and connection data.
+ Returns:
+ a nested data odict
+ """
+ import time
+ n = odict()
+ n['timestamp'] = time.ctime()
+ n['block'] = [block.export_data() for block in self.get_blocks()]
+ n['connection'] = [connection.export_data() for connection in self.get_connections()]
+ return odict({'flow_graph': n})
- ##############################################
- ## Import/Export Methods
- ##############################################
- def export_data(self):
- """
- Export this flow graph to nested data.
- Export all block and connection data.
- Returns:
- a nested data odict
- """
- import time
- n = odict()
- n['timestamp'] = time.ctime()
- n['block'] = [block.export_data() for block in self.get_blocks()]
- n['connection'] = [connection.export_data() for connection in self.get_connections()]
- return odict({'flow_graph': n})
- def import_data(self, n=None):
- """
- Import blocks and connections into this flow graph.
- Clear this flowgraph of all previous blocks and connections.
- Any blocks or connections in error will be ignored.
- Args:
- n: the nested data odict
- """
- #remove previous elements
- self._elements = list()
- #use blank data if none provided
- fg_n = n and n.find('flow_graph') or odict()
- blocks_n = fg_n.findall('block')
- connections_n = fg_n.findall('connection')
- #create option block
- self._options_block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, 'options')
- #build the blocks
- for block_n in blocks_n:
- key = block_n.find('key')
- if key == 'options': block = self._options_block
- else: block = self.get_new_block(key)
- #only load the block when the block key was valid
- if block: block.import_data(block_n)
- else: Messages.send_error_load('Block key "%s" not found in %s'%(key, self.get_parent()))
- #build the connections
- for connection_n in connections_n:
- #try to make the connection
- try:
- #get the block ids
- source_block_id = connection_n.find('source_block_id')
- sink_block_id = connection_n.find('sink_block_id')
- #get the port keys
- source_key = connection_n.find('source_key')
- sink_key = connection_n.find('sink_key')
- #verify the blocks
- block_ids = map(lambda b: b.get_id(), self.get_blocks())
- if source_block_id not in block_ids:
- raise LookupError('source block id "%s" not in block ids'%source_block_id)
- if sink_block_id not in block_ids:
- raise LookupError('sink block id "%s" not in block ids'%sink_block_id)
- #get the blocks
- source_block = self.get_block(source_block_id)
- sink_block = self.get_block(sink_block_id)
- #verify the ports
- if source_key not in source_block.get_source_keys():
- raise LookupError('source key "%s" not in source block keys'%source_key)
- if sink_key not in sink_block.get_sink_keys():
- raise LookupError('sink key "%s" not in sink block keys'%sink_key)
- #get the ports
- source = source_block.get_source(source_key)
- sink = sink_block.get_sink(sink_key)
- #build the connection
- self.connect(source, sink)
- except LookupError, e: Messages.send_error_load(
- 'Connection between %s(%s) and %s(%s) could not be made.\n\t%s'%(
- source_block_id, source_key, sink_block_id, sink_key, e
- )
- )
- self.rewrite() #global rewrite
+ def import_data(self, n=None):
+ """
+ Import blocks and connections into this flow graph.
+ Clear this flowgraph of all previous blocks and connections.
+ Any blocks or connections in error will be ignored.
+ Args:
+ n: the nested data odict
+ """
+ #remove previous elements
+ self._elements = list()
+ #use blank data if none provided
+ fg_n = n and n.find('flow_graph') or odict()
+ blocks_n = fg_n.findall('block')
+ connections_n = fg_n.findall('connection')
+ #create option block
+ self._options_block = self.get_parent().get_new_block(self, 'options')
+ #build the blocks
+ for block_n in blocks_n:
+ key = block_n.find('key')
+ if key == 'options': block = self._options_block
+ else: block = self.get_new_block(key)
+ #only load the block when the block key was valid
+ if block: block.import_data(block_n)
+ else: Messages.send_error_load('Block key "%s" not found in %s'%(key, self.get_parent()))
+ #build the connections
+ for connection_n in connections_n:
+ #try to make the connection
+ try:
+ #get the block ids
+ source_block_id = connection_n.find('source_block_id')
+ sink_block_id = connection_n.find('sink_block_id')
+ #get the port keys
+ source_key = connection_n.find('source_key')
+ sink_key = connection_n.find('sink_key')
+ #verify the blocks
+ block_ids = map(lambda b: b.get_id(), self.get_blocks())
+ if source_block_id not in block_ids:
+ raise LookupError('source block id "%s" not in block ids'%source_block_id)
+ if sink_block_id not in block_ids:
+ raise LookupError('sink block id "%s" not in block ids'%sink_block_id)
+ #get the blocks
+ source_block = self.get_block(source_block_id)
+ sink_block = self.get_block(sink_block_id)
+ #verify the ports
+ if source_key not in source_block.get_source_keys():
+ raise LookupError('source key "%s" not in source block keys'%source_key)
+ if sink_key not in sink_block.get_sink_keys():
+ raise LookupError('sink key "%s" not in sink block keys'%sink_key)
+ #get the ports
+ source = source_block.get_source(source_key)
+ sink = sink_block.get_sink(sink_key)
+ #build the connection
+ self.connect(source, sink)
+ except LookupError, e: Messages.send_error_load(
+ 'Connection between %s(%s) and %s(%s) could not be made.\n\t%s'%(
+ source_block_id, source_key, sink_block_id, sink_key, e
+ )
+ )
+ self.rewrite() #global rewrite
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 76a74d3ed7..8b8362ac1a 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -22,166 +22,166 @@ from Element import Element
def _get_keys(lst): return [elem.get_key() for elem in lst]
def _get_elem(lst, key):
- try: return lst[_get_keys(lst).index(key)]
- except ValueError: raise ValueError, 'Key "%s" not found in %s.'%(key, _get_keys(lst))
+ try: return lst[_get_keys(lst).index(key)]
+ except ValueError: raise ValueError, 'Key "%s" not found in %s.'%(key, _get_keys(lst))
class Option(Element):
- def __init__(self, param, n):
- Element.__init__(self, param)
- self._name = n.find('name')
- self._key = n.find('key')
- self._opts = dict()
- opts = n.findall('opt')
- #test against opts when non enum
- if not self.get_parent().is_enum() and opts:
- raise Exception, 'Options for non-enum types cannot have sub-options'
- #extract opts
- for opt in opts:
- #separate the key:value
- try: key, value = opt.split(':')
- except: raise Exception, 'Error separating "%s" into key:value'%opt
- #test against repeated keys
- if self._opts.has_key(key):
- raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in option'%key
- #store the option
- self._opts[key] = value
- def __str__(self): return 'Option %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
- def get_name(self): return self._name
- def get_key(self): return self._key
- ##############################################
- # Access Opts
- ##############################################
- def get_opt_keys(self): return self._opts.keys()
- def get_opt(self, key): return self._opts[key]
- def get_opts(self): return self._opts.values()
+ def __init__(self, param, n):
+ Element.__init__(self, param)
+ self._name = n.find('name')
+ self._key = n.find('key')
+ self._opts = dict()
+ opts = n.findall('opt')
+ #test against opts when non enum
+ if not self.get_parent().is_enum() and opts:
+ raise Exception, 'Options for non-enum types cannot have sub-options'
+ #extract opts
+ for opt in opts:
+ #separate the key:value
+ try: key, value = opt.split(':')
+ except: raise Exception, 'Error separating "%s" into key:value'%opt
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if self._opts.has_key(key):
+ raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in option'%key
+ #store the option
+ self._opts[key] = value
+ def __str__(self): return 'Option %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
+ def get_name(self): return self._name
+ def get_key(self): return self._key
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Opts
+ ##############################################
+ def get_opt_keys(self): return self._opts.keys()
+ def get_opt(self, key): return self._opts[key]
+ def get_opts(self): return self._opts.values()
class Param(Element):
- def __init__(self, block, n):
- """
- Make a new param from nested data.
- Args:
- block: the parent element
- n: the nested odict
- """
- #grab the data
- self._name = n.find('name')
- self._key = n.find('key')
- value = n.find('value') or ''
- self._type = n.find('type')
- self._hide = n.find('hide') or ''
- #build the param
- Element.__init__(self, block)
- #create the Option objects from the n data
- self._options = list()
- for option in map(lambda o: Option(param=self, n=o), n.findall('option')):
- key = option.get_key()
- #test against repeated keys
- if key in self.get_option_keys():
- raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in options'%key
- #store the option
- self.get_options().append(option)
- #test the enum options
- if self.is_enum():
- #test against options with identical keys
- if len(set(self.get_option_keys())) != len(self.get_options()):
- raise Exception, 'Options keys "%s" are not unique.'%self.get_option_keys()
- #test against inconsistent keys in options
- opt_keys = self.get_options()[0].get_opt_keys()
- for option in self.get_options():
- if set(opt_keys) != set(option.get_opt_keys()):
- raise Exception, 'Opt keys "%s" are not identical across all options.'%opt_keys
- #if a value is specified, it must be in the options keys
- self._value = value if value or value in self.get_option_keys() else self.get_option_keys()[0]
- if self.get_value() not in self.get_option_keys():
- raise Exception, 'The value "%s" is not in the possible values of "%s".'%(self.get_value(), self.get_option_keys())
- else: self._value = value or ''
- def validate(self):
- """
- Validate the param.
- The value must be evaluated and type must a possible type.
- """
- Element.validate(self)
- if self.get_type() not in self.get_types():
- self.add_error_message('Type "%s" is not a possible type.'%self.get_type())
- def get_evaluated(self): raise NotImplementedError
- def to_code(self):
- """
- Convert the value to code.
- @throw NotImplementedError
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_types(self):
- """
- Get a list of all possible param types.
- @throw NotImplementedError
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_color(self): return '#FFFFFF'
- def __str__(self): return 'Param - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
- def is_param(self): return True
- def get_name(self): return self._name
- def get_key(self): return self._key
- def get_hide(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._hide).strip()
- def get_value(self):
- value = self._value
- if self.is_enum() and value not in self.get_option_keys():
- value = self.get_option_keys()[0]
- self.set_value(value)
- return value
- def set_value(self, value): self._value = str(value) #must be a string
- def get_type(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._type)
- def is_enum(self): return self._type == 'enum'
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- Get the repr (nice string format) for this param.
- Just return the value (special case enum).
- Derived classes can handle complex formatting.
- Returns:
- the string representation
- """
- if self.is_enum(): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_name()
- return self.get_value()
- ##############################################
- # Access Options
- ##############################################
- def get_option_keys(self): return _get_keys(self.get_options())
- def get_option(self, key): return _get_elem(self.get_options(), key)
- def get_options(self): return self._options
- ##############################################
- # Access Opts
- ##############################################
- def get_opt_keys(self): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opt_keys()
- def get_opt(self, key): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opt(key)
- def get_opts(self): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opts()
- ##############################################
- ## Import/Export Methods
- ##############################################
- def export_data(self):
- """
- Export this param's key/value.
- Returns:
- a nested data odict
- """
- n = odict()
- n['key'] = self.get_key()
- n['value'] = self.get_value()
- return n
+ def __init__(self, block, n):
+ """
+ Make a new param from nested data.
+ Args:
+ block: the parent element
+ n: the nested odict
+ """
+ #grab the data
+ self._name = n.find('name')
+ self._key = n.find('key')
+ value = n.find('value') or ''
+ self._type = n.find('type')
+ self._hide = n.find('hide') or ''
+ #build the param
+ Element.__init__(self, block)
+ #create the Option objects from the n data
+ self._options = list()
+ for option in map(lambda o: Option(param=self, n=o), n.findall('option')):
+ key = option.get_key()
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if key in self.get_option_keys():
+ raise Exception, 'Key "%s" already exists in options'%key
+ #store the option
+ self.get_options().append(option)
+ #test the enum options
+ if self.is_enum():
+ #test against options with identical keys
+ if len(set(self.get_option_keys())) != len(self.get_options()):
+ raise Exception, 'Options keys "%s" are not unique.'%self.get_option_keys()
+ #test against inconsistent keys in options
+ opt_keys = self.get_options()[0].get_opt_keys()
+ for option in self.get_options():
+ if set(opt_keys) != set(option.get_opt_keys()):
+ raise Exception, 'Opt keys "%s" are not identical across all options.'%opt_keys
+ #if a value is specified, it must be in the options keys
+ self._value = value if value or value in self.get_option_keys() else self.get_option_keys()[0]
+ if self.get_value() not in self.get_option_keys():
+ raise Exception, 'The value "%s" is not in the possible values of "%s".'%(self.get_value(), self.get_option_keys())
+ else: self._value = value or ''
+ def validate(self):
+ """
+ Validate the param.
+ The value must be evaluated and type must a possible type.
+ """
+ Element.validate(self)
+ if self.get_type() not in self.get_types():
+ self.add_error_message('Type "%s" is not a possible type.'%self.get_type())
+ def get_evaluated(self): raise NotImplementedError
+ def to_code(self):
+ """
+ Convert the value to code.
+ @throw NotImplementedError
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_types(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of all possible param types.
+ @throw NotImplementedError
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_color(self): return '#FFFFFF'
+ def __str__(self): return 'Param - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
+ def is_param(self): return True
+ def get_name(self): return self._name
+ def get_key(self): return self._key
+ def get_hide(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._hide).strip()
+ def get_value(self):
+ value = self._value
+ if self.is_enum() and value not in self.get_option_keys():
+ value = self.get_option_keys()[0]
+ self.set_value(value)
+ return value
+ def set_value(self, value): self._value = str(value) #must be a string
+ def get_type(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._type)
+ def is_enum(self): return self._type == 'enum'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """
+ Get the repr (nice string format) for this param.
+ Just return the value (special case enum).
+ Derived classes can handle complex formatting.
+ Returns:
+ the string representation
+ """
+ if self.is_enum(): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_name()
+ return self.get_value()
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Options
+ ##############################################
+ def get_option_keys(self): return _get_keys(self.get_options())
+ def get_option(self, key): return _get_elem(self.get_options(), key)
+ def get_options(self): return self._options
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Opts
+ ##############################################
+ def get_opt_keys(self): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opt_keys()
+ def get_opt(self, key): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opt(key)
+ def get_opts(self): return self.get_option(self.get_value()).get_opts()
+ ##############################################
+ ## Import/Export Methods
+ ##############################################
+ def export_data(self):
+ """
+ Export this param's key/value.
+ Returns:
+ a nested data odict
+ """
+ n = odict()
+ n['key'] = self.get_key()
+ n['value'] = self.get_value()
+ return n
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index e8f9b0583e..56097395dd 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -21,99 +21,99 @@ from lxml import etree
from . import odict
class XMLSyntaxError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, error_log):
- self._error_log = error_log
- def __str__(self):
- return '\n'.join(map(str, self._error_log.filter_from_errors()))
+ def __init__(self, error_log):
+ self._error_log = error_log
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '\n'.join(map(str, self._error_log.filter_from_errors()))
def validate_dtd(xml_file, dtd_file=None):
- """
- Validate an xml file against its dtd.
- Args:
- xml_file: the xml file
- dtd_file: the optional dtd file
- @throws Exception validation fails
- """
- #perform parsing, use dtd validation if dtd file is not specified
- parser = etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=not dtd_file)
- xml = etree.parse(xml_file, parser=parser)
- if parser.error_log: raise XMLSyntaxError(parser.error_log)
- #perform dtd validation if the dtd file is specified
- if not dtd_file: return
- dtd = etree.DTD(dtd_file)
- if not dtd.validate(xml.getroot()): raise XMLSyntaxError(dtd.error_log)
+ """
+ Validate an xml file against its dtd.
+ Args:
+ xml_file: the xml file
+ dtd_file: the optional dtd file
+ @throws Exception validation fails
+ """
+ #perform parsing, use dtd validation if dtd file is not specified
+ parser = etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=not dtd_file)
+ xml = etree.parse(xml_file, parser=parser)
+ if parser.error_log: raise XMLSyntaxError(parser.error_log)
+ #perform dtd validation if the dtd file is specified
+ if not dtd_file: return
+ dtd = etree.DTD(dtd_file)
+ if not dtd.validate(xml.getroot()): raise XMLSyntaxError(dtd.error_log)
def from_file(xml_file):
- """
- Create nested data from an xml file using the from xml helper.
- Args:
- xml_file: the xml file path
- Returns:
- the nested data
- """
- xml = etree.parse(xml_file).getroot()
- return _from_file(xml)
+ """
+ Create nested data from an xml file using the from xml helper.
+ Args:
+ xml_file: the xml file path
+ Returns:
+ the nested data
+ """
+ xml = etree.parse(xml_file).getroot()
+ return _from_file(xml)
def _from_file(xml):
- """
- Recursivly parse the xml tree into nested data format.
- Args:
- xml: the xml tree
- Returns:
- the nested data
- """
- tag = xml.tag
- if not len(xml):
- return odict({tag: xml.text or ''}) #store empty tags (text is None) as empty string
- nested_data = odict()
- for elem in xml:
- key, value = _from_file(elem).items()[0]
- if nested_data.has_key(key): nested_data[key].append(value)
- else: nested_data[key] = [value]
- #delistify if the length of values is 1
- for key, values in nested_data.iteritems():
- if len(values) == 1: nested_data[key] = values[0]
+ """
+ Recursivly parse the xml tree into nested data format.
+ Args:
+ xml: the xml tree
+ Returns:
+ the nested data
+ """
+ tag = xml.tag
+ if not len(xml):
+ return odict({tag: xml.text or ''}) #store empty tags (text is None) as empty string
+ nested_data = odict()
+ for elem in xml:
+ key, value = _from_file(elem).items()[0]
+ if nested_data.has_key(key): nested_data[key].append(value)
+ else: nested_data[key] = [value]
+ #delistify if the length of values is 1
+ for key, values in nested_data.iteritems():
+ if len(values) == 1: nested_data[key] = values[0]
- return odict({tag: nested_data})
+ return odict({tag: nested_data})
def to_file(nested_data, xml_file):
- """
- Write an xml file and use the to xml helper method to load it.
- Args:
- nested_data: the nested data
- xml_file: the xml file path
- """
- xml = _to_file(nested_data)[0]
- open(xml_file, 'w').write(etree.tostring(xml, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True))
+ """
+ Write an xml file and use the to xml helper method to load it.
+ Args:
+ nested_data: the nested data
+ xml_file: the xml file path
+ """
+ xml = _to_file(nested_data)[0]
+ open(xml_file, 'w').write(etree.tostring(xml, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True))
def _to_file(nested_data):
- """
- Recursivly parse the nested data into xml tree format.
- Args:
- nested_data: the nested data
- Returns:
- the xml tree filled with child nodes
- """
- nodes = list()
- for key, values in nested_data.iteritems():
- #listify the values if not a list
- if not isinstance(values, (list, set, tuple)):
- values = [values]
- for value in values:
- node = etree.Element(key)
- if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): node.text = value
- else: node.extend(_to_file(value))
- nodes.append(node)
- return nodes
+ """
+ Recursivly parse the nested data into xml tree format.
+ Args:
+ nested_data: the nested data
+ Returns:
+ the xml tree filled with child nodes
+ """
+ nodes = list()
+ for key, values in nested_data.iteritems():
+ #listify the values if not a list
+ if not isinstance(values, (list, set, tuple)):
+ values = [values]
+ for value in values:
+ node = etree.Element(key)
+ if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): node.text = value
+ else: node.extend(_to_file(value))
+ nodes.append(node)
+ return nodes
if __name__ == '__main__':
- """Use the main method to test parse xml's functions."""
- pass
+ """Use the main method to test parse xml's functions."""
+ pass
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index f0f24a48a7..bb80e29552 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -30,159 +30,159 @@ from Constants import BLOCK_TREE_DTD, FLOW_GRAPH_DTD
class Platform(_Element):
- def __init__(self, name, version, key,
- block_paths, block_dtd, default_flow_graph, generator,
- license='', website=None, colors=[]):
- """
- Make a platform from the arguments.
- Args:
- name: the platform name
- version: the version string
- key: the unique platform key
- block_paths: the file paths to blocks in this platform
- block_dtd: the dtd validator for xml block wrappers
- default_flow_graph: the default flow graph file path
- generator: the generator class for this platform
- colors: a list of title, color_spec tuples
- license: a multi-line license (first line is copyright)
- website: the website url for this platform
- Returns:
- a platform object
- """
- _Element.__init__(self)
- self._name = name
- self._version = version
- self._key = key
- self._license = license
- self._website = website
- self._block_paths = block_paths
- self._block_dtd = block_dtd
- self._default_flow_graph = default_flow_graph
- self._generator = generator
- self._colors = colors
- #create a dummy flow graph for the blocks
- self._flow_graph = _Element(self)
- #search for *.xml files in the given search path
- self.loadblocks();
+ def __init__(self, name, version, key,
+ block_paths, block_dtd, default_flow_graph, generator,
+ license='', website=None, colors=[]):
+ """
+ Make a platform from the arguments.
+ Args:
+ name: the platform name
+ version: the version string
+ key: the unique platform key
+ block_paths: the file paths to blocks in this platform
+ block_dtd: the dtd validator for xml block wrappers
+ default_flow_graph: the default flow graph file path
+ generator: the generator class for this platform
+ colors: a list of title, color_spec tuples
+ license: a multi-line license (first line is copyright)
+ website: the website url for this platform
+ Returns:
+ a platform object
+ """
+ _Element.__init__(self)
+ self._name = name
+ self._version = version
+ self._key = key
+ self._license = license
+ self._website = website
+ self._block_paths = block_paths
+ self._block_dtd = block_dtd
+ self._default_flow_graph = default_flow_graph
+ self._generator = generator
+ self._colors = colors
+ #create a dummy flow graph for the blocks
+ self._flow_graph = _Element(self)
+ #search for *.xml files in the given search path
+ self.loadblocks();
- def loadblocks(self):
- xml_files = list()
- for block_path in self._block_paths:
- if os.path.isfile(block_path): xml_files.append(block_path)
- elif os.path.isdir(block_path):
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(block_path):
- for filename in sorted(filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.xml'), filenames)):
- xml_files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
- #load the blocks
- self._blocks = odict()
- self._blocks_n = odict()
- self._block_tree_files = list()
- for xml_file in xml_files:
- try: #try to add the xml file as a block wrapper
- ParseXML.validate_dtd(xml_file, self._block_dtd)
- n = ParseXML.from_file(xml_file).find('block')
- #inject block wrapper path
- n['block_wrapper_path'] = xml_file
- block = self.Block(self._flow_graph, n)
- key = block.get_key()
- #test against repeated keys
- if key in self.get_block_keys():
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block with key "%s" already exists.\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(key, xml_file)
- #store the block
- else:
- self._blocks[key] = block
- self._blocks_n[key] = n
- except ParseXML.XMLSyntaxError, e:
- try: #try to add the xml file as a block tree
- ParseXML.validate_dtd(xml_file, BLOCK_TREE_DTD)
- self._block_tree_files.append(xml_file)
- except ParseXML.XMLSyntaxError, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block validation failed:\n\t%s\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(e, xml_file)
- except Exception, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block loading failed:\n\t%s\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(e, xml_file)
- def parse_flow_graph(self, flow_graph_file):
- """
- Parse a saved flow graph file.
- Ensure that the file exists, and passes the dtd check.
- Args:
- flow_graph_file: the flow graph file
- Returns:
- nested data
- @throws exception if the validation fails
- """
- flow_graph_file = flow_graph_file or self._default_flow_graph
- open(flow_graph_file, 'r') #test open
- ParseXML.validate_dtd(flow_graph_file, FLOW_GRAPH_DTD)
- return ParseXML.from_file(flow_graph_file)
- def load_block_tree(self, block_tree):
- """
- Load a block tree with categories and blocks.
- Step 1: Load all blocks from the xml specification.
- Step 2: Load blocks with builtin category specifications.
- Args:
- block_tree: the block tree object
- """
- #recursive function to load categories and blocks
- def load_category(cat_n, parent=[]):
- #add this category
- parent = parent + [cat_n.find('name')]
- block_tree.add_block(parent)
- #recursive call to load sub categories
- map(lambda c: load_category(c, parent), cat_n.findall('cat'))
- #add blocks in this category
- for block_key in cat_n.findall('block'):
- if block_key not in self.get_block_keys():
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block key "%s" not found when loading category tree.'%(block_key)
- continue
- block = self.get_block(block_key)
- #if it exists, the block's category overrides the block tree
- if not block.get_category(): block_tree.add_block(parent, block)
- #load the block tree
- for block_tree_file in self._block_tree_files:
- #recursivly add all blocks in the tree
- load_category(ParseXML.from_file(block_tree_file).find('cat'))
- #add all other blocks, use the catgory tag
- for block in self.get_blocks():
- #blocks with empty categories are in the xml block tree or hidden
- if not block.get_category(): continue
- block_tree.add_block(block.get_category(), block)
- def __str__(self): return 'Platform - %s(%s)'%(self.get_key(), self.get_name())
- def is_platform(self): return True
- def get_new_flow_graph(self): return self.FlowGraph(platform=self)
- def get_generator(self): return self._generator
- ##############################################
- # Access Blocks
- ##############################################
- def get_block_keys(self): return self._blocks.keys()
- def get_block(self, key): return self._blocks[key]
- def get_blocks(self): return self._blocks.values()
- def get_new_block(self, flow_graph, key): return self.Block(flow_graph, n=self._blocks_n[key])
- def get_name(self): return self._name
- def get_version(self): return self._version
- def get_key(self): return self._key
- def get_license(self): return self._license
- def get_website(self): return self._website
- def get_colors(self): return self._colors
- ##############################################
- # Constructors
- ##############################################
- FlowGraph = _FlowGraph
- Connection = _Connection
- Block = _Block
- Port = _Port
- Param = _Param
+ def loadblocks(self):
+ xml_files = list()
+ for block_path in self._block_paths:
+ if os.path.isfile(block_path): xml_files.append(block_path)
+ elif os.path.isdir(block_path):
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(block_path):
+ for filename in sorted(filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.xml'), filenames)):
+ xml_files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+ #load the blocks
+ self._blocks = odict()
+ self._blocks_n = odict()
+ self._block_tree_files = list()
+ for xml_file in xml_files:
+ try: #try to add the xml file as a block wrapper
+ ParseXML.validate_dtd(xml_file, self._block_dtd)
+ n = ParseXML.from_file(xml_file).find('block')
+ #inject block wrapper path
+ n['block_wrapper_path'] = xml_file
+ block = self.Block(self._flow_graph, n)
+ key = block.get_key()
+ #test against repeated keys
+ if key in self.get_block_keys():
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block with key "%s" already exists.\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(key, xml_file)
+ #store the block
+ else:
+ self._blocks[key] = block
+ self._blocks_n[key] = n
+ except ParseXML.XMLSyntaxError, e:
+ try: #try to add the xml file as a block tree
+ ParseXML.validate_dtd(xml_file, BLOCK_TREE_DTD)
+ self._block_tree_files.append(xml_file)
+ except ParseXML.XMLSyntaxError, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block validation failed:\n\t%s\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(e, xml_file)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block loading failed:\n\t%s\n\tIgnoring: %s'%(e, xml_file)
+ def parse_flow_graph(self, flow_graph_file):
+ """
+ Parse a saved flow graph file.
+ Ensure that the file exists, and passes the dtd check.
+ Args:
+ flow_graph_file: the flow graph file
+ Returns:
+ nested data
+ @throws exception if the validation fails
+ """
+ flow_graph_file = flow_graph_file or self._default_flow_graph
+ open(flow_graph_file, 'r') #test open
+ ParseXML.validate_dtd(flow_graph_file, FLOW_GRAPH_DTD)
+ return ParseXML.from_file(flow_graph_file)
+ def load_block_tree(self, block_tree):
+ """
+ Load a block tree with categories and blocks.
+ Step 1: Load all blocks from the xml specification.
+ Step 2: Load blocks with builtin category specifications.
+ Args:
+ block_tree: the block tree object
+ """
+ #recursive function to load categories and blocks
+ def load_category(cat_n, parent=[]):
+ #add this category
+ parent = parent + [cat_n.find('name')]
+ block_tree.add_block(parent)
+ #recursive call to load sub categories
+ map(lambda c: load_category(c, parent), cat_n.findall('cat'))
+ #add blocks in this category
+ for block_key in cat_n.findall('block'):
+ if block_key not in self.get_block_keys():
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Block key "%s" not found when loading category tree.'%(block_key)
+ continue
+ block = self.get_block(block_key)
+ #if it exists, the block's category overrides the block tree
+ if not block.get_category(): block_tree.add_block(parent, block)
+ #load the block tree
+ for block_tree_file in self._block_tree_files:
+ #recursivly add all blocks in the tree
+ load_category(ParseXML.from_file(block_tree_file).find('cat'))
+ #add all other blocks, use the catgory tag
+ for block in self.get_blocks():
+ #blocks with empty categories are in the xml block tree or hidden
+ if not block.get_category(): continue
+ block_tree.add_block(block.get_category(), block)
+ def __str__(self): return 'Platform - %s(%s)'%(self.get_key(), self.get_name())
+ def is_platform(self): return True
+ def get_new_flow_graph(self): return self.FlowGraph(platform=self)
+ def get_generator(self): return self._generator
+ ##############################################
+ # Access Blocks
+ ##############################################
+ def get_block_keys(self): return self._blocks.keys()
+ def get_block(self, key): return self._blocks[key]
+ def get_blocks(self): return self._blocks.values()
+ def get_new_block(self, flow_graph, key): return self.Block(flow_graph, n=self._blocks_n[key])
+ def get_name(self): return self._name
+ def get_version(self): return self._version
+ def get_key(self): return self._key
+ def get_license(self): return self._license
+ def get_website(self): return self._website
+ def get_colors(self): return self._colors
+ ##############################################
+ # Constructors
+ ##############################################
+ FlowGraph = _FlowGraph
+ Connection = _Connection
+ Block = _Block
+ Port = _Port
+ Param = _Param
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 1b2acb0582..b7de5301f1 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -21,97 +21,96 @@ from Element import Element
class Port(Element):
- def __init__(self, block, n, dir):
- """
- Make a new port from nested data.
- Args:
- block: the parent element
- n: the nested odict
- dir: the direction source or sink
- """
- #build the port
- Element.__init__(self, block)
- #grab the data
- self._name = n['name']
- self._key = n['key']
- self._type = n['type']
- self._dir = dir
+ def __init__(self, block, n, dir):
+ """
+ Make a new port from nested data.
+ Args:
+ block: the parent element
+ n: the nested odict
+ dir: the direction source or sink
+ """
+ #build the port
+ Element.__init__(self, block)
+ #grab the data
+ self._name = n['name']
+ self._key = n['key']
+ self._type = n['type']
+ self._dir = dir
- def validate(self):
- """
- Validate the port.
- The port must be non-empty and type must a possible type.
- """
- Element.validate(self)
- if self.get_type() not in self.get_types():
- self.add_error_message('Type "%s" is not a possible type.'%self.get_type())
+ def validate(self):
+ """
+ Validate the port.
+ The port must be non-empty and type must a possible type.
+ """
+ Element.validate(self)
+ if self.get_type() not in self.get_types():
+ self.add_error_message('Type "%s" is not a possible type.'%self.get_type())
- def __str__(self):
- if self.is_source():
- return 'Source - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
- if self.is_sink():
- return 'Sink - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.is_source():
+ return 'Source - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
+ if self.is_sink():
+ return 'Sink - %s(%s)'%(self.get_name(), self.get_key())
- def get_types(self):
- """
- Get a list of all possible port types.
- @throw NotImplementedError
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
+ def get_types(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of all possible port types.
+ @throw NotImplementedError
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
- def is_port(self): return True
- def get_color(self): return '#FFFFFF'
- def get_name(self):
- number = ''
- if self.get_type() == 'bus':
- busses = filter(lambda a: a._dir == self._dir, self.get_parent().get_ports_gui());
- number = str(busses.index(self)) + '#' + str(len(self.get_associated_ports()));
- return self._name + number
+ def is_port(self): return True
+ def get_color(self): return '#FFFFFF'
+ def get_name(self):
+ number = ''
+ if self.get_type() == 'bus':
+ busses = filter(lambda a: a._dir == self._dir, self.get_parent().get_ports_gui());
+ number = str(busses.index(self)) + '#' + str(len(self.get_associated_ports()));
+ return self._name + number
- def get_key(self): return self._key
- def is_sink(self): return self._dir == 'sink'
- def is_source(self): return self._dir == 'source'
- def get_type(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._type)
+ def get_key(self): return self._key
+ def is_sink(self): return self._dir == 'sink'
+ def is_source(self): return self._dir == 'source'
+ def get_type(self): return self.get_parent().resolve_dependencies(self._type)
- def get_connections(self):
- """
- Get all connections that use this port.
- Returns:
- a list of connection objects
- """
- connections = self.get_parent().get_parent().get_connections()
- connections = filter(lambda c: c.get_source() is self or c.get_sink() is self, connections)
- return connections
+ def get_connections(self):
+ """
+ Get all connections that use this port.
+ Returns:
+ a list of connection objects
+ """
+ connections = self.get_parent().get_parent().get_connections()
+ connections = filter(lambda c: c.get_source() is self or c.get_sink() is self, connections)
+ return connections
- def get_enabled_connections(self):
- """
- Get all enabled connections that use this port.
- Returns:
- a list of connection objects
- """
- return filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_connections())
- def get_associated_ports(self):
- if not self.get_type() == 'bus':
- return [self];
- else:
- if self.is_source():
- get_p = self.get_parent().get_sources;
- bus_structure = self.get_parent().current_bus_structure['source'];
- direc = 'source'
- else:
- get_p = self.get_parent().get_sinks;
- bus_structure = self.get_parent().current_bus_structure['sink'];
- direc = 'sink'
- ports = [i for i in get_p() if not i.get_type() == 'bus'];
- if bus_structure:
- busses = [i for i in get_p() if i.get_type() == 'bus'];
- bus_index = busses.index(self);
- ports = filter(lambda a: ports.index(a) in bus_structure[bus_index], ports);
- return ports;
+ def get_enabled_connections(self):
+ """
+ Get all enabled connections that use this port.
+ Returns:
+ a list of connection objects
+ """
+ return filter(lambda c: c.get_enabled(), self.get_connections())
+ def get_associated_ports(self):
+ if not self.get_type() == 'bus':
+ return [self];
+ else:
+ if self.is_source():
+ get_p = self.get_parent().get_sources;
+ bus_structure = self.get_parent().current_bus_structure['source'];
+ direc = 'source'
+ else:
+ get_p = self.get_parent().get_sinks;
+ bus_structure = self.get_parent().current_bus_structure['sink'];
+ direc = 'sink'
+ ports = [i for i in get_p() if not i.get_type() == 'bus'];
+ if bus_structure:
+ busses = [i for i in get_p() if i.get_type() == 'bus'];
+ bus_index = busses.index(self);
+ ports = filter(lambda a: ports.index(a) in bus_structure[bus_index], ports);
+ return ports;
diff --git a/grc/base/block_tree.dtd b/grc/base/block_tree.dtd
index 7d4a13ccc3..9e23576477 100644
--- a/grc/base/block_tree.dtd
+++ b/grc/base/block_tree.dtd
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- block_tree.dtd
- Josh Blum
- The document type definition for a block tree category listing.
+ block_tree.dtd
+ Josh Blum
+ The document type definition for a block tree category listing.
<!ELEMENT cat (name, cat*, block*)>
diff --git a/grc/base/flow_graph.dtd b/grc/base/flow_graph.dtd
index becfc21e9b..bdfe1dc059 100644
--- a/grc/base/flow_graph.dtd
+++ b/grc/base/flow_graph.dtd
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- flow_graph.dtd
- Josh Blum
- The document type definition for flow graph xml files.
+ flow_graph.dtd
+ Josh Blum
+ The document type definition for flow graph xml files.
<!ELEMENT flow_graph (timestamp?, block*, connection*)> <!-- optional timestamp -->
<!ELEMENT timestamp (#PCDATA)>
diff --git a/grc/base/ b/grc/base/
index 302583163b..0c03d753f6 100644
--- a/grc/base/
+++ b/grc/base/
@@ -21,85 +21,85 @@ from UserDict import DictMixin
class odict(DictMixin):
- def __init__(self, d={}):
- self._keys = list(d.keys())
- self._data = dict(d.copy())
+ def __init__(self, d={}):
+ self._keys = list(d.keys())
+ self._data = dict(d.copy())
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if key not in self._data:
- self._keys.append(key)
- self._data[key] = value
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ if key not in self._data:
+ self._keys.append(key)
+ self._data[key] = value
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self._data[key]
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self._data[key]
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- del self._data[key]
- self._keys.remove(key)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self._data[key]
+ self._keys.remove(key)
- def keys(self):
- return list(self._keys)
+ def keys(self):
+ return list(self._keys)
- def copy(self):
- copy_dict = odict()
- copy_dict._data = self._data.copy()
- copy_dict._keys = list(self._keys)
- return copy_dict
+ def copy(self):
+ copy_dict = odict()
+ copy_dict._data = self._data.copy()
+ copy_dict._keys = list(self._keys)
+ return copy_dict
- def insert_after(self, pos_key, key, val):
- """
- Insert the new key, value entry after the entry given by the position key.
- If the positional key is None, insert at the end.
- Args:
- pos_key: the positional key
- key: the key for the new entry
- val: the value for the new entry
- """
- index = (pos_key is None) and len(self._keys) or self._keys.index(pos_key)
- if key in self._keys: raise KeyError('Cannot insert, key "%s" already exists'%str(key))
- self._keys.insert(index+1, key)
- self._data[key] = val
+ def insert_after(self, pos_key, key, val):
+ """
+ Insert the new key, value entry after the entry given by the position key.
+ If the positional key is None, insert at the end.
+ Args:
+ pos_key: the positional key
+ key: the key for the new entry
+ val: the value for the new entry
+ """
+ index = (pos_key is None) and len(self._keys) or self._keys.index(pos_key)
+ if key in self._keys: raise KeyError('Cannot insert, key "%s" already exists'%str(key))
+ self._keys.insert(index+1, key)
+ self._data[key] = val
- def insert_before(self, pos_key, key, val):
- """
- Insert the new key, value entry before the entry given by the position key.
- If the positional key is None, insert at the begining.
- Args:
- pos_key: the positional key
- key: the key for the new entry
- val: the value for the new entry
- """
- index = (pos_key is not None) and self._keys.index(pos_key) or 0
- if key in self._keys: raise KeyError('Cannot insert, key "%s" already exists'%str(key))
- self._keys.insert(index, key)
- self._data[key] = val
+ def insert_before(self, pos_key, key, val):
+ """
+ Insert the new key, value entry before the entry given by the position key.
+ If the positional key is None, insert at the begining.
+ Args:
+ pos_key: the positional key
+ key: the key for the new entry
+ val: the value for the new entry
+ """
+ index = (pos_key is not None) and self._keys.index(pos_key) or 0
+ if key in self._keys: raise KeyError('Cannot insert, key "%s" already exists'%str(key))
+ self._keys.insert(index, key)
+ self._data[key] = val
- def find(self, key):
- """
- Get the value for this key if exists.
- Args:
- key: the key to search for
- Returns:
- the value or None
- """
- if self.has_key(key): return self[key]
- return None
+ def find(self, key):
+ """
+ Get the value for this key if exists.
+ Args:
+ key: the key to search for
+ Returns:
+ the value or None
+ """
+ if self.has_key(key): return self[key]
+ return None
- def findall(self, key):
- """
- Get a list of values for this key.
- Args:
- key: the key to search for
- Returns:
- a list of values or empty list
- """
- obj = self.find(key)
- if obj is None: obj = list()
- if isinstance(obj, list): return obj
- return [obj]
+ def findall(self, key):
+ """
+ Get a list of values for this key.
+ Args:
+ key: the key to search for
+ Returns:
+ a list of values or empty list
+ """
+ obj = self.find(key)
+ if obj is None: obj = list()
+ if isinstance(obj, list): return obj
+ return [obj]