path: root/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c
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authorA. Maitland Bottoms <>2016-06-25 17:55:41 -0400
committerA. Maitland Bottoms <>2016-06-25 18:49:56 -0400
commit309798aea8f35e4a208c62ebf349fb5553b8d907 (patch)
tree8b5b539bce83604825194104ca1c57dc5d4703e9 /gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c
parent7e20b582f8fff0ad63771705eeb6a037ce9b8628 (diff)
gr-vocoder: remove embedded codec2
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1455 deletions
diff --git a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c b/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 61b240df49..0000000000
--- a/gr-vocoder/lib/codec2/phaseexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1455 +0,0 @@
- FILE........: phaseexp.c
- AUTHOR......: David Rowe
- DATE CREATED: June 2012
- Experimental functions for quantising, modelling and synthesising phase.
- Copyright (C) 2012 David Rowe
- All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
- published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is
- distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along with this program; if not,see <>.
-#include "defines.h"
-#include "phase.h"
-#include "kiss_fft.h"
-#include "comp.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Bruce Perens' funcs to load codebook files */
-struct codebook {
- unsigned int k;
- unsigned int log2m;
- unsigned int m;
- COMP *cb;
- unsigned int offset;
-static const char format[] =
-"The table format must be:\n"
-"\tTwo integers describing the dimensions of the codebook.\n"
-"\tThen, enough numbers to fill the specified dimensions.\n";
-float get_float(FILE * in, const char * name, char * * cursor, char * buffer, int size)
- for ( ; ; ) {
- char * s = *cursor;
- char c;
- while ( (c = *s) != '\0' && !isdigit(c) && c != '-' && c != '.' )
- s++;
- /* Comments start with "#" and continue to the end of the line. */
- if ( c != '\0' && c != '#' ) {
- char * end = 0;
- float f = 0;
- f = strtod(s, &end);
- if ( end != s )
- *cursor = end;
- return f;
- }
- if ( fgets(buffer, size, in) == NULL ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Format error. %s\n", name, format);
- exit(1);
- }
- *cursor = buffer;
- }
-static struct codebook *load(const char * name)
- FILE *file;
- char line[2048];
- char *cursor = line;
- struct codebook *b = malloc(sizeof(struct codebook));
- int i;
- int size;
- float angle;
- file = fopen(name, "rt");
- assert(file != NULL);
- *cursor = '\0';
- b->k = (int)get_float(file, name, &cursor, line, sizeof(line));
- b->m = (int)get_float(file, name ,&cursor, line, sizeof(line));
- size = b->k * b->m;
- b->cb = (COMP *)malloc(size * sizeof(COMP));
- for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
- angle = get_float(file, name, &cursor, line, sizeof(line));
- b->cb[i].real = cos(angle);
- b->cb[i].imag = sin(angle);
- }
- fclose(file);
- return b;
-/* states for phase experiments */
-struct PEXP {
- float phi1;
- float phi_prev[MAX_AMP];
- float Wo_prev;
- int frames;
- float snr;
- float var;
- int var_n;
- struct codebook *vq1,*vq2,*vq3,*vq4,*vq5;
- float vq_var;
- int vq_var_n;
- MODEL prev_model;
- int state;
-/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
- phase_experiment_create()
- Inits states for phase quantisation experiments.
-struct PEXP * phase_experiment_create() {
- struct PEXP *pexp;
- int i;
- pexp = (struct PEXP *)malloc(sizeof(struct PEXP));
- assert (pexp != NULL);
- pexp->phi1 = 0;
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++)
- pexp->phi_prev[i] = 0.0;
- pexp->Wo_prev = 0.0;
- pexp->frames = 0;
- pexp->snr = 0.0;
- pexp->var = 0.0;
- pexp->var_n = 0;
- /* smoothed 10th order for 1st 1 khz */
- //pexp->vq1 = load("../unittest/ph1_10_1024.txt");
- //pexp->vq1->offset = 0;
- /* load experimental phase VQ */
- //pexp->vq1 = load("../unittest/testn1_20_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq1 = load("../unittest/test.txt");
- //pexp->vq2 = load("../unittest/testn21_40_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq2 = load("../unittest/test11_20_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq3 = load("../unittest/test21_30_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq4 = load("../unittest/test31_40_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq5 = load("../unittest/test41_60_1024.txt");
- pexp->vq1->offset = 0;
- pexp->vq2->offset = 10;
- pexp->vq3->offset = 20;
- pexp->vq4->offset = 30;
- pexp->vq5->offset = 40;
- pexp->vq_var = 0.0;
- pexp->vq_var_n = 0;
- pexp->state = 0;
- return pexp;
-/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
- phase_experiment_destroy()
-void phase_experiment_destroy(struct PEXP *pexp) {
- assert(pexp != NULL);
- if (pexp->snr != 0.0)
- printf("snr: %4.2f dB\n", pexp->snr/pexp->frames);
- if (pexp->var != 0.0)
- printf("var...: %4.3f std dev...: %4.3f (%d non zero phases)\n",
- pexp->var/pexp->var_n, sqrt(pexp->var/pexp->var_n), pexp->var_n);
- if (pexp->vq_var != 0.0)
- printf("vq var: %4.3f vq std dev: %4.3f (%d non zero phases)\n",
- pexp->vq_var/pexp->vq_var_n, sqrt(pexp->vq_var/pexp->vq_var_n), pexp->vq_var_n);
- free(pexp);
-/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
- Various test and experimental functions ................
-/* Bubblesort to find highest amplitude harmonics */
-struct AMPINDEX {
- float amp;
- int index;
-static void bubbleSort(struct AMPINDEX numbers[], int array_size)
- int i, j;
- struct AMPINDEX temp;
- for (i = (array_size - 1); i > 0; i--)
- {
- for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
- {
- //printf("i %d j %d %f %f \n", i, j, numbers[j-1].amp, numbers[j].amp);
- if (numbers[j-1].amp < numbers[j].amp)
- {
- temp = numbers[j-1];
- numbers[j-1] = numbers[j];
- numbers[j] = temp;
- }
- }
- }
-static void print_pred_error(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end, float mag_thresh) {
- int i;
- float mag;
- mag = 0.0;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
- mag += model->A[i]*model->A[i];
- mag = 10*log10(mag/(end-start));
- if (mag > mag_thresh) {
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- float pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*(model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- float err = pred - model->phi[i];
- err = atan2(sin(err),cos(err));
- printf("%f\n",err);
- }
- //printf("\n");
- }
-static void predict_phases(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- model->phi[i] = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*model->Wo;
- }
-static float refine_Wo(struct PEXP *pexp,
- MODEL *model,
- int start,
- int end);
-/* Fancy state based phase prediction. Actually works OK on most utterances,
- but could use some tuning. Breaks down a bit on mmt1. */
-static void predict_phases_state(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i, next_state;
- float best_Wo, dWo;
- //best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, start, end);
- //best_Wo = (model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- best_Wo = model->Wo;
- dWo = fabs(model->Wo - pexp->Wo_prev)/model->Wo;
- next_state = pexp->state;
- switch(pexp->state) {
- case 0:
- if (dWo < 0.1) {
- /* UV -> V transition, so start with phases in lock. They will
- drift a bit over voiced track which is kinda what we want, so
- we don't get clicky speech.
- */
- next_state = 1;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
- pexp->phi_prev[i] = i*pexp->phi1;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (dWo > 0.1)
- next_state = 0;
- break;
- }
- pexp->state = next_state;
- if (pexp->state == 0)
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- model->phi[i] = PI*(1.0 - 2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX);
- }
- else
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- model->phi[i] = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- }
- printf("state %d\n", pexp->state);
-static void struct_phases(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
- model->phi[i] = pexp->phi1*i;
-static void predict_phases2(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i;
- float pred, str, diff;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*model->Wo;
- str = pexp->phi1*i;
- diff = str - pred;
- diff = atan2(sin(diff), cos(diff));
- if (diff > 0)
- pred += PI/16;
- else
- pred -= PI/16;
- model->phi[i] = pred;
- }
-static void rand_phases(MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
- model->phi[i] = PI*(1.0 - 2.0*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX);
-static void quant_phase(float *phase, float min, float max, int bits) {
- int levels = 1 << bits;
- int index;
- float norm, step;
- norm = (*phase - min)/(max - min);
- index = floor(levels*norm);
- //printf("phase %f norm %f index %d ", *phase, norm, index);
- if (index < 0 ) index = 0;
- if (index > (levels-1)) index = levels-1;
- //printf("index %d ", index);
- step = (max - min)/levels;
- *phase = min + step*index + 0.5*step;
- //printf("step %f phase %f\n", step, *phase);
-static void quant_phases(MODEL *model, int start, int end, int bits) {
- int i;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- quant_phase(&model->phi[i], -PI, PI, bits);
- }
-static void fixed_bits_per_frame(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int m, int budget) {
- int res, finished;
- res = 3;
- finished = 0;
- while(!finished) {
- if (m > model->L/2)
- res = 2;
- if (((budget - res) < 0) || (m > model->L))
- finished = 1;
- else {
- quant_phase(&model->phi[m], -PI, PI, res);
- budget -= res;
- m++;
- }
- }
- printf("m: %d L: %d budget: %d\n", m, model->L, budget);
- predict_phases(pexp, model, m, model->L);
- //rand_phases(model, m, model->L);
-/* used to plot histogram of quantisation error, for 3 bits, 8 levels,
- should be uniform between +/- PI/8 */
-static void check_phase_quant(MODEL *model, float tol)
- int m;
- float phi_before[MAX_AMP];
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- phi_before[m] = model->phi[m];
- quant_phases(model, 1, model->L, 3);
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- float err = phi_before[m] - model->phi[m];
- printf("%f\n", err);
- if (fabs(err) > tol)
- exit(0);
- }
-static float est_phi1(MODEL *model, int start, int end)
- int m;
- float delta, s, c, phi1_est;
- if (end > model->L)
- end = model->L;
- s = c = 0.0;
- for(m=start; m<end; m++) {
- delta = model->phi[m+1] - model->phi[m];
- s += sin(delta);
- c += cos(delta);
- }
- phi1_est = atan2(s,c);
- return phi1_est;
-static void print_phi1_pred_error(MODEL *model, int start, int end)
- int m;
- float phi1_est;
- phi1_est = est_phi1(model, start, end);
- for(m=start; m<end; m++) {
- float err = model->phi[m+1] - model->phi[m] - phi1_est;
- err = atan2(sin(err),cos(err));
- printf("%f\n", err);
- }
-static void first_order_band(MODEL *model, int start, int end, float phi1_est)
- int m;
- float pred_err, av_pred_err;
- float c,s;
- s = c = 0.0;
- for(m=start; m<end; m++) {
- pred_err = model->phi[m] - phi1_est*m;
- s += sin(pred_err);
- c += cos(pred_err);
- }
- av_pred_err = atan2(s,c);
- for(m=start; m<end; m++) {
- model->phi[m] = av_pred_err + phi1_est*m;
- model->phi[m] = atan2(sin(model->phi[m]), cos(model->phi[m]));
- }
-static void sub_linear(MODEL *model, int start, int end, float phi1_est)
- int m;
- for(m=start; m<end; m++) {
- model->phi[m] = m*phi1_est;
- }
-static void top_amp(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end, int n_harm, int pred)
- int removed = 0, not_removed = 0;
- int top, i, j;
- struct AMPINDEX sorted[MAX_AMP];
- /* sort into ascending order of amplitude */
- printf("\n");
- for(i=start,j=0; i<end; i++,j++) {
- sorted[j].amp = model->A[i];
- sorted[j].index = i;
- printf("%f ", model->A[i]);
- }
- bubbleSort(sorted, end-start);
- printf("\n");
- for(j=0; j<n_harm; j++)
- printf("%d %f\n", j, sorted[j].amp);
- /* keep phase of top n_harm, predict others */
- for(i=start; i<end; i++) {
- top = 0;
- for(j=0; j<n_harm; j++) {
- if (model->A[i] == sorted[j].amp) {
- top = 1;
- assert(i == sorted[j].index);
- }
- }
- #define ALTTOP
- #ifdef ALTTOP
- model->phi[i] = 0.0; /* make sure */
- if (top) {
- model->phi[i] = i*pexp->phi1;
- removed++;
- }
- else {
- model->phi[i] = PI*(1.0 - 2.0*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX); // note: try rand for higher harms
- removed++;
- }
- #else
- if (!top) {
- model->phi[i] = 0.0; /* make sure */
- if (pred) {
- //model->phi[i] = pexp->phi_prev[i] + i*N*(model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- model->phi[i] = i*model->phi[1];
- }
- else
- model->phi[i] = PI*(1.0 - 2.0*(float)rand()/RAND_MAX); // note: try rand for higher harms
- removed++;
- }
- else {
- /* need to make this work thru budget of bits */
- quant_phase(&model->phi[i], -PI, PI, 3);
- not_removed++;
- }
- #endif
- }
- printf("dim: %d rem %d not_rem %d\n", end-start, removed, not_removed);
-static void limit_prediction_error(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end, float limit)
- int i;
- float pred, pred_error, error;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*(model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- pred_error = pred - model->phi[i];
- pred_error -= TWO_PI*floor((pred_error+PI)/TWO_PI);
- quant_phase(&pred_error, -limit, limit, 2);
- error = pred - pred_error - model->phi[i];
- error -= TWO_PI*floor((error+PI)/TWO_PI);
- printf("%f\n", pred_error);
- model->phi[i] = pred - pred_error;
- }
-static void quant_prediction_error(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end, float limit)
- int i;
- float pred, pred_error;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*(model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- pred_error = pred - model->phi[i];
- pred_error -= TWO_PI*floor((pred_error+PI)/TWO_PI);
- printf("%f\n", pred_error);
- model->phi[i] = pred - pred_error;
- }
-static void print_sparse_pred_error(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end, float mag_thresh)
- int i, index;
- float mag, pred, error;
- float sparse_pe[MAX_AMP];
- mag = 0.0;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
- mag += model->A[i]*model->A[i];
- mag = 10*log10(mag/(end-start));
- if (mag > mag_thresh) {
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++) {
- sparse_pe[i] = 0.0;
- }
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*(model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- error = pred - model->phi[i];
- error = atan2(sin(error),cos(error));
- index = MAX_AMP*i*model->Wo/PI;
- assert(index < MAX_AMP);
- sparse_pe[index] = error;
- }
- /* dump spare phase vector in polar format */
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++)
- printf("%f ", sparse_pe[i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
-static void update_snr_calc(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, float before[])
- int m;
- float signal, noise, diff;
- signal = 0.0; noise = 0.0;
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- signal += model->A[m]*model->A[m];
- diff = cos(model->phi[m]) - cos(before[m]);
- noise += pow(model->A[m]*diff, 2.0);
- diff = sin(model->phi[m]) - sin(before[m]);
- noise += pow(model->A[m]*diff, 2.0);
- //printf("%f %f\n", before[m], model->phi[m]);
- }
- //printf("%f %f snr = %f\n", signal, noise, 10.0*log10(signal/noise));
- pexp->snr += 10.0*log10(signal/noise);
-static void update_variance_calc(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, float before[])
- int m;
- float diff;
- for(m=1; m<model->L; m++) {
- diff = model->phi[m] - before[m];
- diff = atan2(sin(diff), cos(diff));
- pexp->var += diff*diff;
- }
- pexp->var_n += model->L;
-void print_vec(COMP cb[], int d, int e)
- int i,j;
- for(j=0; j<e; j++) {
- for(i=0; i<d; i++)
- printf("%f %f ", cb[j*d+i].real, cb[j*d+i].imag);
- printf("\n");
- }
-static COMP cconj(COMP a)
- COMP res;
- res.real = a.real;
- res.imag = -a.imag;
- return res;
-static COMP cadd(COMP a, COMP b)
- COMP res;
- res.real = a.real + b.real;
- res.imag = a.imag + b.imag;
- return res;
-static COMP cmult(COMP a, COMP b)
- COMP res;
- res.real = a.real*b.real - a.imag*b.imag;
- res.imag = a.real*b.imag + a.imag*b.real;
- return res;
-static int vq_phase(COMP cb[], COMP vec[], float weights[], int d, int e, float *se)
- float error; /* current error */
- int besti; /* best index so far */
- float best_error; /* best error so far */
- int i,j;
- int ignore;
- COMP diffr;
- float diffp, metric, best_metric;
- besti = 0;
- best_metric = best_error = 1E32;
- for(j=0; j<e; j++) {
- error = 0.0;
- metric = 0.0;
- for(i=0; i<d; i++) {
- ignore = (vec[i].real == 0.0) && (vec[i].imag == 0.0);
- if (!ignore) {
- diffr = cmult(cb[j*d+i], cconj(vec[i]));
- diffp = atan2(diffr.imag, diffr.real);
- error += diffp*diffp;
- metric += weights[i]*weights[i]*diffp*diffp;
- //metric += weights[i]*diffp*diffp;
- //metric = log10(weights[i]*fabs(diffp));
- //printf("diffp %f metric %f\n", diffp, metric);
- //if (metric < log10(PI/(8.0*sqrt(3.0))))
- // metric = log10(PI/(8.0*sqrt(3.0)));
- }
- }
- if (metric < best_metric) {
- best_metric = metric;
- best_error = error;
- besti = j;
- }
- }
- *se += best_error;
- return(besti);
-static float refine_Wo(struct PEXP *pexp,
- MODEL *model,
- int start,
- int end)
- int i;
- float Wo_est, best_var, Wo, var, pred, error, best_Wo;
- /* test variance over a range of Wo values */
- Wo_est = (model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- best_var = 1E32;
- for(Wo=0.97*Wo_est; Wo<=1.03*Wo_est; Wo+=0.001*Wo_est) {
- /* predict phase and sum differences between harmonics */
- var = 0.0;
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*Wo;
- error = pred - model->phi[i];
- error = atan2(sin(error),cos(error));
- var += error*error;
- }
- if (var < best_var) {
- best_var = var;
- best_Wo = Wo;
- }
- }
- return best_Wo;
-static void split_vq(COMP sparse_pe_out[], struct PEXP *pexp, struct codebook *vq, float weights[], COMP sparse_pe_in[])
- int i, j, non_zero, vq_ind;
- //printf("\n offset %d k %d m %d j: ", vq->offset, vq->k, vq->m);
- vq_ind = vq_phase(vq->cb, &sparse_pe_in[vq->offset], &weights[vq->offset], vq->k, vq->m, &pexp->vq_var);
- non_zero = 0;
- for(i=0, j=vq->offset; i<vq->k; i++,j++) {
- //printf("%f ", atan2(sparse_pe[i].imag, sparse_pe[i].real));
- if ((sparse_pe_in[j].real != 0.0) && (sparse_pe_in[j].imag != 0.0)) {
- //printf("%d ", j);
- sparse_pe_out[j] = vq->cb[vq->k * vq_ind + i];
- non_zero++;
- }
- }
- pexp->vq_var_n += non_zero;
-static void sparse_vq_pred_error(struct PEXP *pexp,
- MODEL *model
- int i, index;
- float pred, error, error_q_angle, best_Wo;
- COMP sparse_pe_in[MAX_AMP], sparse_pe_out[MAX_AMP];
- float weights[MAX_AMP];
- COMP error_q_rect;
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- //best_Wo = (model->Wo + pexp->Wo_prev)/2.0;
- /* transform to sparse pred error vector */
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++) {
- sparse_pe_in[i].real = 0.0;
- sparse_pe_in[i].imag = 0.0;
- sparse_pe_out[i].real = 0.0;
- sparse_pe_out[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- //printf("\n");
- for(i=1; i<=model->L; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- error = pred - model->phi[i];
- index = MAX_AMP*i*model->Wo/PI;
- assert(index < MAX_AMP);
- sparse_pe_in[index].real = cos(error);
- sparse_pe_in[index].imag = sin(error);
- sparse_pe_out[index] = sparse_pe_in[index];
- weights[index] = model->A[i];
- //printf("%d ", index);
- }
- /* vector quantise */
- split_vq(sparse_pe_out, pexp, pexp->vq1, weights, sparse_pe_in);
- split_vq(sparse_pe_out, pexp, pexp->vq2, weights, sparse_pe_in);
- split_vq(sparse_pe_out, pexp, pexp->vq3, weights, sparse_pe_in);
- split_vq(sparse_pe_out, pexp, pexp->vq4, weights, sparse_pe_in);
- split_vq(sparse_pe_out, pexp, pexp->vq5, weights, sparse_pe_in);
- /* transform quantised phases back */
- for(i=1; i<=model->L; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- index = MAX_AMP*i*model->Wo/PI;
- assert(index < MAX_AMP);
- error_q_rect = sparse_pe_out[index];
- error_q_angle = atan2(error_q_rect.imag, error_q_rect.real);
- model->phi[i] = pred - error_q_angle;
- model->phi[i] = atan2(sin(model->phi[i]), cos(model->phi[i]));
- }
-static void predict_phases1(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int start, int end) {
- int i;
- float best_Wo;
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- for(i=start; i<=end; i++) {
- model->phi[i] = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- }
- This functions tests theory that some bands can be combined together
- due to less frequency resolution at higher frequencies. This will
- reduce the amount of information we need to encode.
-void smooth_phase(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, int mode)
- int m, i, j, index, step, v, en, nav, st;
- COMP sparse_pe_in[MAX_AMP], av;
- COMP sparse_pe_out[MAX_AMP];
- COMP smoothed[MAX_AMP];
- float best_Wo, pred, err;
- float weights[MAX_AMP];
- float avw, smoothed_weights[MAX_AMP];
- COMP smoothed_in[MAX_AMP], smoothed_out[MAX_AMP];
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- for(m=0; m<MAX_AMP; m++) {
- sparse_pe_in[m].real = sparse_pe_in[m].imag = 0.0;
- sparse_pe_out[m].real = sparse_pe_out[m].imag = 0.0;
- }
- /* set up sparse array */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[m] + N*m*best_Wo;
- err = model->phi[m] - pred;
- err = atan2(sin(err),cos(err));
- index = MAX_AMP*m*model->Wo/PI;
- assert(index < MAX_AMP);
- sparse_pe_in[index].real = model->A[m]*cos(err);
- sparse_pe_in[index].imag = model->A[m]*sin(err);
- sparse_pe_out[index] = sparse_pe_in[index];
- weights[index] = model->A[m];
- }
- /* now combine samples at high frequencies to reduce dimension */
- step = 2;
- st = 0;
- for(i=st,v=0; i<MAX_AMP; i+=step,v++) {
- /* average over one band */
- av.real = 0.0; av.imag = 0.0; avw = 0.0; nav = 0;
- en = i+step;
- if (en > (MAX_AMP-1))
- en = MAX_AMP-1;
- for(j=i; j<en; j++) {
- if ((sparse_pe_in[j].real != 0.0) &&(sparse_pe_in[j].imag != 0.0) ) {
- av = cadd(av, sparse_pe_in[j]);
- avw += weights[j];
- nav++;
- }
- }
- if (nav) {
- smoothed[v] = av;
- smoothed_weights[v] = avw/nav;
- }
- else
- smoothed[v].real = smoothed[v].imag = 0.0;
- }
- if (mode == 2) {
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++) {
- smoothed_in[i] = smoothed[i];
- smoothed_out[i] = smoothed_in[i];
- }
- split_vq(smoothed_out, pexp, pexp->vq1, smoothed_weights, smoothed_in);
- for(i=0; i<MAX_AMP; i++)
- smoothed[i] = smoothed_out[i];
- }
- /* set all samples to smoothed average */
- for(i=st,v=0; i<MAX_AMP; i+=step,v++) {
- en = i+step;
- if (en > (MAX_AMP-1))
- en = MAX_AMP-1;
- for(j=i; j<en; j++)
- sparse_pe_out[j] = smoothed[v];
- if (mode == 1)
- printf("%f ", atan2(smoothed[v].imag, smoothed[v].real));
- }
- if (mode == 1)
- printf("\n");
- /* convert back to Am */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- index = MAX_AMP*m*model->Wo/PI;
- assert(index < MAX_AMP);
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[m] + N*m*best_Wo;
- err = atan2(sparse_pe_out[index].imag, sparse_pe_out[index].real);
- model->phi[m] = pred + err;
- }
- Another version of a functions that tests the theory that some bands
- can be combined together due to less frequency resolution at higher
- frequencies. This will reduce the amount of information we need to
- encode.
-void smooth_phase2(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model) {
- float m;
- float step;
- int a,b,h,i;
- float best_Wo, pred, err, s,c, phi1_;
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- step = (float)model->L/30;
- printf("\nL: %d step: %3.2f am,bm: ", model->L, step);
- for(m=(float)model->L/4; m<=model->L; m+=step) {
- a = floor(m);
- b = floor(m+step);
- if (b > model->L) b = model->L;
- h = b-a;
- printf("%d,%d,(%d) ", a, b, h);
- c = s = 0.0;
- if (h>1) {
- for(i=a; i<b; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- err = model->phi[i] - pred;
- c += cos(err); s += sin(err);
- }
- phi1_ = atan2(s,c);
- for(i=a; i<b; i++) {
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[i] + N*i*best_Wo;
- printf("%d: %4.3f -> ", i, model->phi[i]);
- model->phi[i] = pred + phi1_;
- model->phi[i] = atan2(sin(model->phi[i]),cos(model->phi[i]));
- printf("%4.3f ", model->phi[i]);
- }
- }
- }
-#define MAX_BINS 40
-//static float bins[] = {2600.0, 2800.0, 3000.0, 3200.0, 3400.0, 3600.0, 3800.0, 4000.0};
-static float bins[] = {/*
- 1000.0, 1100.0, 1200.0, 1300.0, 1400.0,
- 1500.0, 1600.0, 1700.0, 1800.0, 1900.0,*/
- 2000.0, 2400.0, 2800.0,
- 3000.0, 3400.0, 3600.0, 4000.0};
-void smooth_phase3(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model) {
- int m, i;
- int nbins;
- int b;
- float f, best_Wo, pred, err;
- nbins = sizeof(bins)/sizeof(float);
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- /* clear all bins */
- for(i=0; i<MAX_BINS; i++) {
- av[i].real = 0.0;
- av[i].imag = 0.0;
- }
- /* add phases into each bin */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- f = m*model->Wo*FS/TWO_PI;
- if (f > bins[0]) {
- /* find bin */
- for(i=0; i<nbins; i++)
- if ((f > bins[i]) && (f <= bins[i+1]))
- b = i;
- assert(b < MAX_BINS);
- /* est predicted phase from average */
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[m] + N*m*best_Wo;
- err = model->phi[m] - pred;
- av[b].real += cos(err); av[b].imag += sin(err);
- }
- }
- /* use averages to est phases */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- f = m*model->Wo*FS/TWO_PI;
- if (f > bins[0]) {
- /* find bin */
- for(i=0; i<nbins; i++)
- if ((f > bins[i]) && (f <= bins[i+1]))
- b = i;
- assert(b < MAX_BINS);
- /* add predicted phase error to this bin */
- printf("L %d m %d f %4.f b %d\n", model->L, m, f, b);
- pred = pexp->phi_prev[m] + N*m*best_Wo;
- err = atan2(av[b].imag, av[b].real);
- printf(" %d: %4.3f -> ", m, model->phi[m]);
- model->phi[m] = pred + err;
- model->phi[m] = atan2(sin(model->phi[m]),cos(model->phi[m]));
- printf("%4.3f\n", model->phi[m]);
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- Try to code the phase of the largest amplitude in each band. Randomise the
- phase of the other harmonics. The theory is that only the largest harmonic
- will be audible.
-void cb_phase1(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model) {
- int m, i;
- int nbins;
- int b;
- float f, best_Wo;
- float max_val[MAX_BINS];
- int max_ind[MAX_BINS];
- nbins = sizeof(bins)/sizeof(float);
- best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- for(i=0; i<nbins; i++)
- max_val[i] = 0.0;
- /* determine max amplitude for each bin */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- f = m*model->Wo*FS/TWO_PI;
- if (f > bins[0]) {
- /* find bin */
- for(i=0; i<nbins; i++)
- if ((f > bins[i]) && (f <= bins[i+1]))
- b = i;
- assert(b < MAX_BINS);
- if (model->A[m] > max_val[b]) {
- max_val[b] = model->A[m];
- max_ind[b] = m;
- }
- }
- }
- /* randomise phase of other harmonics */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- f = m*model->Wo*FS/TWO_PI;
- if (f > bins[0]) {
- /* find bin */
- for(i=0; i<nbins; i++)
- if ((f > bins[i]) && (f <= bins[i+1]))
- b = i;
- assert(b < MAX_BINS);
- if (m != max_ind[b])
- model->phi[m] = pexp->phi_prev[m] + N*m*best_Wo;
- }
- }
- Theory is only the phase of the envelope of signal matters within a
- Critical Band. So we estimate the position of an impulse that
- approximates the envelope of the signal.
-void cb_phase2(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model) {
- int st, m, i, a, b, step;
- float diff,w,c,s,phi1_;
- float A[MAX_AMP];
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++) {
- A[m] = model->A[m];
- model->A[m] = 0;
- }
- st = 2*model->L/4;
- step = 3;
- model->phi[1] = pexp->phi_prev[1] + (pexp->Wo_prev+model->Wo)*N/2.0;
- printf("L=%d ", model->L);
- for(m=st; m<st+step*2; m+=step) {
- a = m; b=a+step;
- if (b > model->L)
- b = model->L;
- c = s = 0;
- for(i=a; i<b-1; i++) {
- printf("diff %d,%d ", i, i+1);
- diff = model->phi[i+1] - model->phi[i];
- //w = (model->A[i+1] + model->A[i])/2;
- w = 1.0;
- c += w*cos(diff); s += w*sin(diff);
- }
- phi1_ = atan2(s,c);
- printf("replacing: ");
- for(i=a; i<b; i++) {
- //model->phi[i] = i*phi1_;
- //model->phi[i] = i*model->phi[1];
- //model->phi[i] = m*(pexp->Wo_prev+model->Wo)*N/2.0;
- model->A[m] = A[m];
- printf("%d ", i);
- }
- printf(" . ");
- }
- printf("\n");
-static void smooth_phase4(MODEL *model) {
- int m;
- float phi_m, phi_m_1;
- if (model->L > 25) {
- printf("\nL %d\n", model->L);
- for(m=model->L/2; m<=model->L; m+=2) {
- if ((m+1) <= model->L) {
- phi_m = (model->phi[m] - model->phi[m+1])/2.0;
- phi_m_1 = (model->phi[m+1] - model->phi[m])/2.0;
- model->phi[m] = phi_m;
- model->phi[m+1] = phi_m_1;
- printf("%d %4.3f %4.3f ", m, phi_m, phi_m_1);
- }
- }
- }
-/* try repeating last frame, just advance phases to account for time shift */
-static void repeat_phases(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model) {
- int m;
- *model = pexp->prev_model;
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- model->phi[m] += N*m*model->Wo;
- phase_experiment()
- Phase quantisation experiments.
-void phase_experiment(struct PEXP *pexp, MODEL *model, char *arg) {
- int m;
- float before[MAX_AMP];
- assert(pexp != NULL);
- memcpy(before, &model->phi[0], sizeof(float)*MAX_AMP);
- if (strcmp(arg,"q3") == 0) {
- quant_phases(model, 1, model->L, 3);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"dec2") == 0) {
- if ((pexp->frames % 2) != 0) {
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"repeat") == 0) {
- if ((pexp->frames % 2) != 0) {
- repeat_phases(pexp, model);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"vq") == 0) {
- sparse_vq_pred_error(pexp, model);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"pred") == 0)
- predict_phases_state(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- if (strcmp(arg,"pred1k") == 0)
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- if (strcmp(arg,"smooth") == 0) {
- smooth_phase(pexp, model,0);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"smoothtrain") == 0)
- smooth_phase(pexp, model,1);
- if (strcmp(arg,"smoothvq") == 0) {
- smooth_phase(pexp, model,2);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"smooth2") == 0)
- smooth_phase2(pexp, model);
- if (strcmp(arg,"smooth3") == 0)
- smooth_phase3(pexp, model);
- if (strcmp(arg,"smooth4") == 0)
- smooth_phase4(model);
- if (strcmp(arg,"vqsmooth3") == 0) {
- sparse_vq_pred_error(pexp, model);
- smooth_phase3(pexp, model);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"cb1") == 0) {
- cb_phase1(pexp, model);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"top") == 0) {
- //top_amp(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4, 4, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4, model->L/3, 4, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/3+1, model->L/2, 4, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/2, model->L, 6, 1);
- //rand_phases(model, model->L/2, 3*model->L/4);
- //struct_phases(pexp, model, model->L/2, 3*model->L/4);
- //update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"pred23") == 0) {
- predict_phases2(pexp, model, model->L/2, model->L);
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"struct23") == 0) {
- struct_phases(pexp, model, model->L/2, 3*model->L/4 );
- update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- }
- if (strcmp(arg,"addnoise") == 0) {
- int m;
- float max;
- max = 0;
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- if (model->A[m] > max)
- max = model->A[m];
- max = 20.0*log10(max);
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- if (20.0*log10(model->A[m]) < (max-20)) {
- model->phi[m] += (PI/4)*(1.0 -2.0*rand()/RAND_MAX);
- //printf("m %d\n", m);
- }
- }
- /* normalise phases */
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- model->phi[m] = atan2(sin(model->phi[m]), cos(model->phi[m]));
- /* update states */
- //best_Wo = refine_Wo(pexp, model, model->L/2, model->L);
- pexp->phi1 += N*model->Wo;
- for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- pexp->phi_prev[m] = model->phi[m];
- pexp->Wo_prev = model->Wo;
- pexp->frames++;
- pexp->prev_model = *model;
-#ifdef OLD_STUFF
- //quant_phases(model, 1, model->L, 3);
- //update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- //print_sparse_pred_error(pexp, model, 1, model->L, 40.0);
- //sparse_vq_pred_error(pexp, model);
- //quant_phases(model, model->L/4+1, model->L, 3);
- //predict_phases1(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- //quant_phases(model, model->L/4+1, model->L, 3);
- //quant_phases(model, 1, model->L/8, 3);
- //update_snr_calc(pexp, model, before);
- //update_variance_calc(pexp, model, before);
- //fixed_bits_per_frame(pexp, model, 40);
- //struct_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- //rand_phases(model, 10, model->L);
- //for(m=1; m<=model->L; m++)
- // model->A[m] = 0.0;
- //model->A[model->L/2] = 1000;
- //repeat_phases(model, 20);
- //predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- //quant_phases(model, 1, 10, 3);
- //quant_phases(model, 10, 20, 2);
- //repeat_phases(model, 20);
- //rand_phases(model, 3*model->L/4, model->L);
- // print_phi1_pred_error(model, 1, model->L);
- //predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- //first_order_band(model, model->L/4, model->L/2);
- //first_order_band(model, model->L/2, 3*model->L/4);
- //if (fabs(model->Wo - pexp->Wo_prev)< 0.1*model->Wo)
- //print_pred_error(pexp, model, 1, model->L, 40.0);
- //print_sparse_pred_error(pexp, model, 1, model->L, 40.0);
- //phi1_est = est_phi1(model, 1, model->L/4);
- //print_phi1_pred_error(model, 1, model->L/4);
- //first_order_band(model, 1, model->L/4, phi1_est);
- //sub_linear(model, 1, model->L/4, phi1_est);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4, 4);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4, model->L/2, 4);
- //first_order_band(model, 1, model->L/4, phi1_est);
- //first_order_band(model, model->L/4, model->L/2, phi1_est);
- //if (fabs(model->Wo - pexp->Wo_prev) > 0.2*model->Wo)
- // rand_phases(model, model->L/2, model->L);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4, 4);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4, model->L/2, 8);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, model->L/2, 10, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4, 10, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, 3*model->L/4, 10, 1);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, 1, 3*model->L/4, 20, 1);
- #ifdef REAS_CAND1
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, 3*model->L/4, 10, 1);
- rand_phases(model, 3*model->L/4+1, model->L);
- #endif
- #ifdef REAS_CAND2
- if ((pexp->frames % 2) == 0) {
- //printf("quant\n");
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- //top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, 3*model->L/4, 20, 1);
- top_amp(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, 7*model->L/8, 20, 1);
- rand_phases(model, 7*model->L/8+1, model->L);
- }
- else {
- //printf("predict\n");
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- }
- #endif
- //#define REAS_CAND3
- #ifdef REAS_CAND3
- if ((pexp->frames % 3) != 0) {
- printf("pred\n");
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- }
- else {
- predict_phases(pexp, model, 1, model->L/4);
- fixed_bits_per_frame(pexp, model, model->L/4+1, 60);
- }
- #endif
- //predict_phases(pexp, model, model->L/4, model->L);
- //print_pred_error(pexp, model, 1, model->L);
- //limit_prediction_error(pexp, model, model->L/2, model->L, PI/2);