path: root/gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/
diff options
authorSwapnil Negi <>2019-01-04 18:29:50 +0100
committerAndrej Rode <>2019-01-04 18:58:02 +0100
commit055287896c8c97eb0cdda825559e217d8db54a14 (patch)
tree613262f5ed45ba4eaadf1bd76009aa16ad22806f /gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/
parent2fcf3b8afe51092003b7f916edb9e5d6372d4842 (diff)
modtool: gr-modtool overhaul GSoC 2018
This commit contains all the changes done during the 2018 GSoC "gr-modtool overhaul". Changes include: - Rewrite of gr-modtool based on Python Click - Split of gr-modtool in cli and core - Adherence to new GNU Radio 3.8 API for OOTs - Pylint improvements - Py3k and Py2k compatibility This feature is merged in a squash-merge due to big refactoring on the head and base branch and the impossibility to unclutter both.
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/ b/gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/
deleted file mode 100644
index b21369221c..0000000000
--- a/gr-utils/python/modtool/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file was generated by gr_modtool, a tool from the GNU Radio framework
-# This file is a part of gr-howto
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-A base class is created.
-Classes based upon this are used to make more user-friendly interfaces
-to the doxygen xml docs than the generated classes provide.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import os
-import pdb
-from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
-from .generated import compound
-class Base(object):
- class Duplicate(Exception):
- pass
- class NoSuchMember(Exception):
- pass
- class ParsingError(Exception):
- pass
- def __init__(self, parse_data, top=None):
- self._parsed = False
- self._error = False
- self._parse_data = parse_data
- self._members = []
- self._dict_members = {}
- self._in_category = {}
- self._data = {}
- if top is not None:
- self._xml_path = top._xml_path
- # Set up holder of references
- else:
- top = self
- self._refs = {}
- self._xml_path = parse_data
- = top
- @classmethod
- def from_refid(cls, refid, top=None):
- """ Instantiate class from a refid rather than parsing object. """
- # First check to see if its already been instantiated.
- if top is not None and refid in top._refs:
- return top._refs[refid]
- # Otherwise create a new instance and set refid.
- inst = cls(None, top=top)
- inst.refid = refid
- inst.add_ref(inst)
- return inst
- @classmethod
- def from_parse_data(cls, parse_data, top=None):
- refid = getattr(parse_data, 'refid', None)
- if refid is not None and top is not None and refid in top._refs:
- return top._refs[refid]
- inst = cls(parse_data, top=top)
- if refid is not None:
- inst.refid = refid
- inst.add_ref(inst)
- return inst
- def add_ref(self, obj):
- if hasattr(obj, 'refid'):
-[obj.refid] = obj
- mem_classes = []
- def get_cls(self, mem):
- for cls in self.mem_classes:
- if cls.can_parse(mem):
- return cls
- raise Exception(("Did not find a class for object '%s'." \
- % (mem.get_name())))
- def convert_mem(self, mem):
- try:
- cls = self.get_cls(mem)
- converted = cls.from_parse_data(mem,
- if converted is None:
- raise Exception('No class matched this object.')
- self.add_ref(converted)
- return converted
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- @classmethod
- def includes(cls, inst):
- return isinstance(inst, cls)
- @classmethod
- def can_parse(cls, obj):
- return False
- def _parse(self):
- self._parsed = True
- def _get_dict_members(self, cat=None):
- """
- For given category a dictionary is returned mapping member names to
- members of that category. For names that are duplicated the name is
- mapped to None.
- """
- self.confirm_no_error()
- if cat not in self._dict_members:
- new_dict = {}
- for mem in self.in_category(cat):
- if not in new_dict:
- new_dict[] = mem
- else:
- new_dict[] = self.Duplicate
- self._dict_members[cat] = new_dict
- return self._dict_members[cat]
- def in_category(self, cat):
- self.confirm_no_error()
- if cat is None:
- return self._members
- if cat not in self._in_category:
- self._in_category[cat] = [mem for mem in self._members
- if cat.includes(mem)]
- return self._in_category[cat]
- def get_member(self, name, cat=None):
- self.confirm_no_error()
- # Check if it's in a namespace or class.
- bits = name.split('::')
- first = bits[0]
- rest = '::'.join(bits[1:])
- member = self._get_dict_members(cat).get(first, self.NoSuchMember)
- # Raise any errors that are returned.
- if member in set([self.NoSuchMember, self.Duplicate]):
- raise member()
- if rest:
- return member.get_member(rest, cat=cat)
- return member
- def has_member(self, name, cat=None):
- try:
- mem = self.get_member(name, cat=cat)
- return True
- except self.NoSuchMember:
- return False
- def data(self):
- self.confirm_no_error()
- return self._data
- def members(self):
- self.confirm_no_error()
- return self._members
- def process_memberdefs(self):
- mdtss = []
- for sec in self._retrieved_data.compounddef.sectiondef:
- mdtss += sec.memberdef
- # At the moment we lose all information associated with sections.
- # Sometimes a memberdef is in several sectiondef.
- # We make sure we don't get duplicates here.
- uniques = set([])
- for mem in mdtss:
- converted = self.convert_mem(mem)
- pair = (, mem.__class__)
- if pair not in uniques:
- uniques.add(pair)
- self._members.append(converted)
- def retrieve_data(self):
- filename = os.path.join(self._xml_path, self.refid + '.xml')
- try:
- self._retrieved_data = compound.parse(filename)
- except ExpatError:
- print('Error in xml in file %s' % filename)
- self._error = True
- self._retrieved_data = None
- def check_parsed(self):
- if not self._parsed:
- self._parse()
- def confirm_no_error(self):
- self.check_parsed()
- if self._error:
- raise self.ParsingError()
- def error(self):
- self.check_parsed()
- return self._error
- def name(self):
- # first see if we can do it without processing.
- if self._parse_data is not None:
- return
- self.check_parsed()
- return