path: root/gr-usrp/src/
diff options
authorjcorgan <jcorgan@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2006-08-03 04:51:51 +0000
committerjcorgan <jcorgan@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2006-08-03 04:51:51 +0000
commit5d69a524f81f234b3fbc41d49ba18d6f6886baba (patch)
treeb71312bf7f1e8d10fef0f3ac6f28784065e73e72 /gr-usrp/src/
Houston, we have a trunk.
git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-usrp/src/')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-usrp/src/ b/gr-usrp/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f4db38f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-usrp/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright 2005,2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import usrp_prims
+import weakref
+from usrp_fpga_regs import *
+class db_base(object):
+ """
+ Abstract base class for all daughterboards.
+ This defines the required operations and interfaces for all d'boards.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, usrp, which):
+ """
+ Initialize daughterboard interface.
+ @param usrp: instance of usrp
+ @param which: which daughterboard side: A = 0, B = 1
+ @type which: int
+ """
+ if not (which in (0, 1)):
+ raise ValueError, "Invalid value of which: %s" % (which,)
+ self._u = weakref.proxy(usrp)
+ self._which = which
+ if hasattr(self._u, 'tx_freq'): # is this a tx or rx daughterboard?
+ self._tx = True
+ self._slot = which * 2
+ else:
+ self._tx = False
+ self._slot = which * 2 + 1
+ self._refclk_reg = (FR_TX_A_REFCLK,FR_RX_A_REFCLK,FR_TX_B_REFCLK,FR_RX_B_REFCLK)[self._slot]
+ def dbid(self):
+ return self._u.daughterboard_id(self._which)
+ def name(self):
+ return usrp_prims.usrp_dbid_to_string(self.dbid())
+ def side_and_name(self):
+ return "AB"[self._which] + ': ' +
+ # Function to bypass ADC buffers. Any board which is DC-coupled should bypass the buffers
+ def bypass_adc_buffers(self,bypass):
+ if self._tx:
+ raise RuntimeError, "TX Board has no adc buffers"
+ if self._which==0:
+ self._u.set_adc_buffer_bypass(0, bypass)
+ self._u.set_adc_buffer_bypass(1, bypass)
+ else:
+ self._u.set_adc_buffer_bypass(2, bypass)
+ self._u.set_adc_buffer_bypass(3, bypass)
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Reference Clock section
+ # Control whether a reference clock is sent to the daughterboards,
+ # and what frequency
+ #
+ # Bit 7 -- 1 turns on refclk, 0 allows IO use
+ # Bits 6:0 Divider value
+ #
+ # FIXME get these from the fpga_regs_standard.h
+ def _refclk_freq(self):
+ return self._u.fpga_master_clock_freq()/self._refclk_divisor()
+ def _enable_refclk(self,enable):
+ CLOCK_OUT = 1 # Clock is on lowest bit
+ if enable:
+ self._u._write_oe(self._which, CLOCK_OUT, CLOCK_OUT) # output enable
+ self._u._write_fpga_reg(self._refclk_reg,
+ ((self._refclk_divisor() & REFCLK_DIVISOR_MASK)
+ else:
+ self._u._write_fpga_reg(self._refclk_reg, 0)
+ def _refclk_divisor(self):
+ """
+ Return value to stick in REFCLK_DIVISOR register
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Automatic Transmit/Receive switching
+ #
+ # The presence or absence of data in the FPGA transmit fifo
+ # selects between two sets of values for each of the 4 banks of
+ # daughterboard i/o pins.
+ #
+ # Each daughterboard slot has 3 16-bit registers associated with it:
+ #
+ # FR_ATR_MASK_{0,1,2,3}:
+ #
+ # These registers determine which of the daugherboard i/o pins are
+ # affected by ATR switching. If a bit in the mask is set, the
+ # corresponding i/o bit is controlled by ATR, else it's output
+ # value comes from the normal i/o pin output register:
+ # FR_IO_{0,1,2,3}.
+ #
+ # FR_ATR_TXVAL_{0,1,2,3}:
+ # FR_ATR_RXVAL_{0,1,2,3}:
+ #
+ # If the Tx fifo contains data, then the bits from TXVAL that are
+ # selected by MASK are output. Otherwise, the bits from RXVAL that
+ # are selected by MASK are output.
+ def set_atr_mask(self, v):
+ """
+ Set Auto T/R mask.
+ """
+ return self._u._write_fpga_reg(FR_ATR_MASK_0 + 3 * self._slot, v)
+ def set_atr_txval(self, v):
+ """
+ Set Auto T/R register value to be used when transmitting.
+ """
+ return self._u._write_fpga_reg(FR_ATR_TXVAL_0 + 3 * self._slot, v)
+ def set_atr_rxval(self, v):
+ """
+ Set Auto T/R register value to be used when receiving.
+ """
+ return self._u._write_fpga_reg(FR_ATR_RXVAL_0 + 3 * self._slot, v)
+ # derived classes should override the following methods
+ def freq_range(self):
+ """
+ Return range of frequencies in Hz that can be tuned by this d'board.
+ @returns (min_freq, max_freq, step_size)
+ @rtype tuple
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def set_freq(self, target_freq):
+ """
+ Set the frequency.
+ @param freq: target RF frequency in Hz
+ @type freq: float
+ @returns (ok, actual_baseband_freq) where:
+ ok is True or False and indicates success or failure,
+ actual_baseband_freq is the RF frequency that corresponds to DC in the IF.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def gain_range(self):
+ """
+ Return range of gain that can be set by this d'board.
+ @returns (min_gain, max_gain, step_size)
+ Where gains are expressed in decibels (your mileage may vary)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def set_gain(self, gain):
+ """
+ Set the gain.
+ @param gain: gain in decibels
+ @returns True/False
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def is_quadrature(self):
+ """
+ Return True if this daughterboard does quadrature up or down conversion.
+ That is, return True if this board requires both I & Q analog channels.
+ This bit of info is useful when setting up the USRP Rx mux register.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def i_and_q_swapped(self):
+ """
+ Return True if this is a quadrature device and ADC 0 is Q.
+ """
+ return False
+ def spectrum_inverted(self):
+ """
+ Return True if the dboard gives an inverted spectrum
+ """
+ return False
+ def set_enable(self, on):
+ """
+ For tx daughterboards, this controls the transmitter enable.
+ """
+ pass
+ def set_auto_tr(self,on):
+ """
+ Enable automatic Transmit/Receive switching (ATR).
+ Should be overridden in subclasses that care. This will typically
+ set the atr_mask, txval and rxval.
+ """
+ pass