path: root/gr-uhd/grc/
diff options
authorMartin Braun <>2018-12-14 16:56:06 -0800
committerMartin Braun <>2018-12-15 13:58:32 -0800
commit04f345b443963819741175c65e6d121319f0ec1d (patch)
tree9a2e4c59443913208951e204c2dbe7f4d7df6c1c /gr-uhd/grc/
parent053744e80374c0400c94225fe6d8edfcfed2be9b (diff)
uhd: Fix GRC bindings (gain, freq...)
The YML file generated during CMake was simply not correct. Frequency, gain, etc. weren't propagated properly to the underlying C++ object.
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-uhd/grc/')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/gr-uhd/grc/ b/gr-uhd/grc/
index 40c674b5fa..9af9777bb7 100644
--- a/gr-uhd/grc/
+++ b/gr-uhd/grc/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import sys
MAIN_TMPL = """\
id: uhd_usrp_${sourk}
label: 'UHD: USRP ${sourk.title()}'
@@ -153,6 +155,22 @@ templates:
${'%'} endif
+ % for n in range(max_nchan):
+ ${'%'} if context.get('nchan')() > ${n}:
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_center_freq(${'$'}{${'center_freq' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ ${'%'} if bool(eval(context.get('norm_gain' + '${n}')())):
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_normalized_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ ${'%'} else:
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ ${'%'} endif
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_antenna(${'$'}{${'ant' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_bandwidth(${'$'}{${'bw' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ ${'%'} if context.get('show_lo_controls')():
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_lo_source(${'$'}{${'lo_source' + str(n)}}, uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})
+ self.${'$'}{id}.set_lo_export_enabled(${'$'}{${'lo_export' + str(n)}}, uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})
+ ${'%'} endif
+ ${'%'} endif
+ % endfor
${'%'} if clock_rate():
self.${'$'}{id}.set_clock_rate(${'$'}{clock_rate}, uhd.ALL_MBOARDS)
${'%'} endif
@@ -165,12 +183,12 @@ templates:
- set_samp_rate(${'$'}{samp_rate})
% for n in range(max_nchan):
- - set_center_freq(${'center_freq' + str(n)}, ${n})
- - self.${'$'}{id}.set_${'$'}{'normalized_' if norm_gain${n} else ''}gain(gain${n}, ${n})
- - ${'$'}{'set_lo_source(lo_source${n}, uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
- - ${'$'}{'set_lo_export_enabled(lo_export${n}, uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
- - set_antenna(${'ant' + str(n)}, ${n})
- - set_bandwidth(${'bw' + str(n)}, ${n})
+ - set_center_freq(${'$'}{${'center_freq' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ - self.${'$'}{id}.set_${'$'}{'normalized_' if bool(eval(norm_gain${n})) else ''}gain(${'$'}{${'gain' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ - ${'$'}{'set_lo_source(' + lo_source${n} + ', uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
+ - ${'$'}{'set_lo_export_enabled(' + lo_export${n} + ', uhd.ALL_LOS, ${n})' if show_lo_controls else ''}
+ - set_antenna(${'$'}{${'ant' + str(n)}}, ${n})
+ - set_bandwidth(${'$'}{${'bw' + str(n)}}, ${n})
% endfor
@@ -293,7 +311,6 @@ PARAMS_TMPL = """
dtype: real
default: '0'
hide: ${'$'}{ 'all' if not nchan > ${n} else ('none' if eval('bw' + str(${n})) else 'part')}
-% if sourk == 'source':
- id: lo_source${n}
label: 'Ch${n}: LO Source'
category: RF Options
@@ -308,6 +325,7 @@ PARAMS_TMPL = """
default: 'False'
options: ['True', 'False']
hide: ${'$'}{ 'all' if not nchan > ${n} else ('none' if show_lo_controls else 'all')}
+% if sourk == 'source':
- id: dc_offs_enb${n}
label: 'Ch${n}: Enable DC Offset Correction'
category: FE Corrections
@@ -366,7 +384,6 @@ MAX_NUM_MBOARDS = 8
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
if file.endswith('source.block.yml'):
sourk = 'source'