path: root/gr-dtv
diff options
authorJoshua Schueler <>2017-06-29 13:17:27 +0200
committerMartin Braun <>2018-12-13 20:19:03 -0800
commit5676739debbdcbf3de658848cc17bdf4e80df36d (patch)
tree1c850752b6b84e6bcfd3ca51b61dd824a63eb276 /gr-dtv
parenta50812d2b2f8aeb0bf9bd8806b49a32e98866f72 (diff)
gr-dtv: Generalize BCH speed improvments
This implements the BCH speed improvements for all dvb configurations
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-dtv')
2 files changed, 128 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/ b/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/
index fef580acdc..0ec9c2f784 100644
--- a/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/
+++ b/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/
@@ -371,6 +371,24 @@ namespace gr {
+ switch (bch_code) {
+ case BCH_CODE_N12:
+ num_parity_bits = 192;
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_N10:
+ num_parity_bits = 160;
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_N8:
+ num_parity_bits = 128;
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_M12:
+ num_parity_bits = 180;
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_S12:
+ num_parity_bits = 168;
+ break;
+ }
@@ -415,103 +433,24 @@ namespace gr {
return max + 1;
- /*
- * Pack the polynomial into a 32 bit array
- */
- void
- dvb_bch_bb_impl::poly_pack(const int *pin, unsigned int* pout, int len)
- {
- int lw = len / 32;
- int ptr = 0;
- unsigned int temp;
- if (len % 32) {
- lw++;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < lw; i++) {
- temp = 0x80000000;
- pout[i] = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
- if (pin[ptr++]) {
- pout[i] |= temp;
- }
- temp >>= 1;
- }
- }
- }
+ //precalculate the crc from: - cf. CRC-32 Lookup
- dvb_bch_bb_impl::poly_reverse(int *pin, int *pout, int len)
+ dvb_bch_bb_impl::calculate_crc_table(void)
- int c;
- c = len - 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- pout[c--] = pin[i];
- }
- }
- /*
- *Shift a 128 bit register
- */
- inline void
- dvb_bch_bb_impl::reg_4_shift(unsigned int *sr)
- {
- sr[3] = (sr[3] >> 1) | (sr[2] << 31);
- sr[2] = (sr[2] >> 1) | (sr[1] << 31);
- sr[1] = (sr[1] >> 1) | (sr[0] << 31);
- sr[0] = (sr[0] >> 1);
- }
- /*
- * Shift 160 bits
- */
- inline void
- dvb_bch_bb_impl::reg_5_shift(unsigned int *sr)
- {
- sr[4] = (sr[4] >> 1) | (sr[3] << 31);
- sr[3] = (sr[3] >> 1) | (sr[2] << 31);
- sr[2] = (sr[2] >> 1) | (sr[1] << 31);
- sr[1] = (sr[1] >> 1) | (sr[0] << 31);
- sr[0] = (sr[0] >> 1);
- }
+ for (int divident = 0; divident < 256; divident++) { /* iterate over all possible input byte values 0 - 255 */
+ std::bitset<MAX_BCH_PARITY_BITS> curByte(divident);
+ curByte <<= num_parity_bits - 8;
- /*
- * Shift 192 bits
- */
- inline void
- dvb_bch_bb_impl::reg_6_shift(unsigned int *sr)
- {
- sr[5] = (sr[5] >> 1) | (sr[4] << 31);
- sr[4] = (sr[4] >> 1) | (sr[3] << 31);
- sr[3] = (sr[3] >> 1) | (sr[2] << 31);
- sr[2] = (sr[2] >> 1) | (sr[1] << 31);
- sr[1] = (sr[1] >> 1) | (sr[0] << 31);
- sr[0] = (sr[0] >> 1);
- }
- //precalculate the crc from: - cf. CRC-32 Lookup
- void dvb_bch_bb_impl::CalculateCrcTable()
- {
- for (int divident = 0; divident < 256; divident++) /* iterate over all possible input byte values 0 - 255 */
- {
- std::bitset<192> curByte(divident);
- curByte <<= 184;
- for (unsigned char bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
- {
- if ((curByte[191]) != 0)
- {
+ for (unsigned char bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
+ if ((curByte[num_parity_bits - 1]) != 0) {
curByte <<= 1;
curByte ^= polynome;
- else
- {
+ else {
curByte <<= 1;
- crcTable[divident] = curByte;
+ crc_table[divident] = curByte;
@@ -563,55 +502,73 @@ namespace gr {
int len;
int polyout[2][200];
- len = poly_mult(polyn01, 17, polyn02, 17, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn03, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn04, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn05, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn06, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn07, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn08, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- poly_pack(polyout[0], m_poly_n_8, 128);
- len = poly_mult(polyn09, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn10, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- poly_pack(polyout[0], m_poly_n_10, 160);
- len = poly_mult(polyn11, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polyn12, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- poly_pack(polyout[0], m_poly_n_12, 192);
- //pack the polynome in a bitset
- for (int i = 0; i < 192; i += 1) {
- polynome[i] = polyout[0][i];
+for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_parity_bits; i ++) {\
+ polynome[i] = polyout[0][i];\
+ switch (bch_code) {
+ case BCH_CODE_N12:
+ case BCH_CODE_N10:
+ case BCH_CODE_N8:
+ len = poly_mult(polyn01, 17, polyn02, 17, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn03, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn04, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn05, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn06, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn07, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn08, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ if (bch_code == BCH_CODE_N8) {
+ }
+ len = poly_mult(polyn09, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn10, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ if (bch_code == BCH_CODE_N10) {
+ }
+ len = poly_mult(polyn11, 17, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polyn12, 17, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ if (bch_code == BCH_CODE_N12) {
+ }
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_S12:
+ len = poly_mult(polys01, 15, polys02, 15, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys03, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys04, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys05, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys06, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys07, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys08, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys09, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys10, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys11, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polys12, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ break;
+ case BCH_CODE_M12:
+ len = poly_mult(polym01, 16, polym02, 16, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym03, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym04, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym05, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym06, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym07, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym08, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym09, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym10, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym11, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
+ len = poly_mult(polym12, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
+ break;
- CalculateCrcTable();
- len = poly_mult(polys01, 15, polys02, 15, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polys03, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polys04, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polys05, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polys06, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polys07, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polys08, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polys09, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polys10, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polys11, 15, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polys12, 15, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- poly_pack(polyout[0], m_poly_s_12, 168);
- len = poly_mult(polym01, 16, polym02, 16, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polym03, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polym04, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polym05, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polym06, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polym07, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polym08, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polym09, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polym10, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- len = poly_mult(polym11, 16, polyout[0], len, polyout[1]);
- len = poly_mult(polym12, 16, polyout[1], len, polyout[0]);
- poly_pack(polyout[0], m_poly_m_12, 180);
+ calculate_crc_table();
@@ -623,143 +580,36 @@ namespace gr {
const unsigned char *in = (const unsigned char *) input_items[0];
unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *) output_items[0];
unsigned char b, temp;
- unsigned int shift[6];
- std::bitset<192> parity_bits;
+ // We can use a 192 bits long bitset, all higher bits not used by the bch will just be ignored
+ std::bitset<MAX_BCH_PARITY_BITS> parity_bits;
int consumed = 0;
- switch (bch_code) {
- case BCH_CODE_N12:
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch/8; j++) {
- b = 0;
- // calculate the crc using the lookup table, cf.
- for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) {
- temp = *in++;
- *out++ = temp;
- consumed++;
- b |= temp << (7 - e);
- }
- unsigned long msB_CRC = (parity_bits >> 184).to_ulong();
- /* XOR-in next input byte into MSB of crc and get this MSB, that's our new intermediate divident */
- unsigned char pos = (unsigned char)(msB_CRC ^ b);
- /* Shift out the MSB used for division per lookuptable and XOR with the remainder */
- parity_bits = (parity_bits << 8) ^ crcTable[pos];
- }
- // Now add the parity bits to the output
- for (int n = 0; n < 192; n++) {
- *out++ = (char) parity_bits[191];
- parity_bits <<= 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case BCH_CODE_N10:
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
- //Zero the shift register
- memset(shift, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * 5);
- // MSB of the codeword first
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch; j++) {
- temp = *in++;
- *out++ = temp;
- consumed++;
- b = (temp ^ (shift[4] & 1));
- reg_5_shift(shift);
- if (b) {
- shift[0] ^= m_poly_n_10[0];
- shift[1] ^= m_poly_n_10[1];
- shift[2] ^= m_poly_n_10[2];
- shift[3] ^= m_poly_n_10[3];
- shift[4] ^= m_poly_n_10[4];
- }
- }
- // Now add the parity bits to the output
- for( int n = 0; n < 160; n++ ) {
- *out++ = (shift[4] & 1);
- reg_5_shift(shift);
- }
- }
- break;
- case BCH_CODE_N8:
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
- //Zero the shift register
- memset(shift, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * 4);
- // MSB of the codeword first
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch; j++) {
- temp = *in++;
- *out++ = temp;
- consumed++;
- b = temp ^ (shift[3] & 1);
- reg_4_shift(shift);
- if (b) {
- shift[0] ^= m_poly_n_8[0];
- shift[1] ^= m_poly_n_8[1];
- shift[2] ^= m_poly_n_8[2];
- shift[3] ^= m_poly_n_8[3];
- }
- }
- // Now add the parity bits to the output
- for (int n = 0; n < 128; n++) {
- *out++ = shift[3] & 1;
- reg_4_shift(shift);
- }
- }
- break;
- case BCH_CODE_S12:
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
- //Zero the shift register
- memset(shift, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * 6);
- // MSB of the codeword first
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch; j++) {
- temp = *in++;
- *out++ = temp;
- consumed++;
- b = (temp ^ ((shift[5] & 0x01000000) ? 1 : 0));
- reg_6_shift(shift);
- if (b) {
- shift[0] ^= m_poly_s_12[0];
- shift[1] ^= m_poly_s_12[1];
- shift[2] ^= m_poly_s_12[2];
- shift[3] ^= m_poly_s_12[3];
- shift[4] ^= m_poly_s_12[4];
- shift[5] ^= m_poly_s_12[5];
- }
- }
- // Now add the parity bits to the output
- for (int n = 0; n < 168; n++) {
- *out++ = (shift[5] & 0x01000000) ? 1 : 0;
- reg_6_shift(shift);
- }
- }
- break;
- case BCH_CODE_M12:
- for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
- //Zero the shift register
- memset(shift, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * 6);
- // MSB of the codeword first
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch; j++) {
- temp = *in++;
- *out++ = temp;
- consumed++;
- b = (temp ^ ((shift[5] & 0x00001000) ? 1 : 0));
- reg_6_shift(shift);
- if (b) {
- shift[0] ^= m_poly_m_12[0];
- shift[1] ^= m_poly_m_12[1];
- shift[2] ^= m_poly_m_12[2];
- shift[3] ^= m_poly_m_12[3];
- shift[4] ^= m_poly_m_12[4];
- shift[5] ^= m_poly_m_12[5];
- }
- }
- // Now add the parity bits to the output
- for (int n = 0; n < 180; n++) {
- *out++ = (shift[5] & 0x00001000) ? 1 : 0;
- reg_6_shift(shift);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i += nbch) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < (int)kbch/8; j++) {
+ b = 0;
+ // calculate the crc using the lookup table, cf.
+ for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) {
+ temp = *in++;
+ *out++ = temp;
+ consumed++;
+ b |= temp << (7 - e);
- break;
+ unsigned long msB_CRC = (parity_bits >> (num_parity_bits - 8)).to_ulong();
+ /* XOR-in next input byte into MSB of crc and get this MSB, that's our new intermediate divident */
+ unsigned char pos = (unsigned char)(msB_CRC ^ b);
+ /* Shift out the MSB used for division per lookuptable and XOR with the remainder */
+ parity_bits = (parity_bits << 8) ^ crc_table[pos];
+ }
+ // Now add the parity bits to the output
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < num_parity_bits; n++) {
+ *out++ = (char) parity_bits[num_parity_bits - 1];
+ parity_bits <<= 1;
+ }
// Tell runtime system how many input items we consumed on
diff --git a/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/dvb_bch_bb_impl.h b/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/dvb_bch_bb_impl.h
index 0a73ee5078..d715161431 100644
--- a/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/dvb_bch_bb_impl.h
+++ b/gr-dtv/lib/dvb/dvb_bch_bb_impl.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include "dvb_defines.h"
#include <bitset>
+#define MAX_BCH_PARITY_BITS 192
namespace gr {
namespace dtv {
@@ -34,20 +36,13 @@ namespace gr {
unsigned int kbch;
unsigned int nbch;
unsigned int bch_code;
- unsigned int m_poly_n_8[4];
- unsigned int m_poly_n_10[5];
- unsigned int m_poly_n_12[6];
- unsigned int m_poly_s_12[6];
- unsigned int m_poly_m_12[6];
- std::bitset<192> polynome;
- std::bitset<192> crcTable[256];
- void CalculateCrcTable();
+ std::bitset<MAX_BCH_PARITY_BITS> crc_table[256];
+ unsigned int num_parity_bits;
+ std::bitset<MAX_BCH_PARITY_BITS> polynome;
+ void calculate_crc_table();
int poly_mult(const int*, int, const int*, int, int*);
- void poly_pack(const int*, unsigned int*, int);
- void poly_reverse(int*, int*, int);
- inline void reg_4_shift(unsigned int*);
- inline void reg_5_shift(unsigned int*);
- inline void reg_6_shift(unsigned int*);
void bch_poly_build_tables(void);