path: root/gr-digital/python/
diff options
authorTom Rondeau <>2011-07-24 15:41:36 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2011-07-24 15:42:32 -0400
commit199ab116e54a5d8b8bf82d0d18569ccfe2114fd8 (patch)
treec6d2683bcd467bf2be386b25542125f02d5730b0 /gr-digital/python/
parent58915e7c595b8acf4cc33ca1ff4c04fa2522ba10 (diff)
digital: moving Python digital stuff to gr-digital. Fixing some build issues.
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-digital/python/')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-digital/python/ b/gr-digital/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e36b05413e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-digital/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+# Copyright 2005,2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import struct
+import numpy
+from gnuradio import gru
+def conv_packed_binary_string_to_1_0_string(s):
+ """
+ '\xAF' --> '10101111'
+ """
+ r = []
+ for ch in s:
+ x = ord(ch)
+ for i in range(7,-1,-1):
+ t = (x >> i) & 0x1
+ r.append(t)
+ return ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x + ord('0')), r))
+def conv_1_0_string_to_packed_binary_string(s):
+ """
+ '10101111' -> ('\xAF', False)
+ Basically the inverse of conv_packed_binary_string_to_1_0_string,
+ but also returns a flag indicating if we had to pad with leading zeros
+ to get to a multiple of 8.
+ """
+ if not is_1_0_string(s):
+ raise ValueError, "Input must be a string containing only 0's and 1's"
+ # pad to multiple of 8
+ padded = False
+ rem = len(s) % 8
+ if rem != 0:
+ npad = 8 - rem
+ s = '0' * npad + s
+ padded = True
+ assert len(s) % 8 == 0
+ r = []
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(s):
+ t = 0
+ for j in range(8):
+ t = (t << 1) | (ord(s[i + j]) - ord('0'))
+ r.append(chr(t))
+ i += 8
+ return (''.join(r), padded)
+default_access_code = \
+ conv_packed_binary_string_to_1_0_string('\xAC\xDD\xA4\xE2\xF2\x8C\x20\xFC')
+preamble = \
+ conv_packed_binary_string_to_1_0_string('\xA4\xF2')
+def is_1_0_string(s):
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ return False
+ for ch in s:
+ if not ch in ('0', '1'):
+ return False
+ return True
+def string_to_hex_list(s):
+ return map(lambda x: hex(ord(x)), s)
+def whiten(s, o):
+ sa = numpy.fromstring(s, numpy.uint8)
+ z = sa ^ random_mask_vec8[o:len(sa)+o]
+ return z.tostring()
+def dewhiten(s, o):
+ return whiten(s, o) # self inverse
+def make_header(payload_len, whitener_offset=0):
+ # Upper nibble is offset, lower 12 bits is len
+ val = ((whitener_offset & 0xf) << 12) | (payload_len & 0x0fff)
+ #print "offset =", whitener_offset, " len =", payload_len, " val=", val
+ return struct.pack('!HH', val, val)
+def make_packet(payload, samples_per_symbol, bits_per_symbol,
+ access_code=default_access_code, pad_for_usrp=True,
+ whitener_offset=0, whitening=True):
+ """
+ Build a packet, given access code, payload, and whitener offset
+ @param payload: packet payload, len [0, 4096]
+ @param samples_per_symbol: samples per symbol (needed for padding calculation)
+ @type samples_per_symbol: int
+ @param bits_per_symbol: (needed for padding calculation)
+ @type bits_per_symbol: int
+ @param access_code: string of ascii 0's and 1's
+ @param whitener_offset offset into whitener string to use [0-16)
+ Packet will have access code at the beginning, followed by length, payload
+ and finally CRC-32.
+ """
+ if not is_1_0_string(access_code):
+ raise ValueError, "access_code must be a string containing only 0's and 1's (%r)" % (access_code,)
+ if not whitener_offset >=0 and whitener_offset < 16:
+ raise ValueError, "whitener_offset must be between 0 and 15, inclusive (%i)" % (whitener_offset,)
+ (packed_access_code, padded) = conv_1_0_string_to_packed_binary_string(access_code)
+ (packed_preamble, ignore) = conv_1_0_string_to_packed_binary_string(preamble)
+ payload_with_crc = gru.gen_and_append_crc32(payload)
+ #print "outbound crc =", string_to_hex_list(payload_with_crc[-4:])
+ L = len(payload_with_crc)
+ MAXLEN = len(random_mask_tuple)
+ if L > MAXLEN:
+ raise ValueError, "len(payload) must be in [0, %d]" % (MAXLEN,)
+ if whitening:
+ pkt = ''.join((packed_preamble, packed_access_code, make_header(L, whitener_offset),
+ whiten(payload_with_crc, whitener_offset), '\x55'))
+ else:
+ pkt = ''.join((packed_preamble, packed_access_code, make_header(L, whitener_offset),
+ (payload_with_crc), '\x55'))
+ if pad_for_usrp:
+ pkt = pkt + (_npadding_bytes(len(pkt), int(samples_per_symbol), bits_per_symbol) * '\x55')
+ #print "make_packet: len(pkt) =", len(pkt)
+ return pkt
+def _npadding_bytes(pkt_byte_len, samples_per_symbol, bits_per_symbol):
+ """
+ Generate sufficient padding such that each packet ultimately ends
+ up being a multiple of 512 bytes when sent across the USB. We
+ send 4-byte samples across the USB (16-bit I and 16-bit Q), thus
+ we want to pad so that after modulation the resulting packet
+ is a multiple of 128 samples.
+ @param ptk_byte_len: len in bytes of packet, not including padding.
+ @param samples_per_symbol: samples per bit (1 bit / symbolwidth GMSK)
+ @type samples_per_symbol: int
+ @param bits_per_symbol: bits per symbol (log2(modulation order))
+ @type bits_per_symbol: int
+ @returns number of bytes of padding to append.
+ """
+ modulus = 128
+ byte_modulus = gru.lcm(modulus/8, samples_per_symbol) * bits_per_symbol / samples_per_symbol
+ r = pkt_byte_len % byte_modulus
+ if r == 0:
+ return 0
+ return byte_modulus - r
+def unmake_packet(whitened_payload_with_crc, whitener_offset=0, dewhitening=True):
+ """
+ Return (ok, payload)
+ @param whitened_payload_with_crc: string
+ """
+ if dewhitening:
+ payload_with_crc = dewhiten(whitened_payload_with_crc, whitener_offset)
+ else:
+ payload_with_crc = (whitened_payload_with_crc)
+ ok, payload = gru.check_crc32(payload_with_crc)
+ if 0:
+ print "payload_with_crc =", string_to_hex_list(payload_with_crc)
+ print "ok = %r, len(payload) = %d" % (ok, len(payload))
+ print "payload =", string_to_hex_list(payload)
+ return ok, payload
+# FYI, this PN code is the output of a 15-bit LFSR
+random_mask_tuple = (
+ 255, 63, 0, 16, 0, 12, 0, 5, 192, 3, 16, 1, 204, 0, 85, 192,
+ 63, 16, 16, 12, 12, 5, 197, 195, 19, 17, 205, 204, 85, 149, 255, 47,
+ 0, 28, 0, 9, 192, 6, 208, 2, 220, 1, 153, 192, 106, 208, 47, 28,
+ 28, 9, 201, 198, 214, 210, 222, 221, 152, 89, 170, 186, 255, 51, 0, 21,
+ 192, 15, 16, 4, 12, 3, 69, 193, 243, 16, 69, 204, 51, 21, 213, 207,
+ 31, 20, 8, 15, 70, 132, 50, 227, 85, 137, 255, 38, 192, 26, 208, 11,
+ 28, 7, 73, 194, 182, 209, 182, 220, 118, 217, 230, 218, 202, 219, 23, 27,
+ 78, 139, 116, 103, 103, 106, 170, 175, 63, 60, 16, 17, 204, 12, 85, 197,
+ 255, 19, 0, 13, 192, 5, 144, 3, 44, 1, 221, 192, 89, 144, 58, 236,
+ 19, 13, 205, 197, 149, 147, 47, 45, 220, 29, 153, 201, 170, 214, 255, 30,
+ 192, 8, 80, 6, 188, 2, 241, 193, 132, 80, 99, 124, 41, 225, 222, 200,
+ 88, 86, 186, 190, 243, 48, 69, 212, 51, 31, 85, 200, 63, 22, 144, 14,
+ 236, 4, 77, 195, 117, 145, 231, 44, 74, 157, 247, 41, 134, 158, 226, 232,
+ 73, 142, 182, 228, 118, 203, 102, 215, 106, 222, 175, 24, 124, 10, 161, 199,
+ 56, 82, 146, 189, 173, 177, 189, 180, 113, 183, 100, 118, 171, 102, 255, 106,
+ 192, 47, 16, 28, 12, 9, 197, 198, 211, 18, 221, 205, 153, 149, 170, 239,
+ 63, 12, 16, 5, 204, 3, 21, 193, 207, 16, 84, 12, 63, 69, 208, 51,
+ 28, 21, 201, 207, 22, 212, 14, 223, 68, 88, 51, 122, 149, 227, 47, 9,
+ 220, 6, 217, 194, 218, 209, 155, 28, 107, 73, 239, 118, 204, 38, 213, 218,
+ 223, 27, 24, 11, 74, 135, 119, 34, 166, 153, 186, 234, 243, 15, 5, 196,
+ 3, 19, 65, 205, 240, 85, 132, 63, 35, 80, 25, 252, 10, 193, 199, 16,
+ 82, 140, 61, 165, 209, 187, 28, 115, 73, 229, 246, 203, 6, 215, 66, 222,
+ 177, 152, 116, 106, 167, 111, 58, 172, 19, 61, 205, 209, 149, 156, 111, 41,
+ 236, 30, 205, 200, 85, 150, 191, 46, 240, 28, 68, 9, 243, 70, 197, 242,
+ 211, 5, 157, 195, 41, 145, 222, 236, 88, 77, 250, 181, 131, 55, 33, 214,
+ 152, 94, 234, 184, 79, 50, 180, 21, 183, 79, 54, 180, 22, 247, 78, 198,
+ 180, 82, 247, 125, 134, 161, 162, 248, 121, 130, 162, 225, 185, 136, 114, 230,
+ 165, 138, 251, 39, 3, 90, 129, 251, 32, 67, 88, 49, 250, 148, 67, 47,
+ 113, 220, 36, 89, 219, 122, 219, 99, 27, 105, 203, 110, 215, 108, 94, 173,
+ 248, 125, 130, 161, 161, 184, 120, 114, 162, 165, 185, 187, 50, 243, 85, 133,
+ 255, 35, 0, 25, 192, 10, 208, 7, 28, 2, 137, 193, 166, 208, 122, 220,
+ 35, 25, 217, 202, 218, 215, 27, 30, 139, 72, 103, 118, 170, 166, 255, 58,
+ 192, 19, 16, 13, 204, 5, 149, 195, 47, 17, 220, 12, 89, 197, 250, 211,
+ 3, 29, 193, 201, 144, 86, 236, 62, 205, 208, 85, 156, 63, 41, 208, 30,
+ 220, 8, 89, 198, 186, 210, 243, 29, 133, 201, 163, 22, 249, 206, 194, 212,
+ 81, 159, 124, 104, 33, 238, 152, 76, 106, 181, 239, 55, 12, 22, 133, 206,
+ 227, 20, 73, 207, 118, 212, 38, 223, 90, 216, 59, 26, 147, 75, 45, 247,
+ 93, 134, 185, 162, 242, 249, 133, 130, 227, 33, 137, 216, 102, 218, 170, 219,
+ 63, 27, 80, 11, 124, 7, 97, 194, 168, 81, 190, 188, 112, 113, 228, 36,
+ 75, 91, 119, 123, 102, 163, 106, 249, 239, 2, 204, 1, 149, 192, 111, 16,
+ 44, 12, 29, 197, 201, 147, 22, 237, 206, 205, 148, 85, 175, 127, 60, 32,
+ 17, 216, 12, 90, 133, 251, 35, 3, 89, 193, 250, 208, 67, 28, 49, 201,
+ 212, 86, 223, 126, 216, 32, 90, 152, 59, 42, 147, 95, 45, 248, 29, 130,
+ 137, 161, 166, 248, 122, 194, 163, 17, 185, 204, 114, 213, 229, 159, 11, 40,
+ 7, 94, 130, 184, 97, 178, 168, 117, 190, 167, 48, 122, 148, 35, 47, 89,
+ 220, 58, 217, 211, 26, 221, 203, 25, 151, 74, 238, 183, 12, 118, 133, 230,
+ 227, 10, 201, 199, 22, 210, 142, 221, 164, 89, 187, 122, 243, 99, 5, 233,
+ 195, 14, 209, 196, 92, 83, 121, 253, 226, 193, 137, 144, 102, 236, 42, 205,
+ 223, 21, 152, 15, 42, 132, 31, 35, 72, 25, 246, 138, 198, 231, 18, 202,
+ 141, 151, 37, 174, 155, 60, 107, 81, 239, 124, 76, 33, 245, 216, 71, 26,
+ 178, 139, 53, 167, 87, 58, 190, 147, 48, 109, 212, 45, 159, 93, 168, 57,
+ 190, 146, 240, 109, 132, 45, 163, 93, 185, 249, 178, 194, 245, 145, 135, 44,
+ 98, 157, 233, 169, 142, 254, 228, 64, 75, 112, 55, 100, 22, 171, 78, 255,
+ 116, 64, 39, 112, 26, 164, 11, 59, 71, 83, 114, 189, 229, 177, 139, 52,
+ 103, 87, 106, 190, 175, 48, 124, 20, 33, 207, 88, 84, 58, 191, 83, 48,
+ 61, 212, 17, 159, 76, 104, 53, 238, 151, 12, 110, 133, 236, 99, 13, 233,
+ 197, 142, 211, 36, 93, 219, 121, 155, 98, 235, 105, 143, 110, 228, 44, 75,
+ 93, 247, 121, 134, 162, 226, 249, 137, 130, 230, 225, 138, 200, 103, 22, 170,
+ 142, 255, 36, 64, 27, 112, 11, 100, 7, 107, 66, 175, 113, 188, 36, 113,
+ 219, 100, 91, 107, 123, 111, 99, 108, 41, 237, 222, 205, 152, 85, 170, 191,
+ 63, 48, 16, 20, 12, 15, 69, 196, 51, 19, 85, 205, 255, 21, 128, 15,
+ 32, 4, 24, 3, 74, 129, 247, 32, 70, 152, 50, 234, 149, 143, 47, 36,
+ 28, 27, 73, 203, 118, 215, 102, 222, 170, 216, 127, 26, 160, 11, 56, 7,
+ 82, 130, 189, 161, 177, 184, 116, 114, 167, 101, 186, 171, 51, 63, 85, 208,
+ 63, 28, 16, 9, 204, 6, 213, 194, 223, 17, 152, 12, 106, 133, 239, 35,
+ 12, 25, 197, 202, 211, 23, 29, 206, 137, 148, 102, 239, 106, 204, 47, 21,
+ 220, 15, 25, 196, 10, 211, 71, 29, 242, 137, 133, 166, 227, 58, 201, 211,
+ 22, 221, 206, 217, 148, 90, 239, 123, 12, 35, 69, 217, 243, 26, 197, 203,
+ 19, 23, 77, 206, 181, 148, 119, 47, 102, 156, 42, 233, 223, 14, 216, 4,
+ 90, 131, 123, 33, 227, 88, 73, 250, 182, 195, 54, 209, 214, 220, 94, 217,
+ 248, 90, 194, 187, 17, 179, 76, 117, 245, 231, 7, 10, 130, 135, 33, 162,
+ 152, 121, 170, 162, 255, 57, 128, 18, 224, 13, 136, 5, 166, 131, 58, 225,
+ 211, 8, 93, 198, 185, 146, 242, 237, 133, 141, 163, 37, 185, 219, 50, 219,
+ 85, 155, 127, 43, 96, 31, 104, 8, 46, 134, 156, 98, 233, 233, 142, 206,
+ 228, 84, 75, 127, 119, 96, 38, 168, 26, 254, 139, 0, 103, 64, 42, 176,
+ 31, 52, 8, 23, 70, 142, 178, 228, 117, 139, 103, 39, 106, 154, 175, 43,
+ 60, 31, 81, 200, 60, 86, 145, 254, 236, 64, 77, 240, 53, 132, 23, 35,
+ 78, 153, 244, 106, 199, 111, 18, 172, 13, 189, 197, 177, 147, 52, 109, 215,
+ 109, 158, 173, 168, 125, 190, 161, 176, 120, 116, 34, 167, 89, 186, 186, 243,
+ 51, 5, 213, 195, 31, 17, 200, 12, 86, 133, 254, 227, 0, 73, 192, 54,
+ 208, 22, 220, 14, 217, 196, 90, 211, 123, 29, 227, 73, 137, 246, 230, 198,
+ 202, 210, 215, 29, 158, 137, 168, 102, 254, 170, 192, 127, 16, 32, 12, 24,
+ 5, 202, 131, 23, 33, 206, 152, 84, 106, 191, 111, 48, 44, 20, 29, 207,
+ 73, 148, 54, 239, 86, 204, 62, 213, 208, 95, 28, 56, 9, 210, 134, 221,
+ 162, 217, 185, 154, 242, 235, 5, 143, 67, 36, 49, 219, 84, 91, 127, 123,
+ 96, 35, 104, 25, 238, 138, 204, 103, 21, 234, 143, 15, 36, 4, 27, 67,
+ 75, 113, 247, 100, 70, 171, 114, 255, 101, 128, 43, 32, 31, 88, 8, 58,
+ 134, 147, 34, 237, 217, 141, 154, 229, 171, 11, 63, 71, 80, 50, 188, 21,
+ 177, 207, 52, 84, 23, 127, 78, 160, 52, 120, 23, 98, 142, 169, 164, 126,
+ 251, 96, 67, 104, 49, 238, 148, 76, 111, 117, 236, 39, 13, 218, 133, 155,
+ 35, 43, 89, 223, 122, 216, 35, 26, 153, 203, 42, 215, 95, 30, 184, 8,
+ 114, 134, 165, 162, 251, 57, 131, 82, 225, 253, 136, 65, 166, 176, 122, 244,
+ 35, 7, 89, 194, 186, 209, 179, 28, 117, 201, 231, 22, 202, 142, 215, 36,
+ 94, 155, 120, 107, 98, 175, 105, 188, 46, 241, 220, 68, 89, 243, 122, 197,
+ 227, 19, 9, 205, 198, 213, 146, 223, 45, 152, 29, 170, 137, 191, 38, 240,
+ 26, 196, 11, 19, 71, 77, 242, 181, 133, 183, 35, 54, 153, 214, 234, 222,
+ 207, 24, 84, 10, 191, 71, 48, 50, 148, 21, 175, 79, 60, 52, 17, 215,
+ 76, 94, 181, 248, 119, 2, 166, 129, 186, 224, 115, 8, 37, 198, 155, 18,
+ 235, 77, 143, 117, 164, 39, 59, 90, 147, 123, 45, 227, 93, 137, 249, 166,
+ 194, 250, 209, 131, 28, 97, 201, 232, 86, 206, 190, 212, 112, 95, 100, 56,
+ 43, 82, 159, 125, 168, 33, 190, 152, 112, 106, 164, 47, 59, 92, 19, 121,
+ 205, 226, 213, 137, 159, 38, 232, 26, 206, 139, 20, 103, 79, 106, 180, 47,
+ 55, 92, 22, 185, 206, 242, 212, 69, 159, 115, 40, 37, 222, 155, 24, 107,
+ 74, 175, 119, 60, 38, 145, 218, 236, 91, 13, 251, 69, 131, 115, 33, 229,
+ 216, 75, 26, 183, 75, 54, 183, 86, 246, 190, 198, 240, 82, 196, 61, 147,
+ 81, 173, 252, 125, 129, 225, 160, 72, 120, 54, 162, 150, 249, 174, 194, 252,
+ 81, 129, 252, 96, 65, 232, 48, 78, 148, 52, 111, 87, 108, 62, 173, 208,
+ 125, 156, 33, 169, 216, 126, 218, 160, 91, 56, 59, 82, 147, 125, 173, 225,
+ 189, 136, 113, 166, 164, 122, 251, 99, 3, 105, 193, 238, 208, 76, 92, 53,
+ 249, 215, 2, 222, 129, 152, 96, 106, 168, 47, 62, 156, 16, 105, 204, 46,
+ 213, 220, 95, 25, 248, 10, 194, 135, 17, 162, 140, 121, 165, 226, 251, 9,
+ 131, 70, 225, 242, 200, 69, 150, 179, 46, 245, 220, 71, 25, 242, 138, 197,
+ 167, 19, 58, 141, 211, 37, 157, 219, 41, 155, 94, 235, 120, 79, 98, 180,
+ 41, 183, 94, 246, 184, 70, 242, 178, 197, 181, 147, 55, 45, 214, 157, 158,
+ 233, 168, 78, 254, 180, 64, 119, 112, 38, 164, 26, 251, 75, 3, 119, 65,
+ 230, 176, 74, 244, 55, 7, 86, 130, 190, 225, 176, 72, 116, 54, 167, 86,
+ 250, 190, 195, 48, 81, 212, 60, 95, 81, 248, 60, 66, 145, 241, 172, 68,
+ 125, 243, 97, 133, 232, 99, 14, 169, 196, 126, 211, 96, 93, 232, 57, 142,
+ 146, 228, 109, 139, 109, 167, 109, 186, 173, 179, 61, 181, 209, 183, 28, 118,
+ 137, 230, 230, 202, 202, 215, 23, 30, 142, 136, 100, 102, 171, 106, 255, 111,
+ 0, 44, 0, 29, 192, 9, 144, 6, 236, 2, 205, 193, 149, 144, 111, 44,
+ 44, 29, 221, 201, 153, 150, 234, 238, 207, 12, 84, 5, 255, 67, 0, 49,
+ 192, 20, 80, 15, 124, 4, 33, 195, 88, 81, 250, 188, 67, 49, 241, 212,
+ 68, 95, 115, 120, 37, 226, 155, 9, 171, 70, 255, 114, 192, 37, 144, 27,
+ 44, 11, 93, 199, 121, 146, 162, 237, 185, 141, 178, 229, 181, 139, 55, 39,
+ 86, 154, 190, 235, 48, 79, 84, 52, 63, 87, 80, 62, 188, 16, 113, 204,
+ 36, 85, 219, 127, 27, 96, 11, 104, 7, 110, 130, 172, 97, 189, 232, 113,
+ 142, 164, 100, 123, 107, 99, 111, 105, 236, 46, 205, 220, 85, 153, 255, 42,
+ 192, 31, 16, 8, 12, 6, 133, 194, 227, 17, 137, 204, 102, 213, 234, 223,
+ 15, 24, 4, 10, 131, 71, 33, 242, 152, 69, 170, 179, 63, 53, 208, 23,
+ 28, 14, 137, 196, 102, 211, 106, 221, 239, 25, 140, 10, 229, 199, 11, 18,
+ 135, 77, 162, 181, 185, 183, 50, 246, 149, 134, 239, 34, 204, 25, 149, 202,
+ 239, 23, 12, 14, 133, 196, 99, 19, 105, 205, 238, 213, 140, 95, 37, 248,
+ 27, 2, 139, 65, 167, 112, 122, 164, 35, 59, 89, 211, 122, 221, 227, 25,
+ 137, 202, 230, 215, 10, 222, 135, 24, 98, 138, 169, 167, 62, 250, 144, 67,
+ 44, 49, 221, 212, 89, 159, 122, 232, 35, 14, 153, 196, 106, 211, 111, 29,
+ 236, 9, 141, 198, 229, 146, 203, 45, 151, 93, 174, 185, 188, 114, 241, 229,
+ 132, 75, 35, 119, 89, 230, 186, 202, 243, 23, 5, 206, 131, 20, 97, 207,
+ 104, 84, 46, 191, 92, 112, 57, 228, 18, 203, 77, 151, 117, 174, 167, 60,
+ 122, 145, 227, 44, 73, 221, 246, 217, 134, 218, 226, 219, 9, 155, 70, 235,
+ 114, 207, 101, 148, 43, 47, 95, 92, 56, 57, 210, 146, 221, 173, 153, 189,
+ 170, 241, 191, 4, 112, 3, 100, 1, 235, 64, 79, 112, 52, 36, 23, 91,
+ 78, 187, 116, 115, 103, 101, 234, 171, 15, 63, 68, 16, 51, 76, 21, 245,
+ 207, 7, 20, 2, 143, 65, 164, 48, 123, 84, 35, 127, 89, 224, 58, 200,
+ 19, 22, 141, 206, 229, 148, 75, 47, 119, 92, 38, 185, 218, 242, 219, 5,
+ 155, 67, 43, 113, 223, 100, 88, 43, 122, 159, 99, 40, 41, 222, 158, 216,
+ 104, 90, 174, 187, 60, 115, 81, 229, 252, 75, 1, 247, 64, 70, 176, 50,
+ 244, 21, 135, 79, 34, 180, 25, 183, 74, 246, 183, 6, 246, 130, 198, 225,
+ 146, 200, 109, 150, 173, 174, 253, 188, 65, 177, 240, 116, 68, 39, 115, 90,
+ 165, 251, 59, 3, 83, 65, 253, 240, 65, 132, 48, 99, 84, 41, 255, 94,
+ 192, 56, 80, 18, 188, 13, 177, 197, 180, 83, 55, 125, 214, 161, 158, 248,
+ 104, 66, 174, 177, 188, 116, 113, 231, 100, 74, 171, 119, 63, 102, 144, 42,
+ 236, 31, 13, 200, 5, 150, 131, 46, 225, 220, 72, 89, 246, 186, 198, 243,
+ 18, 197, 205, 147, 21, 173, 207, 61, 148, 17, 175, 76, 124, 53, 225, 215,
+ 8, 94, 134, 184, 98, 242, 169, 133, 190, 227, 48, 73, 212, 54, 223, 86,
+ 216, 62, 218, 144, 91, 44, 59, 93, 211, 121, 157, 226, 233, 137, 142, 230,
+ 228, 74, 203, 119, 23, 102, 142, 170, 228, 127, 11, 96, 7, 104, 2, 174,
+ 129, 188, 96, 113, 232, 36, 78, 155, 116, 107, 103, 111, 106, 172, 47, 61,
+ 220, 17, 153, 204, 106, 213, 239, 31, 12, 8, 5, 198, 131, 18, 225, 205,
+ 136, 85, 166, 191, 58, 240, 19, 4, 13, 195, 69, 145, 243, 44, 69, 221,
+ 243, 25, 133, 202, 227, 23, 9, 206, 134, 212, 98, 223, 105, 152, 46, 234,
+ 156, 79, 41, 244, 30, 199, 72, 82, 182, 189, 182, 241, 182, 196, 118, 211,
+ 102, 221, 234, 217, 143, 26, 228, 11, 11, 71, 71, 114, 178, 165, 181, 187,
+ 55, 51, 86, 149, 254, 239, 0, 76, 0, 53, 192, 23, 16, 14, 140, 4,
+ 101, 195, 107, 17, 239, 76, 76, 53, 245, 215, 7, 30, 130, 136, 97, 166,
+ 168, 122, 254, 163, 0, 121, 192, 34, 208, 25, 156, 10, 233, 199, 14, 210,
+ 132, 93, 163, 121, 185, 226, 242, 201, 133, 150, 227, 46, 201, 220, 86, 217,
+ 254, 218, 192, 91, 16, 59, 76, 19, 117, 205, 231, 21, 138, 143, 39, 36,
+ 26, 155, 75, 43, 119, 95, 102, 184, 42, 242, 159, 5, 168, 3, 62, 129,
+ 208, 96, 92, 40, 57, 222, 146, 216, 109, 154, 173, 171, 61, 191, 81, 176,
+ 60, 116, 17, 231, 76, 74, 181, 247, 55, 6, 150, 130, 238, 225, 140, 72,
+ 101, 246, 171, 6, 255, 66, 192, 49, 144, 20, 108, 15, 109, 196, 45, 147,
+ 93, 173, 249, 189, 130, 241, 161, 132, 120, 99, 98, 169, 233, 190, 206, 240,
+ 84, 68, 63, 115, 80, 37, 252, 27, 1, 203, 64, 87, 112, 62, 164, 16,
+ 123, 76, 35, 117, 217, 231, 26, 202, 139, 23, 39, 78, 154, 180, 107, 55,
+ 111, 86, 172, 62, 253, 208, 65, 156, 48, 105, 212, 46, 223, 92, 88, 57,
+ 250, 146, 195, 45, 145, 221, 172, 89, 189, 250, 241, 131, 4, 97, 195, 104,
+ 81, 238, 188, 76, 113, 245, 228, 71, 11, 114, 135, 101, 162, 171, 57, 191,
+ 82, 240, 61, 132, 17, 163, 76, 121, 245, 226, 199, 9, 146, 134, 237, 162,
+ 205, 185, 149, 178, 239, 53, 140, 23, 37, 206, 155, 20, 107, 79, 111, 116,
+ 44, 39, 93, 218, 185, 155, 50, 235, 85, 143, 127, 36, 32, 27, 88, 11,
+ 122, 135, 99, 34, 169, 217, 190, 218, 240, 91, 4, 59, 67, 83, 113, 253,
+ 228, 65, 139, 112, 103, 100, 42, 171, 95, 63, 120, 16, 34, 140, 25, 165,
+ 202, 251, 23, 3, 78, 129, 244, 96, 71, 104, 50, 174, 149, 188, 111, 49,
+ 236, 20, 77, 207, 117, 148, 39, 47, 90, 156, 59, 41, 211, 94, 221, 248,
+ 89, 130, 186, 225, 179, 8, 117, 198, 167, 18, 250, 141, 131, 37, 161, 219,
+ 56, 91, 82, 187, 125, 179, 97, 181, 232, 119, 14, 166, 132, 122, 227, 99,
+ 9, 233, 198, 206, 210, 212, 93, 159, 121, 168, 34, 254, 153, 128, 106, 224,
+ 47, 8, 28, 6, 137, 194, 230, 209, 138, 220, 103, 25, 234, 138, 207, 39,
+ 20, 26, 143, 75, 36, 55, 91, 86, 187, 126, 243, 96, 69, 232, 51, 14,
+ 149, 196, 111, 19, 108, 13, 237, 197, 141, 147, 37, 173, 219, 61, 155, 81,
+ 171, 124, 127, 97, 224, 40, 72, 30, 182, 136, 118, 230, 166, 202, 250, 215,
+ 3, 30, 129, 200, 96, 86, 168, 62, 254, 144, 64, 108, 48, 45, 212, 29,
+ 159, 73, 168, 54, 254, 150, 192, 110, 208, 44, 92, 29, 249, 201, 130, 214,
+ 225, 158, 200, 104, 86, 174, 190, 252, 112, 65, 228, 48, 75, 84, 55, 127,
+ 86, 160, 62, 248, 16, 66, 140, 49, 165, 212, 123, 31, 99, 72, 41, 246,
+ 158, 198, 232, 82, 206, 189, 148, 113, 175, 100, 124, 43, 97, 223, 104, 88,
+ 46, 186, 156, 115, 41, 229, 222, 203, 24, 87, 74, 190, 183, 48, 118, 148,
+ 38, 239, 90, 204, 59, 21, 211, 79, 29, 244, 9, 135, 70, 226, 178, 201,
+ 181, 150, 247, 46, 198, 156, 82, 233, 253, 142, 193, 164, 80, 123, 124, 35,
+ 97, 217, 232, 90, 206, 187, 20, 115, 79, 101, 244, 43, 7, 95, 66, 184,
+ 49, 178, 148, 117, 175, 103, 60, 42, 145, 223, 44, 88, 29, 250, 137, 131,
+ 38, 225, 218, 200, 91, 22, 187, 78, 243, 116, 69, 231, 115, 10, 165, 199,
+ 59, 18, 147, 77, 173, 245, 189, 135, 49, 162, 148, 121, 175, 98, 252, 41,
+ 129, 222, 224, 88, 72, 58, 182, 147, 54, 237, 214, 205, 158, 213, 168, 95,
+ 62, 184, 16, 114, 140, 37, 165, 219, 59, 27, 83, 75, 125, 247, 97, 134,
+ 168, 98, 254, 169, 128, 126, 224, 32, 72, 24, 54, 138, 150, 231, 46, 202,
+ 156, 87, 41, 254, 158, 192, 104, 80, 46, 188, 28, 113, 201, 228, 86, 203,
+ 126, 215, 96, 94, 168, 56, 126, 146, 160, 109, 184, 45, 178, 157, 181, 169,
+ 183, 62, 246, 144, 70, 236, 50, 205, 213, 149, 159, 47, 40, 28, 30, 137,
+ 200, 102, 214, 170, 222, 255, 24, 64, 10, 176, 7, 52, 2, 151, 65, 174,
+ 176, 124, 116, 33, 231, 88, 74, 186, 183, 51, 54, 149, 214, 239, 30, 204,
+ 8, 85, 198, 191, 18, 240, 13, 132, 5, 163, 67, 57, 241, 210, 196, 93,
+ 147, 121, 173, 226, 253, 137, 129, 166, 224, 122, 200, 35, 22, 153, 206, 234,
+ 212, 79, 31, 116, 8, 39, 70, 154, 178, 235, 53, 143, 87, 36, 62, 155,
+ 80, 107, 124, 47, 97, 220, 40, 89, 222, 186, 216, 115, 26, 165, 203, 59,
+ 23, 83, 78, 189, 244, 113, 135, 100, 98, 171, 105, 191, 110, 240, 44, 68,
+ 29, 243, 73, 133, 246, 227, 6, 201, 194, 214, 209, 158, 220, 104, 89, 238,
+ 186, 204, 115, 21, 229, 207, 11, 20, 7, 79, 66, 180, 49, 183, 84, 118,
+ 191, 102, 240, 42, 196, 31, 19, 72, 13, 246, 133, 134, 227, 34, 201, 217,
+ 150, 218, 238, 219, 12, 91, 69, 251, 115, 3, 101, 193, 235, 16, 79, 76,
+ 52, 53, 215, 87, 30, 190, 136, 112, 102, 164, 42, 251, 95, 3, 120, 1,
+ 226, 128, 73, 160, 54, 248, 22, 194, 142, 209, 164, 92, 123, 121, 227, 98,
+ 201, 233, 150, 206, 238, 212, 76, 95, 117, 248, 39, 2, 154, 129, 171, 32,
+ 127, 88, 32, 58, 152, 19, 42, 141, 223, 37, 152, 27, 42, 139, 95, 39,
+ 120, 26, 162, 139, 57, 167, 82, 250, 189, 131, 49, 161, 212, 120, 95, 98,
+ 184, 41, 178, 158, 245, 168, 71, 62, 178, 144, 117, 172, 39, 61, 218, 145,
+ 155, 44, 107, 93, 239, 121, 140, 34, 229, 217, 139, 26, 231, 75, 10, 183,
+ 71, 54, 178, 150, 245, 174, 199, 60, 82, 145, 253, 172, 65, 189, 240, 113,
+ 132, 36, 99, 91, 105, 251, 110, 195, 108, 81, 237, 252, 77, 129, 245, 160,
+ 71, 56, 50, 146, 149, 173, 175, 61, 188, 17, 177, 204, 116, 85, 231, 127,
+ 10, 160, 7, 56, 2, 146, 129, 173, 160, 125, 184, 33, 178, 152, 117, 170,
+ 167, 63, 58, 144, 19, 44, 13, 221, 197, 153, 147, 42, 237, 223, 13, 152,
+ 5, 170, 131, 63, 33, 208, 24, 92, 10, 185, 199, 50, 210, 149, 157, 175,
+ 41, 188, 30, 241, 200, 68, 86, 179, 126, 245, 224, 71, 8, 50, 134, 149,
+ 162, 239, 57, 140, 18, 229, 205, 139, 21, 167, 79, 58, 180, 19, 55, 77,
+ 214, 181, 158, 247, 40, 70, 158, 178, 232, 117, 142, 167, 36, 122, 155, 99,
+ 43, 105, 223, 110, 216, 44, 90, 157, 251, 41, 131, 94, 225, 248, 72, 66,
+ 182, 177, 182, 244, 118, 199, 102, 210, 170, 221, 191, 25, 176, 10, 244, 7,
+ 7, 66, 130, 177, 161, 180, 120, 119, 98, 166, 169, 186, 254, 243, 0, 69,
+ 192, 51, 16, 21, 204, 15, 21, 196, 15, 19, 68, 13, 243, 69, 133, 243,
+ 35, 5, 217, 195, 26, 209, 203, 28, 87, 73, 254, 182, 192, 118, 208, 38,
+ 220, 26, 217, 203, 26, 215, 75, 30, 183, 72, 118, 182, 166, 246, 250, 198,
+ 195, 18, 209, 205, 156, 85, 169, 255, 62, 192, 16, 80, 12, 60, 5, 209,
+ 195, 28, 81, 201, 252, 86, 193, 254, 208, 64, 92, 48, 57, 212, 18, 223,
+ 77, 152, 53, 170, 151, 63, 46, 144, 28, 108, 9, 237, 198, 205, 146, 213,
+ 173, 159, 61, 168, 17, 190, 140, 112, 101, 228, 43, 11, 95, 71, 120, 50,
+ 162, 149, 185, 175, 50, 252, 21, 129, 207, 32, 84, 24, 63, 74, 144, 55,
+ 44, 22, 157, 206, 233, 148, 78, 239, 116, 76, 39, 117, 218, 167, 27, 58,
+ 139, 83, 39, 125, 218, 161, 155, 56, 107, 82, 175, 125, 188, 33, 177, 216,
+ 116, 90, 167, 123, 58, 163, 83, 57, 253, 210, 193, 157, 144, 105, 172, 46,
+ 253, 220, 65, 153, 240, 106, 196, 47, 19, 92, 13, 249, 197, 130, 211, 33,
+ 157, 216, 105, 154, 174, 235, 60, 79, 81, 244, 60, 71, 81, 242, 188, 69,
+ 177, 243, 52, 69, 215, 115, 30, 165, 200, 123, 22, 163, 78, 249, 244, 66,
+ 199, 113, 146, 164, 109, 187, 109, 179, 109, 181, 237, 183, 13, 182, 133, 182,
+ 227, 54, 201, 214, 214, 222, 222, 216, 88, 90, 186, 187, 51, 51, 255, 63 )
+random_mask_vec8 = numpy.array(random_mask_tuple, numpy.uint8)