path: root/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
diff options
authorjapm48 <>2020-04-01 03:26:52 +0200
committerMichael Dickens <>2020-04-14 15:47:29 -0400
commit36d811dab3832f682334b56257e9ed8f5792cc39 (patch)
treebb6473015c35af7eddccc7c130f17a8dca622492 /gr-blocks/python/blocks/
parent7975fb0f63bd90954960658be80790b7a518e64f (diff)
blocks: wavfile_sink: allow appending to files
Fixes issue #1569. Implement an option in wavfile_sink that allows appending sound samples at the end of an existing file. For this, a target WAV file must meet these requirements: - the file must exist (will not be created if it does not). - the last chunk in the file must be DATA. - file params must match the configured ones (i.e. sample_rate, nchan and bits_per_sample).
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-blocks/python/blocks/')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
index ba2d80dc66..f22934d71b 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
+++ b/gr-blocks/python/blocks/
@@ -71,5 +71,82 @@ class test_wavefile(gr_unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(in_data[:g_extra_header_offset] + \
in_data[g_extra_header_offset + g_extra_header_len:], out_data)
+ def test_003_checkwav_append_copy(self):
+ infile = g_in_file
+ outfile = "test_out_append.wav"
+ # 1. Copy input to output
+ from shutil import copyfile
+ copyfile(infile, outfile)
+ # 2. append copy
+ wf_in = blocks.wavfile_source(infile)
+ wf_out = blocks.wavfile_sink(outfile,
+ wf_in.channels(),
+ wf_in.sample_rate(),
+ wf_in.bits_per_sample(),
+ True)
+ self.tb.connect(wf_in, wf_out)
+ wf_out.close()
+ # 3. append halved copy
+ wf_in = blocks.wavfile_source(infile)
+ halver = blocks.multiply_const_ff(0.5)
+ wf_out = blocks.wavfile_sink(outfile,
+ wf_in.channels(),
+ wf_in.sample_rate(),
+ wf_in.bits_per_sample(),
+ True)
+ self.tb.connect(wf_in, halver, wf_out)
+ wf_out.close()
+ # Test file validity and read data.
+ import wave
+ try:
+ # In
+ with, 'rb') as w_in:
+ in_params = w_in.getparams()
+ data_in = wav_read_frames(w_in)
+ # Out
+ with, 'rb') as w_out:
+ out_params = w_out.getparams()
+ data_out = wav_read_frames(w_out)
+ except:
+ raise AssertionError('Invalid WAV file')
+ # Params must be equal except in size:
+ expected_params = in_params._replace(nframes=3*in_params.nframes)
+ self.assertEqual(out_params, expected_params)
+ # Part 1
+ self.assertEqual(data_in, data_out[:len(data_in)])
+ # Part 2
+ self.assertEqual(data_in, data_out[len(data_in):2*len(data_in)])
+ # Part 3
+ data_in_halved = [int(round(d/2)) for d in data_in]
+ self.assertEqual(data_in_halved, data_out[2*len(data_in):])
+ def test_003_checkwav_append_non_existent_should_error(self):
+ outfile = "no_file.wav"
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, 'WAV append mode requires target file to exist'):
+ blocks.wavfile_sink(outfile, 1, 44100, 16, True)
+def wav_read_frames(w):
+ import struct
+ # grouper from itertools recipes.
+ grouper = lambda iterable, n: list(zip(* ([iter(iterable)] * n) ))
+ assert w.getsampwidth() == 2 # Assume 16 bits
+ return [
+ struct.unpack('<h', bytes(frame_g))[0]
+ for frame_g in grouper(w.readframes(w.getnframes()), 2)
+ ]
if __name__ == '__main__':