path: root/gr-blocks/grc
diff options
authorJosh Morman <>2021-03-25 10:43:14 -0400
committermormj <>2021-04-21 14:02:57 -0400
commit50c48b3321d59ff6fa296d672a723787f32e5345 (patch)
tree1f086658b3d4392caa98b99d466fead77c05e981 /gr-blocks/grc
parentd71c4550e04f74b09fba0bbe8d7cd07dda68ba35 (diff)
blocks: remove deprecated network blocks
Signed-off-by: Josh Morman <>
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-blocks/grc')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks.tree.yml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks.tree.yml
index 6e36974084..5fb790efd1 100644
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks.tree.yml
+++ b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks.tree.yml
@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@
- blocks_message_strobe_random
- blocks_tags_strobe
- blocks_test_tag_variable_rate_ff
-- Deprecated:
- - blocks_tcp_server_sink
- - blocks_udp_source
- - blocks_udp_sink
- File Operators:
- blocks_wavfile_source
- blocks_wavfile_sink
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_tcp_server_sink.block.yml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_tcp_server_sink.block.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c5a8043b..0000000000
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_tcp_server_sink.block.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-id: blocks_tcp_server_sink
-label: TCP Server Sink (Deprecated)
-flags: [ python, cpp ]
-- id: type
- label: Input Type
- dtype: enum
- options: [complex, float, int, short, byte]
- option_attributes:
- size: [gr.sizeof_gr_complex, gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short,
- gr.sizeof_char]
- hide: part
-- id: ipaddr
- label: Destination IP Address
- dtype: string
-- id: port
- label: Destination Port
- dtype: int
-- id: noblock
- label: Nonblocking Mode
- dtype: enum
- options: ['True', 'False']
- option_labels: ['On', 'Off']
-- id: vlen
- label: Vec Length
- dtype: int
- default: '1'
- hide: ${ 'part' if vlen == 1 else 'none' }
-- domain: stream
- dtype: ${ type }
- vlen: ${ vlen }
-- ${ vlen > 0 }
- imports: from gnuradio import blocks
- make: blocks.tcp_server_sink(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${noblock})
- includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/tcp_server_sink.h>']
- declarations: 'blocks::tcp_server_sink::sptr ${id};'
- make: 'this->${id} = blocks::tcp_server_sink::make(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${noblock});'
- translations:
- 'True': 'true'
- 'False': 'false'
-documentation: |-
- This block has been deprecated and replaced with more capable TCP source/sink blocks in Networking Tools.
-file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_sink.block.yml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_sink.block.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e000ba6f57..0000000000
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_sink.block.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-id: blocks_udp_sink
-label: UDP Sink (Deprecated)
-flags: [ python, cpp ]
-- id: type
- label: Input Type
- dtype: enum
- options: [complex, float, int, short, byte]
- option_attributes:
- size: [gr.sizeof_gr_complex, gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short,
- gr.sizeof_char]
- hide: part
-- id: ipaddr
- label: Destination IP Address
- dtype: string
-- id: port
- label: Destination Port
- dtype: int
-- id: psize
- label: Payload Size
- dtype: int
- default: '1472'
-- id: eof
- label: Send Null Pkt as EOF
- dtype: bool
- default: 'True'
-- id: vlen
- label: Vec Length
- dtype: int
- default: '1'
- hide: ${ 'part' if vlen == 1 else 'none' }
-- domain: stream
- dtype: ${ type }
- vlen: ${ vlen }
-- ${ vlen > 0 }
- imports: from gnuradio import blocks
- make: blocks.udp_sink(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${psize}, ${eof})
- includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/udp_sink.h>']
- declarations: 'blocks::udp_sink::sptr ${id};'
- make: 'this->${id} = blocks::udp_sink::make(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${psize}, ${eof});'
- translations:
- 'True': 'true'
- 'False': 'false'
-documentation: |-
- This block has been deprecated and replaced with a more capable UDP sink block in Networking Tools.
-file_format: 1
diff --git a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_source.block.yml b/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_source.block.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e1226527..0000000000
--- a/gr-blocks/grc/blocks_udp_source.block.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-id: blocks_udp_source
-label: UDP Source (Deprecated)
-flags: [ throttle, python, cpp ]
-- id: type
- label: Output Type
- dtype: enum
- options: [complex, float, int, short, byte]
- option_attributes:
- size: [gr.sizeof_gr_complex, gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short,
- gr.sizeof_char]
- hide: part
-- id: ipaddr
- label: IP Address
- dtype: string
- default:
-- id: port
- label: Port
- dtype: int
- default: '1234'
-- id: psize
- label: Payload Size
- dtype: int
- default: '1472'
-- id: eof
- label: Null Pkt is EOF
- dtype: bool
- default: 'True'
-- id: vlen
- label: Vec Length
- dtype: int
- default: '1'
- hide: ${ 'part' if vlen == 1 else 'none' }
-- domain: stream
- dtype: ${ type }
- vlen: ${ vlen }
-- ${ vlen > 0 }
- imports: from gnuradio import blocks
- make: blocks.udp_source(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${psize}, ${eof})
- includes: ['#include <gnuradio/blocks/udp_source.h>']
- declarations: 'blocks::udp_source::sptr ${id};'
- make: 'this->${id} = blocks::udp_source::make(${type.size}*${vlen}, ${ipaddr}, ${port}, ${psize}, ${eof});'
- translations:
- 'True': 'true'
- 'False': 'false'
-documentation: |-
- This block has been deprecated and replaced with a more capable UDP source block in Networking Tools.
-file_format: 1