path: root/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio
diff options
authorTim Newman <>2013-07-16 13:26:08 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2013-07-16 13:26:08 -0400
commit1842d6afa3983ed9d42543bce4a4336242062a04 (patch)
tree47c6b64f735dee72b71f4b00ad6905bf61608860 /gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio
parente2c488ba2d4fd7ae3e00dc47c6cfec26d32b6f03 (diff)
ctrlport: Improved display handling for gr-ctrlport-monitor.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
index 4e9ef13133..b240dcb8f2 100644
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/
@@ -421,13 +421,52 @@ class GrDataPlotterValueTable:
def updateItems(self, knobs, knobprops):
items = [];
- self.treeWidget.clear()
- for k, v in knobs.iteritems():
- val = v.value
- if(type(val) == GNURadio.complex):
- val = +*1j
- items.append(QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([str(k), str(val),
- knobprops[k].units,
- knobprops[k].description]))
- self.treeWidget.insertTopLevelItems(0, items)
+ foundKeys = []
+ deleteKeys = []
+ numItems = self.treeWidget.topLevelItemCount()
+ # The input knobs variable is a dict of stats to display in the tree.
+ # Update tree stat values with new values found in knobs.
+ # Track found keys and track keys in tree that are not in input knobs.
+ for i in range(0, numItems):
+ item = self.treeWidget.topLevelItem(i)
+ # itemKey is the text in the first column of a QTreeWidgetItem
+ itemKey = str(item.text(0))
+ if itemKey in knobs.keys():
+ # This key was found in the tree, update its values.
+ foundKeys.append(itemKey)
+ v = str(knobs[itemKey].value)
+ units = str(knobprops[itemKey].units)
+ descr = str(knobprops[itemKey].description)
+ if (item.text(1) != v or
+ item.text(2) != units or
+ item.text(3) != descr):
+ item.setText(1, v)
+ item.setText(2, units)
+ item.setText(3, descr)
+ else:
+ # This item is not in the knobs list...track it for removal.
+ deleteKeys.append(itemKey)
+ # Add items to tree that are not currently in the tree.
+ for k in knobs.keys():
+ if k not in foundKeys:
+ item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem([k, str(knobs[k].value),
+ knobprops[k].units, knobprops[k].description])
+ self.treeWidget.addTopLevelItem(item)
+ # Remove items currently in tree that are not in the knob list.
+ for itemKey in deleteKeys:
+ qtwiList = self.treeWidget.findItems(itemKey, Qt.Qt.MatchFixedString)
+ if (len(qtwiList) > 1):
+ raise Exception('More than one item with key %s in tree' %
+ itemKey)
+ elif (len(qtwiList) == 1):
+ i = self.treeWidget.indexOfTopLevelItem(qtwiList[0])
+ self.treeWidget.takeTopLevelItem(i)