path: root/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
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authorTim O'Shea <>2013-06-07 13:25:07 -0400
committerTim O'Shea <>2013-06-07 13:25:07 -0400
commit088f8be8ca75d8dc4a7c048cb6a850e46d2a0cec (patch)
tree1d316447906208eda41c0f603aead91c5788bcc6 /gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
parent3e9886a70650474a5330ae9a3553069260fc03c4 (diff)
runtime: update gr-perfmonitor-x to display message ports - currently they do not show any performance statistics
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
index 47456f2733..1c6e0741b7 100755
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
+++ b/gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/gr-perf-monitorx
@@ -462,12 +462,13 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
print "WARNING: Failed to get current clock setting!"
- nodes = self.G.nodes();
+ nodes_stream = self.G_stream.nodes();
+ nodes_msg = self.G_msg.nodes();
# get current buffer depths of all output buffers
kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%soutput %% full" % \
(x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
- nodes);
+ nodes_stream);
st = time.time()
buf_knobs =
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
# get work time for all blocks
kl = map(lambda x: "%s::%swork time" % \
(x, self._statistics_table[self._statistic]),
- nodes);
+ nodes_stream);
st = time.time()
wrk_knobs =
td2 = time.time() - st;
@@ -491,18 +492,34 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
work_times = dict(zip(
map(lambda x: x.split("::")[0], wrk_knobs.keys()),
map(lambda x: x.value/total_work, wrk_knobs.values())))
+ work_times_padded = dict(zip(
+ self.G.nodes(),
+ [0.1]*len(self.G.nodes())))
+ work_times_padded.update(work_times)
- for n in nodes:
+ for n in nodes_stream:
# ne is the list of edges away from this node!
ne = self.G.edges([n],True);
+ #for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
# get the right output buffer/port weight for each edge
sourceport = e[2]["sourceport"];
- newweight = buf_vals[n][sourceport]
- e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
+ if(e[2]["type"] == "stream"):
+ newweight = buf_vals[n][sourceport]
+ e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
+ for n in nodes_msg:
+ ne = self.G.edges([n],True);
+ for e in ne: # iterate over edges from this block
+ sourceport = e[2]["sourceport"];
+ if(e[2]["type"] == "msg"):
+ #newweight = buf_vals[n][sourceport]
+ newweight = 0.01;
+ e[2]["weight"] = newweight;
# set updated weights
- self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times[x], nodes);
+ #self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times[x], nodes_stream);
+ self.node_weights = map(lambda x: 20+2000*work_times_padded[x], self.G.nodes());
self.edge_weights = map(lambda x: 100.0*x[2]["weight"], self.G.edges(data=True));
# draw graph updates
@@ -532,10 +549,10 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
def rtt(self):
- self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableRuntimes(, self.G), "Runtime Table" );
+ self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableRuntimes(, self.G_stream), "Runtime Table" );
def bpt(self):
- self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableBuffers(, self.G), "Buffers Table" );
+ self.parent.newSubWindow( DataTableBuffers(, self.G_stream), "Buffers Table" );
def stat_changed(self, index):
self._statistic = str(self.stattype.currentText())
@@ -545,7 +562,7 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
idx = self.clockSel.currentIndex();
clk = self.clocks.values()[idx]
- print "UPDATE CLOCK!!! %d -> %d"%(idx,clk);
+# print "UPDATE CLOCK!!! %d -> %d"%(idx,clk);
k =[self.clockKey]);
k[self.clockKey].value = clk;
km = {};
@@ -632,12 +649,15 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
tmplist = []
knobs =[])
edgelist = None
+ msgedgelist = None
for k in knobs:
propname = k.split("::")
blockname = propname[0]
keyname = propname[1]
if(keyname == "edge list"):
edgelist = knobs[k].value
+ elif(keyname == "msg edges list"):
+ msgedgelist = knobs[k].value
elif(blockname not in tmplist):
# only take gr_blocks (no hier_block2)
@@ -650,14 +670,32 @@ class MForm(QtGui.QWidget):
edges = edgelist.split("\n")[0:-1]
- edgepairs = [];
+ msgedges = msgedgelist.split("\n")[0:-1]
+ edgepairs_stream = [];
+ edgepairs_msg = [];
+ # add stream connections
for e in edges:
_e = e.split("->")
- edgepairs.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
- {"sourceport":int(_e[0].split(":")[1])}) );
+ edgepairs_stream.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
+ {"type":"stream", "sourceport":int(_e[0].split(":")[1])}) );
+ # add msg connections
+ for e in msgedges:
+ _e = e.split("->")
+ edgepairs_msg.append( (_e[0].split(":")[0], _e[1].split(":")[0],
+ {"type":"msg", "sourceport":_e[0].split(":")[1]}) );
self.G = nx.MultiDiGraph();
- self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs);
+ self.G_stream = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+ self.G_msg = nx.MultiDiGraph();
+ self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs_stream);
+ self.G.add_edges_from(edgepairs_msg);
+ self.G_stream.add_edges_from(edgepairs_stream);
+ self.G_msg.add_edges_from(edgepairs_msg);
n_edges = self.G.edges(data=True);
for e in n_edges: