path: root/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
diff options
authorTom Rondeau <>2013-04-17 13:43:52 -0400
committerTom Rondeau <>2013-04-29 14:52:56 -0400
commitf3e2e07201c50033bf6c9d0c6a6f068557b4f17f (patch)
tree140b3c2d20a951ffd4abd564c3378ee2e2f9fc7c /gnuradio-runtime/lib/
parent35303ae975a5b1bdecc2492bc96e2b8e89b62a3d (diff)
runtime: converting runtime core to gr namespace, gnuradio include dir.
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-runtime/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/ b/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index de1e227ef0..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-runtime/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- */
- * Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GNU Radio
- *
- * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
- * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <gr_flat_flowgraph.h>
-#include <gr_block_detail.h>
-#include <gr_io_signature.h>
-#include <gr_buffer.h>
-#include <gr_prefs.h>
-#include <volk/volk.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <boost/format.hpp>
-// 32Kbyte buffer size between blocks
-#define GR_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE (32*(1L<<10))
-static const unsigned int s_fixed_buffer_size = GR_FIXED_BUFFER_SIZE;
- return gr_flat_flowgraph_sptr(new gr_flat_flowgraph());
- gr_basic_block_vector_t blocks = calc_used_blocks();
- // Assign block details to blocks
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = blocks.begin(); p != blocks.end(); p++)
- cast_to_block_sptr(*p)->set_detail(allocate_block_detail(*p));
- // Connect inputs to outputs for each block
- for(gr_basic_block_viter_t p = blocks.begin(); p != blocks.end(); p++) {
- connect_block_inputs(*p);
- gr_block_sptr block = cast_to_block_sptr(*p);
- block->set_unaligned(0);
- block->set_is_unaligned(false);
- }
- // Connect message ports connetions
- for(gr_msg_edge_viter_t i = d_msg_edges.begin(); i != d_msg_edges.end(); i++){
- std::cout << boost::format("flat_fg connecting msg primitives: (%s, %s)->(%s, %s)\n") %
- i->src().block() % i->src().port() %
- i->dst().block() % i->dst().port();
- i->src().block()->message_port_sub( i->src().port(), pmt::cons(i->dst().block()->alias_pmt(), i->dst().port()) );
- }
-gr_flat_flowgraph::allocate_block_detail(gr_basic_block_sptr block)
- int ninputs = calc_used_ports(block, true).size();
- int noutputs = calc_used_ports(block, false).size();
- gr_block_detail_sptr detail = gr_make_block_detail(ninputs, noutputs);
- gr_block_sptr grblock = cast_to_block_sptr(block);
- if(!grblock)
- throw std::runtime_error("allocate_block_detail found non-gr_block");
- std::cout << "Creating block detail for " << block << std::endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < noutputs; i++) {
- grblock->expand_minmax_buffer(i);
- gr_buffer_sptr buffer = allocate_buffer(block, i);
- std::cout << "Allocated buffer for output " << block << ":" << i << std::endl;
- detail->set_output(i, buffer);
- // Update the block's max_output_buffer based on what was actually allocated.
- grblock->set_max_output_buffer(i, buffer->bufsize());
- }
- return detail;
-gr_flat_flowgraph::allocate_buffer(gr_basic_block_sptr block, int port)
- gr_block_sptr grblock = cast_to_block_sptr(block);
- if (!grblock)
- throw std::runtime_error("allocate_buffer found non-gr_block");
- int item_size = block->output_signature()->sizeof_stream_item(port);
- // *2 because we're now only filling them 1/2 way in order to
- // increase the available parallelism when using the TPB scheduler.
- // (We're double buffering, where we used to single buffer)
- int nitems = s_fixed_buffer_size * 2 / item_size;
- // Make sure there are at least twice the output_multiple no. of items
- if (nitems < 2*grblock->output_multiple()) // Note: this means output_multiple()
- nitems = 2*grblock->output_multiple(); // can't be changed by block dynamically
- // If any downstream blocks are decimators and/or have a large output_multiple,
- // ensure we have a buffer at least twice their decimation factor*output_multiple
- gr_basic_block_vector_t blocks = calc_downstream_blocks(block, port);
- // limit buffer size if indicated
- if(grblock->max_output_buffer(port) > 0) {
-// std::cout << "constraining output items to " << block->max_output_buffer(port) << "\n";
- nitems = std::min((long)nitems, (long)grblock->max_output_buffer(port));
- nitems -= nitems%grblock->output_multiple();
- if( nitems < 1 )
- throw std::runtime_error("problems allocating a buffer with the given max output buffer constraint!");
- }
- else if(grblock->min_output_buffer(port) > 0) {
- nitems = std::max((long)nitems, (long)grblock->min_output_buffer(port));
- nitems -= nitems%grblock->output_multiple();
- if( nitems < 1 )
- throw std::runtime_error("problems allocating a buffer with the given min output buffer constraint!");
- }
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = blocks.begin(); p != blocks.end(); p++) {
- gr_block_sptr dgrblock = cast_to_block_sptr(*p);
- if (!dgrblock)
- throw std::runtime_error("allocate_buffer found non-gr_block");
- double decimation = (1.0/dgrblock->relative_rate());
- int multiple = dgrblock->output_multiple();
- int history = dgrblock->history();
- nitems = std::max(nitems, static_cast<int>(2*(decimation*multiple+history)));
- }
-// std::cout << "gr_make_buffer(" << nitems << ", " << item_size << ", " << grblock << "\n";
- return gr_make_buffer(nitems, item_size, grblock);
-gr_flat_flowgraph::connect_block_inputs(gr_basic_block_sptr block)
- gr_block_sptr grblock = cast_to_block_sptr(block);
- if (!grblock)
- throw std::runtime_error("connect_block_inputs found non-gr_block");
- // Get its detail and edges that feed into it
- gr_block_detail_sptr detail = grblock->detail();
- gr_edge_vector_t in_edges = calc_upstream_edges(block);
- // For each edge that feeds into it
- for (gr_edge_viter_t e = in_edges.begin(); e != in_edges.end(); e++) {
- // Set the buffer reader on the destination port to the output
- // buffer on the source port
- int dst_port = e->dst().port();
- int src_port = e->src().port();
- gr_basic_block_sptr src_block = e->src().block();
- gr_block_sptr src_grblock = cast_to_block_sptr(src_block);
- if (!src_grblock)
- throw std::runtime_error("connect_block_inputs found non-gr_block");
- gr_buffer_sptr src_buffer = src_grblock->detail()->output(src_port);
- std::cout << "Setting input " << dst_port << " from edge " << (*e) << std::endl;
- detail->set_input(dst_port, gr_buffer_add_reader(src_buffer, grblock->history()-1, grblock));
- }
-gr_flat_flowgraph::merge_connections(gr_flat_flowgraph_sptr old_ffg)
- // Allocate block details if needed. Only new blocks that aren't pruned out
- // by flattening will need one; existing blocks still in the new flowgraph will
- // already have one.
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = d_blocks.begin(); p != d_blocks.end(); p++) {
- gr_block_sptr block = cast_to_block_sptr(*p);
- if (!block->detail()) {
- std::cout << "merge: allocating new detail for block " << (*p) << std::endl;
- block->set_detail(allocate_block_detail(block));
- }
- else
- std::cout << "merge: reusing original detail for block " << (*p) << std::endl;
- }
- // Calculate the old edges that will be going away, and clear the buffer readers
- // on the RHS.
- for (gr_edge_viter_t old_edge = old_ffg->d_edges.begin(); old_edge != old_ffg->d_edges.end(); old_edge++) {
- std::cout << "merge: testing old edge " << (*old_edge) << "...";
- gr_edge_viter_t new_edge;
- for (new_edge = d_edges.begin(); new_edge != d_edges.end(); new_edge++)
- if (new_edge->src() == old_edge->src() &&
- new_edge->dst() == old_edge->dst())
- break;
- if (new_edge == d_edges.end()) { // not found in new edge list
- std::cout << "not in new edge list" << std::endl;
- // zero the buffer reader on RHS of old edge
- gr_block_sptr block(cast_to_block_sptr(old_edge->dst().block()));
- int port = old_edge->dst().port();
- block->detail()->set_input(port, gr_buffer_reader_sptr());
- }
- else {
- std::cout << "found in new edge list" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // Now connect inputs to outputs, reusing old buffer readers if they exist
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = d_blocks.begin(); p != d_blocks.end(); p++) {
- gr_block_sptr block = cast_to_block_sptr(*p);
- std::cout << "merge: merging " << (*p) << "...";
- if (old_ffg->has_block_p(*p)) {
- // Block exists in old flow graph
- std::cout << "used in old flow graph" << std::endl;
- gr_block_detail_sptr detail = block->detail();
- // Iterate through the inputs and see what needs to be done
- int ninputs = calc_used_ports(block, true).size(); // Might be different now
- for (int i = 0; i < ninputs; i++) {
- std::cout << "Checking input " << block << ":" << i << "...";
- gr_edge edge = calc_upstream_edge(*p, i);
- // Fish out old buffer reader and see if it matches correct buffer from edge list
- gr_block_sptr src_block = cast_to_block_sptr(edge.src().block());
- gr_block_detail_sptr src_detail = src_block->detail();
- gr_buffer_sptr src_buffer = src_detail->output(edge.src().port());
- gr_buffer_reader_sptr old_reader;
- if (i < detail->ninputs()) // Don't exceed what the original detail has
- old_reader = detail->input(i);
- // If there's a match, use it
- if (old_reader && (src_buffer == old_reader->buffer())) {
- std::cout << "matched, reusing" << std::endl;
- }
- else {
- std::cout << "needs a new reader" << std::endl;
- // Create new buffer reader and assign
- detail->set_input(i, gr_buffer_add_reader(src_buffer, block->history()-1, block));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // Block is new, it just needs buffer readers at this point
- std::cout << "new block" << std::endl;
- connect_block_inputs(block);
- // Make sure all buffers are aligned
- setup_buffer_alignment(block);
- }
- // Now deal with the fact that the block details might have changed numbers of
- // inputs and outputs vs. in the old flowgraph.
- }
-gr_flat_flowgraph::setup_buffer_alignment(gr_block_sptr block)
- const int alignment = volk_get_alignment();
- for(int i = 0; i < block->detail()->ninputs(); i++) {
- void *r = (void*)block->detail()->input(i)->read_pointer();
- unsigned long int ri = (unsigned long int)r % alignment;
- //std::cerr << "reader: " << r << " alignment: " << ri << std::endl;
- if(ri != 0) {
- size_t itemsize = block->detail()->input(i)->get_sizeof_item();
- block->detail()->input(i)->update_read_pointer(alignment-ri/itemsize);
- }
- block->set_unaligned(0);
- block->set_is_unaligned(false);
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < block->detail()->noutputs(); i++) {
- void *w = (void*)block->detail()->output(i)->write_pointer();
- unsigned long int wi = (unsigned long int)w % alignment;
- //std::cerr << "writer: " << w << " alignment: " << wi << std::endl;
- if(wi != 0) {
- size_t itemsize = block->detail()->output(i)->get_sizeof_item();
- block->detail()->output(i)->update_write_pointer(alignment-wi/itemsize);
- }
- block->set_unaligned(0);
- block->set_is_unaligned(false);
- }
- std::stringstream s;
- for(gr_edge_viter_t e = d_edges.begin(); e != d_edges.end(); e++)
- s << (*e) << std::endl;
- return s.str();
-void gr_flat_flowgraph::dump()
- for (gr_edge_viter_t e = d_edges.begin(); e != d_edges.end(); e++)
- std::cout << " edge: " << (*e) << std::endl;
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = d_blocks.begin(); p != d_blocks.end(); p++) {
- std::cout << " block: " << (*p) << std::endl;
- gr_block_detail_sptr detail = cast_to_block_sptr(*p)->detail();
- std::cout << " detail @" << detail << ":" << std::endl;
- int ni = detail->ninputs();
- int no = detail->noutputs();
- for (int i = 0; i < no; i++) {
- gr_buffer_sptr buffer = detail->output(i);
- std::cout << " output " << i << ": " << buffer << std::endl;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
- gr_buffer_reader_sptr reader = detail->input(i);
- std::cout << " reader " << i << ": " << reader
- << " reading from buffer=" << reader->buffer() << std::endl;
- }
- }
-gr_flat_flowgraph::make_block_vector(gr_basic_block_vector_t &blocks)
- gr_block_vector_t result;
- for (gr_basic_block_viter_t p = blocks.begin(); p != blocks.end(); p++) {
- result.push_back(cast_to_block_sptr(*p));
- }
- return result;
-void gr_flat_flowgraph::clear_endpoint(const gr_msg_endpoint &e, bool is_src){
- for(size_t i=0; i<d_msg_edges.size(); i++){
- if(is_src){
- if(d_msg_edges[i].src() == e){
- d_msg_edges.erase(d_msg_edges.begin() + i);
- i--;
- }
- } else {
- if(d_msg_edges[i].dst() == e){
- d_msg_edges.erase(d_msg_edges.begin() + i);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
-void gr_flat_flowgraph::replace_endpoint(const gr_msg_endpoint &e, const gr_msg_endpoint &r, bool is_src){
- size_t n_replr(0);
- std::cout << boost::format("gr_flat_flowgraph::replace_endpoint( %s, %s, %d )\n") % e.block()% r.block()% is_src;
- for(size_t i=0; i<d_msg_edges.size(); i++){
- if(is_src){
- if(d_msg_edges[i].src() == e){
- std::cout << boost::format("gr_flat_flowgraph::replace_endpoint() flattening to ( %s, %s )\n") % r.block()% d_msg_edges[i].dst().block();
- d_msg_edges.push_back( gr_msg_edge(r, d_msg_edges[i].dst() ) );
- n_replr++;
- }
- } else {
- if(d_msg_edges[i].dst() == e){
- std::cout << boost::format("gr_flat_flowgraph::replace_endpoint() flattening to ( %s, %s )\n") % r.block()% d_msg_edges[i].dst().block();
- d_msg_edges.push_back( gr_msg_edge(d_msg_edges[i].src(), r ) );
- n_replr++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(gr_prefs::singleton()->get_bool("PerfCounters", "on", false)) {
- gr_basic_block_viter_t p;
- for(p = d_blocks.begin(); p != d_blocks.end(); p++) {
- gr_block_sptr block = cast_to_block_sptr(*p);
- if(!block->is_pc_rpc_set())
- block->setup_pc_rpc();
- }
- }