path: root/gnuradio-core/doc/other
diff options
authoreb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2009-05-14 18:29:26 +0000
committereb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2009-05-14 18:29:26 +0000
commit349331a884594a9e242231bffb03112b8943883c (patch)
tree9d765ce9484f84eeb95e74facb1c522dd1ff90e2 /gnuradio-core/doc/other
parent18f685853b2bf1914148cb07a9c6df76f5063ff3 (diff)
Doc fixes. Merged eb/t367 -r11020:11025 to trunk. This changeset
moves the primary doxygen configuration under the top-level docs directory. It creates a new "docs" top-level component that can be enabled/disabled using the configure --disable-docs option. At this time, the --enable-doxygen option is still required to enable the generation of the doxygen documents. I think the flag should probably be removed, and default to "yes" if we find doxygen on the path. The user can disable the doc generation using --disable-docs if desired. The doxygen config file has been modified such that doxygen is now only run on the C++ sources. No attempt is made to process the python code using doxygen. This results in a less confusing set of docs for the the C++ API. Straightening out the python docs is left for later. Many classes are currently misclassified (\ingroup <wrong>). That will probably require another day of work, that I can't get to right now. git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-core/doc/other')
-rw-r--r--gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.pdfbin126474 -> 0 bytes
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1806 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/ b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e05d5d363..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2001,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
- \
- group_defs.dox \
- omnithread.html \
- omnithread.pdf \
- \
- shared_ptr_docstub.h \
- tv-channel-frequencies \
- vector_docstub.h
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/ b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
deleted file mode 100755
index 82fdb6bea1..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-__applicationName__ = "doxypy"
-__blurb__ = """
-doxypy is an input filter for Doxygen. It preprocesses python
-files so that docstrings of classes and functions are reformatted
-into Doxygen-conform documentation blocks.
-__doc__ = __blurb__ + \
-In order to make Doxygen preprocess files through doxypy, simply
-add the following lines to your Doxyfile:
- INPUT_FILTER = "python /path/to/"
-__version__ = "0.4.1"
-__date__ = "5th December 2008"
-__website__ = ""
-__author__ = (
- "Philippe 'demod' Neumann (doxypy at demod dot org)",
- "Gina 'foosel' Haeussge (gina at foosel dot net)"
-__licenseName__ = "GPL v2"
-__license__ = """This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import sys
-import re
-from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
-class FSM(object):
- """Implements a finite state machine.
- Transitions are given as 4-tuples, consisting of an origin state, a target
- state, a condition for the transition (given as a reference to a function
- which gets called with a given piece of input) and a pointer to a function
- to be called upon the execution of the given transition.
- """
- """
- @var transitions holds the transitions
- @var current_state holds the current state
- @var current_input holds the current input
- @var current_transition hold the currently active transition
- """
- def __init__(self, start_state=None, transitions=[]):
- self.transitions = transitions
- self.current_state = start_state
- self.current_input = None
- self.current_transition = None
- def setStartState(self, state):
- self.current_state = state
- def addTransition(self, from_state, to_state, condition, callback):
- self.transitions.append([from_state, to_state, condition, callback])
- def makeTransition(self, input):
- """ Makes a transition based on the given input.
- @param input input to parse by the FSM
- """
- for transition in self.transitions:
- [from_state, to_state, condition, callback] = transition
- if from_state == self.current_state:
- match = condition(input)
- if match:
- self.current_state = to_state
- self.current_input = input
- self.current_transition = transition
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# FSM: executing (%s -> %s) for line '%s'" % (from_state, to_state, input)
- callback(match)
- return
-class Doxypy(object):
- def __init__(self):
- string_prefixes = "[uU]?[rR]?"
- self.start_single_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*%s(''')" % string_prefixes)
- self.end_single_comment_re = re.compile("(''')\s*$")
- self.start_double_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*%s(\"\"\")" % string_prefixes)
- self.end_double_comment_re = re.compile("(\"\"\")\s*$")
- self.single_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*%s(''').*(''')\s*$" % string_prefixes)
- self.double_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*%s(\"\"\").*(\"\"\")\s*$" % string_prefixes)
- self.defclass_re = re.compile("^(\s*)(def .+:|class .+:)")
- self.empty_re = re.compile("^\s*$")
- self.hashline_re = re.compile("^\s*#.*$")
- self.importline_re = re.compile("^\s*(import |from .+ import)")
- self.multiline_defclass_start_re = re.compile("^(\s*)(def|class)(\s.*)?$")
- self.multiline_defclass_end_re = re.compile(":\s*$")
- ## Transition list format
- # ["FROM", "TO", condition, action]
- transitions = [
- # single line comments
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
- # multiline comments
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
- # other lines
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
- ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
- ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS",, self.resetCommentSearch],
- ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS_MULTI",, self.resetCommentSearch],
- ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.appendFileheadLine],
- # single line comments
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
- # multiline comments
- ["DEFCLASS", "COMMENT_SINGLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["COMMENT_SINGLE", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["COMMENT_SINGLE", "COMMENT_SINGLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["DEFCLASS", "COMMENT_DOUBLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["COMMENT_DOUBLE", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
- ["COMMENT_DOUBLE", "COMMENT_DOUBLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
- # other lines
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS",, self.appendDefclassLine],
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS",, self.resetCommentSearch],
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_MULTI",, self.resetCommentSearch],
- ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.stopCommentSearch],
- ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS",, self.startCommentSearch],
- ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS_MULTI",, self.startCommentSearch],
- ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.appendNormalLine],
- ["DEFCLASS_MULTI", "DEFCLASS",, self.appendDefclassLine],
- ["DEFCLASS_MULTI", "DEFCLASS_MULTI", self.catchall, self.appendDefclassLine],
- ]
- self.fsm = FSM("FILEHEAD", transitions)
- self.outstream = sys.stdout
- self.output = []
- self.comment = []
- self.filehead = []
- self.defclass = []
- self.indent = ""
- def __closeComment(self):
- """Appends any open comment block and triggering block to the output."""
- if options.autobrief:
- if len(self.comment) == 1 \
- or (len(self.comment) > 2 and self.comment[1].strip() == ''):
- self.comment[0] = self.__docstringSummaryToBrief(self.comment[0])
- if self.comment:
- block = self.makeCommentBlock()
- self.output.extend(block)
- if self.defclass:
- self.output.extend(self.defclass)
- def __docstringSummaryToBrief(self, line):
- """Adds \\brief to the docstrings summary line.
- A \\brief is prepended, provided no other doxygen command is at the
- start of the line.
- """
- stripped = line.strip()
- if stripped and not stripped[0] in ('@', '\\'):
- return "\\brief " + line
- else:
- return line
- def __flushBuffer(self):
- """Flushes the current outputbuffer to the outstream."""
- if self.output:
- try:
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# OUTPUT: ", self.output
- print >>self.outstream, "\n".join(self.output)
- self.outstream.flush()
- except IOError:
- # Fix for FS#33. Catches "broken pipe" when doxygen closes
- # stdout prematurely upon usage of INPUT_FILTER, INLINE_SOURCES
- pass
- self.output = []
- def catchall(self, input):
- """The catchall-condition, always returns true."""
- return True
- def resetCommentSearch(self, match):
- """Restarts a new comment search for a different triggering line.
- Closes the current commentblock and starts a new comment search.
- """
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: resetCommentSearch"
- self.__closeComment()
- self.startCommentSearch(match)
- def startCommentSearch(self, match):
- """Starts a new comment search.
- Saves the triggering line, resets the current comment and saves
- the current indentation.
- """
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: startCommentSearch"
- self.defclass = [self.fsm.current_input]
- self.comment = []
- self.indent =
- def stopCommentSearch(self, match):
- """Stops a comment search.
- Closes the current commentblock, resets the triggering line and
- appends the current line to the output.
- """
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: stopCommentSearch"
- self.__closeComment()
- self.defclass = []
- self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
- def appendFileheadLine(self, match):
- """Appends a line in the FILEHEAD state.
- Closes the open comment block, resets it and appends the current line.
- """
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: appendFileheadLine"
- self.__closeComment()
- self.comment = []
- self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
- def appendCommentLine(self, match):
- """Appends a comment line.
- The comment delimiter is removed from multiline start and ends as
- well as singleline comments.
- """
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: appendCommentLine"
- (from_state, to_state, condition, callback) = self.fsm.current_transition
- # single line comment
- if (from_state == "DEFCLASS" and to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY") \
- or (from_state == "FILEHEAD" and to_state == "FILEHEAD"):
- # remove comment delimiter from begin and end of the line
- activeCommentDelim =
- line = self.fsm.current_input
- self.comment.append(line[line.find(activeCommentDelim)+len(activeCommentDelim):line.rfind(activeCommentDelim)])
- if (to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY"):
- self.__closeComment()
- self.defclass = []
- # multiline start
- elif from_state == "DEFCLASS" or from_state == "FILEHEAD":
- # remove comment delimiter from begin of the line
- activeCommentDelim =
- line = self.fsm.current_input
- self.comment.append(line[line.find(activeCommentDelim)+len(activeCommentDelim):])
- # multiline end
- elif to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY" or to_state == "FILEHEAD":
- # remove comment delimiter from end of the line
- activeCommentDelim =
- line = self.fsm.current_input
- self.comment.append(line[0:line.rfind(activeCommentDelim)])
- if (to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY"):
- self.__closeComment()
- self.defclass = []
- # in multiline comment
- else:
- # just append the comment line
- self.comment.append(self.fsm.current_input)
- def appendNormalLine(self, match):
- """Appends a line to the output."""
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: appendNormalLine"
- self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
- def appendDefclassLine(self, match):
- """Appends a line to the triggering block."""
- if options.debug:
- print >>sys.stderr, "# CALLBACK: appendDefclassLine"
- self.defclass.append(self.fsm.current_input)
- def makeCommentBlock(self):
- """Indents the current comment block with respect to the current
- indentation level.
- @returns a list of indented comment lines
- """
- doxyStart = "##"
- commentLines = self.comment
- commentLines = map(lambda x: "%s# %s" % (self.indent, x), commentLines)
- l = [self.indent + doxyStart]
- l.extend(commentLines)
- return l
- def parse(self, input):
- """Parses a python file given as input string and returns the doxygen-
- compatible representation.
- @param input the python code to parse
- @returns the modified python code
- """
- lines = input.split("\n")
- for line in lines:
- self.fsm.makeTransition(line)
- if self.fsm.current_state == "DEFCLASS":
- self.__closeComment()
- return "\n".join(self.output)
- def parseFile(self, filename):
- """Parses a python file given as input string and returns the doxygen-
- compatible representation.
- @param input the python code to parse
- @returns the modified python code
- """
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- for line in f:
- self.parseLine(line.rstrip('\r\n'))
- if self.fsm.current_state == "DEFCLASS":
- self.__closeComment()
- self.__flushBuffer()
- f.close()
- def parseLine(self, line):
- """Parse one line of python and flush the resulting output to the
- outstream.
- @param line the python code line to parse
- """
- self.fsm.makeTransition(line)
- self.__flushBuffer()
-def optParse():
- """Parses commandline options."""
- parser = OptionParser(prog=__applicationName__, version="%prog " + __version__)
- parser.set_usage("%prog [options] filename")
- parser.add_option("--autobrief",
- action="store_true", dest="autobrief",
- help="use the docstring summary line as \\brief description"
- )
- parser.add_option("--debug",
- action="store_true", dest="debug",
- help="enable debug output on stderr"
- )
- ## parse options
- global options
- (options, filename) = parser.parse_args()
- if not filename:
- print >>sys.stderr, "No filename given."
- sys.exit(-1)
- return filename[0]
-def main():
- """Starts the parser on the file given by the filename as the first
- argument on the commandline.
- """
- filename = optParse()
- fsm = Doxypy()
- fsm.parseFile(filename)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/group_defs.dox b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/group_defs.dox
deleted file mode 100644
index 7373236cef..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/group_defs.dox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * \defgroup block Signal Processing Blocks
- * These are the signal processing blocks...
- * @{
- */
- * \defgroup source Signal Sources
- * signal sources docs...
- */
- * \defgroup sink Signal Sinks
- * docs for sinks...
- */
- * \defgroup filter Filters
- */
- * \defgroup converter Type Conversions
- */
- * \defgroup level Signal Level Control
- */
- * \defgroup clock Signal Clock Synchronization
- */
- * \defgroup dft Fourier Transformation
- */
- * \defgroup synch Synchronization
- */
- * \defgroup packet Packetization
- */
- * \defgroup logic Logical
- */
-/*! @} */
-/*! \defgroup filter_design Digital Filter Design */
-/*! \defgroup graphical Graphical Utilities */
-/*! \defgroup encdec Voice Encoders and Decoders */
-/*! \defgroup coding Information Coding and Decoding */
-/*! \defgroup modulation Signal Modulation */
-/*! \defgroup demodulation Signal Demodulation */
-/*! \defgroup flow Samples Flow Control */
-/*! \defgroup math Mathmatics */
-/*! \defgroup tools Tools */
-/*! \defgroup misc Miscellaneous */
-/*! \defgroup internal Implementation Details */
-/*! \defgroup base Misc Common Base Classes */
- * \defgroup applications Applications
- * These are some applications build using gnuradio...
- * @{
- */
- * \defgroup atsc ATSC
- * ATSC Applications...
- */
- * \defgroup radar Radar
- * Radar Applications...
- */
- * \defgroup pager Pager
- * Pager Applications
- */
- * \defgroup sounder Sounder
- * Channel Sounder
- */
-/*! @} */
-/*! \defgroup usrp USRP */
-/*! \defgroup usrp2 USRP2 */
-/*! \defgroup hardware Hardware */
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/main_page.dox b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/main_page.dox
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c37905fa1..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/main_page.dox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-/*! \mainpage
-Welcome to GNU Radio!
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.html b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5682d1d0b1..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.html
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<HEAD><TITLE>The OMNI Thread Abstraction</TITLE>
-<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<META name="GENERATOR" content="hevea 1.06">
-<BODY >
-<!--HEVEA command line is: /usr/local/bin/hevea omnithread -->
-<!--PREFIX <ARG ></ARG>-->
-<!--CUT DEF section 1 -->
-<H1 ALIGN=center>The OMNI Thread Abstraction</H1>
-<H3 ALIGN=center>Tristan Richardson<BR>
-AT&amp;T Laboratories Cambridge<BR>
-<H3 ALIGN=center><I>Revised</I> November 2001</H3>
-<!--TOC section Introduction-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc1">1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction</H2><!--SEC END -->
-The OMNI thread abstraction is designed to provide a common set of
-thread operations for use in programs written in C++. Programs
-written using the abstraction should be much easier to port between
-different architectures with different underlying threads primitives.<BR>
-The programming interface is designed to be similar to the C language
-interface to POSIX threads (IEEE draft standard 1003.1c --- previously
-1003.4a, often known as ``pthreads'' [<A HREF="#pthreads"><CITE>POSIX94</CITE></A>]).<BR>
-Much of the abstraction consists of simple C++ object wrappers around
-pthread calls. However for some features such as thread-specific
-data, a better interface can be offered because of the use of C++.<BR>
-Some of the more complex features of pthreads are not supported
-because of the difficulty of ensuring the same features can be offered
-on top of other thread systems. Such features include thread
-cancellation and complex scheduling control (though simple thread
-priorities are supported).<BR>
-The abstraction layer is currently implemented for the following
-architectures / thread systems:
-<UL><LI>Solaris 2.x using pthreads draft 10
-<LI>Solaris 2.x using solaris threads (but pthreads version is now standard)
-<LI>Alpha OSF1 using pthreads draft 4
-<LI>Windows NT using NT threads
-<LI>Linux 2.x using Linuxthread 0.5 (which is based on pthreads draft 10)
-<LI>Linux 2.x using MIT pthreads (which is based on draft 8)
-<LI>ATMos using pthreads draft 6 (but not Virata ATMos)</UL>
-See the <TT>omnithread.h</TT> header file for full details of the API.
-The descriptions below assume you have some previous knowledge of
-threads, mutexes, condition variables and semaphores. Also refer to
-other documentation ([<A HREF="#birrell"><CITE>Birrell89</CITE></A>], [<A HREF="#pthreads"><CITE>POSIX94</CITE></A>]) for further
-explanation of these ideas (particularly condition variables, the use
-of which may not be particularly intuitive when first encountered).<BR>
-<!--TOC section Synchronisation objects-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc2">2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Synchronisation objects</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Synchronisation objects are used to synchronise threads within the
-same process. There is no inter-process synchronisation provided.
-The synchronisation objects provided are mutexes, condition variables
-and counting semaphores.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Mutex-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc3">2.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Mutex</H3><!--SEC END -->
-An object of type <TT>omni_mutex</TT> is used for mutual exclusion.
-It provides two operations, <TT>lock()</TT> and <TT>unlock()</TT>.
-The alternative names <TT>acquire()</TT> and <TT>release()</TT> can be
-used if preferred. Behaviour is undefined when a thread attempts to
-lock the same mutex again or when a mutex is locked by one thread and
-unlocked by a different thread.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Condition Variable-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc4">2.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Condition Variable</H3><!--SEC END -->
-A condition variable is represented by an <TT>omni_condition</TT> and
-is used for signalling between threads. A call to <TT>wait()</TT>
-causes a thread to wait on the condition variable. A call to
-<TT>signal()</TT> wakes up at least one thread if any are waiting. A
-call to <TT>broadcast()</TT> wakes up all threads waiting on the
-condition variable.<BR>
-When constructed, a pointer to an <TT>omni_mutex</TT> must be given.
-A condition variable <TT>wait()</TT> has an implicit mutex
-<TT>unlock()</TT> and <TT>lock()</TT> around it. The link between
-condition variable and mutex lasts for the lifetime of the condition
-variable (unlike pthreads where the link is only for the duration of
-the wait). The same mutex may be used with several condition
-A wait with a timeout can be achieved by calling
-<TT>timed_wait()</TT>. This is given an absolute time to wait until.
-The routine <TT>omni_thread::get_time()</TT> can be used to turn a
-relative time into an absolute time. <TT>timed_wait()</TT> returns
-<TT>true</TT> if the condition was signalled, <TT>false</TT> if the
-time expired before the condition variable was signalled.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection Counting semaphores-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc5">2.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Counting semaphores</H3><!--SEC END -->
-An <TT>omni_semaphore</TT> is a counting semaphore. When created it
-is given an initial unsigned integer value. When <TT>wait()</TT> is
-called, the value is decremented if non-zero. If the value is zero
-then the thread blocks instead. When <TT>post()</TT> is called, if
-any threads are blocked in <TT>wait()</TT>, exactly one thread is
-woken. If no threads were blocked then the value of the semaphore is
-If a thread calls <TT>try_wait()</TT>, then the thread won't block if
-the semaphore's value is 0, returning <TT>false</TT> instead.<BR>
-There is no way of querying the value of the semaphore.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Thread object-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc6">3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Thread object</H2><!--SEC END -->
-A thread is represented by an <TT>omni_thread</TT> object. There are
-broadly two different ways in which it can be used.<BR>
-The first way is simply to create an <TT>omni_thread</TT> object,
-giving a particular function which the thread should execute. This is
-like the POSIX (or any other) C language interface.<BR>
-The second method of use is to create a new class which inherits from
-<TT>omni_thread</TT>. In this case the thread will execute the
-<TT>run()</TT> member function of the new class. One advantage of
-this scheme is that thread-specific data can be implemented simply by
-having data members of the new class.<BR>
-When constructed a thread is in the "new" state and has not actually
-started. A call to <TT>start()</TT> causes the thread to begin
-executing. A static member function <TT>create()</TT> is provided to
-construct and start a thread in a single call. A thread exits by
-calling <TT>exit()</TT> or by returning from the thread function.<BR>
-Threads can be either detached or undetached. Detached threads are
-threads for which all state will be lost upon exit. Other threads
-cannot determine when a detached thread will disappear, and therefore
-should not attempt to access the thread object unless some explicit
-synchronisation with the detached thread guarantees that it still
-Undetached threads are threads for which storage is not reclaimed
-until another thread waits for its termination by calling
-<TT>join()</TT>. An exit value can be passed from an undetached
-thread to the thread which joins it.<BR>
-Detached / undetached threads are distinguished on creation by the
-type of function they execute. Undetached threads execute a function
-which has a <TT>void*</TT> return type, whereas detached threads
-execute a function which has a <TT>void</TT> return type.
-Unfortunately C++ member functions are not allowed to be distinguished
-simply by their return type. Thus in the case of a derived class of
-<TT>omni_thread</TT> which needs an undetached thread, the member
-function executed by the thread is called <TT>run_undetached()</TT>
-rather than <TT>run()</TT>, and it is started by calling
-<TT>start_undetached()</TT> instead of <TT>start()</TT>.<BR>
-The abstraction currently supports three priorities of thread, but no
-guarantee is made of how this will affect underlying thread
-scheduling. The three priorities are <TT>PRIORITY_LOW</TT>,
-threads run at <TT>PRIORITY_NORMAL</TT>. A different priority can be
-specified on thread creation, or while the thread is running using
-<TT>set_priority().</TT> A thread's current priority is returned by
-Other functions provided are <TT>self()</TT> which returns the calling
-thread's <TT>omni_thread</TT> object, <TT>yield()</TT> which
-requests that other threads be allowed to run, <TT>id()</TT> which
-returns an integer id for the thread for use in debugging,
-<TT>state()</TT>, <TT>sleep()</TT> and <TT>get_time()</TT>.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Per-thread data-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc7">4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Per-thread data</H2><!--SEC END -->
-omnithread supports per-thread data, via member functions of the
-<TT>omni_thread</TT> object.<BR>
-First, you must allocate a key for with the
-<TT>omni_thread::allocate_key()</TT> function. Then, any object
-whose class is derived from <TT>omni_thread::value_t</TT> can be
-stored using the <TT>set_value()</TT> function. Values are retrieved
-or removed with <TT>get_value()</TT> and <TT>remove_value()</TT>
-When the thread exits, all per-thread data is deleted (hence the base
-class with virtual destructor).<BR>
-Note that the per-thread data functions are <B>not</B> thread safe,
-so although you can access one thread's storage from another thread,
-there is no concurrency control. Unless you really know what you are
-doing, it is best to only access per-thread data from the thread it is
-attached to.<BR>
-<!--TOC section Using OMNI threads in your program-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc8">5</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Using OMNI threads in your program</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Obviously you need to include the <TT>omnithread.h</TT> header file in
-your source code, and link in the omnithread library with your
-executable. Because there is a single <TT>omnithread.h</TT> for all
-platforms, certain preprocessor defines must be given as compiler
-options. The easiest way to do this is to study the makefiles given
-in the examples provided with this distribution. If you are to
-include OMNI threads in your own development environment, these are
-the necessary preprocessor defines:<BR>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Platform</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Preprocessor Defines</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Sun Solaris 2.x</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__sunos__ -D__sparc__ -D__OSVERSION__=5</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>x86 Linux 2.0</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__linux__ -D__i86__ -D__OSVERSION__=2</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>with linuxthreads 0.5</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Digital Unix 3.2</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>-D__osf1__ -D__alpha__ -D__OSVERSION__=3</CODE></TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>Windows NT</TD>
-<!--TOC section Threaded I/O shutdown for Unix-->
-<H2><A NAME="htoc9">6</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;Threaded I/O shutdown for Unix</H2><!--SEC END -->
-or, how one thread should tell another thread to shut down when it
-might be doing a blocking call on a socket.<BR>
-<B>If you are using omniORB, you don't need to worry about all
-this, since omniORB does it for you.</B> This section is only relevant
-if you are using omnithread in your own socket-based programming. It
-is also seriously out of date.<BR>
-Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a standard way of doing this
-which works across all Unix systems. I have investigated the
-behaviour of Solaris 2.5 and Digital Unix 3.2. On Digital Unix
-everything is fine, as the obvious method using shutdown() seems to
-work OK. Unfortunately on Solaris shutdown can only be used on a
-connected socket, so we need devious means to get around this
-limitation. The details are summarised below:<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection read()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc10">6.1</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;read()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A is in a loop, doing <CODE>read(sock)</CODE>, processing the data,
-then going back into the read.<BR>
-Thread B comes along and wants to shut it down --- it can't cancel
-thread A since (i) working out how to clean up according to where A is
-in its loop is a nightmare, and (ii) this isn't available in
-omnithread anyway.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5 and Digital Unix 3.2 the following strategy works:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-At this point thread A is either blocked inside <CODE>read(sock)</CODE>, or
-is elsewhere in the loop. If the former then read will return 0,
-indicating that the socket is closed. If the latter then eventually
-thread A will call <CODE>read(sock)</CODE> and then this will return 0.
-Thread A should <CODE>close(sock)</CODE>, do any other tidying up, and exit.<BR>
-If there is another point in the loop that thread A can block then
-obviously thread B needs to be aware of this and be able to wake it up
-in the appropriate way from that point.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection accept()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc11">6.2</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;accept()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Again thread A is in a loop, this time doing an accept on listenSock,
-dealing with a new connection and going back into accept. Thread B
-wants to cancel it.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2 the strategy is identical to that for read:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(listenSock,2)</CODE>. Wherever thread A is in
-the loop, eventually it will return <CODE>ECONNABORTED</CODE> from the
-accept call. It should <CODE>close(listenSock)</CODE>, tidy up as necessary
-and exit.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5 thread B can't do <CODE>shutdown(listenSock,2)</CODE> ---
-this returns <CODE>ENOTCONN</CODE>. Instead the following strategy can be
-First thread B sets some sort of "shutdown flag" associated with
-listenSock. Then it does <CODE>getsockaddr(listenSock)</CODE> to find out
-which port listenSock is on (or knows already), sets up a socket
-dummySock, does <CODE>connect(dummySock,</CODE> <CODE>this host, port)</CODE> and
-finally does <CODE>close(dummySock)</CODE>.<BR>
-Wherever thread A is in the loop, eventually it will call
-<CODE>accept(listenSock)</CODE>. This will return successfully with a new
-socket, say connSock. Thread A then checks to see if the "shutdown
-flag" is set. If not, then it's a normal connection. If it is set,
-then thread A closes listenSock and connSock, tidies up and exits.<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection write()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc12">6.3</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;write()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A may be blocked in write, or about to go in to a
-potentially-blocking write. Thread B wants to shut it down.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>write(sock)</CODE> then it will return with
-<CODE>ENXIO</CODE>. If thread A calls write after thread B calls shutdown
-this will return <CODE>EIO</CODE>.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>write(sock)</CODE> then it will return the
-number of bytes written before it became blocked. A subsequent call
-to write will then generate <CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> (or <CODE>EPIPE</CODE> will be
-returned if <CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> is ignored by the thread).<BR>
-<!--TOC subsection connect()-->
-<H3><A NAME="htoc13">6.4</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;connect()</H3><!--SEC END -->
-Thread A may be blocked in connect, or about to go in to a
-potentially-blocking connect. Thread B wants to shut it down.<BR>
-On Digital Unix 3.2:<BR>
-Thread B does <CODE>shutdown(sock,2)</CODE>.<BR>
-If thread A is already in <CODE>connect(sock)</CODE> then it will return a
-successful connection. Subsequent reading or writing will show that
-the socket has been shut down (i.e. read returns 0, write generates
-<CODE>SIGPIPE</CODE> or returns <CODE>EPIPE</CODE>). If thread A calls connect
-after thread B calls shutdown this will return <CODE>EINVAL</CODE>.<BR>
-On Solaris 2.5:<BR>
-There is no way to wake up a thread which is blocked in connect.
-Instead Solaris forces us through a ridiculous procedure whichever way
-we try it. One way is this:<BR>
-First thread A creates a pipe in addition to the socket. Instead of
-shutting down the socket, thread B simply writes a byte to the pipe.<BR>
-Thread A meanwhile sets the socket to non-blocking mode using
-<CODE>fcntl(sock,</CODE> <CODE>F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)</CODE>. Then it calls connect
-on the socket --- this will return <CODE>EINPROGRESS</CODE>. Then it must
-call <CODE>select()</CODE>, waiting for either sock to become writable or
-for the pipe to become readable. If select returns that just sock is
-writable then the connection has succeeded. It then needs to set the
-socket back to blocking mode using <CODE>fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, 0)</CODE>. If
-instead select returns that the pipe is readable, thread A closes the
-socket, tidies up and exits.<BR>
-An alternative method is similar but to use polling instead of the
-pipe. Thread B justs sets a flag and thread A calls select with a
-timeout, periodically waking up to see if the flag has been set.<BR>
-<!--TOC section References-->
-<H2>References</H2><!--SEC END -->
-<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><A NAME="pthreads"><FONT COLOR=purple>[POSIX94]</FONT></A><DD>
-<EM>Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Threads Extension</EM>,
-P1003.1c Draft 10,
-September 1994.<BR>
-<DT><A NAME="birrell"><FONT COLOR=purple>[Birrell89]</FONT></A><DD>
-<EM>An Introduction to Programming with Threads</EM>,
-Research Report 35,
-DEC Systems Research Center,
-Palo Alto, CA,
-January 1989.</DL>
-<HR SIZE=2>
-<BLOCKQUOTE><EM>This document was translated from L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X by
-</EM><A HREF=""><EM>H<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>V<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>A</EM></A><EM>.
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.pdf b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/omnithread.pdf
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index b542187448..0000000000
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+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
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-% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
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-% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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-% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
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-% 0x10
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-% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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- % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
- % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
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-% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
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- /macron
-% 0xD0
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- /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
-% 0xD0
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-% 0xE0
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- /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
- /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
-% 0xF0
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- /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
-] def
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-(condition) g(varia) r(ble.) 362 3503 y(When) 30 b(constr) o(ucte) n
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-(ed) f(befor) n(e) g(the) h(condition) f(vari) r(-) 221
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-(ead) g(won't) h(block) h(if) f(the) g(semaphor) n(e's) 63
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-1426 y(ent) f(ways) i(in) g(which) g(it) g(can) g(be) g(used) n(.) 204
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-(begin) g(executing.) 47 b(A) 29 b(static) h(member) f(function) p
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-(ead) h(guar) n(-) 63 3245 y(antees) e(that) h(it) h(still) g(exists.)
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-(for) h(which) g(storage) f(is) h(not) f(r) n(eclai) r(med) g(until) i
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-(to) g(the) g(thr) n(ead) g(which) h(joins) g(it.) 204
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-(distinguish) n(ed) f(on) f(cr) n(eation) h(by) g(the) f(type) g(of) 63
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-(eas) f(detached) f(thr) n(eads) h(execute) f(a) j(function) f(which) g
-(has) g(a) p Fd 21 w(void) p Fg 19 w(r) n(eturn) 63 4042
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-(ar) n(e) h(not) f(allowed) g(to) g(be) h(distingu) n(ished) 63
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-b(Thus) 26 b(in) h(the) f(case) h(of) g(a) g(derived) f(class) h(of) p
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-(function) g(execute) n(d) g(by) g(the) f(thr) n(ead) g(is) 63
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-(is) g(started) e(by) i(calli) r(ng) p Fd 18 w(star) n(t_) 63
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-Fd 22 w(start) n(\(\)) p Fg(.) 204 4610 y(The) i(abstraction) i(curr) n
-(ently) e(suppo) n(rts) h(thr) n(ee) f(priorities) g(of) h(thr) n(ead,)
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-g(will) h(af) n(f) r(ect) f(underlying) f(thr) n(ead) h(scheduling.) 59
-b(The) 33 b(thr) n(ee) f(priori-) 63 4835 y(ties) 18
-b(ar) n(e) p Fd 20 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_LOW) p Fg(,) p
-Fd 18 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_NOR) n(MAL) p Fg 19 w(and) p
-Fd 19 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_HIG) n(H) p Fg(.) h(By) g(default) g(all) 63
-4948 y(thr) n(eads) i(r) o(un) i(at) p Fd 23 w(PRIO) n(RITY) n(_NORM) n
-(AL) p Fg(.) f(A) g(dif) n(fer) n(ent) h(priority) f(can) i(be) e
-(speci\002ed) g(on) g(thr) n(ead) 63 5061 y(cr) n(eation,) h(or) f
-(while) h(the) f(thr) n(ead) g(is) h(r) o(unning) g(using) p
-Fd 22 w(set_) n(prio) n(rity\() n(\).) p Fg 28 w(A) g(thr) n(ead's) f
-(cur) n(-) 63 5174 y(r) n(ent) g(priority) g(is) g(r) n(eturned) f(by) p
-Fd 23 w(pri) n(ority) n(\(\)) p Fg(.) 204 5290 y(Other) d(functions) g
-(pr) n(ovided) g(ar) n(e) p Fd 19 w(sel) n(f\(\)) p Fg
-18 w(which) h(r) n(eturns) e(the) h(calli) r(ng) g(thr) n(ead's) p
-Fd 18 w(omn) n(i_) 63 5403 y(thr) n(ead) p Fg 36 w(object,) p
-Fd 40 w(yie) n(ld\(\)) p Fg 35 w(which) 38 b(r) n(eques) n(ts) e(that) h
-(other) e(thr) n(eads) h(be) h(allowed) g(to) f(r) o(un,) p
-90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 4 4
-4 3 bop Fg 221 249 a(4) p Fe 1367 w(6) 91 b(THRE) n(ADED) 23
-b(I/O) g(SHUTDOWN) f(FOR) g(UNIX) p Fd 221 548 a(id\(\)) p
-Fg 27 w(which) 29 b(r) n(eturns) e(an) i(intege) n(r) g(id) f(for) h
-(the) e(thr) n(ead) h(for) g(use) g(in) h(debug) n(ging,) p
-Fd 29 w(state) n(\(\)) p Fg(,) p Fd 221 661 a(slee) n(p\(\)) p
-Fg 22 w(and) p Fd 22 w(get_t) n(ime\() n(\)) p Fg(.) p
-Fh 221 953 a(4) 119 b(Per) n(-threa) n(d) 30 b(data) p
-Fg 221 1164 a(omnithr) n(ead) 22 b(suppo) n(rts) g(per) n(-thr) n(ead) f
-(data,) h(via) i(member) e(functions) f(of) i(the) p
-Fd 21 w(omni) n(_thr) n(ead) p Fg 221 1277 a(object.) 362
-1390 y(First,) d(you) g(must) h(allocate) h(a) f(key) f(for) g(with) h
-(the) p Fd 20 w(omni) n(_thre) n(ad::) n(allo) n(cate_) n(key\() n(\)) p
-Fg 221 1502 a(function.) 28 b(Then,) 21 b(any) h(object) g(whose) f
-(class) h(is) g(derived) f(fr) n(om) p Fd 23 w(omni) n(_thr) n(ead::) n
-(valu) n(e_t) p Fg 221 1615 a(can) 27 b(be) f(stor) n(e) n(d) g(using) f
-(the) p Fd 26 w(set) n(_val) n(ue\(\)) p Fg 25 w(function.) 38
-b(V) -8 b(alues) 25 b(ar) n(e) h(r) n(etrieved) f(or) h(r) n(emoved) 221
-1728 y(with) p Fd 23 w(get) n(_valu) n(e\(\)) p Fg 21
-w(and) p Fd 23 w(remo) n(ve_v) n(alue\() n(\)) p Fg 22
-w(r) n(espectively) -10 b(.) 362 1841 y(When) 23 b(the) g(thr) n(ead) g
-(exits,) g(all) i(per) n(-thr) n(ead) e(data) h(is) g(delet) n(ed) f
-(\(hence) h(the) e(base) i(class) g(with) 221 1954 y(virtual) g(dest) n
-(r) o(uctor\).) 362 2067 y(Note) 17 b(that) i(the) f(per) n(-thr) n
-(ead) f(data) i(functions) f(ar) n(e) p Fb 19 w(not) p
-Fg 18 w(thr) n(ead) g(safe,) i(so) d(although) i(you) e(can) 221
-2180 y(access) 29 b(one) e(thr) n(ead's) h(storage) f(fr) n(om) i
-(another) f(thr) n(ead,) h(ther) n(e) e(is) i(no) f(concurr) n(ency) g
-(contr) n(ol.) 221 2293 y(Unless) j(you) g(r) n(eall) r(y) h(know) f
-(what) h(you) f(ar) n(e) i(doing,) g(it) g(is) f(best) f(to) h(only) g
-(access) g(per) n(-thr) n(ead) 221 2406 y(data) 23 b(fr) n(om) g(the) f
-(thr) n(ead) g(it) h(is) g(attached) f(to.) p Fh 221
-2698 a(5) 119 b(Using) 31 b(OMNI) d(threads) h(in) h(your) g(program) p
-Fg 221 2909 a(Obvi) r(ously) 16 b(you) h(need) g(to) g(include) h(the) p
-Fd 16 w(omnit) n(hrea) n(d.h) p Fg 17 w(header) e(\002le) i(in) g(your)
-f(sour) n(ce) g(code,) 221 3021 y(and) 25 b(link) g(in) h(the) e
-(omnithr) n(ead) g(libra) r(ry) g(with) h(your) f(execut) n(abl) r(e.)
-34 b(Because) 23 b(ther) n(e) h(is) h(a) g(single) p
-Fd 221 3134 a(omni) n(threa) n(d.h) p Fg 30 w(for) 32
-b(all) h(platforms,) h(certain) e(pr) n(epr) n(oces) n(sor) f
-(de\002nes) f(must) h(be) g(given) h(as) 221 3247 y(compiler) 25
-b(options) n(.) 33 b(The) 23 b(easiest) g(way) h(to) g(do) f(this) h
-(is) g(to) g(stud) n(y) g(the) g(make\002les) f(given) h(in) h(the) 221
-3360 y(examples) i(pr) n(ovided) g(with) g(this) g(distribution.) 42
-b(If) 27 b(you) g(ar) n(e) g(to) g(include) h(OMNI) f(thr) n(eads) g
-(in) 221 3473 y(your) 18 b(own) g(development) g(envir) n(onment,) h
-(thes) n(e) g(ar) n(e) g(the) f(necessary) g(pr) n(epr) n(oce) n(ssor) g
-(de\002nes) n(:) p 362 3567 3287 4 v 360 3680 4 113 v
-412 3646 a(Platform) p 1312 3680 V 599 w(Pr) n(epr) n(ocess) n(or) 23
-b(De\002nes) p 3648 3680 V 362 3683 3287 4 v 362 3700
-V 360 3813 4 113 v 412 3779 a(Sun) f(Solaris) h(2.x) p
-1312 3813 V Fd 365 w(-D__) n(suno) n(s__) 54 b(-D_) n(_spa) n(rc__) f
-(-D__) n(OSVER) n(SION) n(__=5) p 3648 3813 V 360 3926
-V 1312 3926 V 1363 3892 a(-DSV) n(R4) h(-DUs) n(ePth) n(read) f(-D_R) n
-(EENT) n(RANT) p 3648 3926 V 362 3929 3287 4 v 360 4042
-4 113 v Fg 412 4008 a(x86) 24 b(Linux) e(2.0) p 1312
-4042 V Fd 418 w(-D__) n(linu) n(x__) 54 b(-D_) n(_i86) n(__) g(-D__) n
-(OSVE) n(RSION) n(__=2) p 3648 4042 V 360 4155 V Fg 412
-4121 a(with) 23 b(linuxthr) n(eads) f(0.5) p 1312 4155
-V Fd 100 w(-D_R) n(EENT) n(RANT) p 3648 4155 V 362 4158
-3287 4 v 360 4271 4 113 v Fg 412 4237 a(Digital) i(Unix) f(3.2) p
-1312 4271 V Fd 320 w(-D__) n(osf1) n(__) 54 b(-D__) n(alph) n(a__) g
-(-D_) n(_OSV) n(ERSIO) n(N__=) n(3) p 3648 4271 V 360
-4384 V 1312 4384 V 1363 4350 a(-D_R) n(EENT) n(RANT) p
-3648 4384 V 362 4387 3287 4 v 360 4500 4 113 v Fg 412
-4466 a(W) -5 b(indows) 22 b(NT) p 1312 4500 V Fd 411
-w(-D__) n(NT__) 53 b(-MD) p 3648 4500 V 362 4503 3287
-4 v Fh 221 4740 a(6) 119 b(Threaded) 29 b(I/O) g(shutdown) h(for) g
-(Unix) p Fg 221 4951 a(or) -7 b(,) 20 b(how) e(one) g(thr) n(ead) h
-(shou) n(ld) h(tell) f(another) f(thr) n(ead) g(to) h(shut) f(down) g
-(when) g(it) h(might) g(be) g(doing) 221 5064 y(a) k(blocking) g(cal) r
-(l) g(on) f(a) h(socket) n(.) p Fb 362 5177 a(If) h(you) e(are) i
-(using) e(omniOR) n(B,) h(you) e(don') n(t) i(need) g(to) g(worry) f
-(about) g(all) i(this,) f(since) h(om-) 221 5290 y(niORB) i(does) h(it)
-h(for) f(you) n(.) p Fg 41 w(This) g(section) f(is) h(only) g(r) n
-(elevant) g(if) h(you) e(ar) n(e) h(using) f(omnithr) n(ead) 221
-5403 y(in) d(your) f(own) g(socket) n(-based) h(pr) n(ogramming.) k(It)
-22 b(is) h(also) g(serious) n(ly) g(out) f(of) h(date.) p
-90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 5 5
-5 4 bop Fe 63 249 a(6.1) 91 b(r) n(ead\(\)) p Fg 2800
-w(5) 204 548 y(Unfortunate) n(ly) 35 b(ther) n(e) e(doe) n(sn't) h
-(seem) f(to) h(be) g(a) h(standar) n(d) e(way) i(of) f(doing) f(this) h
-(which) 63 661 y(works) 19 b(acr) n(oss) i(all) i(Unix) e(syst) n(ems.)
-27 b(I) 21 b(have) g(investigated) f(the) h(behaviour) g(of) g(Solaris)
-h(2.5) g(and) 63 774 y(Digital) k(Unix) g(3.2.) 36 b(On) 26
-b(Digital) h(Unix) e(everyth) n(ing) h(is) f(\002ne,) g(as) h(the) e
-(obvious) h(method) f(using) 63 887 y(shutd) n(own\(\)) 32
-b(seems) f(to) h(work) f(OK.) h(Unfortunately) f(on) h(Solaris) h(shut)
-n(down) f(can) h(only) f(be) 63 1000 y(used) 25 b(on) h(a) h(connected)
-e(socke) n(t,) i(so) f(we) g(need) f(devious) h(means) g(to) g(get) f
-(ar) n(ound) h(this) g(lim) r(ita-) 63 1112 y(tion.) h(The) 22
-b(details) g(ar) n(e) h(summarised) g(below:) p Fc 63
-1429 a(6.1) 99 b(read\(\)) p Fg 63 1627 a(Thr) n(ead) 28
-b(A) h(is) g(in) h(a) g(loop,) g(doing) p Fd 28 w(rea) n(d\(soc) n(k\))
-p Fg(,) g(pr) n(ocess) n(ing) f(the) g(data,) h(then) f(going) f(back)
-63 1739 y(into) 22 b(the) g(r) n(ead.) 204 1862 y(Thr) n(ead) 30
-b(B) h(comes) f(along) h(and) g(wants) f(to) g(shut) g(it) h(down) f
-(\227) h(it) g(can't) g(cancel) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) 63
-1975 y(since) 21 b(\(i\)) h(working) e(out) g(how) g(to) h(clean) h(up)
-e(accor) n(ding) i(to) e(wher) n(e) g(A) h(is) g(in) h(its) f(loop) f
-(is) h(a) h(night-) 63 2088 y(mar) n(e,) h(and) f(\(ii\)) i(this) f
-(isn't) f(ava) r(ilabl) r(e) g(in) h(omnithr) n(ead) f(anyway) -10
-b(.) 204 2211 y(On) 23 b(Solaris) g(2.5) g(and) g(Digital) h(Unix) f
-(3.2) g(the) f(following) h(strate) n(gy) f(works:) 204
-2334 y(Thr) n(ead) g(B) g(does) p Fd 21 w(shut) n(down\() n(sock) n
-(,2\)) p Fg(.) 204 2457 y(At) g(this) g(point) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is)
-h(either) f(blocked) g(inside) p Fd 23 w(rea) n(d\(so) n(ck\)) p
-Fg(,) g(or) g(is) h(elsewhe) n(r) n(e) g(in) 63 2570
-y(the) 18 b(loop.) 26 b(If) 18 b(the) g(former) h(then) f(r) n(ead) h
-(will) h(r) n(eturn) e(0,) i(indicating) f(that) g(the) f(socke) n(t) h
-(is) g(closed.) 26 b(If) 63 2683 y(the) 21 b(latter) h(then) f
-(eventually) h(thr) n(ead) g(A) g(will) i(call) p Fd
-24 w(rea) n(d\(so) n(ck\)) p Fg 21 w(and) f(then) e(this) h(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) 63 2796 y(0.) 28 b(Thr) n(ead) 22 b(A) h(should) p
-Fd 21 w(clos) n(e\(soc) n(k\)) p Fg(,) f(do) g(any) g(other) g(tidying)
-f(up,) h(and) h(exit.) 204 2919 y(If) 34 b(ther) n(e) g(is) h(another) f
-(point) g(in) h(the) e(loop) i(that) f(thr) n(ead) g(A) h(can) g(block)
-g(then) f(obviously) 63 3032 y(thr) n(ead) 19 b(B) h(needs) f(to) h(be)
-g(awar) n(e) h(of) f(this) g(and) g(be) h(able) g(to) e(wake) h(it) h
-(up) f(in) g(the) g(appr) n(opriate) g(way) 63 3145 y(fr) n(om) j(that)
-f(point.) p Fc 63 3462 a(6.2) 99 b(accept\(\)) p Fg 63
-3659 a(Again) 25 b(thr) n(ead) g(A) h(is) f(in) h(a) g(loop,) g(this) f
-(time) h(doing) e(an) i(acc) r(ept) e(on) h(listenSock,) g(dealing) h
-(with) 63 3772 y(a) d(new) f(connection) g(and) h(going) e(back) j
-(into) e(accept.) 28 b(Thr) n(ead) 22 b(B) g(wants) h(to) f(cancel) h
-(it.) 204 3895 y(On) g(Digital) h(Unix) f(3.2) g(the) f(strateg) n(y) g
-(is) h(identical) h(to) e(that) g(for) h(r) n(ead:) 204
-4018 y(Thr) n(ead) 39 b(B) g(does) p Fd 38 w(shut) n(down) n(\(list) n
-(enSo) n(ck,2) n(\)) p Fg(.) 79 b(Wher) n(ever) 38 b(thr) n(ead) h(A) h
-(is) f(in) h(the) 63 4131 y(loop,) i(eventually) c(it) h(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) p Fd 38 w(ECONN) n(ABOR) n(TED) p Fg 38 w(fr) n(om) f(the) f
-(accept) h(call) r(.) 76 b(It) 39 b(shou) n(ld) p Fd
-63 4244 a(clo) n(se\(l) n(isten) n(Sock) n(\)) p Fg(,) 22
-b(tidy) g(up) g(as) h(necessary) e(and) i(exit.) 204
-4367 y(On) 30 b(Solaris) f(2.5) i(thr) n(ead) e(B) g(can't) h(do) p
-Fd 29 w(shu) n(tdow) n(n\(lis) n(tenS) n(ock,2) n(\)) p
-Fg 29 w(\227) g(this) f(r) n(eturns) p Fd 63 4480 a(ENO) n(TCON) n(N) p
-Fg(.) 22 b(Instead) f(the) h(following) h(strateg) n(y) g(can) g(be) g
-(used) n(:) 204 4603 y(First) 35 b(thr) n(ead) h(B) g(set) n(s) g(some)
-f(sort) g(of) h("shutdo) n(wn) g(\003ag") g(associated) g(with) g
-(listenSock.) 63 4716 y(Then) 31 b(it) h(does) p Fd 30
-w(gets) n(ocka) n(ddr\(l) n(iste) n(nSock) n(\)) p Fg
-32 w(to) f(\002nd) g(out) g(which) i(port) e(listenSock) f(is) 63
-4828 y(on) 18 b(\(or) h(knows) e(alr) n(eady\),) j(sets) d(up) h(a) h
-(socket) e(dummySock,) i(doe) n(s) p Fd 19 w(con) n(nect) n(\(dumm) n
-(ySoc) n(k,) 63 4941 y(thi) n(s) 54 b(host,) f(por) n(t\)) p
-Fg 22 w(and) 23 b(\002nally) g(does) p Fd 21 w(clos) n(e\(dum) n(mySo) n
-(ck\)) p Fg(.) 204 5064 y(Wher) n(ever) 16 b(thr) n(ead) h(A) g(is) g
-(in) h(the) e(loop,) h(eventually) g(it) h(will) g(call) p
-Fd 19 w(acce) n(pt\(li) n(sten) n(Sock) n(\)) p Fg(.) 63
-5177 y(This) 35 b(will) j(r) n(eturn) d(successfully) g(with) h(a) h
-(new) e(socket,) j(say) e(connSock.) 67 b(Thr) n(ead) 36
-b(A) f(then) 63 5290 y(checks) 20 b(to) h(see) f(if) i(the) f("shutd) n
-(own) g(\003ag") h(is) f(set.) 26 b(If) c(not,) e(then) h(it's) g(a) h
-(normal) g(connection.) 27 b(If) 21 b(it) 63 5403 y(is) h(set,) g(then)
-f(thr) n(ead) h(A) h(closes) f(listenSock) f(and) i(connSock,) e
-(tidies) h(up) g(and) h(exits.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 6 6
-6 5 bop Fg 221 249 a(6) p Fe 1367 w(6) 91 b(THRE) n(ADED) 23
-b(I/O) g(SHUTDOWN) f(FOR) g(UNIX) p Fc 221 548 a(6.3) 99
-b(write\(\)) p Fg 221 768 a(Thr) n(ead) 19 b(A) f(may) h(be) g(blocked)
-f(in) i(write,) f(or) f(about) h(to) f(go) g(in) h(to) g(a) g(poten) n
-(tiall) r(y-blocking) g(write.) 221 881 y(Thr) n(ead) j(B) h(wants) f
-(to) g(shut) f(it) i(down.) 362 1016 y(On) g(Solaris) g(2.5:) 362
-1150 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23 w(shu) n(tdown) n(\(soc) n
-(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 1285 y(If) c(thr) n(ead) f(A) h(is) g(alr) n
-(eady) g(in) p Fd 20 w(wri) n(te\(s) n(ock\)) p Fg 17
-w(then) f(it) h(will) i(r) n(eturn) d(with) p Fd 18 w(ENXIO) p
-Fg -2 w(.) h(If) g(thr) n(ead) 221 1398 y(A) k(calls) h(write) e(after)
-g(thr) n(ead) g(B) h(calls) h(shut) n(down) e(this) g(will) i(r) n
-(eturn) p Fd 22 w(EIO) p Fg(.) 362 1532 y(On) f(Digital) h(Unix) f
-(3.2:) 362 1666 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23
-w(shu) n(tdown) n(\(soc) n(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 1801
-y(If) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is) h(alr) n(eady) g(in) p
-Fd 24 w(writ) n(e\(so) n(ck\)) p Fg 23 w(then) e(it) i(will) h(r) n
-(eturn) e(the) f(number) i(of) f(bytes) 221 1914 y(written) 31
-b(befor) n(e) h(it) g(became) g(blocked.) 55 b(A) 32
-b(subseq) n(uent) f(cal) r(l) h(to) f(write) h(will) h(then) e(gene) n
-(rate) p Fd 221 2027 a(SIGP) n(IPE) p Fg 22 w(\(or) p
-Fd 22 w(EPIP) n(E) p Fg 23 w(will) 24 b(be) e(r) n(eturned) f(if) p
-Fd 24 w(SIG) n(PIPE) p Fg 21 w(is) i(ignor) n(ed) e(by) i(the) f(thr) n
-(ead\).) p Fc 221 2413 a(6.4) 99 b(connect\(\)) p Fg
-221 2634 a(Thr) n(ead) 30 b(A) f(may) h(be) g(blocked) f(in) i
-(connect,) g(or) e(about) h(to) f(go) g(in) i(to) e(a) h(poten) n
-(tiall) r(y-blocking) 221 2747 y(connect.) d(Thr) n(ead) c(B) f(wants) g
-(to) g(shut) g(it) g(down.) 362 2881 y(On) h(Digital) h(Unix) f(3.2:)
-362 3016 y(Thr) n(ead) f(B) h(doe) n(s) p Fd 23 w(shu) n(tdown) n
-(\(soc) n(k,2\)) p Fg -2 w(.) 362 3150 y(If) j(thr) n(ead) f(A) g(is) h
-(alr) n(eady) g(in) p Fd 26 w(conn) n(ect\() n(sock) n(\)) p
-Fg 26 w(then) e(it) i(will) h(r) n(eturn) e(a) h(successful) f(con-) 221
-3263 y(nection.) 54 b(Subsequ) n(ent) 31 b(r) n(eading) g(or) g
-(writing) g(will) i(show) d(that) i(the) e(socket) g(has) h(been) g
-(shut) 221 3376 y(down) 22 b(\(i.e.) 28 b(r) n(ead) 23
-b(r) n(eturns) e(0,) i(write) f(generate) n(s) p Fd 23
-w(SIG) n(PIPE) p Fg 21 w(or) g(r) n(eturns) p Fd 22 w(EPI) n(PE) p
-Fg(\).) g(If) h(thr) n(ead) f(A) 221 3489 y(call) r(s) g(connect) g
-(after) h(thr) n(ead) f(B) g(call) r(s) g(shutdo) n(wn) h(this) f(will)
-i(r) n(eturn) p Fd 22 w(EIN) n(VAL) p Fg(.) 362 3623
-y(On) f(Solaris) g(2.5:) 362 3758 y(Ther) n(e) 35 b(is) h(no) f(way) g
-(to) g(wake) g(up) g(a) h(thr) n(ead) f(which) h(is) g(blocked) f(in) h
-(connect.) 66 b(Inst) n(ead) 221 3871 y(Solaris) 33 b(for) n(ces) g(us)
-f(thr) n(ough) g(a) i(ridiculous) f(pr) n(oced) n(ur) n(e) g(whichever)
-g(way) g(we) f(try) g(it.) 59 b(One) 221 3984 y(way) 23
-b(is) f(this:) 362 4118 y(First) d(thr) n(ead) h(A) g(cr) n(eates) f(a)
-h(pipe) g(in) g(addition) g(to) f(the) g(socket) n(.) 27
-b(Instead) 19 b(of) h(shut) n(ting) g(down) 221 4231
-y(the) i(socket) n(,) h(thr) n(ead) f(B) g(simply) h(writes) e(a) i
-(byte) f(to) g(the) g(pipe.) 362 4365 y(Thr) n(ead) 17
-b(A) g(meanwhile) h(set) n(s) f(the) g(socke) n(t) g(to) g
-(non-blocking) g(mode) f(using) p Fd 17 w(fcn) n(tl\(s) n(ock,) 221
-4478 y(F_SE) n(TFL,) 53 b(O_NO) n(NBLO) n(CK\)) p Fg(.) 26
-b(Then) h(it) g(cal) r(ls) g(connect) g(on) g(the) f(socket) g(\227) h
-(this) g(will) i(r) n(eturn) p Fd 221 4591 a(EINP) n(ROGRE) n(SS) p
-Fg(.) k(Then) h(it) h(must) e(cal) r(l) p Fd 35 w(sel) n(ect\() n(\)) p
-Fg(,) k(waiting) e(for) f(either) g(sock) g(to) f(become) 221
-4704 y(writable) 39 b(or) f(for) h(the) e(pipe) h(to) g(become) g(r) n
-(eadable.) 75 b(If) 39 b(select) e(r) n(eturns) g(that) i(just) e(sock)
-h(is) 221 4817 y(writable) 30 b(then) f(the) g(connection) g(has) h
-(succeede) n(d.) 49 b(It) 29 b(then) g(need) n(s) h(to) f(set) f(the) h
-(socket) f(back) 221 4930 y(to) i(blocking) h(mode) f(using) p
-Fd 30 w(fcnt) n(l\(so) n(ck,) 54 b(F_S) n(ETFL) n(,) h(0\)) p
-Fg(.) c(If) 31 b(instead) e(select) h(r) n(eturns) 221
-5043 y(that) 23 b(the) e(pipe) h(is) h(r) n(eadable,) g(thr) n(ead) f
-(A) h(closes) e(the) h(socket) n(,) h(tidies) f(up) g(and) h(exits.) 362
-5177 y(An) g(alternative) h(method) e(is) i(similar) h(but) e(to) g
-(use) f(polling) i(instead) e(of) i(the) e(pipe.) 29
-b(Thr) n(ead) 221 5290 y(B) 24 b(justs) e(sets) g(a) j(\003ag) f(and) g
-(thr) n(ead) f(A) h(calls) h(select) e(with) g(a) i(timeout,) e(period)
-n(ica) r(lly) h(waking) f(up) 221 5403 y(to) f(see) g(if) h(the) f
-(\003ag) h(has) f(been) g(set.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-%%Page: 7 7
-7 6 bop Fe 63 249 a(REF) n(ERENCES) p Fg 2660 w(7) p
-Fh 63 548 a(Refere) n(nces) p Fg 63 759 a([POSIX94]) p
-Fa 46 w(Portable) 29 b(Operat) r(ing) f(System) g(Interface) h
-(\(POSIX\)) e(Thr) n(ea) r(ds) h(Extension) p Fg(,) h(P1003) r(.1c) 245
-872 y(Draft) 23 b(10,) g(IEEE,) e(Septe) n(mber) i(1994) r(.) 63
-1059 y([Birr) n(ell89]) p Fa 47 w(An) 28 b(Intr) n(od) r(uction) g(to) h
-(Pr) n(ogr) r(amming) g(with) g(Thr) n(ead) r(s) p Fg(,) h(Rese) n(ar) n
-(ch) g(Repo) n(rt) e(35,) j(DEC) 245 1172 y(Syst) n(ems) 22
-b(Resear) n(ch) g(Center) -7 b(,) 22 b(Palo) h(Alto,) f(CA,) h(January)
-g(1989) r(.) p 90 rotate dyy eop
-userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/shared_ptr_docstub.h b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/shared_ptr_docstub.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 428dd03f1a..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/shared_ptr_docstub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-namespace boost
- /*!
- * \brief shared_ptr documentation stub
- *
- * \warning
- * This isn't the real shared_ptr template. It's just enough to get doxygen
- * to draw pretty collaboration diagrams.
- *
- * An enhanced relative of scoped_ptr with reference counted copy semantics.
- * The object pointed to is deleted when the last shared_ptr pointing to it
- * is destroyed or reset.
- */
-template<class T> class shared_ptr
- T * px; // contained pointer
-}; // shared_ptr
-} // namespace boost
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/tv-channel-frequencies b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/tv-channel-frequencies
deleted file mode 100644
index e2780eca9a..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/tv-channel-frequencies
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# These are the center frequencies in MHz for North American broadcast
-# TV channels. Each channel is 6 MHz wide, hence the bottom edge of the
-# channel is 3 MHz below the value in this table.
-# For NTSC (Analog) TV, the picture carrier is 1.25 MHz up from the
-# bottom edge. NTSC has the FM audio at bottom + 5.75 and the spike is easily
-# visible.
-# For ATSC, the pilot tone is 0.31 MHz up from the bottom.
- 2 57.00
- 3 63.00
- 4 69.00
- 5 79.00
- 6 85.00
- 7 177.00
- 8 183.00
- 9 189.00
- 10 195.00
- 11 201.00
- 12 207.00
- 13 213.00
- 14 473.00
- 15 479.00
- 16 485.00
- 17 491.00
- 18 497.00
- 19 503.00
- 20 509.00
- 21 515.00
- 22 521.00
- 23 527.00
- 24 533.00
- 25 539.00
- 26 545.00
- 27 551.00
- 28 557.00
- 29 563.00
- 30 569.00
- 31 575.00
- 32 581.00
- 33 587.00
- 34 593.00
- 35 599.00
- 36 605.00
- 37 611.00
- 38 617.00
- 39 623.00
- 40 629.00
- 41 635.00
- 42 641.00
- 43 647.00
- 44 653.00
- 45 659.00
- 46 665.00
- 47 671.00
- 48 677.00
- 49 683.00
- 50 689.00
- 51 695.00
- 52 701.00
- 53 707.00
- 54 713.00
- 55 719.00
- 56 725.00
- 57 731.00
- 58 737.00
- 59 743.00
- 60 749.00
- 61 755.00
- 62 761.00
- 63 767.00
- 64 773.00
- 65 779.00
- 66 785.00
- 67 791.00
- 68 797.00
- 69 803.00
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/vector_docstub.h b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/vector_docstub.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 139ce651df..0000000000
--- a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/vector_docstub.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-namespace std
- /*!
- * \brief vector documentation stub
- *
- * \warning
- * This isn't the real vector template. It's just enough to get doxygen
- * to draw pretty collaboration diagrams.
- */
- template<class T> class vector
- {
- public:
- T *p;
- };
-} // namespace std