path: root/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
diff options
authoreb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2008-01-16 03:10:08 +0000
committereb <eb@221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5>2008-01-16 03:10:08 +0000
commit7811f7f3d743aebafbe5daf2f5088d139b774459 (patch)
treed37e1b3eb6b1c1831f56176ef07a7e865f94bde9 /gnuradio-core/doc/other/
parent9949abfaf792fd860cb6d73775b53b655ca5417b (diff)
Merged eb/firas-doc -r7443:7444 into trunk. These changes allow
doxygen to generate a unified output that includes both C++ and Python docs. There's still work to do to get this cleaned up, but it's a great start! git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-core/doc/other/')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-core/doc/other/ b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..34353b6ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnuradio-core/doc/other/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+__applicationName__ = "doxypy"
+__blurb__ = """
+doxypy is an input filter for Doxygen. It preprocesses python
+files so that docstrings of classes and functions are reformatted
+into Doxygen-conform documentation blocks.
+__doc__ = __blurb__ + \
+In order to make Doxygen preprocess files through doxypy, simply
+add the following lines to your Doxyfile:
+ INPUT_FILTER = "python /path/to/"
+__version__ = "0.3rc2"
+__date__ = "18th December 2007"
+__website__ = ""
+__author__ = (
+ "Philippe 'demod' Neumann (doxypy at demod dot org)",
+ "Gina 'foosel' Haeussge (gina at foosel dot net)"
+__licenseName__ = "GPL v2"
+__license__ = """This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import re
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+class FSM(object):
+ """ FSM implements a finite state machine. Transitions are given as
+ 4-tuples, consisting of an origin state, a target state, a condition
+ for the transition (given as a reference to a function which gets called
+ with a given piece of input) and a pointer to a function to be called
+ upon the execution of the given transition.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, start_state=None, transitions=[]):
+ self.transitions = transitions
+ self.current_state = start_state
+ self.current_input = None
+ self.current_transition = None
+ def setStartState(self, state):
+ self.current_state = state
+ def addTransition(self, from_state, to_state, condition, callback):
+ self.transitions.append([from_state, to_state, condition, callback])
+ def makeTransition(self, input):
+ """ Makes a transition based on the given input.
+ @param input input to parse by the FSM
+ """
+ for transition in self.transitions:
+ [from_state, to_state, condition, callback] = transition
+ if from_state == self.current_state:
+ match = condition(input)
+ if match:
+ self.current_state = to_state
+ self.current_input = input
+ self.current_transition = transition
+ callback(match)
+ return
+class Doxypy(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start_single_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*(''')")
+ self.end_single_comment_re = re.compile("(''')\s*$")
+ self.start_double_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*(\"\"\")")
+ self.end_double_comment_re = re.compile("(\"\"\")\s*$")
+ self.single_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*(''').*(''')\s*$")
+ self.double_comment_re = re.compile("^\s*(\"\"\").*(\"\"\")\s*$")
+ self.defclass_re = re.compile("^(\s*)(def .+:|class .+:)")
+ self.empty_re = re.compile("^\s*$")
+ self.hashline_re = re.compile("^\s*#.*$")
+ self.importline_re = re.compile("^\s*(import |from .+ import)")
+ self.multiline_defclass_start_re = re.compile("^(\s*)(def|class)(\s.*)?$")
+ self.multiline_defclass_end_re = re.compile(":\s*$")
+ ## Transition list format
+ # ["FROM", "TO", condition, action]
+ transitions = [
+ # single line comments
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ # multiline comments
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_SINGLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", "FILEHEAD_COMMENT_DOUBLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
+ # other lines
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "FILEHEAD",, self.appendFileheadLine],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS",, self.resetCommentSearch],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS_MULTI",, self.resetCommentSearch],
+ ["FILEHEAD", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.appendFileheadLine],
+ # single line comments
+ ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ # multiline comments
+ ["DEFCLASS", "COMMENT_SINGLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["COMMENT_SINGLE", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["COMMENT_SINGLE", "COMMENT_SINGLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["DEFCLASS", "COMMENT_DOUBLE",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["COMMENT_DOUBLE", "DEFCLASS_BODY",, self.appendCommentLine],
+ ["COMMENT_DOUBLE", "COMMENT_DOUBLE", self.catchall, self.appendCommentLine],
+ # other lines
+ ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS",, self.appendDefclassLine],
+ ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS",, self.resetCommentSearch],
+ ["DEFCLASS", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.stopCommentSearch],
+ ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS",, self.startCommentSearch],
+ ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS_MULTI",, self.startCommentSearch],
+ ["DEFCLASS_BODY", "DEFCLASS_BODY", self.catchall, self.appendNormalLine],
+ ["DEFCLASS_MULTI", "DEFCLASS",, self.appendDefclassLine],
+ ["DEFCLASS_MULTI", "DEFCLASS_MULTI", self.catchall, self.appendDefclassLine],
+ ]
+ self.fsm = FSM("FILEHEAD", transitions)
+ self.output = []
+ self.comment = []
+ self.filehead = []
+ self.defclass = []
+ self.indent = ""
+ def __closeComment(self):
+ """ Appends any open comment block and triggering block to the output. """
+ if options.autobrief:
+ if len(self.comment) == 1 \
+ or (len(self.comment) > 2 and self.comment[1].strip() == ''):
+ self.comment[0] = self.__docstringSummaryToBrief(self.comment[0])
+ if self.comment:
+ block = self.makeCommentBlock()
+ self.output.extend(block)
+ if self.defclass:
+ self.output.extend(self.defclass)
+ def __docstringSummaryToBrief(self, line):
+ """ Adds \\brief to the docstrings summary line.
+ A \\brief is prepended, provided no other doxygen command is at the start of the line.
+ """
+ stripped = line.strip()
+ if stripped and not stripped[0] in ('@', '\\'):
+ return "\\brief " + line
+ else:
+ return line
+ def catchall(self, input):
+ """ The catchall-condition, always returns true. """
+ return True
+ def resetCommentSearch(self, match):
+ """ Restarts a new comment search for a different triggering line.
+ Closes the current commentblock and starts a new comment search.
+ """
+ self.__closeComment()
+ self.startCommentSearch(match)
+ def startCommentSearch(self, match):
+ """ Starts a new comment search.
+ Saves the triggering line, resets the current comment and saves
+ the current indentation.
+ """
+ self.defclass = [self.fsm.current_input]
+ self.comment = []
+ self.indent =
+ def stopCommentSearch(self, match):
+ """ Stops a comment search.
+ Closes the current commentblock, resets the triggering line and
+ appends the current line to the output.
+ """
+ self.__closeComment()
+ self.defclass = []
+ self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
+ def appendFileheadLine(self, match):
+ """ Appends a line in the FILEHEAD state.
+ Closes the open comment block, resets it and appends the current line.
+ """
+ self.__closeComment()
+ self.comment = []
+ self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
+ def appendCommentLine(self, match):
+ """ Appends a comment line.
+ The comment delimiter is removed from multiline start and ends as
+ well as singleline comments.
+ """
+ (from_state, to_state, condition, callback) = self.fsm.current_transition
+ # single line comment
+ if (from_state == "DEFCLASS" and to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY") \
+ or (from_state == "FILEHEAD" and to_state == "FILEHEAD"):
+ # remove comment delimiter from begin and end of the line
+ activeCommentDelim =
+ line = self.fsm.current_input
+ self.comment.append(line[line.find(activeCommentDelim)+len(activeCommentDelim):line.rfind(activeCommentDelim)])
+ if (to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY"):
+ self.__closeComment()
+ self.defclass = []
+ # multiline start
+ elif from_state == "DEFCLASS" or from_state == "FILEHEAD":
+ # remove comment delimiter from begin of the line
+ activeCommentDelim =
+ line = self.fsm.current_input
+ self.comment.append(line[line.find(activeCommentDelim)+len(activeCommentDelim):])
+ # multiline end
+ elif to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY" or to_state == "FILEHEAD":
+ # remove comment delimiter from end of the line
+ activeCommentDelim =
+ line = self.fsm.current_input
+ self.comment.append(line[0:line.rfind(activeCommentDelim)])
+ if (to_state == "DEFCLASS_BODY"):
+ self.__closeComment()
+ self.defclass = []
+ # in multiline comment
+ else:
+ # just append the comment line
+ self.comment.append(self.fsm.current_input)
+ def appendNormalLine(self, match):
+ """ Appends a line to the output. """
+ self.output.append(self.fsm.current_input)
+ def appendDefclassLine(self, match):
+ """ Appends a line to the triggering block. """
+ self.defclass.append(self.fsm.current_input)
+ def makeCommentBlock(self):
+ """ Indents the current comment block with respect to the current
+ indentation level.
+ @returns a list of indented comment lines
+ """
+ doxyStart = "##"
+ commentLines = self.comment
+ commentLines = map(lambda x: "%s# %s" % (self.indent, x), commentLines)
+ l = [self.indent + doxyStart]
+ l.extend(commentLines)
+ return l
+ def parse(self, input):
+ """ Parses a python file given as input string and returns the doxygen-
+ compatible representation.
+ @param input the python code to parse
+ @returns the modified python code
+ """
+ lines = input.split("\n")
+ for line in lines:
+ self.fsm.makeTransition(line)
+ if self.fsm.current_state == "DEFCLASS":
+ self.__closeComment()
+ return "\n".join(self.output)
+def loadFile(filename):
+ """ Loads file "filename" and returns the content.
+ @param filename The name of the file to load
+ @returns the content of the file.
+ """
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ try:
+ content =
+ return content
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def optParse():
+ """ Parses commandline options. """
+ parser = OptionParser(prog=__applicationName__, version="%prog " + __version__)
+ parser.set_usage("%prog [options] filename")
+ parser.add_option("--autobrief",
+ action="store_true", dest="autobrief",
+ help="Use the docstring summary line as \\brief description"
+ )
+ ## parse options
+ global options
+ (options, filename) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not filename:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "No filename given."
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return filename[0]
+def main():
+ """ Opens the file given as first commandline argument and processes it,
+ then prints out the processed file.
+ """
+ filename = optParse()
+ try:
+ input = loadFile(filename)
+ except IOError, (errno, msg):
+ print >>sys.stderr, msg
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ fsm = Doxypy()
+ output = fsm.parse(input)
+ print output
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main() \ No newline at end of file